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Pervasive lies in in Hobbyland

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
I think it is time we discuss some of the lies in Hobbyland. We all know this biz is about selling fantasies so we should be able to list the lies we routinely hear. Here is a list of some, but not all the lies.

1) SPs that say they don`t do drugs (the majority abuse drugs and some are a lot worse then others);

2) SPs that claim to be single (the majority have boyfriends and/or pimps and want the clients to think they`re single);

3) SPs that claim they save their money (the majority blow it all);

4) SPs that claim they go to school (very few are actually in school);

5) Agency owners that label their ladies as GFE/PSE to lure unsuspecting clients;

6) Agency owners that bump you off if a better client comes along;

7) Agency owners that claim they never have sex with their ladies (almost all male agency owners have dipped in the cookie jar at one time or another);

8) Agency owners and SPs that create fake handles on the boards to create bogus reviews;

9) Clients making bad reviews for dubious reasons (the truth is that they were smelly, rude jerks that do not know the first thing about grooming themselves or respecting ladies);

10) Clients raving about how beautiful and SP is (very few real beauties out there; most clients exaggerate, especially if they get a TCIM).

Feel free to add to the list. This should be interesting.

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C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
General Gonad said:
7) Agency owners that claim they never have sex with their ladies (almost all male agency owners have dipped in the cookie jar at one time or another);

Pardon my naive question, since I don't frequent SPs, only SCs, and I have no connections to 'the scene' but shouldn't agency owners dip in the cookie jar? Isn't this like a job interview? :D Otherwise how else do they get hired? Referrals?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Board Stiff said:
You are the most guilty of number 10
the kettle is black

stop whimpering because Helene won't see you for free!


I never claimed Helene was a drop-dead gorgeous. Very few ladies get that score in my evaluation. I am not whimpering either if she refuses to see me. I recently sent her my final email. Nothing left to say to dear Helene.:cool:


P.S. I am glad to see she found new friends like you.:rolleyes:

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Agrippa said:
Pardon my naive question, since I don't frequent SPs, only SCs, and I have no connections to 'the scene' but shouldn't agency owners dip in the cookie jar? Isn't this like a job interview? :D Otherwise how else do they get hired? Referrals?

It is wise not to shit where you work. While I understand the temptation, it is best not to engage in this activity. You're only shooting yourself in the foot. The same goes for drivers fucking SPs on the side (and there are plenty).


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
SPs claiming clients are special

Here is a routine dialogue:

SP: "You're a real nice guy"
Client: "Yeah, I bet you say that to everyone"
SP: "Trust me, you're nothing like most clients"

I have heard this so often that I am convinced it comes straight out of the SP Handbook.:rolleyes:


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
oliver kloseoff said:
-i dont think even you could,imagine some of the creeps these girls see in the coarce of their working careers-who dont have a clue how to treat or please a woman -hygene is jsut someting with personal grooming which is a few of things they lack
oh my god

I can imagine because they have shared some horror stories with me. There is a guy here that consistently slams SPs for not providing GFE service. The truth is he is a 400 pound, smelly asswipe who treats the SPs like shit.

Now I never claimed to be a stud, but I know when I go out to bars with my single friends, I can still flirt with the hotties. I am not exactly shy to converse with any lady because I do not fear rejection.

Conversing is very important to me. I still believe that the way to get an SP in the right mood - thus ensuring a decent encounter - is by taking your time to converse with them and put them at ease. Buy them a drink, relax and tease them a little. You know that you're going to get laid so what do you have to lose?:D


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
oliver kloseoff said:
one indapendant i met who stands out in my mind is angel-she told me the reason she put her prices up was the cheaper guiys whould jump her as soon as she would come in the door-she was a beautiful blond who posted she was in her alate 30's but she was a little older-but you could see when she talked things s bothered her with clients


This is Tina right? I always wanted to meet her. I think I might meet her one day. She has a sexy MILF thing going on.

The worst I've heard? Emely of Eleganza once told me that she had walked in a room and the client gives her the money, takes off his robe, and asks her to lick his anus. She refused. he kept insisting. She walked out.

