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Weapons in USA


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

May 10 (Reuters) - The rate of U.S. gun deaths surged 35% in 2020 to the highest point since 1994, with especially deadly levels for young Black men, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a report published on Tuesday.
Reporting by Daniel Trotta; Editing by Lincoln Feast.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The US racked up 19,350 firearm homicides in 2020, up nearly 35 percent as compared to 2019, and 24,245 gun suicides (up 1.5 percent), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in its report.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
The problem of young black males killing other young black males with guns has increased to epidemic levels.

Gun homicide CDC.jpg

On May 10, 2022, the CDC issued a new report on gun homicides and gun suicides in 2020. Not in 2021, which ended over 4 months ago, but in 2020, which ended over 16 months ago.

Still, 2020 was an important year, so I pulled up the CDC’s Wonder database and graphed the number of male 15-34 year old victims of gun homicides by race by month from 1999 to 2020. Why youngish males?

Unlike the FBI, which tries to count both victims and perpetrators of murders, the CDC records only victims of homicides. (But the CDC handles Hispanics much more adeptly than the FBI does.)

So one problem with the CDC’s demographics is it doesn’t tell you the demographics of the perps. But by focusing on victims in the lively sector — young men — you can get a pretty good sense of who is doing the shooting as well.

And it sure looks to me like America has a young black male shooting problem, both in general and especially during the current Racial Reckoning following George Floyd’s death. It would seem like the Establishment consensus that the biggest problem facing young black men was too much law and order has definitively been tested in the real world since 5/25/20.

But you won’t hear that from the CDC, at least not in those words...

...Gun homicide victimizations increased 39.5% among blacks from 2019 to 2020, 28.4% among non-Hispanic whites, 27.0% among American Indians, 25.8% among Hispanics, but fell 4.2% among Asians despite Trump uttering the genocidal words “China virus.”

...we could go back to policing like on May 24, 2020 and try to get illegal handguns out of the pockets and glove compartments of criminals. That might have a more immediate effect than, say, enhancing and maintaining green spaces. Not that those aren’t good things to do, but when you find your hole is 34.6% deeper than last year, the first thing to do is to stop digging.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The biggest driver for gun violence is poverty and of course government rules that create victimless crimes. Black males shooting each other is because much more Blacks live in poverty. If there is any data available you will see a direct proportion between poverty and crime.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Black males shooting each other is because much more Blacks live in poverty...

That doesn't seem like a good strategy for getting out of poverty.

Anyway, I don't agree that the problem of intra-racial black homicide is caused by poverty. Though there are proportionally more blacks living in poverty, there are also many poor whites, Hispanics and Asians living in poverty. However, the homicide rates for those demographic groups are astoundingly lower than the homicide rates for blacks. Steve Sailer explains further in his column below. Sailer's ket statistical point is that blacks are 7.9 times more likely to commit homicide than all non-blacks (whites, Hispanics and Asians combined):

Why do blacks get hassled by the police so much? The Occam’s Razor explanation is the one you are never supposed to mention in public: because on average African-Americans commit so disproportionately many crimes, especially murders.

I will therefore summarize some important crime statistics from federal government documents.

The most striking fact is that blacks, who have typically made up about one-eighth of the population, have comprised the majority of the country’s homicide offenders over the past four decades.

The FBI states that among 2018 murderers:

When the race of the offender was known, 54.9 percent were Black or African American….
That’s up slightly from the average during the past decade. I calculate from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting publications that blacks made up 53.3 percent of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter offenders over the decade 2009–2018.

The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting system is based on police-department submissions from around the country. It is by no means perfect, but police departments at least have to take murders fairly seriously, unlike many other crimes.

The decades before weren’t all that different either: In 2011, the Obama administration’s Bureau of Justice Statistics released a report stating that blacks were 52.5 percent of homicide offenders during the 29 years from 1980 to 2008.

