Montreal Escorts

Is it common for a girl to give you an appointment, and not show up?


Dec 19, 2012
It happened to me a few times lately. We arrange an appointment in a few hours. Then the girl doesn't show up. And she doesn't answer any of my call or message anymore. This is what pisses me off. At least she could message me saying she can't come. Is this common? I wonder if it has something to do with me or if it happens to other people.


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Sep 26, 2004
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Agreed with Patron, there are some great agencies/indies with great reviews you shouldn't have a problem here on the merb. Stick to review and reputation that how a great business is built on "reputation"


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
It is rare with elite ladies.
It is disappointing but sometimes things happen that are out of their control, sickness, or other problems.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Happens rarely but I remember all those times I have sat and waited and waited and she didn't show. I will say that my batting average in Montreal is outstanding.

I think it really helps when you are experienced in a hobby location and you know the game and the reliable agencies and people. It also helps when you attend GTs and get to meet some of the SPs and agency bookers.

I was in Vegas and I got stood-up. That was the only SP that didn't bother to contact me or return any of my calls and e-mails. I think that you should probably confirm more than once and especially that morning. Be prepared for a plan "B."

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
As some said, it is not common practices by agency (they will offer a replacement) and indies that have a good reputation and work profesionally. They will let you know they can't meet you usually. BP is a whole different story.

Go by the rule of 15 mins....

Late by 15 mins, give her a text, if by 30 mins she has not answered, move on. If she answer and say she will be a bit late add another 15 mins, and if by 45 min she has not arrived, move on. Unless its a snowy day and she drive herself, and she lives outside MTL, i see no reason to be late more than 45 min. So in the end you loose 45 mins, but that should let you enough time to find a plan B if you booked a 4H or such.


Sep 4, 2006
Its not common. It happened to me 2 times in 10 years. All occasions was with an agency. 1 of them offered a replacement, which I declined. Never happened to me with an independent.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Hello Birds,

It's extremely uncommon. In all the years only one person didn't show up. It was on the second time I wanted to see her and it was a known risk with someone who had a reputation for doing that with regularity. Otherwise there were some cancellations well before the trips, but to fail to show up on a confirmed appointment while I'm in Montreal was unheard of for me other than the one exception.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Highly un-common if you use Merb advertisers or trusted reviews.
Based on you history of using ill repute sites.
And your history of complaining about grossly overweight and deceptive indies.....I just could imagine the turn-off questions you ask before booking.
In your case its probably bad karna


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The only time I ever had a no show that I can remember- with a MERB advertiser that is, and not low end, backpage or no reputation providers - was with an agency called Bodylicious about 10 years ago. They were not a well reviewed agency, but I took a chance based on backchannel feedback that they had one really outstanding lady. She was the one I booked. I was told at least 5 times she would come and then finally there was a phone call from the operator 10 minutes before the scheduled late night date time that she wasn't working.

Birds I think you should read Clousurf's last post and take it to heart and maybe do a bit of a mirror check because I am guessing the problem is partly who you are calling and partly the communication you are using. There is no reason to have this happen except once in maybe 10 years using well reviewed agencies. It's really not that hard to just call the well reviewed and reliable agencies. Unless they blacklisted you, that is.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
One time a lady didn't show or call. I was disappointed, naturally.

Later I found out she was ill and I actually felt ashamed of myself for being so self centred.

I am not perfect and I don't expect the ladies to be either.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Based on you history of using ill repute sites.
And your history of complaining about grossly overweight and deceptive indies.....I just could imagine the turn-off questions you ask before booking.

I've seen some of Birds posts but not enough to say much about his style of posting. I read Cloudsurf many many times and knows his style and character well. If Cloudsurf is correct, which is more likely than not to use a phrase, then it's a big part of the problem. Apart from that, whether the comments about Birds is accurate, if you are someone who is frequently going toward more risky escort options and at the same time overly or unjustly critical then you are making your own problems and increasing the risks. Plus you are getting a reputation with the escorts.

