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"Merb members are more difficult or demanding"


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
ive never given my handle, but after a couple of meetings with a provider, (and if i am developping a certain rapport) i have mentionned merb in some contexts, which by default reveals that i am member. Sometimes I wait a week or two to wait to review to obfuscate my identity (probably does not always work). Most of the time the girls figure out pretty fast who you are...

That being said, i was just reporting that I think we dont have the best reputation amongst the girls I see. And after reading this thread i am realizing that perhaps the clients who reveal their merb links are disproportionnately among the demanding clients, hence perhaps the undeserved reputation...but the reputation seems to be clearly there. Perhaps us <good> merb clients should not be afraid to reveal ourselves more like @Whats My Name said.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
There are only a couple that know my handle and I am friends with these ladies and know them for a number of years.
They have my email address and phone number ( the one I use for this purpose) and these ladies meticulously keep a record of these and if you get on their bad side you will have problems booking any of the reputable Indies.
I would say most SP don‘t like review boards and I can’t say as I blame them, some of the reviews are very explicit some crude and I wonder how many guys would like for the SP to review their clients in the same fashion.
I probably rely more on SP recommendations of their co workers/ friends than reviews although there are a couple of reviewers I trust.
After a while you don’t really need reviews all that much you get to know by their web sight by their Twitter comments if they will be reliable or not. The really good ones you can always depend on, they are proud of their reputation and want to maintain it, just like any of us would be of their profession.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
i agree you can get a sense of an indy from their different forms of advertizing.

This board is a lot more useful for agency and mps girls. there are a lot more of them and are not so clearly advertized.
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Active Member
Nov 17, 2016
I would say most SP don‘t like review boards and I can’t say as I blame them, some of the reviews are very explicit some crude and I wonder how many guys would like for the SP to review their clients in the same fashion.

I think for some review board posters there is also a dynamic that occurs that can be toxic. In order to raise their own profile, they may brag about any special treatment they got, or simply exaggerate -- and this makes it difficult for SPs dealing with customers who may have seen that poster's account.

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
I think for some review board posters there is also a dynamic that occurs that can be toxic. In order to raise their own profile, they may brag about any special treatment they got, or simply exaggerate -- and this makes it difficult for SPs dealing with customers who may have seen that poster's account.
I have spoken to SW's about this and they do say as jmioffe. said that it is overboard with the lady.
Nowadays I do write that I met and I do not get into too many details because, as I always say, it's between the SW and you what has happened and she may not offer with I got to another guy.
We should always keep in mind to respect the ladies as they are humans.

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
I think this is something that's been forgotten for all service workers in general. Everyone is human and should be treated with respect.
Very true, I treat them very respectfully and I always have, the more I am respectful and the less graphic, which I never was, writing a review that says how nice she is and the great company she gave us goes a very long way in getting an amazing service.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
I have spoken to SW's about this and they do say as jmioffe. said that it is overboard with the lady.
Nowadays I do write that I met and I do not get into too many details because, as I always say, it's between the SW and you what has happened and she may not offer with I got to another guy.
We should always keep in mind to respect the ladies as they are humans.
I agree with you on two aspects. One. Respect! Always
2. I have heard some SP complain about merb. But it’s been those with mediocre service

this is a review board. She was nice and service was good says nothing about services offered and received.

if I want a lady who offers greek and cim. And all you do is say she was nice. Then I will clutter the board asking the question to something you could have mentionned.
Or I will see her and then it’ll be ackward when I am about to ejaculate during the bj and she stops and says no!

Secondly many ladies seem to love merb.
The #1 sp of x year is usually plastered on their website or signature. Some put #2 sp of the year or ROY.
Marketing. So…they don’t all hate merb
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What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
I agree with you on two aspects. One. Respect! Always
2. I have heard some SP complain about merb. But it’s been those with mediocre service

this is a review board. She was nice and service was good says nothing about services offered and received.

if I want a lady who offers greek and cim. And all you do is say she was nice. Then I will clutter the board asking the question to something you could have mentionned.
Or I will see her and then it’ll be ackward when I am about to ejaculate during the bj and she stops and says no!

Secondly many ladies seem to love merb.
The #1 sp of x year is usually plastered on their website or signature. Some put #2 sp of the year or ROY.
Marketing. So…they don’t all hate merb
Maybe just saying she is nice is a little too vague, my mistake. Actually it being less graphic. If she offers anal or whatever else and she always offers that's cool. But at some point there a little to much details.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I agree with you on two aspects. One. Respect! Always
2. I have heard some SP complain about merb. But it’s been those with mediocre service

this is a review board. She was nice and service was good says nothing about services offered and received.

if I want a lady who offers greek and cim. And all you do is say she was nice. Then I will clutter the board asking the question to something you could have mentionned.
Or I will see her and then it’ll be ackward when I am about to ejaculate during the bj and she stops and says no!

