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Countries and Cities With The Most Beautiful Women


Jul 7, 2008
Montreal in Top 10! Although it has 9 cities ahead! :)
But, Montreal is the ONLY city in North America in the list!

10. Montreal, Canada
Ahh the flavour of France but with the convenient location of Canada, Montreal is truly one of the world's best cities. So many colleges & universities, so many women, & with fashion sense, a very good quality may I add. The best part of course being that the women all speak French, the language of love. So my friends, take a trip to Montreal, and find a beautiful leather trench coat wearing beauty that will serenade you in French all night long.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Your opinion, MERBits?


Non, rien de rien...
Jul 10, 2003
New England, USA
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My number one choice is Paris. Some women there will just take your breath away. The women are French, not hyphenated French and they speak French with accents from la France metropolitaine (meaning they are understandable). Though French women are nice to look at, I find them extremely complicated pyschologically - neurotic, quoi. This is the downside.

For this reason, I'll spend gladly spend time with a femme quebecoise ou montrealaise any time. Uncomplicated and genuinely chaleureuse.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
I agree with Paris as a top choice! Although some have a clearly un-firendly attitude, there is something about the Paris chic that you can't find anywhere else in the world!! I find many of them not only neurotic, but chiantes! But... still so beautiful-- and quite natural looking also!

I would list also Tokyo, as I have this thing for Japanese women and find their faces prettier than Korean woman (less cheek bones)... and there are over 6 million women there, so just by sheer numbers, there are always a few hot ones around!

I tend to disagree with Russian women, though. The more western republics of ex USSR seem to have the more gorgeous women of this large region, but Russian women have many times this "under-nourished" look to them... or something not as healthy looking.... Just my opinion. I would counter Russia with Czech women.... Very beautiful and healthy and natural looking...

OK time to go on a trip!! :D


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Les filles du roi

Of course, sending the cream of the crop of Parisien prostitutes and good-looking daughters of commoners by the King of France to keep the coureurs du bois happy has benefitted us all over time with a great gene pool.

However, attitudinally, Latin Americans and their Caribbean sisters are far better when it comes to sex and their own sexuality. Unlike here if you stare at a hot girl on the street who gives you the "what the fuck are you looking at asshole?" vibe when one is found to be throughly enjoying decolletage or anterior assets placed on display (apparently not for you), in Havana, or Rio, or Buenous Aires if you aren't looking you are considered to be a mariposo, un sin testículos, suffering from a cojones shortage.

Honestly, if a girl doesn't want to be gawked at while neglecting to wear a bra, prying her ass into some tight jeans, and wearing a tiny t/belly shirt she ought to wear a fucking burkha, or STFU.


Jul 21, 2005
Milan, Italy

I'm surprised that Milan, Italy did not make the list. As a fashion capital of the world, there are so many sexy, beautiful women around it's unreal. Not only are there amazing Italian ladies in town, but there are so many foreigners as well (many of whom are models or aspiring models) that on some days it feels like you've died and gone to heaven. For a real treat ... go to Milan during the Monza Grand Prix period ... you won't regret it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I think Montreal has a lot of amazing looking women, but NYC is absolutely loaded with them. Everywhere you look its girls, girls, girls, and they are all hot.


Oct 12, 2004
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Prague should make the list.

Beautiful women all around, better yet, very open minded,
European appeal, abundant sex.
Prague is the capital of the central euro sex scene, for good reason.
Downside: the Czech language is impossible to master, so body language rules!:D


P.S. great beer in Prague !


Nov 22, 2005
I wonder why Las Vegas didn't make the cut. Of course we all know that most girls in Vegas are certainly not from there but it seems that because of all the model/showgirl/SP wannabees are there, Vegas by default, would be on that list.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
YouVantOption said:
Les filles du roi...Of course, sending the cream of the crop of Parisien prostitutes and good-looking daughters of commoners by the King of France to keep the coureurs du bois happy has benefitted us all over time with a great gene pool.

Hey YVO,

You are seriously mistaken:

The Filles du Roi were not prostitutes generally or in any significant minority either. "One year before Montréal was founded, the superior of the Jesuit mission to New France reacts to the doubly false rumour circulating in France, that several girls had been sent to Canada in 1639 who were prostitutes."

"we read in the Relation des Jésuites (1641), that there was a rumour in Paris that a vessel had been brought to Canada laden with girls whose virtue had not been attested to by any doctor: it is a false rumour, I have seen all the vessels." A few prostitutes went to New France to escape jail.

"Some claimed that they were prostitutes, rounded up and put aboard ships bound for the colonies. Although it may have been the case for some of the king's daughters, most of them were just normal girls with few opportunities at home, looking for a better life abroad."

