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Social Time, To be or not to be?


"The old gamer"
Aug 16, 2003
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I have been asking myself what exactly is social time and how long can you be with an SP in that type of encounter?
When you check Indy's websites or profiles most of the ladies offer their time with intimacy and that the way it is, either is one hour or more, or even short or long dinner package, day time package and overnight package everything is possible even week end.
I have been explained the difference betwen these packages, and intimacy is always something that will occur at least its what I understood

But on some of certain ladies web sites they offer social time ( without intimacy), and the donation is much lower, some will offer that for a person who wants to meet, and talk, go to a tea room, or even a meal.

So what is the limit of the duration of social time? I wonder.

Lets suppose that its a nice july day, warm, you are alone an you want company, so you ask for social time? Like GFE without intimacy?

Ok here goes a scenario, we meet in a park at noon, walk, enjoy the day, the afternoon, and even enjoy a nice meal and thats it, but you have a pretty good idea of what the person you are with, is.
And who knows the week after or the month you will go for a different encounter.

Or maybe after the meal we decide to have intimacy and switch from social time to pleasure time, is that something that can happen?

I know it sound strange, and some would say why in the world would anyone pay for social time, and I would say, why not?

When you are single, 62, sometime finding someone on dating sites is very complex, and you can meet few ladies before maybe, just maybe hope to connect with one, so paying for social time is a fast way to have company, when the burden of solitude and celibacy is a bit harsh.

So i am curious has anyone have experienced this kind of situation?
Any construtive insights?

And please do not think its a way to bargain, but social time donation is sometime half what you would pay for regular time.

And sometime you are not ready for intimacy, it can be fun to meet someone socially and after be ready to plunge another day.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's whatever you negotiate the rate to be. As I discussed in my recent thread on the Euphoria Mini-Party, my friends and I staged the party because they, like me, like to spend social time with the girls. More on the specifics of that were posted here:

My experience now having negotiated several of these parties, either alone or in concert with my friends, is that most agencies will give you a little off the hourly rate, but not much. Indies, depending on how busy they are, may be more willing to give a discounted rate but most indies post their 2 or 3 hour rates which already pre-suppose you are not going to be banging away the full 2 or 3 hours (in other words, social time is factored into the multi hour rates). In these cases they may or may not be negotiable depending on the time of year and whether demand is up or down.

I should note that we booked our miniparties during prime time on Friday nights. My friends and I realized it's totally unrealistic to book 3 girls who regularly book out for Euphoria at 8 pm on a Friday night and expect much of a discount. Our main pitch was, "hey, it's a great gig for these girls, they get to relax and drink and eat for 2 hours." So we accepted what we got. We didn't really care, because we like and value the social time.

For pure social time it should be one half the normal hourly rate IMHO. But, some ladies don't want to do it unless they aren't very busy. They are in the business to make money, and the more profitable sex gigs will ALWAYS get priority over the lower paying social time gig.


Sep 4, 2006
For agencies I never got discounts for the hourly rate even when I booked 2 for 8 hours and that included social time. But I will concede I never negotiated, I took what they offered me, and they were among 2 of the most popular girls at the time.

There will always be people who want the extended engagement that includes private time and social time, and there will always be SPs who fill that need. I pretty much spend days at a time with my ATF, seeing only one or 2 other ladies at the end of my trip. Compared to what I used to do, which is have agency SPs parading through my suite on average 3 per day, I actually spend less money now.

I understand what EB said about the women being in demand and not expecting much of a discount, but in my view it is unlikely they would be booked for that many hours solid or would even see that many guys back to back. But that is my opinion. Nowadays if a woman does not offer a different rate for a dinner or overnight package (essentially only an hourly rate), then I assume she does not want to spend too much time with a person. The reverse is true, if her extended hour packages reflect significant discount, then that is her preferred type of appointment. We can argue about what people will pay for all we want, but where there is demand, there will be supply.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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We did not get much of a discount- $200 vs. the full $220 an hour, for 2 hours social time and 1 hour private time. So a total of $600 each for 3 hours at both miniparties. We didn't negotiate very hard with James, because we know he holds the power. Our main selling point is/was that's a great gig for the girls, something James knows since we had already done a prior gig with him. He also knows me and one of the other 2 guys from having met us at parties. We also bought a lot of food and drink for the girls. Although none of that goes into his pocket so it falls into the category of "great gig for the girls" etc.

One other agency quoted us $190, but we were more comfortable with James.

It's possible other agencies would have done better than this, but in the end we did't care and valued the reliability of James more than the lower offer.


