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Relationships With Women and Leaving the Hobby


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
The escorts that I meet always seem to be surprised that I don't have a wife or GF. To describe myself physically, I'm 45, 6 feet tall, have gray hair which has been steadily disappearing on the top of my head, a bit overweight, but not too much. I have a mustache and goatee. When I was younger, growing up, my friends were all girls. You'd think this would make me "girly", right, but, no, I also had 3 brothers, who knocked my head in the dirt all of the time. When I was a bit older, hanging out with the guys who'd moved into the neighborhood was okay, but we played football all of the fucking time. I spent one summer vacation, I think between 7th and 8th grade, playing football every goddamned day. At least the girls were creative. "Okay, what are we doing today?" "You're my husband and our child is a giraffe and he doesn't like Tuesdays." Go! When you're with a girl at that age, every day is impromptu theater. I think that kind of random creativity helped me in my career when I got older. A bit older, one of the girls who I was friends with, who I hadn't seen in years, was murdered. She had become a drug addict and a prostitute. Nobody knows who killed her or why, and here I am now a regular punter. But even the hobby gets old. Who would have thought that you can get tired of slamming hot 23 year old women? So, pretty soon I'm going to step away and rejoin the world. I've been told by many women, "You're the nicest guy I've ever met!" It would be nice to hear that from a GF and not an escort.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
"You're the nicest guy I've ever met!"

Translation: There is NO way in Hell I would ever sleep with you. She better be a really fat chic telling you this.

It is equivalent to telling a girl she has a great personality when you are not attracted to her.

If you can switch between hobbying and dating/relationships consider yourself one of the rare lucky few. That means your life has options. Something many people don't have since they like to corner themselves.


Jun 9, 2015
Really sorry about your friend who was murdered, that's terrible. I hope you remember the great times you had with her.

Good luck with finding a GF, it's important to believe in love. I'm 30 and right now all I want to do is to add as many SPs as I can to my "list" but I know that one day I, too, will have the need to have a meaningful relationship. Good luck! :)
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