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The SP's I saw recently ranged from mediocre to ugly, despite rave reviews here...

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New Member
Feb 1, 2012
So I finally visited Montreal again after a 4.5 year absence and saw 8 new SP's from Euphoria, XO, Mike's Mansion and Vogue. Lets just say they're probably not going to win any beauty or fitness contests. I read reviews here and obviously looked at the photos and, well, it seems the quality would have been no worse if one were simply picking young girls off the street at random.

First, the good. I have no complaints about any of the agencies regarding ease of making appointments and the girls being on time. The girls' attitude and service were also at least OK in 7 out of 8 cases (one was basically horrible, but that was pretty much expected, as she has very mixed reviews here).

As for the not so good, it seems the reviews here GROSSLY exaggerate the girls' beauty. I mean, reading this forum and looking at the photos, you'd think all these girls are supermodels and beauty queens. They're all described as "very pretty," "cute," "girl next door" (whatever that even means), and even as runway models. Reviewers rave about their great bodies, asses, etc. This is what I actually saw (not in order):

1. Photos depict a great body. In reality it's totally mediocre; slim but not fit at all. Flat and slightly saggy ass. Mediocre boobs. Had what looked like quite extensive bruising on her legs (what the heck??). Decent enough face, but nothing special.

2. Again great body in the photos. In reality, not fit at all, though she did have nice boobs. Face was described as very pretty by reviewers. I suppose one could say she's kind of pretty, in a mediocre way. Saggy chin, not exactly what I'd consider hot.

3. Another nice, slim body in the photos. In reality, not slim at all. Granted, I wouldn't call her "fat" or even "chubby," maybe "thick" or "stocky" or "big boned." Overall a fairly mediocre face with braces and some of the most crooked teeth I've ever seen.

4. Amazing body in the photos, seemingly described by reviewers as a supermodel. In reality, mediocre face (kind of cute at best) and mediocre (very skinny and boyish) body. Nice boobs, but that's about it.

5. I think this one's body actually more or less matched the photos. Face was again described as "very pretty." In reality, she's kind of cute at best. If I saw her on the street, I wouldn't bat an eye. But worst of all, there seemed to be some sort of "funky" ODOR from her (her upper body, I mean). I don't know what it was, but it definitely wasn't how I'd expect a girl to smell.

6. This one actually looked more or less like her photos, except her boobs (they were not nice at all when I saw her). Her body is mediocre, but I think you can kind of tell this from her pics. Nice face, terrible attitude. She seemed to mock me and I found her downright insulting.

7 and 8. Now these two were just plain ugly, and I don't simply mean ugly by my very high standards. I'm talking BUTT-UGLY. I think they must have been the ugliest SP's I had ever seen. Their faces were just too ugly for me to look at and I had to turn away (I'm not exaggerating). In at least one case, this may be partially attributed to bad hair style and little or no makeup, but it's not like she would have been pretty otherwise, just less ugly perhaps. Their bodies may have been nice enough, but frankly I could care less with faces like that. And this is despite these girls being unanimously described here as "pretty", "GND", etc.

Oh, I may have been hallucinating, in fact I hope I was, but I could've sworn one of the SP's had HAIRY ARMPITS. And I don't mean that they haven't been shaved in a few days, I mean I saw LONG strands of dark hair. Maybe this kind of thing should at least be noted in the girls' descriptions. I'm sure some people have a fetish for this, so they'd know which girl to see. And those (like myself) who don't have this fetish and are in fact very disgusted by it, would know who to avoid. To top it off, this SP also seemed to have some sort of faint, "funky" body odor.

It seems neither the reviews nor the pictures give much of an idea about what the SP really looks like. I don't think this can be explained away by "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." NO, there is in fact a consensus as to who is beautiful and who isn't. For example, Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, and Adriana Lima are considered gorgeous, while Sarah Jessica Parker isn't, and I agree completely with those conclusions. My concept of beauty seems to be aligned with the general consensus, so it seems strange that there should be such a difference between my opinion and that of others in regards to these SP's.

As for the photos, they appear to be retouched to such an extent that they may as well be fake. To give another example, when I saw pictures of Anna@Euphoria, I thought, "Wow, she's hot!" After reading this forum, I realized that that's pornstar Amy Lee, who in fact looks NOTHING like those pictures (more like a boy with bolt-ons).

