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Spread the good news!


New Member
Apr 9, 2023
Why don’t we see Merb being advertised on all the sites the guys use for meeting up with sp?

I’ve been seeing sp’s for a couple years now but only discovered merb since a couple months.

Since I’ve been using merb, I found my encounters safer, I seek reviews, if I got to toft I do it and share the reviews for other guys to know, I don’t go to see sp not recommanded, etc.

I think it would be good not just for the guys out there but for the industry as well to advertise merb on these specific sites where the sp announce. It would benefit the good and professional sp out there who are doing a great job and would help them promote their services as well as push the “bad” sp’s to be more professional and respectful. It would also make all the encounters for all the guys out there safer.

I don’t think I am the only one who had bad and scary experiences.

What do you guys think?


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Welcome to Merb. Wouldn't it be wonderful if this imaginary world allowed Merb to advertise on other service provider websites? Unfortunately, that will never happen because Merb is a free platform with no registration fees for members, except for advertisers for massage parlors, independent service providers, and escort agencies that actually pay for advertising. The main reason Merb cannot advertise on other websites is because sketchy escort websites do not allow platforms like Merb to advertise. They fear that clients will read bad reviews of the service providers working for their websites. Most clients of these agencies are unaware of Merb, and if they were, they would likely not deal with such agencies due to the negative reviews. These agencies dislike platforms like Merb because they would lose a significant number of clients. I, too, wish I had known about Merb in my early years in this hobby. I acknowledge that this platform could have saved me from headaches, wasted money, and unpleasant encounters. However, I do hope that Merb will eventually advertise on platforms like Leolist one day.This would help save individuals from scams, bait and switch tactics, and untrustworthy service providers. People should be aware of the dark side of Leolist and other sketchy platform. Personally, if Merb allowed me, I would gladly advertise Merb with my own money to save other hobbyists a lot of headaches and money on platform like Leolist .Additionally, it is important to note that the majority of independent service providers, agencies, and massage parlors that advertise on the Merb platform are highly reputable and serve as excellent references. They have a proven track record of providing safe and satisfactory experiences, with a low rate of negative encounters. This further emphasizes the value and reliability of Merb as a platform for individuals seeking reliable and trustworthy services.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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From the ad site perspective, merb is a competitor. If people come to merb they have less of a reason to return to the ad site. And like obvio mentionned, those ad sites are basically >90% shit. So those that are using them would basically be shooting themselves in the foot.

I would think it has more to do with the fact that increased traffic to merb doesn't generate revenues for merb itself. The only secondary revenue they have is the few banners they show here. I think girls with sites who have decent traffic could be offering merb to advertise for a price or even have some kind of incentive to get other SPs to signup as paid members. Hell, even traffic coming from their sites back to merb could somehow generate revenu for the SPs perhaps even applicable to reducing their advertising costs... or something like that.

Reality, is there are also a lot of SPs that dispise what is said here, about them or others. Let's be honnest its not always flattering. So in the end it makes more sense for them to get paying clients from merb than it is to send potential clients to merb and sabotage their own sales.

I also don't think its in the communities best advantage to suddenly get every horney monkey visiting merb. Moderation is already hard enough can you imagine the amount of rediculous posts that would flood the threads ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Both styles of sites are needed... many of the other sites offer free advertizing for SPs that can't afford advertising here. Girls starting out don't always have the money to pay for advertising, and many of these sites can offer free advertising if you can validate your profile... just stay away from the unvalidated ones...
Girls who fit in niche categories and don't look like supermodels are just trying to survive... there's still months I struggle to make enough to pay my rent, bills and food, there's not enough made to pay for advertising.
It would be nice if they had ratings on those sites too, or if the comunities did reach out to make the whole system better and more transparent on who was scams and who was good. But unfortunately the real pay the price for the fakes.
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