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Bret Hart in WWE Hall of Fame


Feb 26, 2006
joelcairo said:
No Dude, gotta confess: don't know how old you are. Also Dude, gotta confess again: don't really care. I just know that you have no sense of history. By the way, you might try reading Ric Flair's autobiography to see how much he thinks of The Legend in Pink. Oh, and Dude, how did we get on the topic of how I am with women - was Nickelback singing something on that theme? Anyway, Dude, I take it all back - you're right: Bret's the greatest ever. After all he won the world title 5 times (and we know none of those matches were staged, right?) AND - don't forget - he had that great pink underwear - no sir, the Hit Man was no caricature (even if he DID refer to "the Hitman Bret Hart" as "my character").

I guess you don't understand the difference between 'character' and 'caricature.' Read up on it.

As for the Ric Flair thing, I would suggest you go back and watch the match where Bret won his first title. Oh, why is it so hard to find? Because it sucked.
Flair continually sabotaged the matches, leaving to his eventual departure from the company a few months later. Not to say Flair isn't the greatest, but they had a real life feud together, so to read into his book as some sort of 'proof' that Bret isn't great is again, one-dimensional.

"how did we get on the topic of how I am with women"

Basically, if you are making gross generalizations when you are communicating with women, then you aren't getting laid. Simple as that. I don't need you to answer this question, as I'm sure you know the truth for yourself.

None of his matches were staged? Noooo! But of course all of Johnny Rougeaus' werent'. He was just real..... riiiiight.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
The Rougeaus were great Montreal wrestlers but they never really made the big time in the States. My favorite memory of them was when Raymond and Jacques Jr. were starting out and the fought the Road Warriors. They got destroyed in about 30 seconds and then either Johnny or Jacques got in the ring and also got hammered. And this was in Montreal. Of course, like every match, it was scripted. But it showed how they were thought of in wrestling circles at the time. Good but not good enough. Old school wrestlers cannot be compared with Hart's generation. It at least tried to be real in the old days. By the time Hart made it big it was on it's way to becoming what it is today...pure soap opera for men. As far as Flair is concerned, yes he puts on a good show but the problem is that it's the same show in every match. He was the most self absorbed wrestler of all time. And if you consider that he stole the Nature Boy gimmick from Buddy Rogers he wasn't very original either. And he's also a very good friend of George Bush sr. who he campaigned for. Hart has one very important statistic going for him...he never injured an opponent in the ring. Unfortunately many careless wrestlers injured him in the ring, with the last one, Goldberg, ending his career.

The wrestlers of today couldn't carry Hart's jock or even tie his boots.

By the anyone heading out to watch Wrestlemania on the big screen anywhere tomorrow?
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New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Techman said:
As far as Flair is concerned, yes he puts on a good show but the problem is that it's the same show in every match. He was the most self absorbed wrestler of all time. And if you consider that he stole the Nature Boy gimmick from Buddy Rogers he wasn't very original either. And he's also a very good friend of George Bush sr. who he campaigned for. The wrestlers of today couldn't carry Hart's jock or even tie his boots.

By the anyone heading out to watch Wrestlemania on the big screen anywhere tomorrow?

I might have considered it, but for the fact that i just can't get very excited about this year's wrestlemania...I feel the same as I did 10 years ago when i saw 1995's show. Does anyone remember it? The one that stank so bad, it's featured match was Bam Bam bigelow versus Lawrence Taylor the football player(?!?). I desperately searched for an outstanding match in that one, and we get Diesel vs Shawn Michaels (yawnnnnnn....), Poor Bret vs Bob Backlund, The Undertaker vs JoelCairo's favorite guy King Kong Bundy, and on and on...

thank god Vince woke up and shook things up as 1996 was a true financial and creative turning point for his company...He's got some great performers now as he did then, and I keep hoping he'll repeat 1996's overhaul if tomorrow's show fails. The only match I'd like to see would be Kurt Angle vs Orton vs Mysterio (gahhhh! What did Chris Benoit do to be stuck against JBL?)

But definitely monday I'll be catching the hall of fame show on TSN, to see Bret...that should be amazing! I became a fan of his well before he struck it big as a singles guy, and feel he deserves his status as a future canadian icon...

BTW, was anyone else there a few years ago at a small wrestling show by Jacques Rougeau's local wrestling fed where Bret appeared for the first time in person soon after his stroke? I was there with my son who'd only heard of Bret from talks with me, and when he finally got on stage, there was barely a dry eye in the house....


Feb 26, 2006
Techman said:
The Rougeaus were great Montreal wrestlers but they never really made the big time in the States. My favorite memory of them was when Raymond and Jacques Jr. were starting out and the fought the Road Warriors. They got destroyed in about 30 seconds and then either Johnny or Jacques got in the ring and also got hammered. And this was in Montreal. Of course, like every match, it was scripted. But it showed how they were thought of in wrestling circles at the time. Good but not good enough. Old school wrestlers cannot be compared with Hart's generation. It at least tried to be real in the old days. By the time Hart made it big it was on it's way to becoming what it is today...pure soap opera for men. As far as Flair is concerned, yes he puts on a good show but the problem is that it's the same show in every match. He was the most self absorbed wrestler of all time. And if you consider that he stole the Nature Boy gimmick from Buddy Rogers he wasn't very original either. And he's also a very good friend of George Bush sr. who he campaigned for. Hart has one very important statistic going for him...he never injured an opponent in the ring. Unfortunately many careless wrestlers injured him in the ring, with the last one, Goldberg, ending his career.

The wrestlers of today couldn't carry Hart's jock or even tie his boots.

By the anyone heading out to watch Wrestlemania on the big screen anywhere tomorrow?

I totally saw that match! But was it not against the Garvins?

