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What is your definition of "Indy"?


Nov 12, 2014

To be fancy...? :lol: just kidding.

The thing is, when an Agency lady jumps into Indy world, most of 'MERB people' will not really care if she is a true Indy or not. You know which ones are truly managing their own thing on their own and which ones have a booker to help them out. I think there is nothing wrong with both cases because it is so obvious for all of us.

The problem is, when a lady advertise as an INDY/Independent/Courtesan outside MERB world (...) well majority of non-MERB-clients will expect a true independent lady and experience (meaning she's not sharing a phone number with another lady or having a secretary/booker, she meets less men etc.).

The true meaning of independent is to not depend from anyone on any level ... having a booker or boyfriend or helper or pimp or secretary or friend (whatever you call it) is not being independent, far from it actually. There is or will be a conflict of interest at some point.

In my opinion, a "fake-indy" is kind of a scam outside MERB world.

yesss Tina i do so much agree with you. when i call an indy ,it's because i want to deal with her directly, not anyone else. i like to hear her voice for me and my girlfriend it's important to know how she feels about us, everytime i called an indy with a booker, the guy on the phone never undrestood our needs , because he is not concern about it.he is not the one who's gonna come to see us.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
Supporting a "Booker,Friend,Pimp,Receptionist ,Client Helper ,Handler" what ever the name given doesn't matter ,it is mathematically difficult at $20. a hour .
Text,emails, calls and PM's are coming in all the time, around the clock 7 days a week

Where is the profit at the end ?

I'm working under the impression that in this case, the booker would not be doing it as a full-time job, but as a second part-time job. If the booker only has one client, the job can easily be done in an hour or two per day. It would be a nice way to make some extra cash, actually... In this case, it wouldn't really cut much into the profit of the sp. This is not like a booker at an agency, who would have to be on the phone all of the time. You can take care of business later on. Now, you might ask, why wouldn't an sp just take care of this business herself if it doesn't take that much time? The answer is, I don't know -- some ladies just have bookers. Maybe they don't want to be bothered with the minutiae...?

If I had to pick one single myth about whores which has done more damage to the cause of sex worker rights than any other, and which has inspired the greatest amount of wrongheaded, paternalistic legislation and the greatest number of dangerous, divisive, destructive policies, it would have to be the narrative that all or at least most women who do any kind of sex work (but especially prostitution) are dominated and controlled by violent “pimps”. Long before “sex trafficking” hysteria inflated the pimp legend into a cultic belief, laws against brothels and “living on the avails” were based upon the fallacious but widespread notion that whores are somehow more vulnerable to male domination than any other women, despite the obvious fact that the typical whore has far more experience handling men and resisting their aggressions than the typical amateur. Like the Madonna/whore duality and the myth of the wanton, the “pimp” myth is rooted in male insecurity; self-doubting men have a deep and abiding need to believe that sex is not under female control, so they immerse themselves in a lurid, exciting and adolescent fantasy that female sexuality is always controlled by men (pimps and customers), and that all heterosexual women who are not owned by husbands are instead owned by “pimps” and “traffickers”. Politicians who support “anti-pimp” and “anti-trafficking” laws thus cast themselves as white knights, “rescuing” helpless damsels from mustachioed villains who “exploit” them.

Interesting quote, CaptRenault. Thanks...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I'm working under the impression that in this case, the booker would not be doing it as a full-time job, but as a second part-time job. If the booker only has one client, the job can easily be done in an hour or two per day.

A one hour part time job for a "Booker" would make a nice recruiting ad ! Make $15, for your hassle you will be happier ?:thumb:

Sorry sometimes closing a Booking requires a quick response ,what would be the delays involve in a one hour a day booking job?

I agree every independent provider is not necessarily meeting fewer clients because of her "indy status" but I was referring to expectations and I feel like most of Indy-lovers prefer them because they think we meet less men (that being true or not is another story and nobody will ever know anyway).

Many false belief.
Even in agency SP can limit there encounter .
They can refused clients .
The choice always remains personal either she is a Indy or in Agency .
Unless she coerced by a non "PimP"
You have the right word Tina no one will ever know anyhow !But its a different topic

Deux autres cuvée




New Member
Oct 8, 2009
Wowwwww moi aussi je veux un assistant ca l'air pratique comme ca cela nous empêche de nous faire perdre notre temps avec des faux r.v ;)

Après avoir payer ce sois disant assistant il nous reste de l'argent j'espère Lolll

Enfin Gabrielle il a l'air super professionnelle et habituée avec les rouages du métier ce Phil, on en voudrait tous un a la porter de la main ;)


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Bonjour Gabrielle et merci !:thumb:


Un assistant compétant effectue la coordination de mes rendez-vous, me fait part des demandes spéciales, publie ma publicité, etc. Et le choix d’un assistant est justement fait en fonction de son haut degré de compétence, de son excellente connaissance de mon domaine d’activité, de son degré de disponibilité (plus de 15 heures/jour et 7 jours/semaine dans le cas de Phil).

Gabrielle Garnier.

