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So far 2007 hasn't really gotten off to a great start...

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
I don't know about you guys, but I can't say my encounters so far in 2007 are all that great. If I were to repeat with any of them, I think I would repeat with Maude of XXXtase because she was gorgeous, very clean and easy-going and I clicked with her. Katryna from Prime Time is also worth meeting again. But even with them, there was something missing. Maybe it's time again....:rolleyes:

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XXXClusive Agency

Supporting Member
Nov 29, 2013
Mauvais choix de nick

GG m en est arriver une bonne hier ....

J envoie une fille sur un call ... 10 min apres son arriver sur le call elle me rappel et me dit Martin je suis completement ajun j ai pas pris un seul drink de la soiree et en arrivant ici le client ma offert un drink , apres 3-4 min je feel toute etourdiee et le drink en question a une texture et un gout pas normal ... Je parle au client qui lui meme etait dans un etat tres avancé .... Un peu melé entre les deux je sais pas qui dis vrai meme si je me doute qu elle me dirait pas cela pour le rien .... Pendant la discussion le client me dis : Ecoute je suis un gars tres repute sur merb je serais pas le genre de client a faire quelque chose comme cela ... je lui dis c est quoi votre nick sur merb Monsieur ... Il me repond General_Gonad ..ahahah BEEEP Erreur ..ta choisis le mauvais user pour me bulshiter General Gonad m appel au deux jours ahhaha ... !!

Tout c est bien terminer mais je la trouvais bonne fallait je la compte !!!


Dec 26, 2006
euh general_gonad applique des pratiques de torture sur les filles de martin!
L'année 2007 en effet ne commence pas tres bien...........

C'etait quoi la potion magique ????


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003

I think this is more or less what it says:

A good one happened to me yesterday.

I sent a girl on a call...10 minutes after her arrival at the place of the call, she calls me and says, "Martin, my stomach is empty and I haven't had a single drink all night and when I arrived the client offered me a drink; after 3 or 4 minutes I felt dizzy and I noticed that the drink I was given had an abnormal taste and texture"...I spoke with the client who was himself rather out of it...I was confused by the two of them and didn't know what the truth was but I didn't think the girl would tell me that story for no reason...During the discussion the client tells me: "Listen, I'm a guy who's well known on MERB and I'm not the type of client to do something like that." I said to him, "What's your nickname on MERB?" He responds "General Gonad." That set off an alarm bell--you chose the wrong member to try to bullshit me about. General Gonad calls me every couple days.

Everything worked out allright, but I found it amusing and thought I would let you know.

Martin_XXXtase said:
GG m en est arriver une bonne hier ....
...Tout c est bien terminer mais je la trouvais bonne fallait je la compte !!!

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Martin_XXXtase said:
... je lui dis c est quoi votre nick sur merb Monsieur ... Il me repond General_Gonad ..ahahah BEEEP Erreur ..ta choisis le mauvais user pour me bulshiter General Gonad m appel au deux jours ahhaha ... !!


Ele est bonne but for better or for worse, there is only one GG.;) Hey, next time Tony calls you claiming he's GG, ask him "where's the beef?":D:D:D


P.S. EB, I typically share a drink with the lady to loosen up. That's it.

Love big tits

New Member
Sep 1, 2006
2007 has been good to me so far but not because I was adventurous on the SP front.
I saw 2 of my all time favorite ladies (don't ask) again and I met an other one that is way off my usual taste but might turn out to be really enjoyable because she was on our first encounter. She was a replacement for Kim that didn't show up for work that night. It is funny how things workout somehow. I had a 3 hours date originally planned, and decided to keep it that way the minute the other girl walked in. Gut feeling I guess
Let's keep it mute for now.:D

On the MP front, I met Maylee again nothing to add there, she is still tops. But met some new girls Jennifer, Coralie that are sure to be on my repeat list too

Hope my luck will prevail thanks to all the poster and their reviews who have helped me be lucky in the past
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005

I'll answer you later. Right now I am on cloud 9, smirking as I just met goddess Tanya of Asservissante....2007 is looking a hell of a lot better!:)


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Maxima said:
You, lucky dawg! Looking forward to your hot review.:D
I thought you were at the GT, HDLM.

I had a private GT with Tanya.:D Review is pending...give me a moment to catch my breath.;)

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