Classy Angel
Montreal Escorts

Is this how the SP Agencies work in Montreal?

[email protected]

Jason Matthews
Apr 23, 2013
Texas, United States
Let me start by saying that I am a first-time poster to MERB. After reading the reviews and the interactions with moderators, it looks like the "General Lounge" is the place to post if you don't know where to post. :)

I have a trip planned to Montreal this weekend for Thursday through Sunday. Thought I would make arrangements for each night of my stay for a couple of hours with different SPs. I have been doing research for a couple of weeks and came up with my "to do" list. Being from the US my phone most likely won't work in Canada, so I was looking at different options on how to contact the agencies and make my appointments. I thought that the best thing to do would be to call in advance.

I started with "Good Girls", as they had a pretty long list of girls, many of whom I found attractive and who I also found great reviews. As my phone won't work in Canada, the solution I came up with was to setup a Skype account, purchase some credit, and that way I could contact the SP when I arrived. I tested it out this evening by calling Good Girls. Not sure who I talked to, as he didn't identify himself, but in all of the posts, it appears that the only one you speak with is "Mike". I started to explain what I was looking for when he interrupted me and say, "Look, could you not call me from a computer. Goodbye." Then he hung up the phone.

OK, so I mulled that over for a bit. Not a great first impression, but I can certainly understand the need for disclosure on his side, and a bit of healthy paranoia in the business is always good for everyone's safety. Fortunately, my phone allows $20 of international calling for free, so I called back Good Girls. The same gentleman answered, and again I started to explain for what I was looking. Again, about three seconds into me talking, the person on the phone interrupted me and said, "Listen, can you not call me from a calling card. I need your phone number from a number I can identify." I said, "I'm sorry, I am calling from my phone, I didn't realize that it comes up like a calling card, but I am calling you directly." The person on the phone responded, "I understand, you don't know how it works, that is why I am explaining it to you. I need a listed phone number. Good luck to you." Then he hung up the phone. Hmmm .... two phone calls where I spent a scant eight seconds talking, and the call ended both times with the phone call being rudely terminated. So far my trip to Montreal is not starting off so great.

So ... should I just give up trying to schedule any appointments in advance and just wait until I arrive and call either from the hotel or by purchasing a prepaid phone in Montreal? (As an aside, is there extra security somehow for the agency by me calling from a disposable phone instead of over the Internet?) Is there any agency out there that will communicate through e-mail or a web form, and then let you confirm once you arrive by telephone? I have tried the latter by sending an e-mail to Martin at Asservissante. Received an auto-reply, but no response so far. I realize that during the evening, the agency's full concentration is going to be on the telephone, and I will count myself lucky if I receive a response tomorrow. If I receive a reply and am able to doing some scheduling, I will post the follow-up here.

If anyone has advice on a better way to schedule (other than call when you get there :nod:) I would appreciate your thoughts.



New Member
Oct 18, 2011
Some agencies can be contacted through email, much easier for you to communicate the details of your situation


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Saving a few extra bucks without having a phone # show up to a agency is probably not the best way to go about it. Check with your cell phone provider, most have international plans and I've found Sprint to be the best out all of them. My cell phone bill is only an additional $20 for a long weekend and that's calling a bunch of agencies daily. Or you can call from your hotel, depending on where you are staying, some offer free local calls.

As far as pre booking your appointments, I've found this to be hit or miss. Over the years I've pre booked with Eleganza and only have been burned a handful of times. I find it best to set up a "to do" list and as the agencies start listing who's available I start making my phone calls. If it's a particular girl your looking for you may be able to pre book her, give it a try. Keep in mind that just because you've pre booked someone doesn't always mean they are going to show up. Always have a back up plan.

[email protected]

Jason Matthews
Apr 23, 2013
Texas, United States
Thanks for the advice regarding pre-booking. I figure that in advance the best thing to do was to make a list of people I would like to see. Realizing that schedules are very fluid (i.e. change on a minute's notice), I planned on giving the agency my wish list, and have them make appointments according to the availability of their schedule.

