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Merb Suspensions

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I remember a 2 year suspension for General Gonad as well as many others. I also remember the duration of some of his suspensions being reduced. Whether that was due to appeals by GG himself or complaints by others who missed his posts is not known. I also wondered whether Fred Zed may have seen GG as a boon for business and stepped in to issue a "pardon" on behalf of Gonad, sort of like a presidential pardon. Lastly it occurred to me that Mods may have reduced the suspensions on their own initiative on humane or compassionate grounds as GG was a tragic Hamlet-like figure. Only the Mods know the answers to these questions and they're going to guard those secrets like the people over at the NSA guard theirs, I suspect.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I remember a 2 year suspension for General Gonad as well as many others.
One of my bans was for making a snarky reference to GG in a reply to Oliver. I was banned for this remark because Gonad was banned at the time. That's at least one that isn't referenced by Smuler.

GG, while banned, created any number of other handles to access the chat room. The Mod at the time booted him out of the chat room and extended the ban(s) current at the time.

BTW, Beav has now twice referred to GG as a Hamlet-like figure. That comparison is right on the money.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey all,

1. Is it the number of times? I think I know who. (one member maybe 11 times).

Rumples -11

I only saw General Gonad's name once ??

I didn't want to mention names, but the biggest known number for an active member was easy since a mod recently mentioned him for having that many.

However, for then active members who were not permanently banned there's no question General Gonad is the all-time leader. One look at the start of the suspensions thread explain why all but one couldn't be found. The board began in 2003 and the suspensions thread only lists 2 suspensions before 2007. Unless anyone wants to argue we had near perfect peace for nearly 4 years there are a huge number of omissions. The years 2003-2007 are the meat of GGs hey day when his bans were nearly as regular as full moons. He'd go through his cycle of escort binging then cursing everyone for being fools for seeing them in anywhere from 4-6 weeks and end up suspended again. Sometimes he'd come back and get zapped again as if he'd never been back.

It was an easy thing for him to accomplish record breaking negative numbers given his temper, his obsessions and his sometimes 40-50 posts per day.

There's a double secret suspension ?:confused:

Maybe that explains GGs dozens of missing suspensions.

One of my bans was for making a snarky reference to GG in a reply to Oliver.

Can you believe I got suspended for defending Eager "oh gawd" Beaver on a principle during a discussion. How ironic.

BTW Rumps, how many as Regnad? :D I don't remember having any as Korbel.

Coco des Iles has to have had many suspensions before being permanently banned. Those seemed to go like clockwork. Mazingerz got a number of suspensions, as did some others definitely missing if they didn't turn up at least 4 or 5 times. The records seem very incomplete.




Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Oh yeah! Amélie Jolie and her one-woman war against the abolitionist ! And her often derailed opinions were quite a show at the time.

She was one of the first to set up Get together among girls.

She feuded with some users here and there.

Ah memories!

The most epic of her battle here was against a pseudo intellectual named ziggy montana. If I remember well she hammered him at least a dozen times. The funniest part of the battle was the role of Mod 6. He resigned office after a 6 months attempt to referee the battle. May peace have his mind.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If someone wants the answer to the topic question, all they have to do is to go through the suspended members thread and do a count. It is only 59 pages long with 883 posts.

That thread is incapable of giving an accurate answer as the majority of General Gonad's suspensions predate the thread. General Gonad probably had the record numbers for both suspensions and amount of suspension time served before that thread was started and before you became an active Moderator.

In his suspension heyday, GG was being continually suspended and then reinstated before the full term of his suspension was served, as I already mentioned. His suspensions were numerous, and many were long, although they were often shortened. Why they were shortened is a mystery, although as I said previously, I personally liked GG from my own personal dealings with him and I had no problem with him coming back to MERB. I concluded he was grappling with issues surrounding his hobbying, and that struggle manifested itself in his posting behaviors. GG had the ability to intellectualize his struggle and his issues in a way that most posters did not, and he was a compelling writer, all of which I think scared the Mods. I gave him a pass, even though the Mods at that time did not.

I do not recall anyone being suspended nearly as much during the 1st 5 years of MERB. An accurate history would probably show General Gonad as the leader in most suspension categories such as number of suspensions, frequency of suspension per active membership time on MERB, average length of suspension, and suspension time served.

General Gonad was also at one time setting a record for posts per day on MERB, which was being compiled at an astonishing and unprecedented rate which was even discussed in a thread. The post count was rendered even more amazing because of the time spent serving suspensions while unable to post at all. I think many people thought Fred brought him back early from suspensions because he was good for business, and his posts clearly had enormous entertainment value. I think GG may have even made this argument directly to FZ and persuaded early reinstatements. We will never know, in all likelihood.
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
The post count was rendered even more amazing because of the time spent serving suspensions while unable to post at all

He must have been all jammed up

I do recall starting on this forum in 2005..before Amsterdam, Buenos Aires, and FKK land

Ziggy Montana..that brings back memories

Best Regards



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
General Gonad was also at one time setting a record for posts per day on MERB at an astonishing and unprecedented rate which was discussed in a thread. The post count was rendered even more amazing because of the time spent serving suspensions while unable to post at all.
There were some days, mostly Sundays, when he'd post 40-50 times, posting at least once every hour. These tirades, and tirades they were, often ended with him doing battle with whoever happened to be online and usually ended with his banishment. He was one crazy motherfucker.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
The funniest part of the battle was the role of Mod 6. He resigned office after a 6 months attempt to referee the battle. May peace have his mind.

That's why you should always buy your mod a drink.....:nod:

It's like tipping the garbage guy or your doorman at Xmas....

Best Regards



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Just wondering, out of sheer curiosity: how much did he charge you for taking care of his defense?

Once a tight wad, always a tight wad. Just joking. :rolleyes: Well, I knew going in gratitude wasn't in the future. :lol:

He was one crazy motherfucker.

Absolutely true, he was his own worst enemy. Still, a lot of people exploited his faults for their own amusement, as some have alluded to by the perverse attention he attracted, goading him by piling on with jabs like vultures on a rotting carcass. Not to take any due blame from him, but he was pushed by others for the fun of it in some cases.

Ziggy Ziggy Ziggy...he could be likeable for his sense of humor. I met him twice and he seemed okay. What turned him into probably the most bitter poster in the history of boards is beyond my understanding. If what he posted from the cover of a keyboard and the protection of another sex board was the real him, he sure was too cowardly to say what he felt to anyone's face.

I still wonder why there's a total lack of suspension records between 2005-2007.


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