Sep 4, 2006
I can definitely understand that. James is pretty much the only agency operator I would rely on for that sort of thing. Always taken good care of me.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
In Calgary there is/was an escort called cheap Karen, take her out to dinner and no charge ( guessing McD would not work ), she is/was a single mother who never got out much and this was her way to go out a little, there was a sex for fee after if you wanted, ( never met her but seen her ads a lot ). There was an escort I used to see in the beginning ( Lady Ino ) who offered free dinner time but charged sex was after. For myself being older, not knowing French and not in one place for too long ( also difficult to live with and can be an ass at times ) finding a just dinner date is very hard and I love going out for great food, paying $200 for company and $200 to $400 for the meal is not too bad as long as there is some good conversation ( never had this option yet ), a meeting before hand is a must ( If she is an escort book her for an hour ).
I have seen some indys advertise a social time rate which I may take advantage of next time I return, there is a place called Le Club Chasse Et Peiche ( serve various kinds of wild meat ) that I am eager to try.


Nov 28, 2015
I have been asking myself what exactly is social time and how long can you be with an SP in that type of encounter?

So what is the limit of the duration of social time? I wonder.

It is whatever you and the SP agree to. You can take them to dinner, to a hockey game or to a play/concert or to a wedding if you feel like you need a date. Someone once told me she wouldn't go to weddings because meeting friends & family is too intimate and makes her uncomfortable.

Or maybe after the meal we decide to have intimacy and switch from social time to pleasure time, is that something that can happen?

It can happen if you set the parameters correctly before hand. Agree to 1-2 hours of social time for certain with an option for pleasure time after.

If you have a good relationship with an SP you can almost work anything out, just be upfront of what the expectations are.

It's less likely to happen with someone you've never met but from what I've seen on the boards if you have a good history here or good references in general, there are indys that will work with you on what you want.

Personally, I've never paid for just social time, never felt the need to.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
I think for guys who like to spend time knowing the girl, without sacrificing any intimate time. The trick is to book 1hour of social time then book 1hour of intimate time. You can't beat hanging out with your girl over a drink at the bar, coffee shop, skating ring etc... rather than inside of closed dinky hotel, or awkwardness of someone else's home.


"The old gamer"
Aug 16, 2003
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Tx for your comments.

GentlemenJon I think you have in a way well described my point.

I have seen SP since 2003, not on a regular basis but I can say that I had good experiences, but at that time I was not in social time, I saw Sophia from Sophia's Pleasure about 7 times over the last ten years, it was always perfect, but she have her private life and I never ask a bout social time

I have never met an SP through an agency however.

Recently I felt like living a bit more some new experiences, I met some very nice ladies.

I was always checking mainly Indy's especially from Indy Companion.

Some SP do not offer social time because they do not need to or it is just not their way, and its ok like that.

Some have private life, and they wouldnt have the time to go into social time or prefer not to be seen in public, very undertandable.

But I have read some description that include social time, I have not met one of them so far.

As all of you said the best thing is discuss this upfront, I do it through email, my prefered method to see what are the limit of thes ladies.

As for what they ask, who is about half the fare of a regular
encounter, it seems fair.

Finally i can truly comprehend that these ladies will do this only if they have the time and will put priority on regular encounter.
So time will tell.


New Member
Oct 14, 2015
Social time is something that is very enjoyable and very negotiable when available. Some SP will name a specific price for "out of bedroom time". So you may enjoy a person's company for an hour or more and typically it reflects on the relationship you have with that person, IMHO.

Obviously if you see an SP on a regular or semi regular fashion it might be easier to find common grounds on the financial aspect. But you have to be careful; just because she accepts to spend non intimate time with you at a reduced rate does not equate to attraction on her part. At best it signifies that you are generally pleasant to be around for her.

But it's still business for her outside of bed.


"The old gamer"
Aug 16, 2003
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Obviously if you see an SP on a regular or semi regular fashion it might be easier to find common grounds on the financial aspect. But you have to be careful; just because she accepts to spend non intimate time with you at a reduced rate does not equate to attraction on her part. At best it signifies that you are generally pleasant to be around for her.

But it's still business for her outside of bed.

I agree totally, one thing we must never forget is that we are not there to create true romance, but to live some enjoyable moments when possible, because when I meet someone there is always a 25 to 35 years gap between us and its true enough that the end it is still business but wrapped as a gift, and quite frankly if I would like to have romance or even find love i would not write these lines on this post, I would rather spend countless hours on a dating site.


Active Member
Aug 15, 2007
I agree totally, one thing we must never forget is that we are not there to create true romance, but to live some enjoyable moments when possible, because when I meet someone there is always a 25 to 35 years gap between us and its true enough that the end it is still business but wrapped as a gift, and quite frankly if I would like to have romance or even find love i would not write these lines on this post, I would rather spend countless hours on a dating site.