With regards to phone number, it is not a cost issue, it is simply an availability issue. My phone carrier doesn't offer service internationally, end of story. This is not uncommon among pre-paid carriers in the U.S. They offer a flat credit of $20 a month to call any international phone number, but apparently must use some sort of calling card service to bundle their calls. It looks like I will have to make local calls from my hotel while I am there.

However, after previously being in the agency business myself, I can't understand why agencies wouldn't encourage clients to book in advance. Their entire evening must be filled with last minute scheduling, SP changes, client mis-communications, etc. so why not make the scheduling process easier and not so confrontational?

I think that is what threw me for a loop more than anything else. The calling agent on the phone for the agency was just plain rude, there is no other way that I can put it. You just don't hangup on a client in mid-conversation (let alone twice!) So I was curious if this kind of brusque behavior is normal among the agencies, or did I just reach a bad agency, or a great agency on a bad night, or a great agency who just got paranoid when I was calling from a "blocked" number?

[email protected]

Jason Matthews
Apr 23, 2013
Texas, United States
Some agencies can be contacted through email, much easier for you to communicate the details of your situation

Any agencies in particular? So far I have only tried two, only one of which had a way to contact by e-mail. It looks like many of the sites have a "Contact Us" form, but was curious if you had any experience booking by e-mail. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Try PM. I tried to prebook last trip by PM and 4 out of 5 agencies answered my PM. In fact, I was able to prebook with Mike of Good Girls by PM.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Coming from out of town, i think it would be best for you to check the schedules each day you are here (or before as some agencies post schedules a week in advance) and call as soon as you have an idea who and when you would like to meet. It is possible to prebook with some however. Pm'ing is another idea as well.... Good luck!

PS, dont give up on Mike, he truly does have some very "Good Girls"

So ... should I just give up trying to schedule any appointments in advance and just wait until I arrive and call either from the hotel or by purchasing a prepaid phone in Montreal?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
However, after previously being in the agency business myself, I can't understand why agencies wouldn't encourage clients to book in advance. Their entire evening must be filled with last minute scheduling, SP changes, client mis-communications, etc. so why not make the scheduling process easier and not so confrontational?

When you get to Montreal just activate a prepaid account with a Montreal number. No credit evaluations and if you have an unlocked phone all you need to buy is a simcard if not then you can get prepaid phones for as low as $50. As for contacting the agencies from the US unfortunately I do not have enough info to offer any suggestions but I heard US phone companies offer far better rates then Canadian phone companies.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The best agencies in town for booking ahead are Montreal Sex City and MTLGFE as their schedules are published well in advance. While I usually communicate with Jessy by text, I would think that she is pretty quick to answer emails. While Martin at Asservissante is a pleasure to deal with, my guess is that he'd be hard to pre-book with as his schedule only comes out around 3 pm on any given day.

You should know, as well, that Jessy is on vacation and that the MSC schedule is not currently on-line.

While I don't deal much with Eleganza, I do believe that you can pre-book with them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
Hey Jason,

Sorry you've have a hard time booking so far. That sucks. But also take a look at it from the bookers perspective. They take on huge volumes of inquiries, requests, and calls. And more often than not, those lead no where and is time wasted on their part. Time is money, as they say, so I can only assume they screen calls as best they can to make sure it's a legitimate inquiry before they are willing to accommodate a booking.

From my experience, texting has been the best and easiest way to communicate and book. I'm not sure if your phone would have the same issues with texting as calling though. Likewise, emailing sometimes works, but PM'ing is probably more effective than emails.

As for agency pre-booking and scheduling, based on my limited knowledge, it seems most agencies themselves are not sure which girls will be working until the day of. Some agencies do have weekly schedules, but more often than not, it's a fly by the seat of your pants kinda business. Girls dictate when they want to work and let the agencies know, which can be in advance or the day of.

Anyways, good luck on your adventures. Hope you find what you're looking for!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
A couple of other things.