Luna of XXXTase once told me she walked in the room and the guy was masturbating. He wanted to screw her right away. Poor bastard, he fucked with the wrong chicita.:eek:

I hear some horror stories and I wonder where these guys were taught manners.



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
GG, I don't see how anyone with any experience in this business at all could be surprised by any part of your list. In fact, I would think that the first three points you made apply to a large part of the population, not just sex workers.

Besides, when you're paying for sex, you're paying for the fantasy...not for the truth. Would you prefer it if the girl came in drunk, complaining about her job, her loser boyfriend, smoking a joint and started laying out lines of coke on the table?

As far as agency owners/operators/drivers sleeping with the girls many here would be able to resist being around these ladies day in day out without getting involved with someone in some way? Probably none of us.

Why do we always have to look for the dark side of everything. Enjoy the fantasy and don't try to look beyond it. Once you know how a magician does his tricks, the magic is gone.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Techman said:
Why do we always have to look for the dark side of everything. Enjoy the fantasy and don't try to look beyond it. Once you know how a magician does his tricks, the magic is gone.


I do not see this as the "dark side" but rather the truth. I am not painting all SPs or owners with same brush but the reality is very different than what most clients think it is.

I do not see how knowing the truth will take away from the illusion that SPs portray. I mean, I am going to continue playing my role, looking deep into their eyes, pretending I am buying every line of theirs. I do believe some but others are so full of shit that I just feel like telling them "are you for real?!?!"


Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
Valerie - Centre de la Sante Ontario

There's some really nice ladies out there. Here's an example:

I suffer from winter depression. I went to see Valerie back in January for a season and as soon as I walked in the door she realized that I was feeling depressed. I won't go into details as our conversation was private, but she asked me what was wrong and we started talking. To make a long story short, we talked for almost 2hrs and I really appreciated a listening ear. I offer to pay her for her time even though we didn't do anything and she refused my money and was just happy to make me feel better. I don't know any other MP or SP that would do that. It's nice to see a MP treat me like a human being rather than a walking bank account. I use to think that all SPs and MPs were just cheep, trashy women who could careless about their clients. Valerie has since changed my point of view.

So you see not all SPs or MPs are only out for the money. Some are really nice and sweet.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
General Gonad said:
I think it is time we discuss some of the lies in Hobbyland. We all know this biz is about selling fantasies so we should be able to list the lies we routinely hear. Here is a list of some, but not all the lies...This should be interesting.

:rolleyes: Something tells me this thread has the potential to lead to yet another "retirement" or banning of a certain someone. :rolleyes:

Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
Another nice lady was Pina on Sauve. She's no longer there but I got to know her and was told about some of the idiots who came through that door. I was even told how many times clients come in bitching and complaining about their wives, job, politics and the world and then don't understand why she has a bad attitude towards that client. The lady is a SP or MP, not a shrink who needs to here all your problems.

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
Techman said:
GG, I don't see how anyone with any experience in this business at all could be surprised by any part of your list. In fact, I would think that the first three points you made apply to a large part of the population, not just sex workers.

Besides, when you're paying for sex, you're paying for the fantasy...not for the truth. Would you prefer it if the girl came in drunk, complaining about her job, her loser boyfriend, smoking a joint and started laying out lines of coke on the table?

As far as agency owners/operators/drivers sleeping with the girls many here would be able to resist being around these ladies day in day out without getting involved with someone in some way? Probably none of us.

Why do we always have to look for the dark side of everything. Enjoy the fantasy and don't try to look beyond it. Once you know how a magician does his tricks, the magic is gone.

