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Bret Hart in WWE Hall of Fame

King of Bling

Mar 14, 2005
What do you think of Bret Hart in the WWE Hall of Fame????

I can't wait to see him finally take his place among the all time greats.

I just wish he could come back just one last time, run in on the HBK vs. Vinnie Mac match this Sunday at WM 22, and put the figure four around the ring post on Shawn Michaels.........




New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Bret Hart: the 597th best there is, was, or ever will be. If I had more time I'd list the 596 who were better...but I'll just START with Buddy Rogers, Yukon Eric, Yvon Robert, Johnny Rougeau, Antonino Rocca, King Kong Bundy, Gorgeous George, Whipper Billy Watson, Fred Blassie, Bull Zoomar, Roddy Piper, Edouard Carpentier, Bobby Managoff, and Lou Kim. Bret couldn't carry the jocks of ANY of these.


Feb 26, 2006
joelcairo said:
Bret Hart: the 597th best there is, was, or ever will be. If I had more time I'd list the 596 who were better...but I'll just START with Buddy Rogers, Yukon Eric, Yvon Robert, Johnny Rougeau, Antonino Rocca, King Kong Bundy, Gorgeous George, Whipper Billy Watson, Fred Blassie, Bull Zoomar, Roddy Piper, Edouard Carpentier, Bobby Managoff, and Lou Kim. Bret couldn't carry the jocks of ANY of these.

And that makes you about...... one hundred and eight years old.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
joelcairo...I agree with a few of your choices but King Kong Bundy???? He's the only wrestler you named from the same era as Hart and you couldn't do better than that? Who's next? Jimmy Snuka or Jake the Snake?


New Member
Oct 5, 2005
pinkworm said:
Why do professional wrestlers need a Hall of Fame?

There's lifetime acheivements for actors... it's all the same thing. While I understand the stigma pro wrestling has, it's still an outlet and it's entertainment for a lot of people. These guys and gals bust their ass in a relatively dangerous occupation solely for entertainment. The money can be good, but they work for it, no doubt.

Back on topic, happy for Brett. Yeah, he got screwed, but that was almost 10 years ago. Time to bury the hatchet and move on. Billy Graham did it with Vince, and I'm happy to see Brett and Vince do likewise.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
I've heard,I'm not sure 100% that they'r gonna put Greg Gagne into their Hall of Fame.
Did he ever wrestle for WWF?
As for Brett,sure he deserves the honnour,but I find it ironic that guys 20 years older than him still wrestle on regular basis.:confused:


New Member
Oct 5, 2005
Brett had a stroke and is physically unable to wrestle. Goldberg botched a kick and gave Brett a concussion. While the stroke didn't happen immediately, it contributed to it later on.


Feb 26, 2006
PCGuy said:
Back on topic, happy for Brett. Yeah, he got screwed, but that was almost 10 years ago. Time to bury the hatchet and move on. Billy Graham did it with Vince, and I'm happy to see Brett and Vince do likewise.

Billy Graham did the reverse to McMahon that McMahon did to Bret. Not the same thing at ALL. Plus Graham came crawling back to apologize cause he's out of money. Bret would not accept anything more than airfare and hotel for his appearance, which WWE will be making tons off of.

Why do professional wrestlers need a Hall of Fame?

Umm, are you serious? Are you trying to say that because wrestling is what you would call 'fake', that some of these people aren't masters at what they do? Then why have the academy awards? Please.

I've heard,I'm not sure 100% that they'r gonna put Greg Gagne into their Hall of Fame.
Did he ever wrestle for WWF?

Greg Gagne is inducting his father Verne Gagne. And no, neither wrestled for WWE, but since WWE owns all the footage to the AWA they own everything that still exists about it. So if they don't induct, then who? Same concept goes for Harley Race, who did next to nothing in WWF than he did in the NWA.

Bret Hart: the 597th best there is, was, or ever will be. If I had more time I'd list the 596 who were better... King Kong Bundy ....

