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Preface to an Expose

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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
jeff jones said:
I am going to test this theory out and release some info that has been kept very quiet for years. Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday were in fact both gay and were lovers right up until Doc's unfortunate death which by the way was not from tuberculosis but it was the beginning of the aids epidemic:)

I happen to know that's a lie. You're not dead are you Doc?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
10-19 said:
The Montreal Theatre of the Absurd is currently hiring actors for its upcoming presentation of Waiting for Godot.

Who wants to play Vladimir?
to GG's Estragon?

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
And Counting........


1214 days can be converted to one of these units:
• 104,889,600 seconds
• 1,748,160 minutes
• 29,136 hours
• 173 weeks (rounded down)


103 days can be converted to one of these units:
• 8,899,200 seconds
• 148,320 minutes
• 2472 hours
• 14 weeks (rounded down)

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Speaking for myself i am very disappointed that he has not put it out yet. It does make one wonder why he would make this big announcement earlier this year and then not release it within a month or so. Having said that if and when he does release it i will be looking forward to reading it. There are some posters on this board who i think the chapter he writes on them will be most entertaining, i also look forward to the chapter on poutine:) Looking forward to the read but not holding my breath as i begin to wonder if he will ever release it.
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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
jeff jones said:
Speaking for myself i am very disappointed that he has not put it out yet. It does make one wonder why he would make this big announcement earlier this year and then not release it within a month or so. Having said that if and when he does release it i will be looking forward to reading it. There are some posters on this board who i think the chapter he writes on them will be most entertaining, i also look forward to the chapter on poutine:) Looking forward to the read but not holding my breath as i begin to wonder if he will ever release it.

I hope SL keeps the chapter on poutine refrigerated. Stuff gets nasty when you leave it out. ;)

I've developed quite a taste for poutine lately and make sure I try it every chance I get. Stuff downstairs from the Hyatt is not very good, but Dann's is definately "killer" stuff.

I do hope SL is keeping this expose updated, as I don't want him to run the risk of people saying "Ho-Hum, that's all in the past". Maybe he should tack on some type of epilogue that brings it all together. If SL is getting bored with it, maybe he should turn it over to a ghost writer. I hear there's some really GreatGreat posters out there who are in love with the sound of their own voice. Doc, what does an insider like you think of the chapters so far?
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Oct 16, 2004
6' under
CS Martin said:
I do hope SL is keeping this stuff updated, as I don't want him to run the risk of people saying "Ho-Hum, that's all in the past".
the sex trade is circular. situations, circumstances & events repeat themselves throughout time. anything he writes about has happened to someone else before.

the only things that change are the names...

Time to Punt

Mar 25, 2009
He has been ridiculed over this so much ( rightly or wrongly) that he would almost have to have no self-respect to release it now.

It would also be so stale-dated that it would have to be extremely well-written to be the slightest bit of interest. What are the odds of that ?

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Doc Holliday said:
I haven't really been in 'insider' for a few years, but from what i was told at the time, it would have shocked many. But being an 'insider' that i was back then, i already knew or suspected many of the stuff i had been told or seen from my own eyes. After all, sps not only open up to drivers, they also open up to clients, which most of us who've been involved with the biz for 5+ years probably already know. Believe it or not, i'm fairly certain that if SL ever does make what he's written & knows public, it likely would make a very good movie. I'd even bet that whatever he's written is far superior to what people are finding out when they go see "The Girlfriend Experience" at the movies. There are a lot of sick fucks out there with sick fantasies & so far, most of the studios have refused to touch some of the stuff that just might happen to be in his 'expose'.

When it comes to this hobby i have been there and done that and Doc is spot on when he says that some sp's open up to there clients. He is also right when he says there is some sick fucks out there with some sick fantasies, some that would be some what shocking to most. I have heard it all over the years, nothing surprises me anymore.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Doc Holliday said:
Knowing SL as much as i do (even though i haven't spoken to him in 3 years), i doubt he cares how people feel about it (or himself). He'll release it when he feels like it.

I have a feeling that only those with many skeletons in their closets (or think they do) who deep down don't want it released (even though they say the opposite in public) will be the most interested. I've been told no names will be used. This makes me believe that quite a few people will be under the impression that they're the ones being talked about, when in fact this won't be the case. But who knows....maybe that's one of his motivations for the 'expose'. :rolleyes:

Hello Doc,

First, I know he absolutely cares what others think about his "expose" :rolleyes: and gets quite pissed at every negative post. Second, as my signature indicates...I have no truths to fear about this. Third, like the Enquirer, no matter when it comes's a 4th rate fairy tale. The real (sad) story here is how much space has been wasted over what is totally nonexistent this time. But it has served his real motivation... ATTENTION.



eastender said:
Maybe this is the expose. Exposing that there is a lot of comment and concern about nothing. Internet version of the "Emperor's New Clothes"


For once, that is exactly what I was thinking. A bit of tantalizing bait to irritate...and watch how everybody keeps dancing to the empty tune.


