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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Première partie

Que des opérateurs d`agences se plaignent ouvertement de ce que la clientèle exige de leurs filles des pratiques susceptibles de mettre la santé publique à risque mais qu`en même temps ils imposent à ces mêmes filles de pratiquer ces dits services peut sembler paradoxal, certains penseront ``hypocrite``. La logique économique nous enseigne cependant que la contradiction n`est qu`apparente.

D`emblée, je précise qu```imposer`` n`est pas une norme sine qua non. Je verrais mal les opérateurs d`agence forcer leurs filles à faire des choses qui les rébutent sans que, tôt ou tard, le chat vienne à sortir du sac, les forums de discussion étant une tribune toujours réceptive à la dénonciation publique.

Sauf que, par exemple, la fellation non protégée étant une norme de marché, je m`imagine très bien les opérateurs d`agences expliquer, aux escortes qui s`y refusent, que leur manque de compétitivité tient, justement, à ce qu`elles s`y refusent. Si tel n`était pas le cas, comment expliquer alors que certaines agences, plus que d`autres, sont réputées pour le ``service libéral`` qu`elles offrent? Autrement dit, comment certaines agences parviennent-elles à se forger de telles réputations si elles n`y contribuent pas elles-mêmes?

Les Filles de M. Jacques fut, dans ce sens, un précurseur. Au lieu de recruter des ``pétards``, comme le faisaient les autres agences, il allaient plutôt chercher le type ``girl next door``, moins avantagée physiquement, à qui l`on demandait de compenser en offrant un service dit ``libéral``, entendons aussi ``plus risqué``. La recette a eu du succès et d`autres agences ont aussitôt emboîté le pas avec le résultat que le service libéral (qu`on nomme aujourd`hui GFE) s`est imposé comme norme.

Dans le jeu de l`offre et de la demande, il ne faut pas perdre de vue que si les clients exigent un service GFE, les opérateurs n`auront qu`à se mordre les doigts parce que ce sont eux qui, à l`origine, ont stimulé la demande en voulant se démarquer des autres. ll est fort à parier d`ailleurs que ce ne sont pas tous les clients qui, même aujourd`hui, exigent ; j`aurais même tendance à penser que, à ce niveau, l`offre dépasse la demande.

Ceci étant posé, que le service soit devenu ``trop GFE`` aux yeux des opérateurs d`agences mais qu`ils se plaignent en même temps que les clients l`exigent aux tarifs horaires courants, témoigne bien de leurs véritables préoccupations. L`une de ces préoccupations n`est certainement pas de l`ordre de la santé publique, celle-ci ayant des acceptions qui sont en contradiction, sinon étrangères, à la logique marchande qui sous-tend les opérations quotidiennes d`une agence. La seule préoccupation, en fait, la seule motivation, qui s`accorde avec l`objectif principal - le ``mission statement`` - de toute agence est celle du ``profit``.

Or, dans un tel cadre d`idées, la complainte des opérateurs d`agences à l`égard du service GFE ne tient pas de ce que ce service mette à risque la santé des escortes et de leurs clients: c`est une préoccupation secondaire. La complainte s`inscrirait plutôt dans une réalité économique toute simple, qui peut être exprimée en ces termes: ``le service GFE ne rapporte pas assez``. Les tarifs courants subissant à la fois les pressions du marché et de la compétition, la tentation est grande de diminuer le service GFE de base - par exemple remplacer par cbj - pour finalement pouvoir charger un supplément pour .

Suivant un tel processus, on peut mieux comprendre l`intérêt que les opérateurs d`agences ont, de non seulement de le maintenir, mais de pousser le : celui-ci rapportera plus d`argent le jour ou` la culture du safe-GFE, aux taux courants, sera acquise. Pas de contradiction, donc, dans le discours des opérateurs d`agences: le discours est en parfaite conformité avec la logique marchande. S`ils se préoccupaient vraiment, sincèrement, de la santé de leurs filles, ils leurs diraient simplement de ne plus se livrer au .
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New Member
Jan 10, 2005
T'es fort mon Zyggy

as tu pensé a toute çâ tout seul mon homme?
moi je pense aussi qu'il y a un petit trend vers le safe-gfe mais ce n'est que temporaire...
la plus belle fille du monde ne peut donner que ce qu'elle a...


New Member
Feb 28, 2007

hobby11 said:
as tu pensé a toute çâ tout seul mon homme?
moi je pense aussi qu`il y a un petit trend vers le safe-gfe mais ce n`est que temporaire...
la plus belle fille du monde ne peut donner que ce qu`elle a...
Ben oui, garde-donc ça, j`y ai pensé tandis que j`avais le pantalon aux chevilles et la queue reluisante de la bave d`elle! Pis quand j`ai eu fini de tirer mon coup, je me suis dit que tout le monde deviendrait soudainement
des génies une fois que quelqu`un leur aura énoncé l`évidence même.