1. There is no excuse for rudeness on the part of the booker...anytime. It just takes a second or two to answer any inquiry politely, even a refusal. People talk and the talk in post 1 here impacts the bookers reputation.

2. You can configure your Skype account to show your actual phone number to the receiver. Of course, should you get a call back, it will go to your phone, not your Skype account.

3. You almost certainly can use your phone in Canada. While it may cost you $.50 or so per minute, that's not much in the overall scheme of things. Do not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES use a US data plan while in Canada. Turn of Data Roaming before you hit the border.


Aug 5, 2011
From their ads and posts, I'd say that GoodGirls might be the least alternative-technology-friendly agency in Montreal. All information they have put out says to use the phone. The are very consistent in that message. That's their preference, so all the power to them. There are others who promptly reply to emails and such.

Now as for pre-planing... I have tried that twice on trips to Canada (because I didn't know if my phone would work) and it's kind of stressful and hit or miss. Usually details were not finalized until I actually arrived. If you absolutely must have things pre-scheduled, then Independent ladies may be the way to go. If your wish list is very short, then I would try to focus on contacting those agencies and maybe leave a an evening or two for a more impromptu arrangement.


Sep 25, 2007
If you're using a smartphone, download Google Voice and then make calls via WiFi from your Google Voice account. Whoever you're calling wouldn't even know you're using Google Voice and they'll have a phone number they can call you back on.


New Member
Sep 21, 2012
Google voice is great. You can call from the US to Canada for free and can also call over wifi. I've called GoodGirls before to pre-book and then texted once I arrived in Canada and never had any issues. I would say this was 25+ bookings over three visits. Occasionally a girl won't end up working, but they'll work with you to book someone else. Pretty good follow through, especially in this business.


New Member
Dec 12, 2009
All US phones work in Montreal (unless it is a Prepaid account).
The only question is - how much will your carrier charge for the roaming ?

[email protected]

Jason Matthews
Apr 23, 2013
Texas, United States
I wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to respond and the advice given. Rather than respond individually,

Try PM. I tried to prebook last trip by PM and 4 out of 5 agencies answered my PM. In fact, I was able to prebook with Mike of Good Girls by PM.

Excellent suggestion. It did not occur to me to use Private Messaging. It was easy enough to find the userID for several different providers. Unfortunately, I haven't heard back from any of the providers I tried, with one exception (see below). I also struck out using the "Contact Us" or E-mail options on various agencies' web site. Again, it has only been a day, so perhaps they need more advance notice for scheduling in advance? :confused:

Pm'ing is another idea as well.... Good luck!
PS, dont give up on Mike, he truly does have some very "Good Girls"

I heard back from Good Girls representative Dan (Dan4U) this morning, and the good news is that I was able to schedule what I was interested in by PM today. Two of the five girls available were already pre-booked for most of the weekend. I mention this only because there were several comments about it being a disadvantage of booking in advance. From this perspective, it seems as if your options are limited if you book same day, but then again you may always get a good surprise! :smile:

When you get to Montreal just activate a prepaid account with a Montreal number.

This was my initial plan. The problem with this approach is that it didn't allow me to pre-book or plan any sort of schedule in advance. I am only in Montreal for three nights, and didn't want to lose one of the three nights of entertainment, running around looking for a pre-paid mobile phone. Another disadvantage of the pre-paid phone is it is not a method of communication that I can use in both the U.S. and Montreal. Ideally, I would be able to call from the U.S., make the arrangements, and then be available to talk by phone to confirm or for the inevitable, "the SP is running 10-15 minutes behind schedule tonight..."

The best agencies in town for booking ahead are Montreal Sex City and MTLGFE as their schedules are published well in advance. While I usually communicate with Jessy by text, I would think that she is pretty quick to answer emails. While Martin at Asservissante is a pleasure to deal with, my guess is that he'd be hard to pre-book with as his schedule only comes out around 3 pm on any given day.

