Classy Angel
Montreal Escorts

Adventurous minds,

As an avid spa goer, always enjoying basking in the healing pleasures of relaxation in peaceful and quiet surroundings, spa dates are some of my favorites to partake in with my wonderful patrons. Even if only for a few hours, disconnecting from life and shutting off external stimulation will allow us the opportunity to relax, recharge and revitalize our minds and bodies, all the while enhancing wellness and reducing ongoing daily stresses.

It is my pleasure to present you with two special spa packages, one in
Montreal and the other for Ottawa, for those of you seeking to add a little relaxation into their busy lifestyle and/or for those of you who simply want to indulge in some well-deserved pampering.

Special opportunity not reflected above or on my website.
Calculate 40% off from my listed honorarium.

When life throws us multiple twisted curve balls at once, we adjust and we roll with the punches!
I am offering a temporary 40% reduction for the remainder of February on 4 hour dinner dates, spa dates and longer engagements. If our schedules are not aligning for February and you would like to get together later on this year, I will still honor this opportunity if a deposit is sent within the next week or two.
Distinctive offer non-negotiable.

About Me
Montreal Honorarium
Honorarium for Couples
Relaxing Spa Package
Laurentians - Eastern Townships - Ottawa
Q and A
Contact me
Please keep in mind that I require a bare minimum notice of 48 hours.

When contemplating a special rendez-vous or a new experience that will delight and excite all your senses, do not hesitate to throw your inhibitions to the wind and allow me to whisk you away to my world of physical and intellectual passion. Let's get to know each other and let's see what type of adventure we can explore together!

Gabriella xox

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Stay and Dine
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