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The Trudeau Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I been saying it for months that Fidel Trudope is planning to bring Chinese Communism for example the way he is giving away free money for months and plans to start Universal Basic Income which he will pass this November. Here is the first clear evidence of the move towards Chinese Communism the Liberals will amend the Broadcasting Act. Like in China the Liberals will decide what is news and what is not. The Liberal will control the info that the public sees. This would mean that every single bit of information that you will ever be able to get, is completely controlled by them. The mainstream media is already dictated by them, but this would mean that you cannot even get information from even the most tiny little outlet. The outlets that give us the little bit of factual information we do get now, will simply vanish. Never to be seen again. Keeping YOU completely oblivious to absolutely anything happening in reality. This is legitimately identical to North Korea & China's indoctrinating tyranny. Spreading fear about covid to have an excuse to start an authoritarian regime.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Fidel Trudope is a traitor and should be sent to jail.


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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Still the only Trudeau thread so will put this here, sort of related. A clip from an article.

In a Financial Post article, respected economist Jack Mintz explains how truly immense the Liberals spending has become:

“What is surprising is that Canada will have the distinction of running the largest deficit among all countries — advanced, emerging and developing — at 19.9 per cent of GDP. This even “trumps” the United States, which has the second highest forecast deficit at 18.7 per cent. And it’s almost double the average deficit for Euro area countries (10.1 per cent of GDP).”
And, while an increase in spending was necessary to address the economic damage caused by the China Virus, the rate of spending has now soared above even WW2 levels:

“Here’s another kicker. Spending by all levels of government in Canada is projected to hit 57.3 per cent of GDP in 2020. That’s more than at any time in our history, including both world wars. Despite the big U.S. deficit, Americans will be spending only 47.2 per cent of GDP, fully 10 points less than us. Canadian governments are projected to spend more than Sweden (53.3 per cent of GDP), Germany (53.9 per cent) and the EU in general (55.7 per cent), reversing a long-standing tradition in which our fiscal policies stood between Europe’s and our American neighbours’.”
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Fidel Trudope shut down the investigation into the WE Scandale. He keeps on buying votes by giving free money and welfare. Even though borders were closed due to Covid, refugees still were entering and were giving free paid hotels and a monthly check. Trudope is a globalist serving the UN agenda and wants to buy votes. All that spending means this POS garbage has to recuperate the money. Behold the POS is planning a second carbon tax which will significantly increase the cost of living for all Canadians and it could not have come at a worse time. So this garbage Trudope gives free money to buy votes then sets this Carbon tax to make himself appear as he cares for the environment but in reality it is a revenue generating scheme to fund his socialist welfare programs. You be the judge.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
What gets me is the Canadians who snivel about Trump but do not care that Trudeau is ruining Canada. Guess the media never told them about it yet.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Because mainstream media is being controlled by the Liberals (for example like the way the CBC is being funded by them) and they are spreading liberal garbage and people are too stupid to believe them. See how the Liberals are trying to suppress freedom of speech.

Theresa April

Active Member
Jun 12, 2020
See how the Liberals are trying to suppress freedom of speech.
No kidding. And there are in fact some convenient templates to follow. Like the Scottish law that makes you liable for conversations you are having at your own home.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This crime minister needs to have his head examined. Sockboy announces he wants to bring in 1.3 million immigrants over the next 3 years so about 400,000 per year. One has to question this motives and agenda. During the pandemic even though the country was in lockdown and the borders closed refugees and asylum seekers were still coming in getting monthly paychecks and paid hotels. We are in a second wave and the borders with the US is closed. Americans cannot come to Canada to visit but Trudope will bring lots of immigrants from third world countries. Weird. I read the articles and I caught on to it. If true this POS is the biggest garbage I have witnessed. In essence his goal is to bring in immigrants to help the rich get richer. He wants to import immigrants to work those shitty low wage jobs with poor working conditions. His goal is also to further lower the wages of professional jobs. He also wants to keep the prices of rents high and the selling price of houses high. During this pandemic so many businesses are closing or downsizing, many are unemployed yet this POS wants to bring in more immigrants.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I am surprised this POS garbage does not get more attention on this board. Not many seem to be interested in Canadian politics. Having said that the POS Trudope announce more spending. The welfare does not end he is expanding welfare. Key point in this article is $1200 per kid paycheck for those earning up to $120,000. Why????? They already give too much money to those people with kids and here he proposed a paycheck that a guy working full-time on minimum wage would earn. Government picks winners and loosers. Socialism is taking over. People seem to want the government to take care of them.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
What gets me is the Canadians who snivel about Trump but do not care that Trudeau is ruining Canada. Guess the media never told them about it yet.
Who can be friendlier than Chinese? Maybe only Russians. Unfortunately, Putin despises Trudeau. By the way, China can invite Canadian troops next year for the cold weather training north of Harbin on the Russian border. It is a much colder place than Petawawa Ontario :)
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Copied from EB's post elsewhere.
Closest thing to a Trudeau thread but applies to Trudeau.

