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New Member
Jun 9, 2006
Thanks Mod 5

Mod 5 said:
Hello all,

The matter with Karma and carguy69 has been cleaned up. Several posts from this thread have been removed. After exchanging PMs with carguy69, it appears both he and Karma spent a few days together and used the same internet connection. Given that his explantion with dates matched my data, I can consider the case closed and delete my post in the "duplicates and shils" thread.

I also want to apologize to both Karma and carguy69 for this error.

I can now state that Karma is clean. However, carguy69, you should PM me regarding any other duplicates or explanations as to why I am still getting duplicates with your account.

In the future, if your going to share the same internet connection, you should inform me beforehand, before I spot the duplicate.


Mod 5

Thanks for your quick response in resolving this matter. I have responded to you via PM on your questions.



New Member
Jun 9, 2006
gtadick said:
Hmmmm- in rereading this thread it looks to me like Carguy is well connected with Helene-he knows her every move and schedule.

Hey Carguy you her pseudo pimp? Boyfriend? Boyfriend in waiting? Sounds like it to me. Better yet looking at your posting history maybe Carguy is another personna for Karma=Helene.

Sounds to me the best way to get Helene is go through him. Maybe you need to chat Carguy up and see if he can't connect you as he certainly appears to be on the inside with this escort and know her every move.

Could even be her driver!

I would offer to take him out for drinks or dinner, slip him a $100 to set me up with her.


You are wrong on all counts except for the fact I am a regular of Karma (errr ... Helene). She is my ATF but you and others know already that she has a certain seductive power over the male species.

Interested parties will have to contact her themselves ... but please leave a bit of free time for me.



Lover of Life
Jul 11, 2006
Western Canada
Mod 5 said:
both he and Karma spent a few days together and used the same internet connection.

That's exactly what popped into my mind as soon as this bit of business broke earlier today. Suffice to say I am glad to hear that the reputation of my favorite Montreal girl will remain untarnished. :)

Good day everyone!


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
I would like to thank carguy69 for contacting me on Terb. I am glad this matter was resolved fairly quickly but not before I expressed my anger with Karma. I owe her a public apology for doubting her sincerety and loyalty. Karma, I am sorry for doubting you and I hope you can forgive me.

Finally, I need to publicly thank EagerBeaver for being smart. He actually read carguy69's first post and asked some basic questions. Perhaps the Mods should have read carguy69's first post as well.:rolleyes:



New Member
Jun 9, 2006
Knights of Merb to the rescue!

General Gonad said:
I would like to thank carguy69 for contacting me on Terb. I am glad this matter was resolved fairly quickly but not before I expressed my anger with Karma. I owe her a public apology for doubting her sincerety and loyalty. Karma, I am sorry for doubting you and I hope you can forgive me.

Finally, I need to publicly thank EagerBeaver for being smart. He actually read carguy69's first post and asked some basic questions. Perhaps the Mods should have read carguy69's first post as well.:rolleyes:


General Gonad, Eager Beaver

Thanks for your efforts in helping to clear Karma's good name. Luckily I was able to contact you through other boards.

Don't be too hard on Mod 5; he has a tough job here. He had evidence and acted on it.

Now let's hope Karma not mad at me for trying to help her out with my travel post.

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I did not come into this thread to clear anyone's name, or not, but rather to ask some basic questions that were apparently never asked.

And in that regard, you owe this Board an explanation as to which carguy on TERB you claim to be. There are two posters named carguy on TERB - "carguy" and "carguy34." You claimed to be a TERB poster for 2 years. Carguy34 is a TERB poster for 2 years, registered since 2004. Carguy is a TERB poster for 5 years, registered in 2001. Carguy put up a post on TERB, claiming that he was you.

Generally most posters with intelligence above mental retardation level know whether they have posted 2 or 5 years on a board.

Who are you?