The so-called "cream of the crop" of prostitutes would surely have no interest in going where the pickings for good patrons was so poor and a very hard life in the most severe conditions was the norm. You should check out the facts before believing in myths. And considering there are definitely les Filles du Roi ancestors in the past of nearly every family in Quebec I would think you would be more cautious about slandering your own heritage.

Back to cities and countries with the most beautiful women, it's perplexing how Asia with a population of 4,000,000,000 people is nearly absent from consideration. No Asian country is mentioned, and among cities only Seoul, and Tel Aviv in extreme western Asia come up...and Israelis are hardly ethnic Asians. Obviously, this list is very Euro-centric. At the very least the people who created this survey need to see lot more of China and Japan.

sushi please,

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Mar 9, 2006
budapest hungary? i've never been. hear it is a fashion capital of sorts?


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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2. Argentina
Argentina is definitely the cream of the crop as far as Latin America, well really as far as the whole Western Hemisphere goes. Argentineans, specifically those of Buenos Aires are a people made up mostly of Italian migrants from the 19th & early 20th century, but I must say that they must have been migrants from Milan all with super model genes, because the people here are stunning.

4. Bulgaria
Bulgaria may as well change its name to "Beautyland" as it is a proverbial theme park of beautiful women. Everything from dark hair to light, & from bright eyes to well brighter eyes. Bulgaria is filled with amazing women all the way from the mountainous region of the capital Sofia to the beautiful beaches on the Black Sea coast.

Buenos Aires...on my hobby destination list. As to Bulgaria...met several Bulgarian women in fkk clubs, all were very exotic.


Non, rien de rien...
Jul 10, 2003
New England, USA
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Yes, let's not forget Hungary

mark_sab said:
budapest hungary? i've never been. hear it is a fashion capital of sorts?
I've not been but based on my experiences with European women in Germany brothels, Hungarian women are just about the best there are in the P4P arena.

I have yet to have a bad experience with one. Its that hot Gypsy blood flowing through their veins. They can be extremely exotic looking.

I consider them to be "special occasion" treats because there aren't many of them. I know I'm in for a treat when I find one.

The best "utility" sex workers I've met (and this is because they are more plentiful) are Polish. They are real troopers, always game, always ready to jump into action. Most Polish women are blondes though and it can get boring after a while.

I say: Let no harm come to even the hair of one Polish person!

The worst? From the bottom: Romanians followed by Bulgarians.


Non, rien de rien...
Jul 10, 2003
New England, USA
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Ukrainian women...

Latinofreak said:
I love women from ukraine, most of them look like top models.
... and women coming from very deep in Eastern Europe in general are not all that hot.

I classify EE women as either coming from the Balkans, the Baltics or the Black Sea. One country which doesn't fit this scheme is Moldova which is landlocked.

I prefer EE women from just across the former Iron Curtain.

The more distant her homeland is from the former Iron Curtain, the less she has in common with you and the more difficult she is to understand culturally.

Russian women I've found to be either good or indifferent about their work. The inconsistency is bothersome.

Chicks from the "Stans" as in Turkmenistan, Kazahkstan, etc.., for example, are about as foreign as they can get.

Think "Borat".

When I session with women like this its to be able to fill in my map and say "I've tested Kazahkstani pussy and it was good/bad/so-so".

My last chick from Kazahkstan? Katarina who works at a club in Duesseldorf. She does erotic massages and BJs but won't allow penetration. She has a very pretty face and an amazing olive complexion. She's quite incomprehensible though.

Eastern European women from just across the former Iron Curtain such as from Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic you'll find are easiest to deal with and the most attuned to Western culture.
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Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Russian Attitude

Another data point. I`ve a friend who has dated Russian women exclusively for several years now. The one thing he asserts to be true is that Russians of a certain age (for him, mid-30s) who were brought up under the Soviet school system believe that they are inherently better than Westerners, physically, mentally, culturally.

Which may address the condescension and `remote` feeling one gets from Russian SPs. As the phrase goes; `As cold as a Moscow hooker`s heart`.

One of the earliest lessons I received was when talking to Diana, a fabulous young blonde Russian from Centre de Santé Monkland (My posts about her on CANBEST were Epic). One time, she said to me "Do you know how we women look at you?" Me (wide-eyed and innocent): "No". "Cocks, with wallets"

(Yes, I appreciate the irony of how this refutes what I just wrote in this thread)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I like exotic

Best looking women in a city would be.... Beirut
Best looking women in a province or state ....Quebec
Best looking women in a country....Somalia
Best looking women dancing in a disco....Havana
Best looking women on the beach...South Beach Fla.
Best looking women walking the street in summer....Montreal
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