Maybe I just had bad luck this time, or I didn't read the reviews "between the lines," as some of them do seem to contain vague hints that the SP in question is actually not pretty at all. But this is certainly almost never stated in plain language (even in a "nice" way, i.e. instead of saying "she's ugly," one could say that she's "not very pretty" or "kind of plain").

I didn't exactly expect to see someone like Marie Styles of Las Vegas (I saw her a couple years ago, seems she's no longer available, but you can still find her pics online and she never hid her face), but during my previous visits to Montreal 4.5 - 8 years ago, I saw some genuinely cute SP's. There was Leah@Eleganza/Nadya's VIP (cute face and very nice body), Scarlett@Devilish (I thought she was incredibly cute), Shanelle@Devislish (I really liked her face), Becky@Devilish (cutie), Rachel@Asservissante (nice face and body from what I recall), Tara@GOF (just gorgeous), and others. There were some who weren't very good looking, but only one (out of 12) who I thought was kind of ugly. Even then, I'm pretty sure she wasn't nearly as ugly as the two I met recently.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
there's no doubt in my mind a lot reviewers overstate the looks of the sps they see. it has happened to me several times that I chose a provider based on reviews and when I got to the appointment i thought 'WTF?, this girls is ugly!'

I think when reviewers have a good experience with a provider that is really 'just cute', they develop an instant affection for that provider, and then it either biases the way they see her or they just cant write honestly about the looks in the review...I know i have been guilty of that from time to time. Generally when someone says a provider is an '8' I think she must really be a 6 or a 7. I always deduct a point or 2 from look scores.

but you went 0/8?? that to me does not seem possible, or you were really unlucky.

there are a lot of genuily beautiful providers in this city, i guessed you missed them. I agree that at the standard rate they are a little harder to find. Maybe next time (if there is a next time) you should choose quality over quantity and go for the more expensive providers


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Unless he correctly reviews and name the girls he saw difficult to say if he was really really unlucky (as you say 2fast2slow), or simply he thinks all SP would look like Megan Fox (never seen one who did) or if it's just kind of a troll.



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
megan fox has a 9.5 face but her body to me is just an 7 or 8 .... :)

no dont think i have a seen a 9.5 face in this business. but definetely a few 9s

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Yeah, claims to have seen quite a few in the past, no reviews, post girls as either average or ugly without giving an example. Long post though. I have been to a few GT's and yes, the reviewers are kind of over the top with looks ratings, stunning was Isabella and maybe 2 others, the rest were GND, average, never seen an ugly one.
Looks for me is not what I look for in a SP, do not seek ugly but GND with special skills and a great attitude is all I need.
To see 8 girls from GND to ugly, funny.

Julia Sky

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
But this is certainly almost never stated in plain language (even in a "nice" way, i.e. instead of saying "she's ugly," one could say that she's "not very pretty" or "kind of plain").

No, the words you are looking for are "Not my type", buddy.

And no, your tastes most likely don't align with the entire planet's tastes.

This thread is probably uglier than the most ugly SP in Montreal and I certainly hope you're a troll, though either way, your opinion doesn't really matter since you come here once every 5 years apparently and just to complain... At this point don't write reviews unless you're really an asshole looking to hurt girls feelings (which I kind of expect from someone who posts such things)

Wtf is wrong with people lol
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The OP mentions Maria Styles of Las Vegas?????

I had business in Vegas and I made an appointment with her over a week in advance. We were communicating by email and texting. It was a 500$/hour session. I asked her to do her eyes like one of her pictures and if she could wear a couple of outfits that were in her photos and she said that that would be an extra 100$. I said just come as you are. She never showed up and never contacted me to cancel or anything. She also never contacted me to apologize. I booked through 100 Proof and the agency owner said "WTF? She had to wear something." He then tweeted something like "100 Proof. We fulfill outfit requests."

On the contrary to MS Styles, all the agency girls and indies (indies that showed) that I booked in Montreal have performed. I remember there was one girl that wasn't that good looking that kissed me so sweet. Like Patron said, I rolled with it and I can't complain. There have been some darn good looking girls though. Leah from Eleganza was hot but she arrived looking like a hot wedding date. Many times the girls arrive dressed down. This doesn't help. I think with heels and sexy lingerie and a tight dress like Jennifer wore, maybe a little eye shadow etc....a girl can jump one or two number grades.

The runway models are all working the runway. For me, a 20 year old girl that shows up to have sex with me is at least a 7.

I also thought Amy Lee was pretty darn good looking too but I haven't seen her in over 5 years. Life can be hard.

This guy should write a review.


