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Does C-36 just made its first victime? MERB ITSELF?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I was in the indy advertising section and notice a new post by Fred. I checked it and it seem nobody can post sexual services anymore. So that mean not CIM listing anymore, no Greek listing, wich mean more questions to ask to providers(especially futur new ones) and if they don't have a website there will be no ways of knowing if they do something or not exept asking plain and simple. Dunno about you but i feel its awkward to ask a provider if she does extras in a mail... Maybe im too shy or such, but even tough there is ways of asking and not going straigh to the "hey btw you do cim and greek? i still feel its not the best thing to ask this. I always took into consideration if a service ain't listed, its more or less not offered. But now... no way to know.

Then will we see goodgirls GFE/PSE disapear from the ads as well or this is considered ok? By the way what about the GFE listing, is this considered a sexual service? In a perfect world every provider would be GFE but we all know it ain't the case. Of course all the major agencies have website so they can still list there whatever they want(in hoping this won't be changed there as well) but some indies especially do not have websites...

And finally what about us the members, does our reviews will have to be vanilla? Can we still list what happened or not?

I somewhat have a bad feeling that merb is going back to the stone age a bit there. Even privatizing the place wouldn't fix anything as there is always a possbility trouble happen. The new law is not even yet active and still i feel we are the first victims of it.... I tough the whole point of going .CC was to make sure we would not be annoyed by this C-36 BS

edit : Maybe agencies can agree to use an universal system that would be allowed by merb? A new acronyme coding, or if the old one remain allowed, maybe keep the

SGFE : Safe
GFE : BBJ, DFK inclus
GFE+ : Cim
GFE ++ : Greek + Cim
GFE +/- : Greek mais pas Cim.

Et si ces en extra je sais pas un autre code qui marcherais qui serais pas un signe de piasse. Dsl si j'ai l'air silly un peu mais sa me desolerais que l'on doivent vraiment retourner au vieu listing "vague" ou la seul facon de savoir ce qui en est est de demander... Jsens que les boss d'agence vont peut-etre se tanner de ces questions...


Oct 11, 2010
i think the agencies prefer to remain discrete and not attract attention for a while to avoid being targeted from LE.
Its a good idea, after all we want them to remain in business and not be shut down.
Are all these graphic details all that important to advertise actually?

We know the good agencies that good good service..i guess more and more we will have to rely on pictures and on the agencies reputation :)

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well PERSONALLY and that engage only me, i remember back when agencies started to list services more and more, and how i would direct my business at the ones that did. I didn't had to ask the awkward question on phone(especially i didn't had a cell back then, so no texting, that was extra shamefull). The ultimate first reason that attracted me to googirls back then was that they listed services in a CLEAR WAY and YMMV was not for 2/3 girls.. Then yes i had extremely good services and thats why i kept using them, but the decisive factor to use them in the first place was that.

Now granted i know my favorite provider that does the services i like, but in 1-2-3 years they may be gone... and even agencies may be gone, who knows, so much happened since i joined... so the only way to know if a girl would do a service would be to ask the agency, and i feel they will get tired of being bothered with this.

So sure for the people wanting a general GFE, its not biggy, but to us that do like the extras and such, thats disapointing.

But yes ultimately sure i don't want them to go out of business, true, but i hope this whole situation is not to stay. I am SOOO pissed off at this governement really...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Fred does not want to get busted for promoting prostitution, plain and simple. What it means is you will need to go backchannel to discuss. Given all of the totally indiscreet threads in the MP section which have resulted in bans for posters exposing MPs to busts by discussing in too much detail the services provided, this is not a surprise.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
arg but does this mean we will even be forbidden to post details in reviews and discussion about provider?? MPs are one thing, but escorts are another.


Sep 4, 2006
I know what you mean about not being explicit with a provider in an e-mail. I never am, and will usually say things like "I have read many of your reviews and used them to form an expectation of what our time will be like". Of course if there are no reviews to go on it becomes trickier.


Active Member
Nov 24, 2006
Same question as HM's, is it still OK for us to include details in reviews? If yes, then we can still refer to the review threads for service details; otherwise there is no way we can find out on merb.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
What it means is you will need to go backchannel to discuss. Given all of the totally indiscreet threads in the MP section which have resulted in bans for posters exposing MPs to busts by discussing in too much detail the services provided, this is not a surprise.

