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Showing up late to an appointment


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
You can call me mommy :cool:

Haha, but no joke.

This just happened to me earlier :( - I felt compelled to state something because it should be known. I guess mommying comes with the territory lol…
Will I get spanked if I’m late, mommy? ;)
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Nov 26, 2023
life happens and it can be a B*tch, when your the one doing the traveling things can happen to delay.

I'm traveling, so if they are late, it's a problem, but i have given some benifit of the doubt and on a quiet day waited around a bit (to find out it was just some timewaister)
most of my calls are not pland out well in advance, most are first come first serve, are you available now? Type things, I can give an estimate of how long, but if it takes me longer... yes it takes as long as it takes to get there, if I'm late, it's because of unforseen circumstances.

Visits planned out in advance, appointments made. I tell anyone who contacts me anywhere from 2-3 hours before (last minute bookings) I can't, and will try to book them for after the set appointment. As for canceling, appointments made well in advance, I don't concider an appointment officially locked in & confirmed till morning of, if they ghost my responces for confirmation, I will go about my day as though the appointment was never made. If it's same day but later, I give them a final confirmation 2 hours before. If they have to back out, life happened, I get it. Next time. But confirm the final confirmation time then back out, I won't take your contacting me serious any more.

Everyones time is important. Everyone is their own main character in their own life. Yes, my business, my rules. It is easy to forget that while someone is contacting us during their free time, does not negate the fact that their time is just as valuable as ours, and they may be on time constraints too.
It is also a little easy to forget when your the one working... depending on what business your in, it is a regular issue with almost every line of work. Customer wants now, supplier needs time to make it happen. We all learn while on the job, any job, our time is more important than others and to do things our pace.

^^^^ i really should have read more before commenting where i did.

Very on topic.
I love your pictures rebaynina
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
life happens and it can be a B*tch, when your the one doing the traveling things can happen to delay.
That’s what I was going to say.
Been cancelled on a few times and made to wait. Also had to cancel and been late a few times. Life happens. As long as it’s not a regular occurrence.
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