La clarification de l'implication Heures par jours et jours semaines de ton assistant est très réaliste et démontre le sérieux et professionnalisme.
Merci a Phil pour son attention

Au Plaisir



Nov 12, 2014
Wowwwww moi aussi je veux un assistant ca l'air pratique comme ca cela nous empêche de nous faire perdre notre temps avec des faux r.v ;)

Après avoir payer ce sois disant assistant il nous reste de l'argent j'espère Lolll

Enfin Gabrielle il a l'air super professionnelle et habituée avec les rouages du métier ce Phil, on en voudrait tous un a la porter de la main ;)
personelement j'ai deja appeler pour Gabrielle et lorsque j'ai réalisé que je devait passer par phil, je n'ai pas poursuivis la discussion car comme je le disait, en format indy pour nous c important d'avoir le input de la demoiselle sur son feeling envers ma copine et entendre sa voix fait partie de ce feeling.
Rien contre Phil, il fut très sympatique, mais il ne pouvait pas répondre à nos interrogations.


Nov 12, 2014
Je ne crois que mon commentaire visait a nuire a la reputation de Gabrielle, first.
j'expliquais seulement comment je me sent lorsque j'appel une indy et que c'est un homme qui me réponds. je ne me sent pas a l'aise de parler au booker d'une indy tout simplement parce que je ne connais pas le statut de leurs relations.
et , oui en effet j'ai poser les questions d'usage par politesse plutôt que de raccrocher la ligne de facon impoli.
quand a mon appel pour Jezabelle, je n'etait pas au courant lorsque j'ai appeler que tu etait aussi son booker, donc j'ai poser les memes questions d'usage par politesse tout simplement.

en aucun temps je n'ai manque de respect envers toi ou Gabrielle, mon point etait juste pour élaborer sur mon feeling quand je tombe sur un booker, alors que je m'attends a parler a la demoiselle puisqu'elle est indy.
lorsque j'appel une agence , je sait que je vais parler au booker et je m'y attends.
Finalement , je me répète mon commentaire n'etait nullement une critique contre toi ou Gabrielle. j'exprimais seulement mon malaise lorsque j'appel une indy et que c un homme qui reponds plutôt que la demoiselle.
par contre, oui j'ai une critique personel envers toi pour ton commentaire d'aujourd'hui.
ce thread est une discussion libre sur un sujet et je crois sincerement que je suis libre de commenter a plusieurs reprises dans le thread comme plusieurs l'ont fait.
desoler que tu ai mal interprété mon point. mais c mon opinion sur le sujet actuel. une indy devrait être libre de toutes attachent, mais je respecte son choix d'utiliser un booker si elle ne veut pas gerer elle meme le volume d'appels.


Nov 12, 2014
IMO, There are 3 categories of SP's

1- An agency SP's that determine some of their criteria and adhere to the other ones established by the agency;

2- An Independant SP that determines ALL of her criteria (regardless of whether she chooses to hire people to help her out with tasks related to her business or not);

3- SP's that are victims or violence, coercion, exploitation or intimidation (regardless of which of the two above-mentioned categories they belong to), God (or whoever can) help them.....

This is why I think much of this discussion is based on false pretenses and draw some people to over-simplistic conclusions. Talking to an Indy directly in no way insures she is not in the third category, unfortunately. And having an Indy hiring someone to help her in her business should certainly not draw anyone to unwarranted conclusions or suspicions.

My comment to Lougazebo was not to restrict in any way, shape or form his freedom of speech by asking him not give his opinion. I only wondered: why so many times? Hopefully, it is not because he underestimates the intelligence or the readers of this board. So go ahead, sir, post as many times as you like. Just please do not imply I cannot do my work properly. So no bad feelings on my part apart from that.

Personal assistant to Gabrielle Garnier.

thank you Phil, i'm quite sure that your are fully qualified to do your job, but understand that for me, i don't feel at ease to talk with a person that i don't know in wich way he is related to the girl, if he would be his boyfriend, i would feel very uncomfortable. and that's my main reason for not doing any business with an indy that has a booker.
do note that i'm not implying that you are Gabrielle or Jezabelle 's boyfriend at all.
but i do know that in some case, it is possible that the booker could be very close from the girls.


New Member
Oct 8, 2009
personelement j'ai deja appeler pour Gabrielle et lorsque j'ai réalisé que je devait passer par phil, je n'ai pas poursuivis la discussion car comme je le disait, en format indy pour nous c important d'avoir le input de la demoiselle sur son feeling envers ma copine et entendre sa voix fait partie de ce feeling.
Rien contre Phil, il fut très sympatique, mais il ne pouvait pas répondre à nos interrogations.

