Montreal Escorts



New Member
Feb 28, 2007
ZoneAlarm said:
Your right Ziggy their is alot of competition in Montreal in the escort industry however as you know the big players are the ones that in the end will determine wether or not the prices will go up.
I'm not so sure about that, it's not like the stock and the forex markets where the big players are the ones moving the prices up and down, dumping on one end of the deal while picking up on the other one. As a matter of fact, I believe that the "big players" of the Montreal outcall industry are quite small versus the market pressures at work.

The trend, right now, is for the big players to silently spin off price-grabbing agencies while, on the other hand, they are coaxing each other to push the rates up. If the big players must resort to such desperate tactics to increase their market share, this shows how small everyone can be when it comes to establish the rates. In a perfectly competitive market, which is what we see here, the small players are in just as good of a position as the big ones to increase their market share by undercutting the market - cutthroat biz.


Agent Smith - Mr Anderson
May 16, 2007
Well the problem is for us that we dont really know what compagny has what ammount of market shares and how much they make so we dont really know who the big players are for sure. In this buissiness their are so many compagnies and so many variables that its kind of hard to predict what will happen.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Ziggy Montana said:
Agency operators are coaxing each other to push agency rates upwards. It's been going on for over a month. I won't give out names: some operators want the rates to move up fast whereas others would rather take it a step at the time. Nothing too exotic here, just standard business practises.

Whether this information is valid or not, it appears nonetheless that it's making several agency operators defiant of partaking in a collusion meant to push the rates up.

I doubt they'd succeed anyway. There will always be a few out there who'll bypass the group & do things their own way in order to get customers. Even if it would work, i doubt their revenues would go much higher as they do now. What keeps tourists & hobbyists coming to Mtl are the lower sp rates (as compared to other places in North America). If rates start climbing, people will simply go elsewhere or stay home & wait for some of the Mtl girls to visit their cities. Isn't this a bit of what happened with the sagging HDH industry?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Doc Holliday said:
Well, if she is indeed doing this, she's stupid not to ask for extra. But it's still her decision to do so. Believe me Elizabeth, if i'd be offering greek, you can bet that i'd be charging for it! :eek:
Somehow, I can't imagine the Doc offering Greek. :D

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Ziggy Montana said:
Je demeure perplexe à l`idée que les agences prétendent n`offrir que de la compagnie à leurs clients (et que du fait elles se déchargent de toute responsabilité à l`égard de ce que des adultes consentants font entre eux) mais, qu`en même temps, ces mêmes agences affichent très ouvertement que leurs filles pratiquent la sodomie (``greek``).

Il est interdit légalement d`y afficher les acronymes si l`annonce est faire pour de l`accompagnement seulement.

D`où pourquoi il y est inscrit généralement ``speak greek``.


Maria Divina said:
You know, if you do it without charge extra, and you are very open to anything, that will be know, and you will become a star...The guys will telling to others...and you will in big demand...``
I just choose to do what i really want to do.....
I said this example just to support the point in this thread....Sharing my self ``education`` i received......

Et tu fais bien de penser comme ça! Comme je l`ai déjà expliqué, en effet à l`époque où j`étais mal informé des pratiques du milieu, je faisais le tcim et ça m`a value beaucoup de ``tip`` et cela pcq la pratique courante était de charger un extra pour ce service.

Malheureusement, avec les temps ``ces extra tips`` ont quelque peu disparu ... en tout c`est ce que les statistiques me disent ! :(

Alors, non, il faut garder ta mentalité ma belle Maria Divina ! :)


Ziggy Montana said:
Doc, Maria, thanks for your input.

Agency operators are coaxing each other to push agency rates upwards. It`s been going on for over a month. I won`t give out names: some operators want the rates to move up fast whereas others would rather take it a step at the time. Nothing too exotic here, just standard business practises.

Through the whole process, some operators are making each other aware that a few agency operators in the past coaxed their competitors to bring the rates up while they were silently opening new agencies at lower rates - unfair competition.

Whether this information is valid or not, it appears nonetheless that it`s making several agency operators defiant of partaking in a collusion meant to push the rates up.

Dis donc toi, taperais-tu ma ligne téléphonique ou ont est allé à la même école ! :D

Last edited:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Jessy xxx said:
Il est interdit légalement d'y afficher les acronymes si l'annonce est faire pour de l'accompagnement seulement.

D'où pourquoi il y est inscrit généralement ''speak greek''.

Ca, l'idee vient de la Floride ma chere. Oui, c'est bien de la region de Ford Lauderdale et de Hollywood (Florida) d'ou cette expression a ete empruntee. La-bas, on voit souvent des enseignes nous indiquant "Nous parlons francais" (we speak french) pour attirer la clientele francophone. C'est la donc l'expression "speaks greek" est venue. C'est pour attirer les grecs, quoi....ou bien les gens qui aiment parler le greque. :D

Candy Baby

New Member
Nov 20, 2006

Elizabeth said:
I read recently that an SP from a well known agency is offering it for "free".

Not totally sure it's someone from Eleganza though.

Ok, I did a search... It's a girl from Devilish. Sorry for the confusion.

I know the girl that you are talking about Elizabeth and I know her well. She does indeed offer Greek at no extra cost. Her thought process behind this is quite simple...she has been in the industry for a long time, much longer than most girls and began her career as a strict YMMV. When all the girls started offering GFE the demand for her YMMV services dwindled to the point where she wasn't making any money. The only way that she could make money was to offer a GFE service and decided to take things a step further to ensure that her revenu remained constant when faced with her competition. She is now considered PSE. I wouldn't be surprised if, as time moves on, more girls make the move to market themselves as PSE - question is what will she do then.



Dec 24, 2005
I think porn does not satisfy most men's needs either, many just dont realize it, probably due to pop culture. Just a thought.
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