Montreal Escorts

Cop stops me and tells me that he will send me a ticket in 2 to 3 months.

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
Am I being denied my right under the Canadian Charter of Rights to a fair and speedy hearing if the police impead the due process of law by not handing me the ticket as they are paid to and duty bound to preform their jobs as policemen? I am sure it is they are gumming up the system and wearing jeans and camo pants to preasure the city to pay them more. Do I have a legal out on this matter because I was not issued the ticket on the spot. He only wrot my licence number down and looked at my papers. He did not take any other notes. By the end of the shift he probably has a list of plate numbers. Can I claim that he did not follow usual proceedure he has no clear recolection of events if he writes up the ticket at a later time?

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
Try whatever you want. In Montreal you'll probably still lose.

Let us know in 4 years what happens.



Active Member
May 23, 2005
The others are right, dont expect the ticket

Btw,what was it for?


Jul 4, 2003
Visit site
It is another pressure tactic. They are hoping that the city will see the immediate loss of revenue as an incentive to negotiate. As for whether or not you have a legal right, I would think the court determines what is considered "speedy". Tickets issued by the bozo security dicks at the airport mail you a parking ticket that is still legally binding. No matter how long it takes to arrive. Good luck.


New Member
Dec 15, 2003
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Ticket through the mail

Went through a yellow yesterday morning downtown Montreal....same thing....was told I would get the ticket through the 2-3 months....will wait!!

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Lawless said:
Went through a yellow yesterday morning downtown Montreal....same thing....was told I would get the ticket through the 2-3 months....will wait!!

Am I wrong ? I thought going through a yellow is not actually a violation.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Possum Trot said:
Am I wrong ? I thought going through a yellow is not actually a violation.

You're supposed to stop at a yellow, not accelerate and go

through it like alot of people do.

I got a ticket in 2004 and was supposed to get another in the

mail to go along with it, still waiting for it also :D


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Possum Trot said:
Am I wrong ? I thought going through a yellow is not actually a violation.
You are wrong, guess how I know... ;) There's a fee but no demerit. You're supposed to stop in a secure manner when you see a yellow. If you're already stopped PAST THE STOP LINE or unable to stop safely before the stop line, then it's usually accepted you didn't run the yellow.

If you're stopped at the stop line, the light turn yellow and you proceed to cross, you just ran the yellow. If you accelerate when you see a yellow, you just ran the yellow. If you do not attempt to stop and the cop estimate you could have stop safely, you just ran a yellow...

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
This is the only place I know of where you can get this stupid "running a yellow" ticket...

In other places, the rule seems to generally be "if all 4 wheels are in the intersection before it turns red, you are ok" unless you are speeding or driving otherwise recklessly that is.

But not in Montreal! Oh no, not here... Here, you can't turn right on red. That makes people try even harder to get there before it turns. Of course the reason given by the city is that this is for pedestrian safety... So, if THAT'S the case, then why not have a delay between when one set turns red and the other turns green. This would also have the nice side effect of allowing 2 seconds for the all the yellow runners to clear out before traffic starts going across the other way.

I think it would be safer if right turns were allowed on red. Then cars would not be hurtling towards their right turns trying to beat the light.

Next time I get a ticket I will tell them I can't take it and ask them to mail it to me... Maybe I'll get lucky like you guys.


GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
Ben Dover said:
Try whatever you want. In Montreal you'll probably still lose.

Let us know in 4 years what happens.


I do not plan to bend over and take it in the rear, especialy from pigs that eat from the public trough and do not do their duties as they are duty bound and paid to do. Ben, if you choose to have your roids reemed. That would be your choice.

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
The cop said somthing that did not seem to be right. He said that I would recive the ticket in the mail in 2 to 3 months. Here is the funny part, he said that I would not loose any points but the fine is $100. The acusation is that I made an illegal right turn at an intersection where there is a sign dis-allowing right turns. I thought that any moving violation lost you points. Is the fine $100 for making an illegail right turn?

My version of events are that I did not make that illegal right turn, and I am sticking to that story!:rolleyes:


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
GTA, Montreal is full of signs about no left turns, no right turns, no turn between certain hours... These are by-laws and don't earn you points.

Even outside of by-laws, not every "moving violation" earn you points either. There's even an article in "code de la route" about "failing to respect the signalisation"! No points, but about $100 if I remember.

By the way, running a yellow is illegal everywhere in Canada, if not in north america. Plain common sense ot there woundn't be a yellow light! I've seen places in europe where it's green then red!

In Montréal, a very good practice when your light turn green is to look both way before moving forward... :) It saved my ass a few times!

Montréal isn't the only place where you can't turn right on a red! New-York is another one!


Active Member
May 23, 2005
Saying how all moving violations loses you points is wrong because if you

get caught talking on the phone while driving, you lose 3pts right there.

metoo4 said:
In Montréal, a very good practice when your light turn green is to look both way before moving forward... :) It saved my ass a few times!

Very good advice!!

Lots of peopel run yellows and reds

Gotten in an accident once because an asian woman with young kids in the

car decided to run a yellow but didnt make it. The guy I was with slammed

into her as he was going through a green.

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
I just read the post that had the Edu-loi link on it, it sais that if a statement of offence is requested they have to send it by registered mail.
I recieved the statement of offence by regualr mail.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
GTA, by regular mail only mean you can say you never got it so, don't go blabbing it wasn't registered!! The point for them to send the ticket via registred mail is so you can't say you didn't get it. If you go blabbing now, you will just tell them you got the ticket so, your defense will be gone... If "you don't get the ticket", you'll still get a conviction notice later-on, telling you you were convicted because you didn't fight the ticket and asking you to pay. THAT will likely be via registered mail. At that point, you can start fighting and say you never received the ticket in the first place, not before.
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