New Member
Sep 5, 2018
Wow. I’m gonna play along as if this isn’t just a troll job.

First of all it certainly is a matter of “eye of the beholder”. The general consensus you speak of is farcical. Beauty ideals vary widely not only from country to country but can vary widely in different regions of the same country. I personally find the 3 ladies I’ve reviewed here to be far more beautiful than the celebrities you named for a variety of reasons. My reasons are my own and I don’t need to denigrate the women you named to compliment the ones I’ve reviewed or make comparisons.

Second, it seems quite likely that ‘girl 6’ who you say mocked and insulted you, picked up on your shithead vibe as soon as you walked in the door and reflected it back to you. If you went into your appointments with the same attitude that you showed in your post no wonder you were disappointed every time.

You should also be aware that a lot of the professional shots on ladies’ and agency’s website are touched up. Just like any professional photo of the women you named as ideal. I guarantee you the celebrity women you named have some of the same “flaws” you complained about. I’m curious what you would say about Megan Fox if you saw her without makeup. A lot of what you complain about can be found out if you do a bit of research. A lot of these women have twitter accounts or their own websites that often include candid selfies. These women aren’t mannequins dude. They’re people with lives. So yes, they might have a bruise or two on their leg from walking into the corner of a coffee table, or a scratch from their dog’s toenail. They might even *gasp*, god forbid, have a little dimpling on their thighs or butt. It’s the middle of January in Canada man!

You seem to have unrealistic expectations. If you seek flawlessness perhaps you ought to look into that sex doll brothel. No sags, dimples or attitude there. Knock yourself out. I’m surprised none of those ladies kicked you out.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
No reviews in over 4 years and he complains


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
during my previous visits to Montreal 4.5 - 8 years ago, I saw some genuinely cute SP's. There was Leah@Eleganza/Nadya's VIP (cute face and very nice body), Scarlett@Devilish (I thought she was incredibly cute), Shanelle@Devislish (I really liked her face), Becky@Devilish (cutie), Rachel@Asservissante (nice face and body from what I recall), Tara@GOF (just gorgeous), and others. There were some who weren't very good looking, but only one (out of 12) who I thought was kind of ugly. Even then, I'm pretty sure she wasn't nearly as ugly as the two I met recently.

Sadly, I agree with you SAM. Personally, I always remember it being better than it really was, but in this case it really was better. The agencies you mention were always bringing in new talent as opposed to the retreads or “legends” that flood the agencies now. Also, I have found that nowadays most sp’s Don’t get dolled up anymore, makeup, hair, dress, heals etc. They show up like they just got out of bed. You can easily get a girl that’s a 5 to a 7 or 8 with right outfit, hair and makeup. That’s why I’ve been checking out the massage scene as of late. Get a presentation of a few girls your bound to like one of them.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I also thought Amy Lee was pretty darn good looking too but I haven't seen her in over 5 years. Life can be hard.

I confirm she is still one beautiful girl my god!!!

the attitudes change

Unfortunately some cannot change theirs as they grow old. That's the main difference between becoming an old fart versus an old gentleman ;)



May 20, 2011
In my opinion, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

I've often been dissapointed by an SP facial beauty, even when the consensus found her beautiful.
However, I've learned to dig deeper and look at the other aspects of beauty. Her curves, her grace, her gaze, her vibe, her generosity, etc.
I've almost always managed to enjoy the encounter that way.

I totally think it depends on personal taste. Too bad most girls have to hide their face for privacy reasons. I'm sure the OP would have had less bad surprises.

On a side note, I've never had bad surprises with body pictures (not counting my first inexperienced encounters). Maybe I've developped a keen eye to spot the little details that would turn me off.


Nov 28, 2015
On a side note, I've never had bad surprises with body pictures (not counting my first inexperienced encounters). Maybe I've developped a keen eye to spot the little details that would turn me off.

I've only been surprised once and it's kind of my fault since it was a rare case of the face not being obscured. I was too enamored with that to pay too much attention to the rest of the picture.

I don't really trust any reviews of faces since I have my own taste/standards that I don't expect other people to have.


Jul 6, 2017

You sound like Clark Larson, comparing SP's to supermodels. I would suggest slowing down a bit. I once sessioned with a garota in Terma Monte Carlo, Rio de Janeiro,who was a dead ringer for Adriana Lima. She had no personality and acted like she was doing me a favor. She was so bad, I wound up finishing in my hand. That was about 15 years ago and the last time I went for an SP based solely on looks. Now I look for some chemistry which increases the chance of having a good time - no more opti-fucks. The two girls you described as plain ugly I don't understand. I would have just told them I don't feel any chemistry and given them $20. GND cute (6+) is plenty good for me as long as they are good in other areas. As always, YMMV.