And yeah, I'm heading to CHamps Bar tomorrow... get there early! The place sells out very fast.. like 300 people there....

Originally Posted by Techman
As far as Flair is concerned, yes he puts on a good show but the problem is that it's the same show in every match. He was the most self absorbed wrestler of all time. And if you consider that he stole the Nature Boy gimmick from Buddy Rogers he wasn't very original either. And he's also a very good friend of George Bush sr. who he campaigned for. The wrestlers of today couldn't carry Hart's jock or even tie his boots.

By the anyone heading out to watch Wrestlemania on the big screen anywhere tomorrow?

"I might have considered it, but for the fact that i just can't get very excited about this year's wrestlemania...I feel the same as I did 10 years ago when i saw 1995's show. Does anyone remember it? The one that stank so bad, it's featured match was Bam Bam bigelow versus Lawrence Taylor the football player(?!?). I desperately searched for an outstanding match in that one, and we get Diesel vs Shawn Michaels (yawnnnnnn....), Poor Bret vs Bob Backlund, The Undertaker vs JoelCairo's favorite guy King Kong Bundy, and on and on..."

You are SO the man! I was watching it during the 'dark period' too! I think I have like EVERY PPV on taPe from then. Remember King of the Ring 95? Diesel / Bam Bam vs. Sid and TATANKA?!?! That PPV is regarded as the worst in WWE history.

"thank god Vince woke up and shook things up as 1996 was a true financial and creative turning point for his company...He's got some great performers now as he did then, and I keep hoping he'll repeat 1996's overhaul if tomorrow's show fails. The only match I'd like to see would be Kurt Angle vs Orton vs Mysterio (gahhhh! What did Chris Benoit do to be stuck against JBL?)"

This is seriously a big waste of Benoit.. they shoulda but him in the money in the bank.

"BTW, was anyone else there a few years ago at a small wrestling show by Jacques Rougeau's local wrestling fed where Bret appeared for the first time in person soon after his stroke? I was there with my son who'd only heard of Bret from talks with me, and when he finally got on stage, there was barely a dry eye in the house...."

Shit.. I just met the first person who was also there that night. Wow. What a night... I can't even describe in words what I saw. Just seeing him hobble out to his old music sent goosebumps down my spine.

Too bad the Rest of Rougeau's shows are always shit.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005

Please give Rougeau a break.He's trying his best to bring back local wrestling,and most of the times he dosen't make a penny out of his shows.
He's giving a second chance to many wrestlers and local guys.
What he needs his support.
With the WWE,it's like David vs Goliath.
He'd need a tv show,that would help him,perhaps on RDS.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Hey Dude, here's a suggestion: let's have Bret run for Prime Minister - you can be his campaign manager and you can choose some cool Nickelback song as his theme. Then, after he gets elected, the next step would be to suggest him as the next Pope - I think the pink long underwear would go over great in the Vatican. Just one problem though Dude - from what I understand, they prefer real athletes (not actors) in Rome. Still, Bret might have a chance with you running the show, because your love shines through so strongly in everything you do. No hard feelings Dude: you can even have this suggestion for free - when Bret makes his run at the papacy, you can nickname his CHARACTER (please note I didn't say "caricature", heaven forbid) the Repope Man. And if - unexpectedly - Bret loses, you can always climb to the highest tower and scream through the tears in your eyes, "Bret got screwed" (while, of course, some great Nickelback tearjerker plays in the background). Now, Dude there you go - no one can ever again tell you to get a life because you now have a reason to live: the noble dream to get the great Bret Hart what he truly deserves. Best wishes man.


Feb 26, 2006
joelcairo said:
Hey Dude, here's a suggestion: let's have Bret run for Prime Minister - you can be his campaign manager and you can choose some cool Nickelback song as his theme. Then, after he gets elected, the next step would be to suggest him as the next Pope - I think the pink long underwear would go over great in the Vatican. Just one problem though Dude - from what I understand, they prefer real athletes (not actors) in Rome. Still, Bret might have a chance with you running the show, because your love shines through so strongly in everything you do. No hard feelings Dude: you can even have this suggestion for free - when Bret makes his run at the papacy, you can nickname his CHARACTER (please note I didn't say "caricature", heaven forbid) the Repope Man. And if - unexpectedly - Bret loses, you can always climb to the highest tower and scream through the tears in your eyes, "Bret got screwed" (while, of course, some great Nickelback tearjerker plays in the background). Now, Dude there you go - no one can ever again tell you to get a life because you now have a reason to live: the noble dream to get the great Bret Hart what he truly deserves. Best wishes man.

That made me want to rear back... and spunk a HUGE load all over your face.




Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Brett Hart not a real athlete?!
Come on!Joelcairo!He might not br your fave but give the some credit.
He's always been in shape,no fat and just enough muscle mass.
After all you need to be in shape to look good in pink.Remember Adrian Adonis?:eek:


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Hey Dude, you must be in Heaven man: I hear Nickelback just snagged a couple of Junos. Sincere congratulations.

By the way thanks for your concern about my sex life, but I'm doing fine - the girls seem to like me because they say I don't obsess over cartoon characters and athletes like some of their old boyfriends did.

Congratulations again on the Nickelback victories! Nice going. (Not really my cup of tea but I'm still happy for you.) Best wishes to Bret.


Feb 26, 2006
joelcairo said:
Hey Dude, you must be in Heaven man: I hear Nickelback just snagged a couple of Junos. Sincere congratulations.

By the way thanks for your concern about my sex life, but I'm doing fine - the girls seem to like me because they say I don't obsess over cartoon characters and athletes like some of their old boyfriends did.

Congratulations again on the Nickelback victories! Nice going. (Not really my cup of tea but I'm still happy for you.) Best wishes to Bret.

Sorry? What? I was busy shaking the remaining dew off my lilly.
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