Montreal Escorts

god bless the escorts


New Member
May 6, 2008
well my dear friends i will going back in the biz cause i juste had my share of these so called meeting chat sites..well let me tell you..the woman on those sites are all hypochrites,liers,and only one have the most men after them so they can felle good and power..i mean i have meet some but after one date and after telling you they want to know you ect.. turns around and continue hunting and meeting all other im asking is it me guys or are these sites full of it!

rather have a nice escorts who doenst bullshit and waste your time


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
online is not a good place to meet women

really, it is no different than a bar

the success stories? yeah, if you want to date your female clone


Jul 4, 2003
Visit site
jiuju, I hope your goal is just to get laid. Not to try and establish an actual relationship. If you want more than a business arrangement, keep trying bars, clubs, bingo halls...Anything but the web.
Apr 16, 2005
Yeah, I guess dating sites would be fine if there was some way to put filters on them.:)


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Best quotes from these sites

jiuju said:
well my dear friends i will going back in the biz cause i juste had my share of these so called meeting chat sites.

My favortie quotes from web dating sites:
1- "I like good wine and good company!" (Me personnally, I hate anyone who's too much into conversations and I prefer the $5 bottle of wine, less expensive for same effect!)
2- "I am warm, passionate and affectionate" (Gee whiz, I thought you were an antisocial, cold-hearted money grabbing bitch...)
3- "I am social butterfly, I love to go out for dinners, movies, parties... I just love to stay at home with my man..." (Is there anything you don't like?)


New Member
May 6, 2008

lol thanks my friends especialy justz a girl i love the way you described it..well im glad im not the only one who thinks that these sites suck.yes i have been had about a couple of times with the promises and promises but at the end its all bulshit.its true they just want to have the most contacts but will never want a true date on those sites.i love the one that poses in bikini or half naked then tell you off when you talk about sex!! saying im not like that!

last one we talk for a couples of week then for the 3 time yep she never show up on our date .turns out she forgot when she went chopping but hey on here pics she is bending forward showing here huge tits with cleavge then says: im not that type!! no wonder we get frustrated .

haill to the escort busineses at least there real!


New Member
May 6, 2008
fed up!

well i tought i finlay found somoene on two sites one being et the other reseau contact.i met one 2 weeks ago.all was great she was interested and we saw eachother on my christams party sarurday but she seemed cold compare to first date.she told me she had a work party the night before anyway at the end of the nigh i asked here if we can see eachother next day she told me she cant cause got to go shoping and eat at here parents house but we will stay in touch and she will try to squeeze a date.i told here i didnt do nothing on new years eve ..she said she had invitation with friends but she never invited one we saw eachother 2 weeks ago,all was great she liked me a lot want to see me again but yess here it comes...she wrote me saying she got problememes with here kids,she cant have a boyfriend now but we will stay in touch ect..

now im really pissed off is it me people or all these godamn sites full of girls that just want to have good times and why do they bullshitt you telling these things and get mad when i tell them until know there all the same!!

i mean i got more respect for escortes then these lying piece of no good bullshiters!! have any of you guys tried these sites?


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
totally understand your feeling, but i guess it's same principle anywhere else: one can meet a very nice person and expects love, next thing you know is that the chosen person choses to take it not seriously. it's tough, i concede but it could be like that anywhere may it be on those web sites or in any other life's situation.


New Member
May 6, 2008
i know

i know montreal monk but when its like the third girl that does the exact same thing it makes you wonder..i mean its to obvious the first day they lied to you saying i want to meet you ect.. then tells you these things like your going to fast! too fast we meet 2 times and im asking to see you next week and you want me to shut up and say ok ill see you next year! whats up with that? i mean i realy realy think these girls are either payd by the site to go on dates then dump them or ar all wanting to go on a safari and collect guys heads!


New Member
Mar 25, 2007
jiuju said:
i know montreal monk but when its like the third girl that does the exact same thing it makes you wonder..i mean its to obvious the first day they lied to you saying i want to meet you ect.. then tells you these things like your going to fast! too fast we meet 2 times and im asking to see you next week and you want me to shut up and say ok ill see you next year! whats up with that? i mean i realy realy think these girls are either payd by the site to go on dates then dump them or ar all wanting to go on a safari and collect guys heads!

....the bigger problem I had with dating websites was that if the picture showed a beauty, she was fake and a man behind, writing from an Internet Cafe in Nigeria, Ghana or Russia.....:mad: First got infested then and now lavalife is full of these scammers as well :confused:


New Member
May 6, 2008

yess its ttrue full of pics are man behind theses..and i read an article where supposely sites like and reseau contact are staff payed byt the site to answer man lead them on then either never answer them back or delete them for no reason..on thats for sure is the sex site


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
jiuju said:
i know montreal monk but when its like the third girl that does the exact same thing it makes you wonder..i mean its to obvious the first day they lied to you saying i want to meet you ect.. then tells you these things like your going to fast! too fast we meet 2 times and im asking to see you next week and you want me to shut up and say ok ill see you next year! whats up with that? i mean i realy realy think these girls are either payd by the site to go on dates then dump them or ar all wanting to go on a safari and collect guys heads!

yeah, when they mess up like that, I agree with you, it really sucks.
I too have sometimes the feeling that they are paid just to run the show, or probably just teens messing around.
take dylg. and so on...unless the guy or the gal is real hot shot, one is loosing it's time there.
Last edited:


New Member
May 6, 2008

want to luagh real hard go on the site and see the file of soffy01 tha girl is to hot and what the fuck is she posing like that..i ask here if she was an escorte she told me to fuck off but some guys told me that girl is there 24/24 and always denies giving info to chat so its just an example that i truly think that site is staff memebers posing as hot girls but just to attract.
Apr 16, 2005
Quite an adventure!

Like anything in cyberspace, they tend to work reasonably well until the scammers, perverts, emotionally damaged, the trolls and anyone else with a twisted angle sees the possibilities. But if one is willing to slog away at it, choose the most reputable sites, put up with the BS, learn the ropes and filter through many ads, a guy just might hook up with a little sweetie who, for some pertinent reason (you pick), on impulse, puts in an ad. And if you can get to her before the guys sending pictures of their "family jewels" do, (and she withdraws) then you might be in luck. I went through the dating site phase and after wading through the morass of some very strange ones (I've got a couple of stories which still make me laugh) did happen across a pretty amazing one (a girlfriend convinced her to try it). Actually dated her for a very long time. I don't know if it's worth it today though. Might be worth it to try one of the newer versions like "Speed Dating."


Mar 28, 2007
I know tons of people who have done alright with internet dating. You have to be selective, sometimes cold and clinical about what you want, and not let people waste your time for too long by not giving you photos and then real world contact info. Some very hot women are using these sites and they are for real.


New Member
May 6, 2008

thanks maria by the way how do i get in touch with you for info ;) well i have lost my time on these so called ads.yeah some will say there are some good ones..well let me tell you you need to have a horseshoe up your ass and shine it like crazy cause its more hard to get a descent girl on the sites then winning at bingo in your local church hall! im always a nice guy ,treat them right then they turn around and bullshit me after .and hold and behold they get back on these sites for the next one that will hook the line.all bullshit!
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