Secondly many ladies seem to love merb.
The #1 sp of x year is usually plastered on their website or signature. Some put #2 sp of the year or ROY.
Marketing. So…they don’t all hate merb
I agree they don’t all hate Merb and know how to use it to their advantage
There are ways around being too explicit and crude and being respectful of a woman.
Especially with Indys their web sight most often is clear about what they offer, you don’t need to say more than they are a true GFE or that they live up to what is on their web sight.
Personally I get nothing out of a poster bragging of how many SOG he is able to achieve or how many supposed Os he gave nor am I interested in the gritty details of how far it went down anywhere. If you tell me that she knows how to please a man and goes out of her way to do it and that she is easy to talk to and lives up to what she advertises that is more than enough for me to make a decision to see her or not. Besides after a while you become experienced enough to be able to do your own research and know exactly who you want to spend time with.
Now days I rely much more on the ladies themselves recommending one of their friends if I want something they don’t offer, it is also an automatic successful screening.
The other option is PM, most posters will answer you through that if you want more details.

btw, There is another sure way of knowing what she offers and doesn’t, ask her.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Sometimes I read the reviews on this board and realize how vanilla and easy to please I am. 5-10 mins missionary and some cuddles with good vibes from the provider was enough for me to leave a session happy
We play on the same team.

I am not very difficult to please either.

To be honest, it happened to me a few times when the meeting was over to say "I should have asked her more"

On the other hand, when I see her again, I talk to her about it, and at the end of the day she spoils me.

Yes I like Merb, because before I had encounters to forget.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
Not sure if we're getting a bad wrap but I just got refused by an SP advertiser here, I won't mention who...And really for no reason, she doesn't know me, we never met and I've only been polite and courteous with her. Strange.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Not sure if we're getting a bad wrap but I just got refused by an SP advertiser here, I won't mention who...And really for no reason, she doesn't know me, we never met and I've only been polite and courteous with her. Strange.
She probably doesn't want to be reviewed. Some ladies do not want reviews and it is their right. I have met several ladies who found MERB reviews to be less than tasteful. In many cases that is true. Some MERB reviewers have poor writing skills or tend to be crude in their reviews.

In any event there is or was no need to mention that you are on MERB, and those who do only have themselves to blame for a refusal of service. The notion that a MERB handle should be worn like a Badge of Honor is absurd and comical. Being a member here is not like being a member of the US Marine Corps, the Navy Seals or whatever the Canadian military equivalent is of those organizations. If MERB is the only social group membership you have, then it's sadly not much of a life. Think of other things to talk about guys. It shouldn't be hard.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2019
In any event there is or was no need to mention that you are on MERB,

Some indies require work verification (unacceptable), and many accept merb handle as verification, thus, necessary to share.

Which is also why I don't see indies that require these verifications.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Some indies require work verification (unacceptable), and many accept merb handle as verification, thus, necessary to share.

Which is also why I don't see indies that require these verifications.
These things can be compromised and alternate forms of verification can be worked out. Requiring MERB verification is BEYOND STUPID because anyone can sign up and create a handle (even banned persons) and it doesn't verify anything other than that you are not a BOT. So anyone who isn't negotiating such a verification is so stupid you wouldn't want to see that person. However I don't believe that a person confronted with the uselessness of these so called verifications wouldn't be agreeable to a third party verification. This happened all the time in the past when I needed to make it happen.

I can think of many indies I booked on the simple referral of another Indy or contacting the other Indy. That has to be and always is a superior form of verification to anything else.

Envelopes- I am not trying to pick on you here but the level of problem solving has to be higher than this. If it's not higher than this than you aren't going to solve too many problems in your real world job. C'Mon man!!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Not sure if we're getting a bad wrap but I just got refused by an SP advertiser here, I won't mention who...And really for no reason, she doesn't know me, we never met and I've only been polite and courteous with her. Strange.
She does kind of know you if you told her your MERB handle. Not that you've said or done anything to be refused, but like EB said, some girls just don't want to be reviewed. I keep my MERB handle to myself.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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as for getting personal about my analytical skills and career, trust me when i tell you i am better off than you.
How would you know how well off I am? I don't think we ever met. Like I said the issue you raised is easily resolved by those who know how to. In the past many times I got one Indy I saw to contact another and Voila, nothing else needed, verification passed. This isn't rocket science, it's basic negotiation of she wants something about who you are for safety reasons, and you need to give her something. Rudimentary negotiating skills should get the job done, in most cases.
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