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Yankees Soap Opera: A-Fraud Obsessed with Jeter!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey Pinstripe Lovers,

Here's food for "thought" looks like Manny isn't the only one "Being Manny". According to ESPN, quoting from the book, Torre scolded A-Rod for not even being willing to get himself a cup of coffee without having a valet do it for


Scorned skipper Joe Torre is blasting the Yankees - calling many of his former players prima donnas, confessing he stopped trusting the powers that be years before he left the team and charging that general manager Brian Cashman betrayed him.

In an explosive new book called "The Yankee Years," Torre gets most personal in his attacks against Alex Rodriguez, who he says was called "A-Fraud" by his teammates after he developed a "Single White Female"-like obsession with team captain Derek Jeter and asked for a personal clubhouse assistant to run errands for him.

UPDATE:Verducci Defends Torre

Torre, who left the Yankees and became manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers after the 2007 season, says Cashman never told the brass that the manager wanted a two-year deal and instead remained silent during Torre's tense final sit down with the bosses.

The book also reveals that, during spring training in 1999, team doctors revealed to owner George Steinbrenner that Torre had prostate cancer - even before informing the manager himself.

The 477-page tell-all, which The Post purchased from a city bookstore last week, is written by co-author Tom Verducci, a longtime Sports Illustrated reporter.

Torre recounts his 12-year career in New York through interviews. It is being published by Doubleday.

A father figure in the dugout, Torre became the second-winningest manager in Yankee history, bringing the team into postseason play every year from 1996 to 2007.

Torre spent years trying to bring out a winning performance from A-Rod, the highest-paid player in baseball, which from all reported accounts included a lot of hand-holding and battling the insecurities and demons Rodriguez struggles with.

And while the Bombers would win four world championships under Torre's watch by 2000, there were years of tension over management's choice of players and the growing silence between him and Yankee brass.

Torre's exit in the fall of 2007 came after a 20-minute meeting over his contract with Steinbrenner and other Yankee officials at the team's Tampa, Fla., office.

At the time, the skipper was coming off a tough and highly scrutinized season. He was seeking a two-year contract with the possibility of a buyout.

The Yankees - in a leadership crisis as Steinbrenner dealt with health issues and his sons, Hank and Hal, tried to step into the void - would only offer a one-year deal at a 30 percent pay cut.

Torre felt that if he didn't get a multiyear deal, the intense media scrutiny would continue.

When he announced that he was leaving the team, Torre told reporters that he found the offer insulting but that he considered Cashman one of the few officials in the meeting to have his back.

Time has clearly soured those sentiments.

[email protected]

Report: A-Rod insiders blast Torre's tell-all's-tell-all

......The book says that although Rodriguez desperately wanted to be accepted by his new teammates after coming to the Yankees from Texas in 2004, he turned them off with his showboating, his insistence on having a clubhouse valet, and his phony nature when dealing with the media.......

Hey JETERRRRRRR! What are WE doing tonight

To be honest, I don't see why this was necessary. There isn't much that seems newsworthy and I don't see what Torre gets out of it except revenge of a sort. As one who had a great managing stint, and made a name as head of the team, Torre's book comes off as a cheap betrayal based on what has been reported so far. But as a Red Sox fan I can't help but take some delight in the revelations showing the allegedly squeaky-clean Spanks as flawed with personal dramas as anyone else. I'm sure this was only the tip of the iceberg.




According to ESPN Torre said nothing about the old rumor that the male valet wore only high heels and chaps, or that his name is
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Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Just a few years earlier, Rodgriguez was obsessed with Jessica Canseco. I just finished reading Canseco's 2nd book & the stuff about Rodriguez is quite amusing. I always figured there had to be something wrong in his head considering a guy with his looks, money & fame would want to screw a plain, chubby & milf-like stripper from Toronto. Heck, he even spent last summer screwing 50-year old Madonna!!!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
AROD, its scary how good he is, but how GREAT he could be

Can you imagine how much better this guy would be if he had noone on his back 24/7? UNREAL!!! its scary to think how much "better" he would be..... he's without a doubt considering how scrutinized he is, the best baseball player of all time, at very least in the top 5, argue whatever you want to, but he is truly an amazing baseball player, and he has issues (anyone who wants madonna over some 20yr old hottie has serious issues mentally), HAHA! (my opinon only)