Thank you for the advice. Unfortunately, I struck out with both. As you mention, the booking agent is on vacation for MSC, and as a result their schedule is not published for this week. I imagine that they are still taking appointments by phone, but since I had already run into that hiccup once, I didn't give them a try. As to MTLGFE, although they have 25 SPs listed on their site, only seven are on their schedule, and only 2 or 3 are available for Thursday or Friday nights (no one is listed for Saturday). And of the three who are listed, only one actually has a profile. Not sure that it makes much sense to schedule in advance from a choice of one. :lol:

Sorry you've have a hard time booking so far. That sucks. But also take a look at it from the bookers perspective. They take on huge volumes of inquiries, requests, and calls. And more often than not, those lead no where and is time wasted on their part. Time is money, as they say, so I can only assume they screen calls as best thy can to make sure it's a legitimate inquiry before they are willing to accommodate a booking.

Excellent point. I used to run a resort in the Caribbean which offered 24-hour a day companionship as a GFE experience for travelers. I got a huge number of "tire kickers" as I would call them, and I imagine that it is even worse when the schedule is not posted far in advance, and you have people calling when the mood strikes with a moment's notice. (You can't exactly fly to the Caribbean just because you are the mood that evening). Now saying that, I can't recall any conversations where I didn't at least listen to the caller and try to offer a solution if the client was requesting or acting in a manner that didn't fit in with the business. For example, I wouldn't discuss services provided on the phone or in e-mail and instead would refer them to our web site. If the caller asked again I would just ignore them, but never would just hang up the phone. But again, the place I was at had a different business model and a different way of doing things. I could easily see where this particular agent had five calls on hold and I was most likely calling him at the busiest time of his day (around 7 EST) and he certainly didn't want to give up valuable booking time explaining to me how to use the telephone! :)

If you're using a smartphone, download Google Voice and then make calls via WiFi from your Google Voice account. Whoever you're calling wouldn't even know you're using Google Voice and they'll have a phone number they can call you back on.

Google voice is great. You can call from the US to Canada for free and can also call over wifi. I've called GoodGirls before to pre-book and then texted once I arrived in Canada and never had any issues. I would say this was 25+ bookings over three visits. Occasionally a girl won't end up working, but they'll work with you to book someone else. Pretty good follow through, especially in this business.

Another excellent suggestion, and I will try and get my phone configured for Google Voice before I leave. However, it does say on the Google web site, "At this time Google Voice is only available in the U.S." But then again they talk about "U.S. and Canada" as if they are one in the same. In any case, I'll see what I can find out.

Thanks again everyone for your time and valuable suggestions. The PM suggestion was the solution that got things done. It was surprising to me that I had to contact 4 or 5 agencies just to hear from 1. At the start, I specifically didn't want to spam a lot of different agencies. Was preferring to just work with a single agency and book through them all of my plans for the weekend. In the end, this is what I ended up doing with Good Girls, although it took me a roundabout way to make the plan.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Jason - Consider prebooking with Eleganza. The weekly schedule comes out late Monday morning. I used to book Monday afternoon by cell phone and leave Tuesday morning. John always came through.

Mike's Mansion

New Member
Mar 22, 2010
hi Jason,
In regards to our schedule on the's not accurate. Hasn't been for months. Our programmer is missing and we can't find him LOL
The vast majority of merbites know to refer to our merb ad for the schedules and not the actual website. This is something we will be resolving shortly. Happy hunting.


Aug 5, 2011
I used to book Monday afternoon by cell phone and leave Tuesday morning. John always came through.

My personal experience is that hungry may have described the absolutely BEST strategy for out-of-towners meeting with agency girls. Pre-book Monday and travel Tuesday. I recently was up in the area for 3 nights. Unfortunately, it was Mon-thursday morning, which meant I had to try to communicate before the (DUH duh DUH dramatic music) Monday afternoon update. Via e-mail I was either ignored or strung along by a couple of agencies. I was able to make appointment with two independents and pre-book with one agency before that Monday. Then I was able to quickly pre-book with MSC right before heading out the door. Once in my hotel, I was able to pre-book with Eleganza for later later in the week.
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