What you say is not only true but very elegantly written.

Aellyn Rose

New Member
Apr 24, 2016
Hi Mithridate,

I think you're exactly right.

The social rate is offered for gents who are looking for a running partner, someone to take to a game or someone to invite to lunch... The duration of that encounter is to be decided with the lady, like you would if you booked time with intimacy... Transferring from one type of service to the other is also something you can discuss with her.

Bottom line with independents, is that no two ladies have the same views on that matter :)

Have fun!

Lily from Montreal

Exactly, myself I do not offer social time per say so do not have a different rate but that is something I am of two minds.
Why a lady would charge less ?
Because she is dressed?
The level of interaction is actually more challenging dressed as she still have to be interesting,''loving'',if I may use that term or whatever moods you want her to be,
to maintain the worthiness of a paid moment ,and trust me this is easier done naked...

I make the analogy for when I have request for meetings that involves no intercourse and they ask for a lower rate (kiss of death here) .

My standard reply is in a meeting we do as little or as much as you want ,we can (I know I can lol) only talk for 2hrs and it doesn't change my rate.

It is not a menu where you add up at the end and depending of the type of acts you get a smaller invoice...


Active Member
Aug 15, 2007
Your candor is refreshing, Lily, and I completely understand what you're saying. And I agree with Patron that this business is sex work, with an emphasis on work; escorts are not spending time with us for their own amusement or pleasure. I've never liked pretend pleasures or GFE simulations. For me, recognizing that it is sex work, and not some fantasy of intimacy and romance, is a way to show respect. And yet, ouch. I think some of us want more than sex; we want to get to know a person a bit, within appropriate boundaries, and we're willing to pay for that pleasure. No one is talking about social time as free or even "greatly reduced." The question is whether socializing with clients is as difficult, in terms of work/labor (as well as implied risks), as physical intimacy, and thus whether it deserves the same remuneration. I admit that at this point in my life I love to book a few hours and get to know my companion over a nice bottle of wine. I suppose it's just my ego or naiveté, but despite what I take to be my realistic understanding of the business, there's still a part of me that hopes that talking with me or having a drink with with me is less difficult (and possibly more interesting?) than pleasuring me. In trying to avoid the problem of objectifying my companion (seeing her as only a physical presence for my pleasure), I have wanted to see her as a real person, doing a job that I appreciate. Perhaps I should shut up and get down to ... business! And maybe it's just a good reminder to me that it's all business, all work, whatever we're doing.

Lily from Montreal

Don't get me wrong talkinghead, what you describe is my favourite encounter,that's even why I prefer one on one meeting to duos, not enough minds interactions ,only (or mostly) physicals...

But from what I understand the OP was asking about a first date as social,that's what I consider more challenging then naked meeting.

That's why for me first date are rarely more then 2hrs ,to make sure there is a connection.
After repeats can and has been way longer.
Because I already know I like you and has affinities other then in bed with my date.

Of course I always joke that for more then two hours my date has to feed me lol,ideal menu would be wine,(white please ) ,
fruits and chocolate and yes,a lot of talking...

I guess I am more picky about brains then bodies lol


"The old gamer"
Aug 16, 2003
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One thing I want to make very clear, I would never ask for social time to reduce the amount of the regular donation if an SP does not offer it, every SP has her own set of rules, and i will certainly not judge this.
However there are some SP who clearly advice social time with a different rate, not a lot but some, of course If you have 6 hours social time encounter and there is a meal involved, I will pay for her I am not greedy.
The idea that a naked meeting would be less demanding then a dressed one is I think very personal, I will certainly not start an argument.
I have never negotiate a donation rate, ever, but if some offer social time either it be one hour or 4 hours or more and there are some, I will go by there rules.
Finally if social time is to emulate another type of GFE experience, to know the person and you finally end to see her in the naked encounter GFE type, it remains business.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
What you say is not only true but very elegantly written.

The post was nice which brings me to my comment.
For writing skills, can some of you use different terms? When I read " Did you try or you should try so and so " ( I see this a lot ) you are not renting a car or ordering a pizza, writing " Have you seen/met or you should see/meet so and so " shows a little bit of respect for the ladies out there. I am not mister fucking manners or anything but not a caveman either.
Carry on, just my opinion.


"The old gamer"
Aug 16, 2003
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I share your opinion STN, my first language being french I always write my lines on Word first, to see how it goes, and for sure trying and meeting is two different things even in french, try= essayer meet=rencontrer, would look odd if I would say "j'ai essayé telle ou telle dame" or another analogy in french apporter versus emmener, j'apporte une chose mais j'emmène une personne.
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