Doc Holliday said:
Just a few years earlier, Rodgriguez was obsessed with Jessica Canseco. I just finished reading Canseco's 2nd book & the stuff about Rodriguez is quite amusing. I always figured there had to be something wrong in his head considering a guy with his looks, money & fame would want to screw a plain, chubby & milf-like stripper from Toronto. Heck, he even spent last summer screwing 50-year old Madonna!!!!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
lgna69xxx said:
Can you imagine how much better this guy would be if he had noone on his back 24/7? UNREAL!!! its scary to think how much "better" he would be..... he's without a doubt considering how scrutinized he is, the best baseball player of all time, at very least in the top 5, argue whatever you want to, but he is truly an amazing baseball player, and he has issues (anyone who wants madonna over some 20yr old hottie has serious issues mentally), HAHA! (my opinon only)

Hello Igna,

I see that you are not disputing the alleged facts from Torre or how bad it makes A-Fraud look. Remember one thing though, from his acceptance in the clubhouse to his divorce it's his own choices and actions that brought on the public view of him. The only fault of the media was in publishing his actions, which every sports star or celebrity has to deal with. So his burden is nothing special.

As for the limits of talent, remember that Ruth was a slovenly drunk in bad shape staying out all night without the possible benefit of access to any chemical enhancements. So how good would a fit Babe have been in A-Fraud's world. Don't forget Ruth was a pitcher until 1919...and the kind of harder ball that would take go further when hit wasn't available to Ruth until about 1920 or so. Ruth had only 1100 at bats in his first six years as a pitcher with the softer ball, while A-Fraud had about 2600 at bats...all with the harder ball. Ruth could have easily added 200 home runs just as a hard partying full time hitter with the ball A-Fraud got to hit. What if Ruth had kept himself in decent shape...WHEW! Now that's a truly daunting prospect.


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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Red Red Wine:

ROFL! this coming from a Red Sux fan doesnt surprise me one manny bashing second ...... lol...... babe was great yes but there was NOWHERE NEAR the type of physically gifted players then vs's now., that being said, Babe is still at the top of the list also...... and yes AROD is a mental case and alot of it is indeed his own doing, i never disputed that, but all i said basically was Imagine how much better he would be with no media hounding his every move, it was a statement not a fact persay.......

so with all the distractions he has, it simply shows the kind of amazing talent the guy has, unreal talent......thats all i was saying

toodly doo mr. vineyards :D

Merlot said:
Hello Igna,

I see that you are not disputing the alleged facts from Torre or how bad it makes A-Fraud look. Remember one thing though, from his acceptance in the clubhouse to his divorce it's his own choices and actions that brought on the public view of him. The only fault of the media was in publishing his actions, which every sports star or celebrity has to deal with. So his burden is nothing special.

As for the limits of talent, remember that Ruth was a slovenly drunk in bad shape staying out all night without the possible benefit of access to any chemical enhancements. So how good would a fit Babe have been in A-Fraud's world. Don't forget Ruth was a pitcher until 1919...and the kind of harder ball that would take go further when hit wasn't available to Ruth until about 1920 or so. Ruth had only 1100 at bats in his first six years as a pitcher with the softer ball, while A-Fraud had about 2600 at bats...all with the harder ball. Ruth could have easily added 200 home runs just as a hard partying full time hitter with the ball A-Fraud got to hit. What if Ruth had kept himself in decent shape...WHEW! Now that's a truly daunting prospect.




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
lgna69xxx said:
Red Red Wine:

ROFL! this coming from a Red Sux fan doesnt surprise me one manny bashing second ...... lol...... babe was great yes but there was NOWHERE NEAR the type of physically gifted players then vs's now., that being said, Babe is still at the top of the list also...... and yes AROD is a mental case and alot of it is indeed his own doing, i never disputed that, but all i said basically was Imagine how much better he would be with no media hounding his every move, it was a statement not a fact persay.......

so with all the distractions he has, it simply shows the kind of amazing talent the guy has, unreal talent......thats all i was saying

toodly doo mr. vineyards :D


Ruth was a Red Sox creation. Never forget that!!!!!!!!!!
A hard-partying, out of shape, fat and tired Ruth with no steroids available was better than an athletic, probably enhanced A-Fraud. And, when it comes to you really think "Fraud" had more to deal with than Ruth, or that Fraud could have possibly have saved baseball from the Black Sox scandal???? Really, stop whining about A-Fraud's media burden or bragging about his "talent" when Ruth's media coverage was so huge his persona and his talent could save the whole sport.


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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Yellow Tail Merlot :

O trust me, my point has been made, i got YOU (a red SUX's fan) to brag about a YANKEE!

(Ruth, and spare me please the argument about he was a red sux tried and true, if this is your case then it also shows how STUPID BOS-DONE was to get rid of him :D )

and you didnt even no i was subliminally doing it, ROFL!!!!!! MY DAY IS COMPLETE, Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

but my dear red wine, you fail "once" again to miss the point of my post, im not gonna repeat it when its in plain easy to read black and white......

