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Tutorial: How To Get A Womans Phone Number And Email

Just Alex

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Dec 13, 2003
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Here's something interesting:

I've personally stopped focusing on just getting phone numbers.
I've found that Email addresses are far better.
( I still get the phone number too of course )

If I see a woman I like, I can walk up to her and get her
number in about a minute or two (if I'm in a hurry). I have found

Women have many different reasons for giving out
their phone numbers. Some love the attention of having a lot
of men call them. Some like to turn guys down. Some are
actually interested. But in my personal experience,
women act different on the phone than they do in person.

When you call a woman for the first time, she'll often
start acting stand offish or even worse, just plain rude. It's
almost like she's a different person than the one you met.

I've found that getting an EMAIL address is not only
easier, but it gets more positive responses later on. It's
almost as if women appreciate it that you've taken the time to
think about what you're going to say when you write an email
to them, and they think of you more like someone they know.

The other benefit of email is that it can be written and
answered anytime. If you call, you have to actually reach them.
But an email can be answered anytime. I've found that emails are
answered FAR more often than voicemail messages.

After I've talked to a woman for a couple minutes,
I'll often say something like "Well, it was nice meeting you.
I'm going to get back to my friends."

They usually don't know what to do, as they're used to guys
clinging to them. Most of the time, they say "It was nice
meeting you too..." Then, just as I'm turning to walk away,
and we kind of disconnect, I turn back and say "HEY! Do you
have email?"

The "HEY!" is a bit surprising, and "Do you have email"
is non-threatening. In fact, I'm technically asking her if
she HAS email, not if she'll GIVE IT TO ME.

If she says "yes," I take out a pen and paper and say
"Great, write it down for me" and I have her write it down.
(This is great, as I just treat the 'yes' that they
give me as a yes to get it from them as well. And they've
almost ALL gone along with it so far) Then AS SHE'S IN THE
, I say "Write your number down there too."

When you ask for email, it's very low risk for a woman,
so she'll think "Fine, I'll do that." Most women will give out
an email address without thinking about it, because they know
that they can choose later to just not answer.

The magic of asking them to write their phone number down
WHILE they're in the middle of writing down their email is
all about the psychology of human behavior.

She's already mentally said "OK, I'll give you my email
address"... and she's in the middle of writing it down. When
you say "And just write your number down there too" it's only
NATURAL to just write it.

In other words, it's a MUCH smaller step than giving out
the phone number all by itself. It took me a while to
figure out this one out, but it works! You
will have women writing their phone numbers down without even
thinking twice.

Just realize that all you have to do is ask.
I've tried all kinds of things. And I've
gotten hundreds of phone numbers. I use this exact
sequence every time I talk to a woman and I want to get her
phone number. I've gotten to the point where I can often do
this in a minute or two - not kidding !

Good Luck!


New Member
Dec 22, 2004
Here Is The King's Way

I would walk up to the woman I like to see, open up my brief case showing her my stacks of Greek $$$$$$$$$$. Then I would say I am looking to empty my brief case tonight, would you mind giving me your email address and phone number? :cool: I don't remember I ever failed my mission. :D :p ;) LORL!!!
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Best Lover

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Sep 27, 2004
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Just Alex,

Great post!

You are exactly right and my same experience also. I actually came across this accidentally when one gorgeous young girl said "well, I never give my personal phone number but would you like my email address?" I said sure and she gave me her phone number when I sent her an email. I guess it is just a comfort level.

I think personal phone numbers are sometimes just "too personal" for someone you just met but email addresses don't seem so personal. I wonder if spam junkmail has added to the "not so personal" perception.

Another reason to get email addresses is to save on phone bills if you travel and meet women Internationally. I correspond with a few girls in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Montreal, and Europe.

Anyway, one of the best suggestions I have seen in awhile. Great advice!

Have fun hobbying and emailing! :)


New Member
Jun 30, 2005
This is very interesting, I can actually see falling for this, in fact, I think I have! I will have to be very careful, you guys are getting too slick for your own good.


Best Lover

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Sep 27, 2004
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MySP_love said:
This is very interesting, I can actually see falling for this, in fact, I think I have! I will have to be very careful, you guys are getting too slick for your own good.

Hi Melanie,

Exchanging emails and hooking up for some great pleasure and fun is a good thing. No need to "fall" for anything. :)

Melanie, please forward your email address and maybe we can connect next time I am in Montreal. :rolleyes:

btw, thanks for your funny post.....


New Member
Jun 16, 2004
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hey alex I know where you got that from, and you should quote the things if it you weren't the author. Just to let you know, but anyhow good post.

Best Lover

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Sep 27, 2004
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k2bro said:
hey alex I know where you got that from, and you should quote the things if it you weren't the author. Just to let you know, but anyhow good post.

When Just Alex said "Here's something interesting:" it appeared that it was a great article he found and wanted to share but I replied as if he wrote it since he could have written it.

Anyway, JA it would be great if you could give us the source and website if you didn't author it since I am sure the website has many more great articles like this.

And post more articles like this regardless if you write them or find them. :D


Nominem meum Nemo est
GOOGLE... Google.. google...

Best Lover said:
Anyway, JA it would be great if you could give us the source and website if you didn't author it since I am sure the website has many more great articles like this.:D
Just Google the phrase

"Then, just as I'm turning to walk away " (use quotation marks)

221 results ! :D

and so on....


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...

Interesting trick JustAlex but look like you forgot something... To tell where it came from. :( Nothing hint to thinking it comes from somebody else when the second line start with "I've personally..." without previous explanation.

You plain forgot about it or found it was worth trying to appropriate the article? Only you know... Unless that other guy stole your idea?

In french we call this "plagiat". I don't know the english name but that's stealing somebody's idea and pretending it's yours...
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the guy w/soft hands..
Aug 20, 2005
metoo4 said:
In french we call this "plagiat". I don't know the english name but that's stealing somebody's idea and pretending it's yours...

En anglais, erm... In english it's called plagiarism(sp?)


Aug 18, 2004
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I personally don't like this technique. Perhaps it will get you more numbers but it won't tell you if the girl likes you. If you just come out and ask for her number she'll give it to you if she likes you and she won't give it to you if she doesn't. All you're getting this way is some extra numbers from girls who aren't all that into you which is a waste of time anyway.


Getting wood daily
Nov 27, 2003
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The paragraphs are too neatly spaced in the original post... Well, Just Alex, Mister Plagiarist, let's hear from you. Or are you searching to lift from somewhere else to manufacture a response?
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