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Villanueva Family to Sue Police


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
bond_james_bond said:

Now that there will be no charges against the cops for the shooting.

But I was wondering, couldn't the cops have subdued the kid using non-lethal means?

Certainly they could have and after it happened they can't have been happy. The problem is that in the heat of the moment mistakes can happen and people aren't perfect. That's why intelligent people try to avoid situations where mistakes might occur. The kids in this incident never figured that out and now one of them never WILL figure it out. I'm no special lover of the police but I wouldn't want to have to do their job.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
I love after he was murdered all his family and friends were saying he was a good kid and didnt

deserve this. Just because you dont have a record doesnt mean you're a good kid.

I agree they could have used non lethal force but I dont feel sorry for Freddy

The cops were scared for their lives and were outnumbered 6 - 2.

Freddy didnt listen to them when they asked for ID and punch one in the

face and then tried to choke him thats what led to him being shot.

If he simply showed Id like he was asked none of this would have happened

but he chose to be "gangsta"

You live by the gun, you die by the gun.


New Member
May 31, 2008
Move on!

I'm getting sick and tired of all this news about this family that wants money because thier kid jumped and wanted disarm a police officer!

I don't like cops, but i do call a spade a spade!

This cop shoot the kid because the kid jumped him and was aimming to undo his buckle with the gun.

Thats enough for me to say the cop did the right thing and unfortunatly the kid got what he deserved!

It should be up to his brother ( the lowlife forgot his name) to live with the death of his brother on his own concense not the cop.


New Member
Oct 21, 2003
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the brother of that motherfucker got arrested for reselling weapons, good kid? I just hate this pandilleros, thinking they're tough like low life gangsters from the mara salvatrucha.

The weakness of latinos is that their kid can do all the shit in the world, but the parents will never cease to protect their son even after their death. By suing the police they are protecting his image the last thing left of F. Villanueva.


Dec 11, 2004
you don't have to be a police lover to get a couple of things straight:

1: Police have guns to act as a deterrent, and to protect themselves. The message is "Don't fuck around with a police officer, you might get shot"

2: Unless it can be clearly proved that the police action was unprovoked, victims get what they deserve. Anyone with half a brain would get the hell away from any serious confrontation with the police. Let them arrest the asshole. That's their job



Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
bond_james_bond said:
But I was wondering, couldn't the cops have subdued the kid using non-lethal means?

Of course! Had there been 4 cops, with none of them being choked by one assailant, and only 2 kids, I'm sure the cops could've done it...:rolleyes: Cops aren't supermen/women... geez...
If you don't want to risk your life, don't attack them, period.


Hot and Feverish
Nov 30, 2005
I'm sick and tired of all the bleeding hearts in this world. Cops do not have my love that is for sure, but these little c---sucker little punks who watch to many movies and gangsta rap videos all deserve what they get and more. I do sympathise with the loss of the family, but had they been more involved in their kids lives maybe Freddy would still be alive today. In my opinion all these little oversized pants, baseball caps with tags, t-shirts that are 10 sizes too big, need to have a little respect or face the same circumstances. It's not a question of race just a question of frame of mind. You want to make believe you are a gangsta then face the music that you will not be treated in the same manner

First, sorry for my english. I will try because i saw everything is in english here :)
I think you have to grow up in those neighbourhood to understand what s the real situation down there. I did and trust me when you see the reality , you can t think the same way. In those area the police is not necessarely acting nice with people because they are, for many of them street gang members. But sometimes it s not a choice they have to be a part of it for some reason. We are not gonna start with it... Nothing can excuse the way he act but don t think the police officer was nice with them... i can bet anything on it. How many times did i see some officer showing their gun for NOTHING just to impress and let people know they got the power. How many times did i see some guys beeing arrest and the police officers brought them somewhere just to beat them up and let them go after. So don t ask to yourself why nobody likes cobs down there. Come on... nobody deserve to die

My two cents
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New Member
May 31, 2008

Sorry, K.I.M, i do not feel the same sympithy as you do.

When you jump a police officer, for what ever reason, expect them to use extrem force!

If you feel that a police officer is abusing his power, there are proceedures to follow and file complaints. The solution is not to use physical force on them.

How does the jack ass brother of Freddy feel like, I don`t think it bothers him that his brother died for HIS OWN stupidity! He hasn`t made any changes in his life, he is just being sheltered and he feels protected because his family got involved and in thier heads, they think the police did something wrong.
All the idiot is doing is riding in their coattails, for now!