And a government study from 1967 says that nonwhites (over 90 percent of them black back then) made up 10.5 percent of the population in 1950 but 55.5 percent of the murder victims (not offenders, but most murders are intraracial). By 1960, nonwhites were 11.4 percent of Americans, but now represented only 52.9 of deaths by violence, reflecting the moderate progress blacks made during the 1950s.

The homicide rate for the white population leveled off at 2 or 3 deaths per 100,000 population after 1950. The rate for nonwhite persons continued declining through 1961; in 1950 it stood at 28 deaths per 100,000—11 times the average among white persons. By 1961, the rate had fallen to 21, which was still eight times the rate of the white population. In the last 3 years, 1962 through 1964, the rate for nonwhite persons increased again.
Sadly, that uptick represented the quiet beginning of the huge increase in black murder rates that followed the triumphs of the civil rights movement.

Naturally, everybody secretly wants to know the size of the gap between blacks and non-Hispanic whites. Frustratingly, crime statistics still don’t handle Hispanics well, with about 30 percent of jurisdictions not breaking out Hispanics from whites in their reports. Hence, in 2018, almost one-third of identified homicide offenders did not have an ethnicity (Hispanic or non-Hispanic) specified.

So, the simplest work-around is simply to compare blacks to all nonblacks. If blacks make up 13.4 percent of the population at present, then they were 7.9 times more likely to be homicide offenders than nonblacks on a per capita basis in 2018 and 7.4 times more in the decade of 2009–2018.

Here’s the formula for 2018:

(54.9% of murderers are black / 13.4% of population is black) / ((100% – 54.9%) / (100% – 13.4%)) = 7.9

Incredibly, among known killers in 2018, the ratio of blacks to nonblacks (7.9 times greater) was bigger than the ratio of males to females (7.1 times).

Perhaps the decline in the ratio of male to female killers from about nine to one traditionally to seven to one recently might be due to the transgender craze, with more male felons now claiming to be female in the hopes of getting sent to the women’s prison?

With crime roaring back this summer, it’s worth pointing out that the Bureau of Justice Statistics numbers show that there really was a Ferguson Effect during the first Black Lives Matter era in the last two years of the Obama presidency:

The murder rate (including non-negligent manslaughter) in the U.S. rose 23% from 2014 to 2016…. There were 3,249 more murders…in the U.S. in 2016 than in 2014….
That was by far the biggest two-year growth in murders since at least 1980, dwarfing even the notorious crack wars around 1990.

Fortunately, the number of homicides appears to have fallen about 11 percent during the first two and a half years of the Trump presidency. (We only have preliminary data for the first half of 2019; the FBI normally would release the results for all of 2019 in late September of 2020, yet who knows what will happen this year…)

But we’ve probably lost all that progress and more since the Establishment decided to encourage rioters to run amok after Floyd’s death on Memorial Day.

Also, unsurprisingly, the first round of Black Lives Matter killed a disproportionate number of blacks:

There were 1,834 more murders (including non-negligent manslaughter) of black persons in the U.S. in 2016 than in 2014….
Another way of looking at this: The incremental number of blacks murdered in the first three years of the Black Lives Matter movement was greater than the total number of blacks lynched in U.S. history (3,446).

How many more blacks will be murdered due to the latest Black Lives Matter agitation? Judging by the quantity and sheer exuberance of black-on-black mass shootings this summer, such as 22 people being shot at a single Washington, D.C., block party over the weekend, the current resurrection of BLM will likely put thousands of extra blacks in their graves before it is finally (if ever) put down...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

A heavily armed gunman clad in tactical gear and with a camera live-streaming his actions opened fire at a grocery store in Buffalo, N.Y., on Saturday, killing 10 people and injuring three others before he was apprehended, Buffalo Police said, in a horrific shooting spree authorities believed was racially motivated.

The 18-year-old white man shot four people in the parking lot of a Tops Friendly Market and then proceeded into the store, Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia said during a press conference.

One of the victims was a retired Buffalo Police officer working as a security guard in the store who shot the suspect, but the round was stopped by the suspect’s body armor, Gramaglia said.

