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Friends you put anybody or you try too choose them carefuly??


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Jul 16, 2004
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Hi to you all....

i was looking around and some of you have a lottttttt of friends in their profile...and i did talk too some of you about it ..and some says ...(because the person was nice by internet...or don't EVEN REMEMBER lollll...etc)BUT NEVER SAW OR MEET THIS a event,at a party,restaurant,bar etc....we are not taking about facebook i have fb for friends of the net...and one ..only one real fb..that is private for my real family friends.

so i was wondering....if i put you in my list of is because FOR ME...i did meet you...i did like you...and consider you a social friend.....and probably someday going too bar or else..and have some fun etc...

But i never and would not put you as a friend if i just know that you post...that you are a sp..(that i never meet)....that you are cool in blog or else could do that in facebook or twitter ..but not here....from my point of view..because we have all different opinion and taste...but i don't want too be associated in a way with someone that i never at least meet..

I am a real social men..but too receive or gain some friends that i never that case i just need too go to jean coutu for at least meet them..

The question and the moral of my story is.....when you receive or ask for a friend request...why do you accept them reallyyyy or asking them...THE MAIN REASON...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well i never been attracked to "forum friends" because mostly i never understood the point of it... What benefit does it has really? I see none... thats why i never sent any friend request to anyone....but im always willing to accept any request that comes my way... Not like a friend request mean anything? I mean on a torrent tracker i used to be we would get friend invites... if you invited a friend at that guy would just leech and never upload anything(and eventually be banned) you would get part of the blame... too much of that crap and your privilege would be removed.. Thats why i only ever invited JUST ONE friend i knew was not gonna download like crazy...

But on forum really? Whats the points of friend invites?

In any case like i said i will accept anybody i remotly know.... as long as its not some dude with 2 posts signed up a week ago...

As for facebook, i have one, ONLY ONE and i have no shame of what i post, as silly as it may seem to anybody lol. If i feel like saying something, i say it and hell if it ain't pleasing you... delete me thats alll HAHAHAHA no but seriously... i have my uncles, cousin, aunt, Hobby friends, some SPs (hehe) on the same FB and i don't care really. If i post that i destroyed on gears of war... i posted about it, i assume it, if i post the bruins suck ass... i assume the bruins suck ass lol, if i post happy mothers day... i also assume it... i don't see any reasons to have 2 facebook... for me personally...


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
On this site it doesn't really do anything. I only send request to escorts I've met so that people know we're ''an item''. So far I've accepted all the requests I received from other guys; I'm just that friendly.


Sep 19, 2005
I use this feature as more like a twitter friendship. When I go to my profile page, I can see what "my friends" have recently posted. So basically, I send a friendship request if I like reading somebody's posts or if I find them useful.


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Jul 16, 2004
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I use this feature as more like a twitter friendship. When I go to my profile page, I can see what "my friends" have recently posted. So basically, I send a friendship request if I like reading somebody's posts or if I find them useful.

that is another way that i didnt think about


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Jul 16, 2004
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..but im always willing to accept any request that comes my way...

ok ok do you want one from me lolllll....

if you invited a friend at that guy would just leech and never upload anything(and eventually be banned) you would get part of the blame.

that happen too me also....on another site...and i did stop helping for that reason

As for facebook, i have one, ONLY ONE and i have no shame of what i post, as silly as it may seem to anybody lol. If i feel like saying something, i say it and hell if it ain't pleasing you... delete me thats alll HAHAHAHA no but seriously... i have my uncles, cousin, aunt, Hobby friends, some SPs (hehe) on the same FB .

... For sp...hell no for me....yes i am single...but i dont want question from my uncle,...cousin...or else too say...ahhhh who is that girl...or going too talk too her etc...cause my family are veryy open yes...but still that is a bounderies i would not cross or do...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Lol Panther you can send one, ill accept it, but if you really wanna be friend, better way is by text messenging on the cell...

As for SPs on my facebook well i never got weird questions personally, but in any case most of my family members and friends knowns what i do... so they never ask questions about it ... But in any case i got pretty gils on my FB that are SPs, but also pretty girls that are not.. old friends from the past or friends of friends... i also "subscribe" and like many pages from reneow actress to pornstars... so yeah more or less it would be hard for my friends to try to figure who is doing what...

In any case my keyword alway been "Im an open book" this way nobody can't ever get leveage on you, if your totally honest with everybody !!!

Lily from Montreal

On Merb I will accept a friend request as a sign of interest or appreciation,so virtually (here) I am not picky...
It is when i comes to meeting in the flesh that I am picky...

On Facebook I accept only person I know...I am not trying for a record of friends ...

And I do not mix real life with funlife,so if for any reason someone from hobbyland would cross my real life personna I would adamantly refuse a friendship request and it might even damage the funlife friendship...boundaries are there for a reason..

I guess you could say I am at the other end of the spectrum from HM,allo sweetie, I keep all my books, I mean lives ,separated...


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Jul 16, 2004
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I just lost a friend in my list :(...but i dont know who..:confused:...Would really like to know who....Do some of you know how can we find out??? ..cause it would be nice to know who did take me off cause i hate two face people!!!...Sad to notice that...Oh well..
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