I'm gonna tell that one to my friends so we can all have a good laugh.
And the rest, you are comparing mostly local talent in a different area. It's like comparing Maurice Richard to Wayne Gretzky... two different areas in which the games changed. I could easily say that our era is better now than then because who was capable of a shooting star press back then? No one did it, it was developed yet. Doesn't mean one was better than the other.

Your point would have some validity if you did post KKB and "Bobby Managoff".


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I'm only 107 years old - how dare you try to imply that I'm 108?

There are (obviously, for those who are capable of doing a little math) many other wrestlers in the group of 596 who are better than the overhyped and overrated Bret Hart - his own (late) brother Owen, for one! We could also mention Trish Stratus...and (yes!) Jimmy Superfly Snuka. Even that cokehead Jake Roberts could have been better if he hadn't been so hooked on blow. Oh, and in my original list, I should have included Don Leo Jonathan, one of the first and best big men.


Feb 26, 2006
you're also forgetting SD Jones, Kamala, Repo Man, Henry Godwinn, Haystacks Calhoon... ALL of em easily better than Bret.

By the way... what ever it is that you're smoking... I GOTTA try it! That stuff must be wicked!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Hey Dudemtl, I know you're trying to be witty (it was SD Jones that gave you away) but now that you mention it by God, Repo Man (aka Barry Darsow, aka one of the original Demolition - don't know if he was Ax or Smash) obviously wasn't as good as Hart (meaning he doesn't make the top 597) but he was more creative mentally and had a better shtick in ANY of his personas than old pink Bret. (By the way, I don't smoke anything - bad for the lungs). Try to catch a video or two from the pre Vince McMahon (Junior) era and you'll see that in those days the wrestlers actually had some talent.


Feb 26, 2006
You are comparing a generic one dimensional CARICATURE in the repo man to a three dimensional wrestling LEGEND in Bret Hart, and you expect me to take you seriously?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
By the way, Dudemtl, since you don't seem to know anything about Bobby Managoff (or, as you would say, "Bobby Managoff"), try this link:

You might then see that people who actually know something about wrestling consider him one of the greatest ever.

Of course, I realize that in 2006 history counts for nothing - Elvis Presley (who?) The Beatles (who?) Black Sabbath (who?) - nah, give me Nickelback man - they fuckin' rock, says today's hip fan (chuckle, chuckle, retch!). That would be the rock n roll equivalent of Bret in the wrestling pantheon.


Feb 26, 2006
Talk to me when you can make a point that isn't one dimensional, exaggerated, or says that you can't let go of the past. Thanks.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Dude, you were the one who brought up Repo Man. If you try re-reading what I wrote you may notice that I didn't say he was a better wrestler than your beloved Bret - I said he had a better shtick...gee, I don't know, maybe because he WAS a caricature. Maybe that was the whole point, Dude. Lighten up man - don't you know it's all a show? Or do you think your beloved legend spent his working life in pink long underwear because it gave him an athletic edge? Jesus Christ, even your legend admitted as much when he was interviewed by Michael Landsberg on Off the Record. Yeah, Bret was okay, but he wasn't up there with the greatest, and if you did a little research (old videos like I suggested) you might realize that. While you're at it, you might put away the Nickelback CDs for a while also.


Feb 26, 2006
"While you're at it, you might put away the Nickelback CDs for a while also."

do you not see how comments like this speak more about you than me?
Do you even know how old I am?
Do you see how one dimensional and jaded and unfounded everything you say is?
The more you speak the way you do, the less credibility you convey.
I wonder if you are this way with women as well.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
No Dude, gotta confess: don't know how old you are. Also Dude, gotta confess again: don't really care. I just know that you have no sense of history. By the way, you might try reading Ric Flair's autobiography to see how much he thinks of The Legend in Pink. Oh, and Dude, how did we get on the topic of how I am with women - was Nickelback singing something on that theme? Anyway, Dude, I take it all back - you're right: Bret's the greatest ever. After all he won the world title 5 times (and we know none of those matches were staged, right?) AND - don't forget - he had that great pink underwear - no sir, the Hit Man was no caricature (even if he DID refer to "the Hitman Bret Hart" as "my character").
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