All about sex to the max
Feb 29, 2004
Boston, USA
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MERB Credibility

An incident like this threatens to destroy the credibility of MERB and of all those who contribute to this board. It is simply unacceptable for a Moderator to make public an action of banning without unimpeachable evidence. To do so impugns the integrity of all the parties involved. To rescind the banning so shortly after it was announced confirms that the initial judgment was rash and unfair.

In my opinion the only way for even minimal credibility to be restored is for Mod 5 to act with integrity and resign.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Mod 5 said:
You should also know, ( I shouldn't be posting this but I will) a trick used by some shills is to register a name from Terb, Perb, or another board and to claim they are long time posters on this other board in order to give themselves credibility. For example, I can go register General Gonad on terb and start posting saying, "I'm credible, go check out my 2000 posts on Merb". Do you get the picture ? The fact carguy69 claimed he was from terb ( two carguy's on terb btw) doesn't mean much.

Mod 5,

You're right, someone can easily steal a board handle from Terb or Perb, which is why I registered there a long time ago. Carguy on Terb is carguy69 here, which is confusing to say the least (members should keep the same board handle on each board). But I am glad he contacted me on Terb and we cleared this matter up. This young lady depends on this board to help her book clients. She didn't need this incident but her reputation is strong enough to speak for itself.


P.S. madmax, I am just as angry as you about this whole incident. In the future, the Mods need to be very careful before they ban providers and credible members.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The math doesn't compute. That carguy has been registered since 2001. That's 5 years, not 2. Unless the guy flunked math at the U of Toronto, it doesn't add up.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maxima said:
Yeah. And he's been using PM on Merb many times before. Somehow that does not jive with his asking for assistance on TERB about how to contact Mod5. It is hard to believe that he did not know how to PM Mod5.

How is he suppose to PM Mod 5 if he was permanently banned?:rolleyes: When I was banned after feuding with Ziggy, I PMed Fred Zed, the owner of these boards, on Terb to reinstate me. I wrote him that my ban was totally unacceptable. I was not able to PM any Mods here because I couldn't log on to Merb.



New Member
Jun 9, 2006
My responses

General Gonad said:
on Terb is carguy69 here, which is confusing to say the least (members should keep the same board handle on each board). But I am glad he contacted me on Terb and we cleared this matter up.

GG, by the time I joined merb, the handle carguy was gone.

EagerBeaver said:
The math doesn't compute. That carguy has been registered since 2001. That's 5 years, not 2. Unless the guy flunked math at the U of Toronto, it doesn't add up.

EB, I forgot when I joined. My memory must be fading with age. Sorry for the confusion.

Maxima said:
Yeah. And he's been using PM on Merb many times before. Somehow that does not jive with his asking for assistance on TERB about how to contact Mod5. It is hard to believe that he did not know how to PM Mod5.

Maxima, did you forget I was (permamently) banned from merb? How could I get through to the mods if I couldn't log onto merb PM?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
carguy69 said:
GG, by the time I joined merb, the handle carguy was gone.

That is why you need to choose orignal handles like Horny Henry or Erection Eddie!:D:D:D


P.S. I need to laugh after a day like today. I am kind of glad Karma isn't here to have read all the crap.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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madmax said:
In my opinion the only way for even minimal credibility to be restored is for Mod 5 to act with integrity and resign.

Given the enormous amount of confusion that was created by carguy69, apparently unintentionally on his part, I give Mod 5 a pass. Two posters sharing an Internet connection should have the common sense to let the Mod know, especially if putting up posts like carguy has been putting up. On top of that carguy is confused over whether he was registered on TERB for 2 or 5 years, and there are actually 4 carguys in total on both Boards. And now Tony will probably create some new carguy handles. So I think Mod 5 should be cut some slack considering this huge morass of confusion.

BTW, in the past I have been caught by the Mods posting under my own handle while on Doc Holliday's lap top and on Donny B's laptop while in Montreal, and was warned not to do it again. For these same reasons. I no longer post on other member's computers.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maxima said:
Overall, Mod5 did an excellent job despite the following "contradicting" observations which I condider minor:
1) Mod5 has been too tolerant toward a specific poster despite many complaints, private or public about that poster's bully behavior and habit of calling people names.