Je comprends très bien ton point, j'aime bien parler directement au monsieur, comme cela je casse la glace et créer un premier contact qui est pour moi tres important et j'avoue que je préfère m'occuper de mes propres affaires cela dois être du a mon cote italienne coriace en affaire hihi mais v'la quelques années j'avais été approchée par une agence que je nommerai pas mais j'ai préféré rester indépendante, mais je comprends la tres belle et en demande Gabrielle qui dois avoir un booker car elle n'a sûrement pas beaucoup de temps pour prendre les rv je la comprends pauvre elle ;)

Enfin bref je dois être de la vieille bonne méthode ou vieille école hihi

Cheers xxx


Nov 12, 2014
Je comprends très bien ton point, j'aime bien parler directement au monsieur, comme cela je casse la glace et créer un premier contact qui est pour moi tres important et j'avoue que je préfère m'occuper de mes propres affaires cela dois être du a mon cote italienne coriace en affaire hihi mais v'la quelques années j'avais été approchée par une agence que je nommerai pas mais j'ai préféré rester indépendante, mais je comprends la tres belle et en demande Gabrielle qui dois avoir un booker car elle n'a sûrement pas beaucoup de temps pour prendre les rv je la comprends pauvre elle ;)

Enfin bref je dois être de la vieille bonne méthode ou vieille école hihi

Cheers xxx
merci Eva, en fait mon plus grand regret dans ce thread est que mon message ai pu passer pour une attaque contre Gabrielle qui fait son.metier a sa facon et je respecte son choix entierement.
mais moi et ma copine preferons etre en contact direct avec la demoiselle car leurs chimie est premordiales pour nous et malheureusement , juste une femme peut comprendre ca.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Salut a tous

J'ai toujours adhérer a 100% au libre choix des demoiselles .Quel soi "Indy" en agences ou demi Indy tant quel est bien et ca lui convient et que cela convient au clients .

Là où le bât blesse
C'est quand cela devient une stratégie d'équipe afin d'épuisé les vrai Indy's ,n'y a t-il pas une marge ?:confused:

A chacun ces choix

Au Plaisir



Nov 12, 2014
Salut a tous

J'ai toujours adhérer a 100% au libre choix des demoiselles .Quel soi "Indy" en agences ou demi Indy tant quel est bien et ca lui convient et que cela convient au clients .

Là où le bât blesse
C'est quand cela devient une stratégie d'équipe afin d'épuisé les vrai Indy's ,n'y a t-il pas une marge ?:confused:

A chacun ces choix

Au Plaisir


En bon québécois, on appel ca "pelleté dans la cour du voisin "


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
For me, a TRUE Indy is the one that take the calls (Vocal and SMS) by herself.
She may use some friend(s) to make her Ads, to Drive her to outcall locations, but she must be the only one answering to her clients calls/sms.

Indy's using a booker/driver is about the same as dealing with an agency.

Some of these Indies are using bookers but don't tell you in their ads and the bookers even push daring to reply to your sms like they are the SP...

At least, in Grabrielle Garnier ads, I can see she mentions Phil as her booker. So at least we know we're not dealing with the girl directly.
I believe that all such indies using a booker should mention it in their ads...
Because for some people, the fact they can deal with the SP directly might be a criteria to choose an Indy over an Agency/Indy+Booker.


Feb 24, 2015
For me, a TRUE Indy is the one that take the calls (Vocal and SMS) by herself.
She may use some friend(s) to make her Ads, to Drive her to outcall locations, but she must be the only one answering to her clients calls/sms.

Indy's using a booker/driver is about the same as dealing with an agency.

Some of these Indies are using bookers but don't tell you in their ads and the bookers even push daring to reply to your sms like they are the SP...

At least, in Grabrielle Garnier ads, I can see she mentions Phil as her booker. So at least we know we're not dealing with the girl directly.
I believe that all such indies using a booker should mention it in their ads...
Because for some people, the fact they can deal with the SP directly might be a criteria to choose an Indy over an Agency/Indy+Booker.
I had this happen last week. I'm texting with the booker, err, I mean "friend" and there's a small mix-up with the schedule and suddenly I'm supposedly texting with the sp herself asking me for a favor. It was obviously bullshit and quite insulting to be honest.


Nov 12, 2014
For me, a TRUE Indy is the one that take the calls (Vocal and SMS) by herself.
She may use some friend(s) to make her Ads, to Drive her to outcall locations, but she must be the only one answering to her clients calls/sms.

Indy's using a booker/driver is about the same as dealing with an agency.

Some of these Indies are using bookers but don't tell you in their ads and the bookers even push daring to reply to your sms like they are the SP...

At least, in Grabrielle Garnier ads, I can see she mentions Phil as her booker. So at least we know we're not dealing with the girl directly.
I believe that all such indies using a booker should mention it in their ads...
Because for some people, the fact they can deal with the SP directly might be a criteria to choose an Indy over an Agency/Indy+Booker.
Amen uncle bob. for once we agree on one thing.these girls have to let the members know that they don't deal with the clients by themself, so like that , clients knows with who he will be talking


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Indy's using a booker/driver is about the same as dealing with an agency.

No direct contact .

My Good customer at the time I was booker ,where able to speak directly to some of my girls when it was involving long Bookings , even if it was a agency .In any business there is/are notwithstanding(s) elements or should have ?:confused:


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