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Quick question about the meaning of a word


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Oh but in the last decade it has become a thing now for many women to just not shave any part of their body... Its kind of a reclaim/rebellion on traditional beauty standards. back in the 60's 70's and 80's they still shaved legs and armpits even if they had a full afro bush, today there are women who just wont touch a razor at all..

And those I know personally also have tattoos and piercings lol... and are not SP... so wouldn't qualify as natural if they were lol... but are still stunning women.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The word I'm referring to is "Natural".

I assumed it loosely referred to body enhancements or modifications I asked what he meant and it turns out he was asking about body hair. He was looking for full body hair, including pubic area full bush.

I honestly wouldn't have ever thought of it being interpreted that way

What does "natural" mean to you in the context of a provider's description? (Or does it even mean anything?) Lol

I'm getting the impression that it has a lot of different meanings to different people, so isn't particularly useful. Would love some feedback to get a better idea of what people generally understand it to mean. xo

Only read the OP, so im sure many guys answered before but unless it is preceeded by "34D" or another breast measurement, the word "natural" usually refer to body hair indeed. If you list your stats like age, height and then breast cup, yes putting NATURAL after the measure is obvious what you mean and everybody will understand. But if it is at other point in the description its really linked to body hair.

I think it is something important to describe because if some guys like that potential client who contacted you may be into this (like some others), i would say the vast majority of clients would not be comfortable with hairy legs, arm pits or a big "natural bush" (not to be confuse with some hair but trimmed). Usually tough women who list natural have pictures that show at least the armpits part and legs.

Ultimately everybody can do what they want with their body, but since appearance is important in this line of work, it should be disclose if its not "standard".

When it comes to me personally, its simply how my brain work. I mean why am i attracked to some breasts more than others? Why am i attracted to breasts at all? lol. My brain tell me i am. So in the same way if a woman is "natural" i find it very unapealing and there is nothing i can do to change it, no matter how her face may be beautifull or she has perfect looking breast etc. In a funny opposite when it comes to head/actual hair, i am attracked to women with shaven head. Sometimes there is some i see pictures of before they shaved and im like "wow she was hot" but the way she look with head shaven just don't do it for me at all. Anyway lol.

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Only read the OP, so im sure many guys answered before but unless it is preceeded by "34D" or another breast measurement, the word "natural" usually refer to body hair indeed. If you list your stats like age, height and then breast cup, yes putting NATURAL after the measure is obvious what you mean and everybody will understand. But if it is at other point in the description its really linked to body hair.

I think it is something important to describe because if some guys like that potential client who contacted you may be into this (like some others), i would say the vast majority of clients would not be comfortable with hairy legs, arm pits or a big "natural bush" (not to be confuse with some hair but trimmed). Usually tough women who list natural have pictures that show at least the armpits part and legs.

Ultimately everybody can do what they want with their body, but since appearance is important in this line of work, it should be disclose if its not "standard".

When it comes to me personally, its simply how my brain work. I mean why am i attracked to some breasts more than others? Why am i attracted to breasts at all? lol. My brain tell me i am. So in the same way if a woman is "natural" i find it very unapealing and there is nothing i can do to change it, no matter how her face may be beautifull or she has perfect looking breast etc. In a funny opposite when it comes to head/actual hair, i am attracked to women with shaven head. Sometimes there is some i see pictures of before they shaved and im like "wow she was hot" but the way she look with head shaven just don't do it for me at all. Anyway lol.

Yes but this is new. Not that long ago, there was no one with body hair, and the word "Natural" was used. What did it mean for all these years? I often use it in the title, so it will usually not be preceded by or followed with any stats, it's usually paired with the word Redhead.

Quick examples:

"Mature Natural Redhead.."

"Quirky, Kind, Natural Ginger"

"Sexy Sweet Natural Mature Redhead"

"I am very natural, with super soft porcelain skin" ***

Maybe I could see the last one *** as possibly being a bit ambiguous but to me, body hair is still pretty niche, so I never even suspected there could be any confusion.

I'll probably write it differently, just haven't done it yet. But I still find it weird that that's what people would take it to mean. I mean, there are lots of things that could be natural. And if I was marketing body hair, I wouldn't pick an ambiguous way to say it (I'd probably just show it in my pictures, as most providers do, making it easy for someone to see it).

I'm not disagreeing that people are interpreting natural as referring to body hair but it is odd to me that people would think that's what it means.

What would be the way to describe no modifications or enhancements, light makeup, born redhead?.. without having to use that many words?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Like everything in life, the word natural is evolving to have a new meaning to refer to women who don't shave... I'll agree it would be better if they chose a word like 'Organic' to not confuse a word that already had it's meaning set for decades in this industry...
It would have been benificial if they made a new word the trend to refer to unshaven.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Yes but this is new. Not that long ago, there was no one with body hair, and the word "Natural" was used.

What would be the way to describe no modifications or enhancements, light makeup, born redhead?.. without having to use that many words?
As you put it its a new thing. There was indeed women with hair before but usually they wouldn't work in that line of work. I had a friend who was a stripper (so good looking) stay at my place for over a week and she was going trough a "turbulent time" overall. We would drink and play video games almost daily and she let herself go a bit. But even if she barely got out at some point i remember her telling me "ark jcommence a etre poilu moi" and she shaved that day.

Point is it never was a common thing among women carring for their appearance. We could blame the "far left" and "wokeness" i guess but thats another debate for another time.

I guess saying "im a hairy 5'7 brunette" does not sound as good as saying "natural" so they apropriated themselves the word.
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Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
I did a keyword search on Tryst and "natural":

a) is used A LOT
b) is mostly not about body hair
c) is used in just about any kind of context (heavily tattooed, enhanced boobs, and 99 other ways)


a) it doesn't really mean much
b) it has many meanings but it has no specific meanings
c) majority of the time, it has nothing to do with body hair

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