Alors j`ai pris sur moi la charge de l`énoncé quitte à proférer des trivialités.

Pourtant, si je m`en remets au discours qui se tient depuis quelques temps sur ce forum, il faudrait tous être en état d`alerte parce que, insinue-t-on, les demandes pressantes des clients pour certaines pratiques dangereuses aura mis la santé publique en danger!

Santé publique? Qui s`en préoccupe vraiment quand ce sont ceux-là même, les opérateurs d`agences, qui en appellent, alors que, en contrepartie, ils exigent de leurs filles qu`elles s`adonnent à des pratiques présentant des risques pour leur santé, comme le ? :rolleyes:
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Questionable advertisement at Eleganza

Hello Ziggyman,

I like Eleganza, but it has been troubling to see so many of his ladies advertised as providing "greek" so prominently. I know the realities of the conditions under which many escorts work. Obviously, there are a lot of inherent conditions that are quite disturbing with any agency. But it is very disturbing to see the number of ladies, well beyond the ratio of any other agency I am familiar with, offering this service. In fact, I met one lady advertised in this way at this agency who was very reluctant to provide greek when I inquired about her preference, and I did not pursue the matter. I never thought being a lady working at any agency was entirely "safe" or wholesome. Yet, when there are such abberations for a service so often avoided among so many at one agency it makes me wonder why and how this situation developed???

There is no accusation against John here. But I do think some explanation is warranted. I want to understand why a service, still considered "exotic" and so rarely offered and unadvertised elsewhere, seems to be so prevalent at Eleganza? It seems risky for the ladies that this service should be so prevalently advertised, and the implications for their safety and health seem threatening considering the expectations and demands of some clients who would inevitably insist such an offer should be fulfilled. I backed off when the lady let her preference be known, and this event gave me pause and reason to wonder just how willing others advertised this way may be. I am sure other clients will not be so understanding when some clients see the advertisements as an implied guarantee. Is it wise for the safety of the lady to advertise this service? This is not some general GFE label that can leave some room for interpretation. In my view, advertising "greek" specifically is not safe. Obviously, the agency is implying that it is. Normally I would accept that some ladies are willing for the extra profit...yet even they make the offer quietly and in private after they have had some chance to evaluate a client. But with such a larger than normal proportion of ladies offering this service at Eleganza it creates a questionable abberation. Such an open offer prior to meeting any client simply does not seem wise, and the proportion making this offer at one agency seems illogical. I want to understand how this offer is applied, and how the safety and health of the lady can be reasonably assured when such ads seem so risky??? And, why is there such an abberation in the number of ladies providing this offer at one agency??? Specific recruitment for this type of service in these numbers does not seem to be possible when it is offered so rarely elsewhere and generally in Montreal as a whole.

Perhaps no agency should advertisement an exotic service like this so specifically with individuals? Maybe it should be done noting some ladies (unnamed) offer the service with specifics and acceptable conditions given during the call so that no lady would be put into such an open position of obligation and expectation that might result in a confrontation or abuse.

Clarification...s'il vous plait, :confused:

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New Member
Mar 28, 2007
salut Ziggy,
moi habitude je poste sur
mais la je dois dire quelque chose. qui me derange depuis assez longtemps. il y a 10 ans a montreal on ne parlait pas de servis GFE>. Bref. moi je pense que toute les agences qui exige ce servis doivant etre boster! la sante public est un facteur tres tres important.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
LaCreme said:
salut Ziggy,
moi habitude je poste sur
mais la je dois dire quelque chose. qui me derange depuis assez longtemps. il y a 10 ans a montreal on ne parlait pas de servis GFE>. Bref. moi je pense que toute les agences qui exige ce servis doivant etre boster! la sante public est un facteur tres tres important.
Je demeure perplexe à l`idée que les agences prétendent n`offrir que de la compagnie à leurs clients (et que du fait elles se déchargent de toute responsabilité à l`égard de ce que des adultes consentants font entre eux) mais, qu`en même temps, ces mêmes agences affichent très ouvertement que leurs filles pratiquent la sodomie ("greek").


New Member
Feb 28, 2007

Wondering if the typical age range of an agency's lineup is somehow correlated with the number of SP's of the said agency who, allegedly, are willing to take it up the ass.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
traveller_76 said:
I think this is the one area where agencies have never dared impose their view of things. I hope no one proves me wrong.
Eleganza's Sofia, Lilly, Venus, Karyna, Larissa, Angelic, April and Honey - 8 girls (average age 20.5 y/o) out of 17 "speak Greek". I challenge anyone to show me a randomly-picked segment of 17 non-escort girls in the 18 to 25 age range with a 8:17 ratio of girls who are willingly letting strangers fuck them up the ass.