This is the snowflake generation, which believes that when you fuck up and are caught, you should be able to say you are sorry and move on with no punishment- no harm, no foul, once you sincerely apologize.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I do not understand why this POS garbage does not get more attention on this board he is the worst of them all. Here is another plan by this trash garbage Fidel Trudope he is planning to offer two weeks free money from those who took a vacation to self-isolate for two weeks for $500 per week for a total of $1000. Now why would any sensible person do this? They shut down bars, restaurants, and now retail. Police are going after people having gatherings and NYE parties actually they busted one in Gatineau but you can take a flight to a resort and party there? And now he is encouraging more people to take a vacation. Since this announcement I already know some people planning to take a vacation. What is the motive of this dude? Is it to bankrupt Canada? Maybe someone has some ideas because me I do not get it. I been hearing a lot of theories on The Great Reset.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Well Freeland released the latest budget and it is bs. So much money being wasted to artificially increase the population, $30 billion for child care essentially people are already payed so much to have kids but the globalists want more population so more money is being wasted to encourage more people to have kids. Politicians and big business benefit a lot from higher population. It means the government collects more taxes to be able to waste more money to buy more votes and send more billions to foreign countries as part of the UN agenda. Big business who work with government also benefit they can jack up their prices and lower the wages of professional jobs. Real estate goes sky high and so does rents. Groceries go higher. Everyone benefits except the ordinary Joe who gets poorer.

Having said that my point is the budget does nothing to get the economy going. Lots of wasted money to increase population and more CERB which makes it harder for businesses to find employees. Currently the over burdened healthcare system with its lack of resources considering the demand and lack of staff is keeping the country in lockdown. Canada really does not have much cases yet we are in lockdown. Other countries were able to deploy resources very quickly and even set field hospitals. The US is way ahead in vaccines half the states are already reopening. The provinces have asked the Federal government for more funding for healthcare but Trudope refused. The increased funding would help to reopen the economy as hospitals will be able to handle more patients. Face it universal healthcare is one of the most expensive programs and its costs keep on increasing rapidly. So much wasted money to pay ppl to have kids and sending to foreign countries that money should have went to healthcare. To grow the economy we need to reopen the economy and people are fed up of being under lockdown. Even the free money is not enough anymore it is getting very boring to always be home.

Trudope has to go. He is very dangerous. His reckless endless spending and printing bills has one dangerous ending which will be hyperinflation and high taxes which means poverty. O'Toole of the CPC is not much better as he is just another globalist light Liberal. Only Maxime Bernier can bring Canada back to prosperity and it has to be a sovereign country. End the ties to the UN and globalism. End Socialism and social welfare programs.

The Liberal budget also is wasting a lot of money on green climate change policies which will also bring more poverty. The Carbon Tax is the biggest farce it is nothing but a revenue collection scheme. While other countries are reducing green climate change policies we are forcing more due to UN agenda we get poorer they get richer. The NDP is a traitor to Canada as Singh keeps on supporting Fidel Trudope to hang on to his job and be able to bring more Indian immigrants to Canada. As many of you know Singh is an admirer of communism and Fidel Castro. The NDP is the Liberals on steroids.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is indicating the federal government is looking at additional COVID-19 measures to protect international borders but won’t stop flights into Canada from India.

In an interview with Global News Wednesday, Trudeau said community spread continues to be the main concern and not international travel.

“We are looking at a range of potential measures either targeting certain areas of types of travellers. We are going to be working with experts and authorities across the country to ensure what we are doing is grounded in science and will keep people safe,” Trudeau said.
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