Merlot said:

Ruth was a Red Sox creation. Never forget that!!!!!!!!!!
A hard-partying, out of shape, fat and tired Ruth with no steroids available was better than an athletic, probably enhanced A-Fraud. And, when it comes to you really think "Fraud" had more to deal with than Ruth, or that Fraud could have possibly have saved baseball from the Black Sox scandal???? Really, stop whining about A-Fraud's media burden or bragging about his "talent" when Ruth's media coverage was so huge his persona and his talent could save whole sport.




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
lgna69xxx said:
Yellow Tail Merlot :

O trust me, my point has been made, i got YOU (a red SUX's fan) to brag about a YANKEE!

(Ruth, and spare me please the argument about he was a red sux tried and true, if this is your case then it also shows how STUPID BOS-DONE was to get rid of him :D )

and you didnt even no i was subliminally doing it, ROFL!!!!!! MY DAY IS COMPLETE, Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

but my dear red wine, you fail "once" again to miss the point of my post, im not gonna repeat it when its in plain easy to read black and white......


LOL...did you attend school at all...yet. " miss the point." You must be hitting the keyboard with your baby bottle. Nice rant though.


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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Mr. Wolf Blass (hehe)

is the bottle getting half full or something? :D

my point gets made with every post you make:rolleyes: ...... again, back to topic at hand, and for YOU my lil Grape Lover i will go ahead and repeat it one more time, Arod is an amazing talent, just imagine if he didnt have the media all over him, and YES alot of that is his own doing, THAT being said, T H A T WAS my point my lil grape loving friend ;) :p ;)

Merlot said:

LOL...did you attend school at all...yet. " miss the point." You must be hitting the keyboard with your baby bottle. Nice rant though.


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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
lgna69xxx said:
its scary to think how much "better" he would be..... he's without a doubt considering how scrutinized he is, the best baseball player of all time, at very least in the top 5, argue whatever you want to, but he is truly an amazing baseball player, and he has issues (anyone who wants madonna over some 20yr old hottie has serious issues mentally), HAHA! (my opinon only)

Hey Iggy,

"Scary"...your assessment of A-Rod as "the best baseball player of all time" for a guy who has been weak in the clutch in the regular season, almost a hitting non-factor in most games of the playoffs, and the type of person the head coach of the Yankees for 12 years (and his head coach for four years) called a prima donna, who his teammates refer to as A-Fraud, and who Torre says has an embarrassing "single-white-female-like obssession" with the Spanks' shortstop Jeter. In short, a fairly poor clutch and big game hitter seen as a role model joke by his teammates, with a strange fetish for another player. His best talent seems to be fattening up his numbers on weak to mediocre teams and/or blow-out games, while failing often in the clutch. If he was one of the best players ever the Red Sox could never have won the World Series in 2004, and the $200,000,000 Spanks loaded with stars would have won a Series with him leading the way...but he's failed. That's a sad biography for "the best baseball player of all time"...LOL!

Now feel free to go all SINGLE-WHITE-FEMALE :eek: on Yankees and their fans are compelled to


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Hell, A-Fraud probably doesn't rank among the best 5 Yankees of all time.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
More good stuff from Torre's book:

A lot of the most-hyped material in the book, such as teammates referring to Rodriguez as "A-Fraud" and comparing his obsession with Derek Jeter to the movie "Single White Female," come from Verducci's reporting in the third-person narrative.

Pitcher Mike Mussina and bullpen catcher Mike Borzello also provide many biting commentaries. Borzello, who might have been the closest person to A-Rod in the clubhouse, said of Rodriguez in 2004: "He was phony, and he knew he was phony."

But Torre doesn't hold back, with more than his share of caustic comments about other players, too:

On Kevin Brown: "I think he had some emotional issues. There were a lot of demons in this guy. It was sad." (Brown's nuts!)

On David Wells: "The difference between Kevin Brown and David Wells is that both make your life miserable, but David Wells meant to." (Boomer's an asshole!)

On Carl Pavano: "The players all hated him. It was no secret." (Pavano's a prick!)

On Randy Johnson: "It was sad more than frustrating because when we got him, I thought we finally had someone you could hook your wagon to, and that wasn't the case." (Randy was a bust!)

On Gary Sheffield: "He was always a suspicious person." (Sheff always suffered from paranoia)

Torre praises Jeter, much as he did during his managerial tenure. He says he was against signing Jason Giambi (he considered him a defensive liability) and Sheffield (he preferred Vladimir Guerrero), but leaves to Verducci's reporting the issue of Giambi and performance-enchancing drugs.

