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Montreal just banned pit bulls.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just my opinion but if the owner was criminally responsible for the dogs actions you may see less incidents. My brother used to breed pit bulls and have never seen one even growl at anyone, if you are the stereotype pit bull owner ( think you are a bad ass with a bad ass dog ) chances are you want a fighting dog and will not bring the dog up properly to be a family dog ( which it can be ).
Dogs that in my opinion are more dangerous than a pit bull... Boer Boel, Fila Brasileiro, Chow Chow and last but not least the Caucasian Ovcharka ( perhaps the worst ).
The owners ( ones who want a tough dog ) who want a dog like the pit bull will probably get one of the above and then you will see what a dangerous dog can do.
Just to note: I would never own a pit bull because I think they are very stupid and do not look good.
As I stated, just my opinion.


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Jan 28, 2004
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Good!!! I hate those fucking ugly beasts!!! I'd kill them all if it were my choice! :mad::mad::mad:

And your hatred for the breed is based on what ? I remember hearing someone say that all gays should be killed. I guess hitler said the same about all jews. You don't like the breed, fine. You find the breed ugly, fine. To say you would kill them all is an ignorant statement and breeds violence. I know Pit Bulls who are gentle with other dogs, children and humans. Should they also be killed ? What if being ugly applied to humans, let's kill all the ugly ones. WTF I can't believe what I read when I say your post.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have seen a large number of civil dog bite cases involving pit bulls. Usually they inflict the worst bites. Many years ago I represented the pit bull owner and the dog bit a good chunk of thigh meat out of a woman's leg. Sort of like a bite you would take out of a chicken drumstick. They have powerful neck and jaw muscles.

It's an economic decision based on damages caused by the breed. However there are actually 7 dog breeds that lead homeowners insurance carriers to jack up rates due to the dog being a high risk pet. Pit bulls are just one of the 7 and people get in fights with civil insurers over whether a dog is actually a pit bull or not. When rescue dogs are acquired lineage is sometimes difficult to know or prove therefore leading to other fights with insurers as to insurance rates.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
And your hatred for the breed is based on what ?

It's based on me personally witnessed two young children getting disfigured by those beasts! Not only are those fucking dogs ugly as hell, but they're very unpredictable and can be extremely vicious! :mad::mad:


Jul 10, 2015
Laval, Qc
Banning pit bulls will not solve anything. It has been done before with different species of canines. All it will change is that people will find other type of dogs to train to be violent.
I have many friends who own pit bulls. They are amazingly friendly and adorable species to interact with. Yet, it always comes down to how well their owners treat and train them, it will affect how theses breeds will behave.
This ban will be legally repealed because it's not based on any concrete scientific critical facts.
Our city mayor is doing this because it's easy politics for him. He know full well that this ban will be repealed but it gives him political points to give the illusion as the man of action.

Mike's Mansion

New Member
Mar 22, 2010
I have lived with many dogs over the years and can tell you that the most aggressive ones are chihuahuas, Jack Russells and weiner dogs....BY FAR...the difference is in the biting power. Hundreds of thousands of bites, attacks and injuries go unreported by dog owners of these and smaller breeds because "cute little poochy didnt mean it. He's a good boy. Awww poor baby blah blah bla" and no one takes it seriously because they are small dogs. But when a larger breed does it the media jump on it and demonize the breed that attacked. Doc Holliday i can understand what you witnessed was traumatic but i literally choked on how needlessly aggressive, ignorant and down right evil that comment was. You cannot judge an entire breed/race of anything on the actions of a few. PERIOD


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Discrimination against dogs is a terrible thing, but they don't have civil rights. Dogs do have a legal right to be free from cruelty and not be mistreated by their owners but dogs do not have constitutional rights of equal protection or due process.

Regarding chihuahuas they are in fact an ill tempered breed responsible for many bites but due to their lack of size and strength, they can't usually inflict a heavy bite like a pit bull. Dalmatians are also temperamental and extremely territorial dogs. A friend of mine owned one and it was actually a friendly Dalmatian that loved being petted on its tummy and would roll over so you could do it. But even set foot in the room where her food was kept and she growled. And step within 6 feet of that food dish and the growl would deepen and get downright threatening. The "don't fuck with my food" message was as unmistakable as any memo I ever did receive.

Although they are yippy and excitable, Shih Tzus and toy Yorkies (also called teacup Yorkies) are more acceptable small dog breed choices. The Shih Tzu is a a very loyal watchdog although overly sensitive to weather disturbances, while the toy Yorkie is perhaps the most affectionate small dog of them all.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
You cannot judge an entire breed/race of anything on the actions of a few. PERIOD

We are talking about dogs. And it's not just a couple of incident. Doc was relating 2 cases, but there are thousands.

I don't like the dog face myself, and this dog can be gentle for a while and suddenly explose and disfigures children and kills them.
That's enough! Let's get rid of this predator. PERIOD.

Human's life is the priority.

They should live in the jungle or be in a Zoo.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
. Doc Holliday i can understand what you witnessed was traumatic but i literally choked on how needlessly aggressive, ignorant and down right evil that comment was. You cannot judge an entire breed/race of anything on the actions of a few. PERIOD

Let's see if you'd feel the same way if one of your kids would get attacked, disfigured and nearly killed by one of these unpredictable monsters. :rolleyes:

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
We are talking about dogs. And it's not just a couple of incident. Doc was relating 2 cases, but there are thousands.