Jun 25, 2018
If these woman are radically different from their photos, or you really don't like their appearance for some reason, just leave/cancel. Sure, you might be blacklisted from an agency or two, but given your OP that clearly doesn't matter. Heck, post 'em in the bait and switch topic, or post your own review that the SP sucks in your opinion. This thread solely makes you seem like a troll or without merit at best.


New Member
Nov 16, 2015
I spent last week in Montreal, probably seen about 10 ladies and I'd say look wise 75% of them I was very happy with and the other 25% I definitely still had fun. Even though I was firing blanks with some because of the heavy work load, but somebody has to do it. LOL


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
I don’t think that the timing of the OP post is a coincidence,, obviously he was trying to send a message of some sort.
Personally I’d rather we call a spade a spade.There is no denying that some reviews are over the top on this board from time to time, or that some folks tend to overstate a SPs looks and overall attractiveness.We all do it to a point,hell I know I’m guilty myself.
A girl that is a 7,8 or whatever instantly becomes a 12 ( perfect) in my eyes because of the chemistry and how wonderful and good she makes me feel.Albeit this is rare for me because I’m not someone that gets easily impressed,, but when I do rate a lady as such it’s because I genuinely feel that way about her.So even though some other folks might not agree with my rating it’s certainly not done with the intent to deceive.

Where I do have a bit of a problem is when some folks consistently rate some girls unnecessarily high.
Now imagine yourself having just read those over the top reviews from these Gents and finally getting to meet that particular lady.
To me at least that’s obviously a recipe for getting disappointed right off the bat.That girl never stood a chance,the session is somewhat doomed.
I’d rather read an honest review with an honest rating.I don’t have a problem seeing a lady that’s a 6,7 or whatever ,, I’ve seen plenty and let me tell you I had a great time and not the least disappointed.These girls can honestly make you feel amazing without being all 8s, they have other redeeming qualities.Having said that we men are visual creatures, for me visuals are important,you can call me superficial if you want.
What I’m basically trying to say is that seeing a lady that is a 6,7 is not the root of the problem , but rather seeing them when your expecting an 8,9 or whatever is .
These inflated ratings in my opinion do more harm than good in the long run.Where they initially surely intended to help the particular Sp they end up doing a disservice to them.I understand that I might be criticized for my view on this but it’s my honest opinion,, hopefully no one takes offence.

But to compare celebrities and supermodels like the OP did with mainstream providers I find that unrealistic and just plain silly.
I have never encountered the likes that you described,,, women that could stop a clock ugly so to speak ,,, I find that bs and harsh on your part.

In closing I don’t know if your used to hobbying let’s say in places like the Czech , Ukraine or Russia where women can put to shame some countries female population ,, ok I might be overdoing it.And they are not like the South American women being all dolled up and super feminine.And as the everwise Patron pointed out the times are changing and with that women’s looks and appearance,less makeup, underdressed etc.
We are in Montreal Quebec. Im not originally from here so I can always remember the first time seeing and noticing how different Montreal women are from other countries cities.
Different but undeniably beautiful and sexy.
They are different not only in appearance but in the way that they carry themselves .Its what separates them from other women and makes them special. In real life I have found Québécois women to be a different breed than there Anglo Canadian sisters . Apart from finding them more attractive in my opinion they are more genuine , less complicated, down to earth,more fun loving,really laid back.
They are definitely not too high maintenance , confident , comfortable in there own skin and simply put easy to be around and one of the guys sometimes even.
All qualities that I find appealing and that most top quality SPs have in spades here in Montreal.

Ps. I’ve also learned that not taking all the reviews at face value and reading between the lines has helped immensely.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ Yes, when I was younger you would see an extreme majority of women always dressed up well in full makeup. Now sweatpants and curlers rock.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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...when I was younger you would see an extreme majority of women always dressed up well in full makeup. Now sweatpants and curlers rock.
SPs with families and BFs who are unaware of their being sex workers fear exposure. Their presence in an apartment building in casual wear is more easily explained away than being recognized in an evening attire.

There is a bright side for us as we have the opportunity to meet women who fulfil our girl next door fantasies rather than only seeing motocycle mamas and reformed (who don't only tease) strippers.
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