Doc Holliday said:
I thought i had heard them all, but i keep hearing the best of them as i'm typing this. Here are a few good ones i've heard over the years:
Your examples make a very interesting reading. Let me add some variations from some twisted man-woman relationships I heard about.
"Oh my! I never cheated my BF like this, what an adrenalin burst it was! But please don't EVER tell anyone we did this!" (turns out she's banging every new guy on the block, cheating on her BF over and over again, the poor guy)
"I can stand my boyfriend anymore, he's so boring (behind his back)" (How about she keeps him around because he's useful, takes care of the kids and all, and she screws every live bone around anyway? lol)
"I get along great with most women" (They all think she's a great friend, until they hear all the crap she tells everyone about them behind their back).
"I'm sorry I couldn't meet with you. I'm very busy these days" (In fact she's doing everything she can to avoid you)
"You know my dear (to a man), she really likes you very much (about one of her friends)" (When in fact the man is so caring about the women friend that he'd do anything for her, without counting, but she couldn't care less about him and she uses him as much as she can while joke to her women friend about how stupid he is).
"You're one of my closest friend, you should never doubt that." (When in fact she used every possible way she could to get all kind of favors from you, is badmouthing you like crazy behind your back, trashed you like an old sock and seduced another dumb ass to start all over again once you discovered her game)
"It's lucrative but I'm sick of this sex business! I'm out of it as soon as my new project is profitable" (it could have been profitable if she really had invested in it, but she was pennyless and borrowed hundreds of thousands from every "friend" around, that she will most likely never be able to reimburse)
"I just bought myself a car and i now own a house." (She had a "best friend" get a loan on the car she wanted, kept missing her payments, also had a friend sign for her rents as well, on which she also kept missing payments, and her new house is another rent, not a loan. Why tell the truth when it's so easy to show off!).
OK Girls, now it's your turn! Please tell us about some very bad lies you heard from clients, friends, boyfriends, or husbands. Let's see how twisted human nature is sometimes.

I'm sure you could make this thread be many many pages long!