Three other employees were killed along with six customers at the supermarket, which is in a mostly Black area of Buffalo — 11 of the victims were Black and three white.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
The biggest driver for gun violence is poverty and of course government rules that create victimless crimes. Black males shooting each other is because much more Blacks live in poverty. If there is any data available you will see a direct proportion between poverty and crime.
I agree, but not yesterday.

Racially motivated hate crime.
18-year-old white shooter Payton Gendron charged with first-degree murder after targeting Black shoppers in what the FBI called a “case of racially motivated violent extremism”


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Officials said the rifle Gendron used in the attack was purchased legally but that the magazines he used for ammunition were not allowed to be sold in New York.

Despite a diagnosis of mental problems.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
It's gotten to the point that mass shootings don't get as heavy media coverage if like, say 3 people die. That's how accustomed we are to gun violence in the US. But I guess if you cast gun violence as something that primarily plagues the black community, then I guess it means we don't have to do anything about it? It's undeniable that gun violence plagues black communities, but it is also undeniable that the scope of mass shootings we suffer easily undermines just pointing the finger at black people.

As David Frum recently wrote in the Atlantic, the problem is the glut of guns of all sorts in the US. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that our gun violence problem is especially bad because we have the most amount of guns in civilian hands than any other industrialized country, to say nothing of the whole world.

Even if the government confiscated every AR-15 style weapon tomorrow, we'd still have a lot of gun deaths because the primary weapon in most daily shootings is a handgun. Regarding handguns and mass shootings, handguns are no less deadly if you intend to kill a lot of peoplem. The VA Tech shooter killed 3x as many people as this asshole kid yesterday did with just two handguns.

Until politicians summon the will to do something (spoiler alert: don't hold your breath), it's going to be business as usual. It didn't take multiple mass gun casualty events in Australia for them to do something. If Republicans and Democrats banded together to severely curtail gun ownership in spite of the 2nd Amendment, what are people going to do? The police would gladly welcome that. The police routinely oppose every new law that broadens gun rights. Guns everywhere not only makes policing more dangerous, but sometimes the overreaction of police is often because any single person dealing with the police may be armed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Or legalize the right to bear arms. The problem is the people wait for police and are at their mercy, in many cases like this we seen with mass shootings by the time police arrives the damage is done. You are a sitting duck waiting for police. Now if people had the right to bear arms, you have the chance to defend yourself. This mass shooting event would not have went so far. The people could stop this shooter quickly.

Moving on, gun laws do not do much to curb gun violence all it does is punish law abiding gun owners. Criminals will obtain their guns illegally. Chicago has strict gun laws but crime is high. A lot of crime is due to poverty and victimless crimes (drugs, gambling, prostitution). As we seen how prohibition era (ban on alcohol) caused a mass spike in crimes and their were bootlegging mobsters everywhere. Government should stop with trying to control how ppl behave. Legalize drugs, gambling, and prostitution. Leave it to the private sector to manage this. Crime will go down big time.

On another note, mental illness is another cause of crime and is becoming a crisis. Governments are too concerned with sending money to foreign countries. Time that money is used on mental services, too many mentally dysfunctional people that need help.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009

No doubt we will be hear a great deal of umbrage in the coming days from Republican leaders and right-wing pundits. "How dare you blame us?" they will proclaim, in almost hysterical terms, acting shocked, shocked, that anyone would suggest that their words have had horrible consequences. The point of this fake outrage will be to make it too emotionally exhausting to hold them accountable, and to reinforce the ridiculous victim complex that fuels the American right as it increasingly slides into fascism. But let's not mince words: These folks share the blame. They have been encouraging violence, and violence is what they got.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

May 15, 2022 California Laguna Woods 24301 El Toro Rd 1 killed 5 injured
May 15, 2022 Texas Houston 8729 Airline Dr 2 killed 3 injured


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019


Every day, 321 people are shot in the United States. Among those:

111 people are shot and killed
210 survive gunshot injuries
95 are intentionally shot by someone else and survive
42 are murdered
65 die from gun suicide
10 survive an attempted gun suicide
1 is killed unintentionally
90 are shot unintentionally and survive
1 is killed by legal intervention*
4 are shot by legal intervention and survive
1 died but the intent was unknown
12 are shot and survive but the intent was unknown
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Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
I'm a parent. The idea that several parents only sent their kids to school today and some of those kids aren't coming back was too much for me to process without getting emotional. I'm tired. I'm so fucking tired.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Or legalize the right to bear arms. The problem is the people wait for police and are at their mercy, in many cases like this we seen with mass shootings by the time police arrives the damage is done. You are a sitting duck waiting for police. Now if people had the right to bear arms, you have the chance to defend yourself. This mass shooting event would not have went so far. The people could stop this shooter quickly.

Moving on, gun laws do not do much to curb gun violence all it does is punish law abiding gun owners. Criminals will obtain their guns illegally. Chicago has strict gun laws but crime is high. A lot of crime is due to poverty and victimless crimes (drugs, gambling, prostitution). As we seen how prohibition era (ban on alcohol) caused a mass spike in crimes and their were bootlegging mobsters everywhere. Government should stop with trying to control how ppl behave. Legalize drugs, gambling, and prostitution. Leave it to the private sector to manage this. Crime will go down big time.

On another note, mental illness is another cause of crime and is becoming a crisis. Governments are too concerned with sending money to foreign countries. Time that money is used on mental services, too many mentally dysfunctional peoplethat need help.
I'm not sur
Now, 18 children :mad:
Now, 19 children and more rhan 10 wounded.
The killer bought legally two assault rifles just after turning 18.
He wore a bulletproof vest.
Safety guards with handguns can't do much against shooters wearing a bulletproof vest.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Or legalize the right to bear arms. The problem is the people wait for police and are at their mercy, in many cases like this we seen with mass shootings by the time police arrives the damage is done. You are a sitting duck waiting for police. Now if people had the right to bear arms, you have the chance to defend yourself. This mass shooting event would not have went so far. The people could stop this shooter quickly.

Moving on, gun laws do not do much to curb gun violence all it does is punish law abiding gun owners. Criminals will obtain their guns illegally. Chicago has strict gun laws but crime is high. A lot of crime is due to poverty and victimless crimes (drugs, gambling, prostitution). As we seen how prohibition era (ban on alcohol) caused a mass spike in crimes and their were bootlegging mobsters everywhere. Government should stop with trying to control how ppl behave. Legalize drugs, gambling, and prostitution. Leave it to the private sector to manage this. Crime will go down big time.

On another note, mental illness is another cause of crime and is becoming a crisis. Governments are too concerned with sending money to foreign countries. Time that money is used on mental services, too many mentally dysfunctional people that need help.
The right to bear arm could certainly save lives but handguns are mostly ineffective against a shooter wearing bulletproof vest.
Will americans have to bear arm and wear bulletproof vests every time they get out of their home ?
Gun control seem impossible now and as been for at least a few decades.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I'm not sur
Now, 19 children and more rhan 10 wounded.
The killer bought legally two assault rifles just after turning 18.
He wore a bulletproof vest.
Safety guards with handguns can't do much against shooters wearing a bulletproof vest.
Only if ppl were allowed to bear arms, that teacher who got killed in the Texas shootout protecting the children would have had a chance to defend herself had she had a rifle. Armor penetrating rounds could be used and these types of rounds are available for handguns also. Everyone person should take firearms training and be able to defend yourself because your life is worth defending. Punishing law abiding owners for criminals and psychos is nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
The right to bear arm could certainly save lives but handguns are mostly ineffective against a shooter wearing bulletproof vest.
Will americans have to bear arm and wear bulletproof vests every time they get out of their home ?
Gun control seem impossible now and as been for at least a few decades.
I believe the accessibility of guns was not less 50 and 70 years ago, but the events of the senseless mass shutting especially in schools were unheard off. Something else is going on.
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