First, the restriction is for the providers, not the reviews. So backchannel yes but reviews also. Second, the MPs restriction for the reviews is a good thing, IMHO, not much because of the legal consequences that are theoretical more than real: they don't bust parlors on the simple ground of prostitution occurring there. It's a good thing because you should not expect fs in there. Most MPs do not provide it, or at least to everybody asking for it. Talking about it builds expectations and expectations transforms easily into pressure to provide these services.


Jul 16, 2008
between you and "them"
And I got contacted by a salon to delete my posts even if there is nothing there to incriminate anyone....Their landlord is using our posts to say they are not welcome there. So I believe YES this board is being USED by idiots to make trouble for some. But I will not lay down and play dead : this law is so badly written, it's a joke, but on us, sadly.


Nov 12, 2007
You can say a lot in a review without actually saying anything. Even a simple, I was happy tells a lot.

Unless you must have her wear a gas mask and fur boots while jerking you off and nothing else will do.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
There is one thing that i wonder when a new law come into place. I mean they don't send flyers obviously so can we play the "dumbass" if we get busted for the first time, like "what...had no idea about this, since when its in effect?? " or stuff like that. I mean this ain't like some obvious laws like "don't steal from the store" or something.

The problem with the GFE is that even if we replace it, eventually it will become known to be that anyway... i feel we are never totally free to use terms. And if us the current member could work out a new system, a new member could be lost like crazy.

In any case this whole thing is bothering me to the max... I really tough this "law" was gonna be powder and artificials and not change anything for us the seasoned veterans. Yet i feel our "home" is being attacked and we have to surround it by barbwire to protect outself, wich really make it loose visual value. This is just an analogy but you get the picture. I call merb home as its our "HQ" if i can say for the hobby.

Could hirng a foreign webmaster could solve the issues that reverdy mentioned? Or as long as anything is tied up to Fred, it pose a problem?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere

Ignorance of the law is not a defense!

Would be to simple

But reasonable doubt and presumption of innocence still exist undet C-36




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Ignorance of the law is not a defense!

Correct and one of the first principles you learn in 1st year criminal law in law school. All citizens are presumed to know the law enacted by their legislatures. The "I am a dummy" defense does not work, but the "I am crazy" defense may, in certain situations.
May 28, 2012
Here's a thought. It's going to be harder to attract customers with statements of service. So maybe looks are going to need to play a bigger part of the initial equation. The increasing trend of posting face pics might escalate. Just a thought of what might be.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
What i meant is how one is supose to know the law changed? I mean its not like they tell the citizens... Its not like we receive flyers or whatever? Its like if they decide to put a 30 KM/H zone tomorow where it used to be 50 and don't change the sign.. can't expect drivers to know...

Rev : So in other words that would be too complicated to do... damn. I hate those laws that are stupid and just there to piss people off.. Can they just let us live in peace?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well yeah i don't see anybody movie to the netherlands lol

I hope the sex workers can win eventually... i hate so much this situation.

But its really not fair to condemn people that don't know about a law. Honestly i know about this only because im very active on merb, if i didn't frequent merb i would never know... So its one dude named Bedford that decided to have this crappy law?


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
would be to move abroad and adopt a new citizenship - that of the Netherlands for instance.

On my TDL list :thumb:

Best Regards


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Ah ok thanks for the clarification, but can't the surpreme court once again do something? Why the other parties didn't do anything to stop those law to pass... Its sad there is no manifestation and such like what happen when other stupid laws are pass...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Ah ok thanks for the clarification, but can't the surpreme court once again do something?.

Hi all and HM

What part of the new law is likely to be challenged ?
Like in any challenge if the Supreme Court rules against your challenge you are actually strengthening the law .
So a proper challenge under the proper issues must be done .

Which part of the new law put the girls at a higher risk ?
Those the fact that Internet publicity will be illegal ,does it really put them at more at risk ?
Predicting how Judges will react and think must be analyzed carefully .

Even if the law is ridiculous in its actual form and unlikely enforced Canada wide in its entirety ,it might provoke certain difficulties .

What motivates law man to investigate, arrest and convict ?

Good Luck all


Oct 11, 2010
i guess were just gonna have to be more discreet

The agencies are gonna have to advertise as strictly giving companionship services...nothing else
I think they can say GFE and not have a problem. GFE doesn't necessarily imply sexual relations

and we have to be careful giving reviews to not give too much details. just say like it was a good experience or not..or else the agency can have trouble...

but i dont think it will get to that point. if we stay relatively discreet. noone will bother us.

indys on ann 123 can probably be a bit more descriptive le won't bother with them unless they suspect pimping is going on
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