Once the legal proccess starts, and mountains of evidence monts against little Fredy, then hopefully 1 family member is smart enough and realizes that maybe, just maybe their child was wrong! and that their other son, is probably a gang member and provoked police officers to act!

Then they will cut thier loses short and give the whole thing up! Best case senerio, or they could continue to shell out thousands of dollars on legal battles (money which they claim not to have) and end up with the same desicions, POLICE OFFICER WAS NOT WRONG IN SHOOTING THEIR LITTLE BOY' BECAUSE LITTLE BOY JUMPED THE OFFICER AND THE OFFICER FELT AS IF HIS LIFE OR HIS PARTNER`s LIFE WOULD BE PUT IN DANGER!

DON`T CARE where you grew up or lived, theses people need to have certain amount of respect from normal everyday citizens, for laws, rules, and regulations to work! It like that.


New Member
May 2, 2007
donethis4years said:
Sorry, K.I.M, i do not feel the same sympithy as you do.

When you jump a police officer, for what ever reason, expect them to use extrem force!

If you feel that a police officer is abusing his power, there are proceedures to follow and file complaints. The solution is not to use physical force on them.

How does the jack ass brother of Freddy feel like, I don`t think it bothers him that his brother died for HIS OWN stupidity! He hasn`t made any changes in his life, he is just being sheltered and he feels protected because his family got involved and in thier heads, they think the police did something wrong.
All the idiot is doing is riding in their coattails, for now!

Once the legal proccess starts, and mountains of evidence monts against little Fredy, then hopefully 1 family member is smart enough and realizes that maybe, just maybe their child was wrong! and that their other son, is probably a gang member and provoked police officers to act!

Then they will cut thier loses short and give the whole thing up! Best case senerio, or they could continue to shell out thousands of dollars on legal battles (money which they claim not to have) and end up with the same desicions, POLICE OFFICER WAS NOT WRONG IN SHOOTING THEIR LITTLE BOY' BECAUSE LITTLE BOY JUMPED THE OFFICER AND THE OFFICER FELT AS IF HIS LIFE OR HIS PARTNER`s LIFE WOULD BE PUT IN DANGER!

DON`T CARE where you grew up or lived, theses people need to have certain amount of respect from normal everyday citizens, for laws, rules, and regulations to work! It like that.

You can be honest and admit that u didnt read what Kim post and dont care either

I dont know if u live in a fantasy world but even if u post a complain against the police, cops blindy proctects each others and they have 20 donethis4years to said that the police is right.

In this neighbourhood , the police is seen as another street gang and to be honest, the police officer are pretty happy of this image. But the police is ALWAYS RIGHT so why bother huh? dont care like u said

The fact of the matter is, the kid who died was stupid and the police officer didnt did his job right, but keep proctect the police officer like a good civilian would do


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Azmat, I read what K.I.M. said and understand it. Yet, I don't agree one single minute! There are peoples who came from "bad neighbourhood" who got out. All it requires is to make an effort. Not all kids around that area are bad kids. I bet the majority are good!

But no, some decide to go the lazy way, to "feel the power" without seemingly any responsibility. Guess what? That's not the way a society work! There are rules for a reason: keep the peace.

I did have some argumentation with cops before and, quite often, I won! I never got physical with them, I went to court or to their superiors.

Yes, I'm white but, would it make such difference? When somebody comes in for a complaint, dressed like a "gangsta", speaking like a "gangsta" and with a "gangsta" attitude, would you take them seriously or would you treat them like a "gangsta"?

The cops are faced with these peoples who want anything besides being nice to them, 100% of the time. What can they do? Stay nice all the time and wait to be hit first? Yes, they are probably totally arrogant when approaching these "gangsta-type" of peoples but, most of these "gangsta" understand nothing else and the cops would get laugh at. Can the cops know beforehand what type of peoples they are going to meet? Not at all! What's more threatening? A "gangsta" looking guy who only "plays gangsta" or a real "gangsta? Easy answer but it's impossible to differentiate just by looking so, the cops just won't take any chances and will "show authority" with everyone.

As far as the statement "How many times did i see some officer showing their gun for NOTHING just to impress and let people know they got the power.", permit me to doubt this! Every time a cop draws his weapon in public, it's almost considered as using it so, the paperwork to fill is not very pleasing... Cops try as much as possible to avoid this so, if a gun get out of the holster, there's a reason. Yes, yelling at the cop while walking towards him in a menacing way and telling him he will get busted does count as a valid reason to show his gun and, in my opinion, when there's 6 guys coming at 2 cops, some with a violent history, it's a valid reason to use that gun...
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New Member
May 31, 2008
Way out of your craddle!