If someone has an explanation for the apparent discrepancy, he's welcome to submit it.
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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Elizabeth said:
It is definitely strange that Eleganza has all those young girls doing it with no extra charge!
Simple: to increase the agency's market share through growing a niche market of sodomites.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
I agree with Ziggy's original post. I don't believe he singled out a particular agency, but mostly just made a reference to it to prove his point. In the past, i've seen several sps from other agencies who casually mentionned to me that the only extra they charge for is anal. One of them, a well known high end at the time she was working and whom i had seen on numerous occasions, suddenly blurted out during doggie: "ca te tente tu de faire l'anal?" I was totally caught off guard since i had no idea that she was into this stuff. What i mean is that back then, it was never, ever advertised. In Mtl anyways. The agency owner kept his nose clean & minded his own business in regards to that matter. Girls who offered it to me simply asked me never to post it since they rarely did it 'on the job' & didn't want clients to badger them about this. Independents who enjoyed this never advertised it for these same reasons. It was no big deal & simply something that had to be dealt with on a person-to-person basis.

Today, things have changed & indeed, some agencies more than others lead the way. Why? Various reasons, including the ones Ziggy mentionned. But from what i gather, it's also a strategy used in order for the girl to earn more revenue (if she wants to do it). And yes, for marketing purposes also in order to corner that piece of the market. I agree that quite often, it usually involves the younger girls. However, anal sex isn't as much of a big deal today as it used to be back in my days. Today, all porn involves anal sex in some form or other and people got desensitized to it. I've also been made aware that many young girls (high school aged girls) elect to maintain their vaginal virginity by offering oral and anal sex to their sex partners and boyfriends (why wasn't i born 20 years later?? Why??).

It's also true that many of today's most popular agencies will insist that their girls do oral without the condom and allow other 'gfe' practices such as dfk and daty.....or else, the girl is gone. Today, its not uncommon to see an agency operator apologizing to the client for services not rendered 'as promised' by one of his providers and offer some type of bribe in order to get the client to continue calling the agency and/or not post about it. But it's also this agency operator's fault that he's advertising non-gfe girls as being gfe...or not adding the 'ymmv' label next to some of the girls' profiles. This would solve a lot of problems and make it more realistic. Let's face it, it's impossible that 90% of sps in Mtl are all gfe, correct? But that's how it appears to be if you look at the various websites.
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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
One reason why the rates are not moving up

Doc, Maria, thanks for your input.

Agency operators are coaxing each other to push agency rates upwards. It's been going on for over a month. I won't give out names: some operators want the rates to move up fast whereas others would rather take it a step at the time. Nothing too exotic here, just standard business practises.

Through the whole process, some operators are making each other aware that a few agency operators in the past coaxed their competitors to bring the rates up while they were silently opening new agencies at lower rates - unfair competition.

Whether this information is valid or not, it appears nonetheless that it's making several agency operators defiant of partaking in a collusion meant to push the rates up.
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Agent Smith - Mr Anderson
May 16, 2007
It really comes down to the question of Productivity. Is it really an advantage for them to increase rates? Well it depends, seeing as i doubt all agencies will follow those who increase rates will notice that many of their customers will migrate over to cheaper agencies with just as good reputations.

When a agency has specials or lower prices clients tend to book the girls for more then 1 hour sometimes 2 or 3 which is an advantage to the girl a little less for the agency owner. However, the agency owner not only gains popularity and new clients which develop into a loyal clientelle if the experience was good.

So it really depends, raising prices could be bad for them depending how much they raise it and how many agencies follow.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
ZoneAlarm said:
It really comes down to the question of Productivity. Is it really an advantage for them to increase rates?

Well it depends, seeing as i doubt all agencies will follow those who increase rates will notice that many of their customers will migrate over to cheaper agencies with just as good reputations.
I think the Montreal outcalls industry is perfectly competitive in the sense that agencies with less market power (what merbites often refer to as "less reputable") will act as "price-takers" and simply charge the market price. The market here can be entered and exited freely, pretty much all agencies are price-takers and the service is homogeneous - perfect competition.

Demand and Supply explains in part why agency rates are having a hard time to break the $160 plateau. Yet, if we want the whole picture, we should also look into the competitive process.
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Agent Smith - Mr Anderson
May 16, 2007
Your right Ziggy their is alot of competition in Montreal in the escort industry however as you know the big players are the ones that in the end will determine wether or not the prices will go up. Personally i would not mind seeing a 20$ increase to 180$ as long as they have regular specials.
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