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New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Maybe this is the expose. Exposing that there is a lot of comment and concern about nothing. Internet version of the "Emperor's New Clothes"

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Doc Holliday said:
I`ll save it for my own `expose`. :D

And....yes, i`ve done things in the past that i`m still shocked about. I`m actually very fortunate that my family had close ties to law enforcement at the time, or else i likely wouldn`t be here writing (wasting time?) at this time. I learned at a very young age that money talks. However, many of them were unrelated to the business. ;)

Please see my last night`s annoucement of my upcoming expose`:

I have not posted or read anything on ANY board in approximately 2 yrs and my subsequent posts will only be to inform readers as to when each new chapter has been added to my website. I will NOT read this board or any comments.

I have now decided to start to release my writings in segments. I cannot promise a schedule as my time may or may not permit me to do so.

I will in a very short time begin with the release of the url of exact location of my expose & the 1st chapter.
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Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
eastender said:
Maybe this is the expose. Exposing that there is a lot of comment and concern about nothing. Internet version of the "Emperor's New Clothes"

Interesting comment but it certainly isn't the way I read SL when I knew him... If he said he was going to do X, he did X... he didn't screw around or play tricks or get fancy with double meanings... I admired him for it, while at the same wishing, for his own sake, that he would allow himself a little slack. In my opinion he considered it a question of honour to follow through even if it might not be in his best interests.

The fact that nothing more has happened since his last post causes some concern.
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Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
I really do not care for an "Expose" some stone dude wrote out of boredom and all the gossips he could get from one and another... But I really really would like to know who the heck forced (?????????) some chick(s) to take some Nitrous Oxyde. I want names!! :D
I would also like to know what kind of girl(s) wouldn't run away IF she (really??) felt threatened at that point...

Somehow, I would be tempted to believe that Nitrous Oxyde is not that bad compare to some stuff some of those girls have been taking without being forced to... but hey, I might be wrong!

That's been bugging me since the opening of this thread, none of that makes sens to me. I must be very very unaware of this business and very naive.

StripperLover said:
As I have come across many individual schemes over all the years and as my time marched on in it, from both sides of the fence in this industry, I have become more disgusted by the outright lies and deceptions. From schemes designed to separate clients from their money aside from the usual escort business dealings, to message board moderators stealing personal emails from within the privacy of an individual’s home pc, to committee members conspiring to undermine a board, to numerous clients requesting and some receiving bareback full service, to clients who get off on forcing ladies to inhale noxious gas during an encounter and to ladies who suspected that they contracted a infectious disease and continued to work. These are just a few of the events that I will expose in the ongoing pages.
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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Lilly Lombard said:
I must be very very unaware of this business and very naive.

1,2,3,4,5, be good.....slap! slap!...OK, sometimes life is an exercise in keeping your mouth shut. :D


Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
Lilly Lombard said:
But I really really would like to know who the heck forced (?????????) some chick(s) to take some Nitrous Oxyde. I want names!! :D

Start by thinking "dentist"... he should be told that not every one considers it a laughing matter...

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
I have met SL the man, the legend:) on two different occasions. I found him to be very passionate about the biz and to be reasonably knowledgeable. On the boards many people like him and many people don't. I myself found him to be a likeable guy and enjoyed sharing a few beers with him.

However he was the one who announced to the world about his expose, ok maybe not the world but both boards and then follows up his original announcement with another announcement this year that he is going to release it soon, he even went so far as to send people emails saying so.

In my own opinion for him to save face and have one ounce of credibility he has to release this or he will have made a complete fool of himself. I am not him but if i were i would feel embarrassed not to release it after these announcements where he loudly proclaimed he was going to expose all. If he was not 100% sure he was going to follow thru with it he should never have come back on the boards this year to announce it and then follow it up by sending out emails. If you are going to release it then release it but please do yourself a favor and no more announcements without releasing it as you only make yourself look foolish.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
10-19 said:
Quit pretending you're in the know because, unless you deliver, you know sweet fuck all. ;)

Are you becoming so feeble minded, the obvious escapes you? FIGURE IT OUT!!

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
jeff jones said:
In my own opinion for him to save face and have one ounce of credibility he has to release this or he will have made a complete fool of himself. I am not him but if i were i would feel embarrassed not to release it after these announcements where he loudly proclaimed he was going to expose all. If he was not 100% sure he was going to follow thru with it he should never have come back on the boards this year to announce it and then follow it up by sending out emails. If you are going to release it then release it but please do yourself a favor and no more announcements without releasing it as you only make yourself look foolish.

I would agree. I would guess those that say it's 99% completed are full of it as usual. At this point, he'll throw together a few things to publish just to try to save face and have his friends and point men "spin" the rest. You'll have his minions go forth extolling its virtues as much to save their faces (for worshipping this legend) as his. You can foretell these moves from what used to be his once ardent supporters who are now trying to distance themselves from the issue.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
10-19 said:
Figure out that you know sweet fuck all? That obvious didn't escape anyone.

Nope, have to you taken your pills today? Don't forget the Aricept. Maybe you should sit awhile. You're getting flusterred.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

Are we going to start rehashing all the same statements that have already been made in this thread? If you have something new and pertinent to post in this thread, please do so. But if you continue to go around in circles posting the same statements, this thread will be closed.

As far as some posters making innuendos about certain events, either come out with it or don't post. This kind of post is very likely to end up with a suspension being given.

I assume that Stripperlover will release his expose when he is ready to do so and I doubt that any comments in this thread will make any difference as to when that is.

Mod 8
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