There are bullies on this board?:eek: :rolleyes:


P.S. I agree with the rest of your post.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maxima said:
carguy, are you saying that Mod5 did not give you a "grace" period to explain yourself?

There are no 'grace periods' once you're banned. You typically find out when you cannot log into Merb. You then go check the thread where Mods list those that are banned and explain why you were banned.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Mod 5 said:
True, perhaps I did not reserve judgement and acted to swiftly, however I also acted swiftly on resolving the matter ( I do like to take care of these situations sooner rather than later).


You may have resolved it quickly but you screwed up royally with your initial hasty actions. You should have waited to PM her or carguy69 on this matter. The damage is done and please do not 'clean this thread up' until she comes back to assess the damage and respond accordingly.

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Why do you keep removing madmax's post?


madmax is entitled to his opinion, characterizing your latest explanation as "arrogant." You cannot suppress his views because you disagree with his opinion. By doing this, you're effectively selecting the criticism you want members to read and you risk alienating a senior poster from this board. One that many of us admire. Please act more responsibly and leave his posts intact.



May 26, 2004
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Merb vs Terb-an explanation of my post

Actually my first post was a tongue in cheek response to Carguys post of Helene's schedule and whereabouts. If you looked at that total thread which started with Carguys review of her, all through it Carguy and certain hobbyists seemed to act as her personal secreatary and shill. I had no information, it was an reaction of his posts regarding Helene's schedule.

Then all hell broke loose via Mod 5 jumping in and banning ,etc etc. He was acting on the fact that they were both using the same computer? This is normal moderation on other boards. My impression is the use of multiple handles is more a fact on this board than the others-but this is my impression without statistics-I may be wrong.

As a member of Terb there is a section where the sp herself lists her schedule, availability, specials, etc etc. Rarely is this done by the hobbyists.

Coming from that board I find it strange that guys post for a escort her schedule, out of town ,etc etc and rates outside of a pure review. If that was done on Terb, they immediately become suspicious and the word shill is much used.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
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General Gonad said:

You may have resolved it quickly but you screwed up royally with your initial hasty actions. You should have waited to PM her or carguy69 on this matter. The damage is done and please do not 'clean this thread up' until she comes back to assess the damage and respond accordingly.


You know who else acted quite hastily in response to this little soap opera GG? Yes YOU!! Unfortunately, your tirade directed at Helene regarding her banning and my response to you were two of the posts that were cleaned up in the other thread and that I'm really none to happy about right now.

I think that your response there outlined perfectly your character which was extremely unbecoming.

There's shadiness all over this board now and it's blatantly apparent!



New Member
Jun 30, 2005

gtadick said:
Actually my first post was a tongue in cheek response to Carguys post of Helene's schedule and whereabouts. If you looked at that total thread which started with Carguys review of her, all through it Carguy and certain hobbyists seemed to act as her personal secreatary and shill. I had no information, it was an reaction of his posts regarding Helene's schedule.

Then all hell broke loose via Mod 5 jumping in and banning ,etc etc. He was acting on the fact that they were both using the same computer? This is normal moderation on other boards. My impression is the use of multiple handles is more a fact on this board than the others-but this is my impression without statistics-I may be wrong.

As a member of Terb there is a section where the sp herself lists her schedule, availability, specials, etc etc. Rarely is this done by the hobbyists.

Coming from that board I find it strange that guys post for a escort her schedule, out of town ,etc etc and rates outside of a pure review. If that was done on Terb, they immediately become suspicious and the word shill is much used.

This makes total sense of the impression I got from the Karma thread. I was not suprised to hear the news that there as an IP/computer sharing situation. I think Mod 5 did the right thing and am wondering why there was any rollback at all.

I would like to hear why certain members don't feel concerned about the shared IP/computer. The rules of this board are clear, and if there has been a pass given I for one would like to know the reason.
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