I think Techman's post contains a lot of wisdom. Sometimes you muddy the water when you analyse too much. It's like if you go to a party and focus on how "phoney" everybody is acting, then what's the point of going?
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New Member
Jan 24, 2006
It's a fantasy

the reason why we all visited sp is becaused of the fantasy of having a beautiful young woman to talked to and have sex with. Any thing else is called a relationship and along with all the bull #$%^ that comes along with it. Regarding the sp and drivers/owners I'm sure it happens and I'm sure many owners do sleep with their girls/employees and/or business partners. That is not my problem outside of it, when the session ends it is not any of my business what they do or dont do. The momment I start to worry about those issues then it becomes a personal issues. It's a business we're here to enjoy ourselves they, the sp and agency owners, want our money. If you read any more into it you are setting yourself up for dissappointment. While many people think or like to think that they are " the special" clients, we all know that some of the best sales people in the world are sp. They are in the business of sale in this situation it is just happen to be sex. While I appreciate the thread I'm sure most of you take things for a grain of salt when an sp tout you as a special guy etc...


Just another fool
Dec 27, 2006
On a big ROCK
General Gonad said:
I can imagine because they have shared some horror stories with me. There is a guy here that consistently slams SPs for not providing GFE service. The truth is he is a 400 pound, smelly asswipe who treats the SPs like shit.

Now I never claimed to be a stud, but I know when I go out to bars with my single friends, I can still flirt with the hotties. I am not exactly shy to converse with any lady because I do not fear rejection.

Conversing is very important to me. I still believe that the way to get an SP in the right mood - thus ensuring a decent encounter - is by taking your time to converse with them and put them at ease. Buy them a drink, relax and tease them a little. You know that you're going to get laid so what do you have to lose?:D

Ok I know I'm a new guy and that I'm not the most sensitive man on the planet but why do you care? Your story about the girl coming in and the guy telling her to lick his ass seems like a reasonable request. She's not there to perform open heart surgery, her job is to lick that guys ass.

Here's what I don't get, they're hookers...we pay them to have sex with us, why do we need to treat them like our wives? I want to be able to let loose with her, not have any inhibitions. I'm there to have sex with a perfect stranger, not make a friend.

I'll be honest, if I walked in and saw a 400 pound fat fuck that wants to get his ass licked I'd probably walk right out and rip my eyes out but I don't think it would shock me if I was an SP. I mean I wasn't going there to play poker.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
dirtierasigetolder said:
I'll be honest, if I walked in and saw a 400 pound fat fuck that wants to get his ass licked I'd probably walk right out and rip my eyes out but I don't think it would shock me if I was an SP. I mean I wasn't going there to play poker.

Come on, are you serious?!? While I understand the need to let loose, there are some things that are simply out of the ordinary and imho, degrading. I mean, if you are clean and you get off on having an SP lick your anus, I guess you can take a bath together and discuss this with her (most would refuse).

But a guy who unrobes himself and orders her to lick his anus right when she walks in the room is a real loser in my books. I would tell him to f_ck off, if I was an SP, and shove his $160 up there. Often, this is the type of loser who will take out his frustrations by writing a nasty review, claiming how the SP wasn't GFE (cause she didn't lick his anus when he ordered her to :rolleyes: )


I have nothing against overweight people. There is nothing wrong with someone being overweight as long as he is well groomed and polite. But the jerk I am referring to is a loser. It was not an SP that revealed it to me. I inquired with an agency owner about this guy because I noticed he keeps slamming ladies. The owner told me he has a serious hygiene problem and lacks respect. I believe this is the truth.

I personally couldn't care less of personal info on other clients. The only question I often ask is whether or not he was a nice guy. I do not care about anything else. It's irrelevant gossip.

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Dee said:
Agreed. But there is one exception.


There are a few exceptions. Not all agency owners and/or drivers dip in the cookie jar when working with a lady. Also, some ladies are to blame for this, using sex as leverage to gain influence with the owners/drivers. They will get booked quicker with the right clients, dropped off first, etc.

But the smarter owners/drivers avoid the headaches that come along with playing this game. There are a few ladies that have left an agency after having a falling out with their owner/driver who they were seeing on the side.

If you run it like a business, you do not play games. You offer SPs equal opportunities to work and make you money. You can get pussy elsewhere but when it comes to the agency, no matter how tempting, it's a bad decision to start something on the side. You'll only end up pissing someone off.

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