Comments and reviews should be truthful. But if you are taking higher risk options then complaining more about choices that were bad poorer risks to begin with then part of what needs to be done is to change your methods. Otherwise you are helping to make the situation worse and what can you expect more problems, especially if your own style of inquiry is adding to the problem of turning off the escort or the agency.

I am not perfect and I don't expect the ladies to be either.

A few times ladies have been sick and there was an excused cancellation. I thought not showing up was separate from that.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I don't know who Birds is but he appears to be very blunt. I do know Cloudsurf and he is a nice guy...sort of a fatherly figure to the girls of Montreal and very protective and this is a good thing. Having said this, I think there is an element of truth to what Birds has said. Go look at the Indy Companions. There are some beautiful girls there and some high end girls that I would give my right blank to be with. However, there are several girls there that fit the description. Many would be considered overweight and I don't mean just by insurance standards. Several seem to be covered with ink and piercings etc. Some are more ink than skin and there are some even more strange fetish girls that I think would fit in rather well at a circus side show. I don't think that this is bad. If there is a market for this, so be it. I just remember when I started attending GTs that I was just surprised to see what people would be willing to pay up to 2x the fee for in some cases when the agency girls were younger, more fit and half the price. But who am I to question their business models? Didn't Adam Smith say let the market work...or was it the Invisible Hand (in this case Hand-Job) that he spoke of? Oh well. There are a lot of nice Indies and agency girls out there.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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Indys are the worst. Sometimes life gets in the way and yes I do understand. They have lives away from this hobby and kids get sick, family's make demands on the spur of the moment, friends have problems. Agencies, incall, they tend to advertise a schedule and then are at the risk of the girl not showing for work for some of the reasons I mentioned for indy's. For the agencies I think they should update the schedules on their web page daily, then when a client checks he will be assured that the girls in question are actually there

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The only no shows I have had were with BP when I first started the hobby.


Sep 4, 2006
My 2 no shows were with Harem escorts and Celine, both defunct. Both assured me that she was about to show up and only conceded that she was a no show maybe 15 minutes after the agreed time. Celine's offered a replacement and I declined. Its too bad though because it was Annabelle and I later saw her as an indy and she totally rocked. Only got to see her once before she retired.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Annabelle loves to travel for extended periods of time....I would not be surprised if she popped back on the scene one day.
If she does then I would be first in line to see her again.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
For the agencies I think they should update the schedules on their web page daily, then when a client checks he will be assured that the girls in question are actually there

Yes this is a part i never understood. Keeping a certain girl profile on when they know clearly she won't work. It all lead to disapointement from the client and a waste of time. Sometimes they put "fully booked" but then what with the people that had already booked?

I really apreciate when i see agencies like xxxtase lately that have start putting "canceled her shift" . We now shit can happen, there is no shame in cancelling from time to time. As long as its not 1 on 2 times. lol.


New Member
Dec 25, 2014
I have had the opposite problem here in Toronto where they either don't show up or cancel 10 minutes before after I have traveled all the way to see them and prepared... :/


Dec 19, 2012
I am kinda depressed. After months of getting scammed by fatties with fake pictures, I finally found a slim escort. She was really hot. I saw her once. But on the second appointment, she never showed up, and ignore my messages since then. She still put ads daily though. This pisses me off. Now I am back at getting scammed by fatties with fake pictures. I think I'll just stop hobbying altogether instead. I would rather keep my money. Ads and pictures can't be trusted anymore.


Nov 22, 2013
It happens one time to me with a regular Indy I was seeing. She text me 30 minutes before the appointment to tell me she was just waking up and she was not feeling well as she was thinking to have the flue. She tell me to decide if I want to cancel or continu with the appointment. I decided to cancel. I tried 3 or 4 time after that to book an appointment with her but she doesn't answer or she tell she was not available. I think she was not happy with my decision to cancel. Bad for me because I was really like the sessions with this Indy.
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