Azamat said:
You can be honest and admit that u didnt read what Kim post and dont care either

I dont know if u live in a fantasy world but even if u post a complain against the police, cops blindy proctects each others and they have 20 donethis4years to said that the police is right.

In this neighbourhood , the police is seen as another street gang and to be honest, the police officer are pretty happy of this image. But the police is ALWAYS RIGHT so why bother huh? dont care like u said

The fact of the matter is, the kid who died was stupid and the police officer didnt did his job right, but keep proctect the police officer like a good civilian would do

Not quite sure which bubble you live in, but here in CANADA civilians' have rights and there are a shit load of places , offices, and organizations to go and have thier rights excercised!

When you have a problem with police, there is the federation of police officers, Thier immediate supervisors, human rights office, depending which level of police, you may call and complain to the higher level police department, and also city hall! ( complain to elected rep.)

These action (if you are able to be civilized) do work! I have filed about 8 files against police officers in my life time and i am proud to say that these systems work, It only the lazy people that keep on complaining that the justice system and the police department don't work. As you know these recourses are time consuming, so just stay home, smoke your pot, pick your nose, and go around complaining that the system dosen't work, that cops hate blacks and hispanics and that the whole world is against you! God forbid you help yourselves and be civilized instead of jumping cops and playing racial cards!


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
Azamat said:
I dont know if u live in a fantasy world but even if u post a complain against the police, cops blindy proctects each others and they have 20 donethis4years to said that the police is right.

I quote this one section because my dad was a cop and they protect each other in situations where "normal" people would spend eternity living in hell.
The cop is "never" wrong.
The family of the cop either. They get away with everything.
I have had police officers try and provoke me to the point where they can "defend" themselves from me. For crying out loud I was 16 and 100lbs soaking wet and had 4 cops on me. After the cop specifically did things to hurt me first.

The only thing I can see this boy or any kid doing wrong is not knowing their rights and the limits first.

If you get in an argument with a police officer Never put your hands where the cop cannot see them. That is when the gun comes out of the holster.


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
donethis4years said:
Not quite sure which bubble you live in, but here in CANADA civilians' have rights and there are a shit load of places , offices, and organizations to go and have thier rights excercised!

When you have a problem with police, there is the federation of police officers, Thier immediate supervisors, human rights office, depending which level of police, you may call and complain to the higher level police department, and also city hall! ( complain to elected rep.)

These action (if you are able to be civilized) do work! I have filed about 8 files against police officers in my life time and i am proud to say that these systems work, It only the lazy people that keep on complaining that the justice system and the police department don't work. As you know these recourses are time consuming, so just stay home, smoke your pot, pick your nose, and go around complaining that the system dosen't work, that cops hate blacks and hispanics and that the whole world is against you! God forbid you help yourselves and be civilized instead of jumping cops and playing racial cards!

I will agree that pigs should not be jumped or harmed (any human being in that fact unless you are expressly defending yourself ... for real...)

But, I do believe that the people who thinks that there are places to complain to and that human rights are respected amung all people of all walks of life... THAT IS A BUBBLE.

Having lived on the streets for 3 years, believe me, I have seen my fair share of kids being beaten by cops, myself being told to do things no "normal" person whould imagine by these so called protectors.

And yeah we complain... those of us who have time to waste, but do we see anything get done? NO. Pigs can beat their own families and walk away... even with insane amount of proof that these pigs did it...
There is our human rights HARD AT WORK.

The rights are a bunch of words to make bubble dwellers feel better and to play favor for the people who have money. Other than that, they are a crock of shit for the people who really need them.

And I do not know what the complaint towards the police was that you won on, but when it comes to serious shit, I have witnessed with my own two eyes, blood splatter all over the kitchen and then the "police officer" walk away. NO JAIL, NO COURT NO NOTHING. SCOTT FREE!

Complaints were filed... Apparently I have some fucked up hallucinations.

On a ticket when I was hit by a car, I won, I had enough proof and the cops rep and job was not at stake.

And no this is not too personal of info here, I just feel like bursting a bubble that should be burst, be cause this bubble makes life extremely hard on a lot of people
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New Member
May 31, 2008

Hi Tracy, sorry you feel that way, I have had a few situation where i was harrased by police officers, on a daily bases. Followed, stop and threatened.

The story is rather long, but the ended up siezing some of my belongings and told if I complained they would take it a step further!

Long story short, I started filming and taking down notes, when I thought i had enough proof, then I began my complaints!

After just a few months the officers were removed from my area and police station, re-assigned elsewhere.

Till today, I have not had any problems!
Ashley Madison
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