I don't like the dog face myself, and this dog can be gentle for a while and suddenly explose and disfigures children and kills them.
That's enough! Let's get rid of this predator. PERIOD.

Human's life is the priority.

They should live in the jungle or be in a Zoo.

I totally agree. And the cases i referred to where ones i personally had to deal with. I could have easily mentioned cases where many innocent bystanders actually got attacked and killed by those unpredictable monsters.

I ask anyone who disagrees with Uncle Bob and myself: "Would you let someone babysit your baby or young child if you'd know in advance that they owned a pitbull?"


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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It's based on me personally witnessed two young children getting disfigured by those beasts! Not only are those fucking dogs ugly as hell, but they're very unpredictable and can be extremely vicious! :mad::mad:

My ex-wife is unpredictable and can be extremely vicious too but even with all the grief she caused me I would never want to see her killed. I remember when it was German Shepard's that were the feared breed, then it was Doberman Pincers, then Rottweilers, on to Mastiff's, now it's Pit Bull's what next.
As a piece of information, Pit Bull's jaw strength ranks third behind Rottweilers and German Shepard's.

The truth is dogs—especially dogs younger than two-years-old—who are not spayed or neutered are much more likely to exhibit violent behavior than dogs who are fixed.

Finally, Clinton and Trudeau ? I believe that Clinton is the lesser of 2 evils in the current race for President, if I was a voter, I wouldn't vote for either, this race is a case of dumb vs dumber. Trudeau, well I guess you have me there, you see for as long as I can remember, I am a Liberal supporter, so yes, Trudeau along with the majority of voters in Canada ;)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Human's life is the priority.

Sorry UB but I can`t disagree more. All life is equally precious.
Nature never discriminates. During earthquakes , hurricanes, tsunamis etc. human life is just as much at risk as animal life.

BTW pit bulls aren`t natural....they were bred by men . Leave dogs alone to breed as they wish..... and in a couple of generations they`ll all be mutts.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Funny but I represent some inner city clients and a few weeks ago I visited one of them and she had a 106 pound pit bull which was sleeping on the floor. The clients are living in a quite squalid apartment and so is the dog and I told her I wasn't coming in until the dog was secured in an upstairs room. The client then secured the dog. That was the biggest pit bull I ever saw. You should have seen the neck and head and jaw on him. Like an NFL lineman type neck on that bad boy.

My client was like "aww she is a baby, can't hurt a fly, etc." but I can tell that dog if set off could have gone medieval on my ass.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I am not a scientist but if you have a puppy that you show nothing but love to from day one it is not all the sudden going to kill. It is BAD OWNERS who teach bad things to these dogs or any dogs for that matter.

Does a police german sheppard dog just attack a suspect on their own or werethey "taught" to do so as part of their job? These horrible owners who "taught" their pit bulls to hate need to go to jail or be "banned" from society more so than the dogs.

With that said, I am always on guard whenever i see a pit bull thus that is the stigma that comes with them because of their "loving owners" (btw not all but many, far too many)

You guys all understand that it has to do with the owners, right?


Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Clara Versailles
You guys all understand that it has to do with the owners, right?


Exactly my sweet Clara.

I am the owner of a chihuahua, one of the very most difficult dog to train. This said without exaggeration, this is well known.
And I had several dogs in my life before that adoption from my childrenhood, even very specialized working dogs. And they were all very much bigger, but very most easier too.

My family even adopted a doberman that someone did not want anymore, and, it appears that's the one who bite a child neighbour when a female dog was in her time reproduction, it did not want the child to come closer to the female dog. It could have killed the child, it snapped directly the belly, and almost open it, that was a case of emergency of course. So, my father on the instant, almost killed the dog with a shovel, and finish to get rid of it (I don't know how, but I can imagine. That's few decades of that, very old story, please don't call SPCA for nothing)

And, back to my chihuahua, she is under my authority at, let's say, only at 97%. She can't refrain to stop barking in some circumstances
(made great improvements, but still. She's 4 now. What a hard headed one. She's even making me swear)

I think there is, sadly, a certain kind of profile of people who want to be proudly owners of pitbulls.
There is a kind of psychologic personal projection in the choice of the breed we are appeal to have. And this, for all the breeds.

My appeal for a chihuahua was that I wanted to have a very small friendly canine friend able to follow me everywhere easily.
To tell you the truth, I would have chosen otherwise, because she cannot follow me because of her uncontrolled barking. So now, it cost me dog sitting then.
But I love her still. I will keep her until her end. When we adopt, is for their life.

I'm sure that's not the same when we choose a pitbull. Obviously.
I don't say that everybody are having the same reasons, but we know that people who wants big strong dogs of that kind are looking for security, protection, maybe the "aura" of that dog that matches to their style of life? So, those dogs are having the "bad boy look" some are looking for. Let's be honest here.

I'm sorry that, as individuals living in a society, we still need those kind of regulation to simplify things, because of some owners who did not done their job carefully with their dogs. We have to all convince that if "stupid laws" are voted, it is because there is "stupid people" out there who could put others in danger with their innocence/ignorance/bad behaviours toward their dogs. That's sad, but that's how it is to live in society. And I am feeling very sorry for the very good owners who are now paying for the "non-conscient ones"
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