(I've added my remarks in brackets)
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Joe Torre's book filled with bitterness's-book-filled-with-bitterness

NEW YORK (AP) - He's gone from Clueless Joe to Champion Joe and now to Bitter Joe.

Joe Torre paints a vivid portrait of the decline and fall of the New York Yankees in his new book, revealing an angry side rarely on display during his dozen years in the Bronx.

"You'd like to think if you work for somebody for a certain period of time that there'd be a time where they'd trust you somewhat," Torre says about his former employer. "And I never got that. Even when we were winning, I never got that. That bothered me."

For so many seasons, he sat stoically in the Yankees dugout, reacting calmly to events on the field and controversies off it. He was a genial, grandfather type, willing to take the abuse from the New York media to protect his players.

Now, he's sharing his thoughts. Many are vicious.

"A lot of those players are more concerned about what it looks like, as opposed to getting dirty and just getting it done," Torre says of his 2002 team in "The Yankee Years," co-written with Sports Illustrated's Tom Verducci.

Based on the former manager's observations, "You're So Vain" should replace "New York, New York" as the team's theme song.

Exhibit A of the changed Yankees is Alex Rodriguez, who joined in 2004.

"When it comes to a key situation, he can't get himself to concern himself with getting the job done, instead of how it looks," Torre says.

A-Rod comes off not only as baseball's top player, but also the No. 1 narcissist, in need of constant acclaim, approval and adoration.

"He needs all of those statistics. He needs every record imaginable," Torre says. "And he needs people to make a fuss over him."


for the rest see Doc's post above.

Such is "the best baseball player of all time"...


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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
"the house red please":

you like to "try" to turn the situation at hand into something of your liking dont you? well i will say it really really slow just for you my lil grape loving friend..... listen up real good partner,.. i Said (speaking really slow for you now right here) " Arod was/is one of the best players in history , in the top 5 for sure" (key word was P L A Y E R S)

has not a thing to do with off the field stuff, nothing at all, im talking talent and the numbers he has put up..... there have been many great great players and hall of famers who have never been to the playoffs/world series let alone star in them, thats a very silly statement on your part, but then again coming from a red SUX's fan i dont expect much HAHAHA!

now my other point which on several occasions you once again FAIL to acknowledge is the fact of how much better this guy would be have he not have media on his back 24/7..... and yes alot is his own fault, but im just saying it theoretically.....dont have a conniption over every lil thing i say, i no you hang on my every word as you have demonstrated over the last few red SUX/Yankees posts but geez Dancing Bull, let it go...... Lifes to short

with that im done squashing you, im getting all purple stained anyways and that stuff doesnt come out very easily ya no? :D so i will be the bigger "Grape" here and let you have the last word (lol, hey i like red wine also bwahahahahahaha)

Cheers! get it? :cool:

PS, when is a MANAGER of a Baseball team called a "head coach" , o vay!

Merlot said:
Hey Iggy,

"Scary"...your assessment of A-Rod as "the best baseball player of all time" for a guy who has been weak in the clutch in the regular season, almost a hitting non-factor in most games of the playoffs, and the type of person the head coach of the Yankees for 12 years (and his head coach for four years) called a prima donna, who his teammates refer to as A-Fraud, and who Torre says has an embarrassing "single-white-female-like obssession" with the Spanks' shortstop Jeter. In short, a fairly poor clutch and big game hitter seen as a role model joke by his teammates, with a strange fetish for another player. His best talent seems to be fattening up his numbers on weak to mediocre teams and/or blow-out games, while failing often in the clutch. If he was one of the best players ever the Red Sox could never have won the World Series in 2004, and the $200,000,000 Spanks loaded with stars would have won a Series with him leading the way...but he's failed. That's a sad biography for "the best baseball player of all time"...LOL!

Now feel free to go all SINGLE-WHITE-FEMALE :eek: on Yankees and their fans are compelled to




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Vladimer would of been perfect in right field for 10 years, i was against signing sheffield also....... couldnt believe they signed him over Vlady......

Doc Holliday said:
A lot of the most-hyped material in the book, such as teammates referring to Rodriguez as "A-Fraud" and comparing his obsession with Derek Jeter to the movie "Single White Female," come from Verducci's reporting in the third-person narrative.

Pitcher Mike Mussina and bullpen catcher Mike Borzello also provide many biting commentaries. Borzello, who might have been the closest person to A-Rod in the clubhouse, said of Rodriguez in 2004: "He was phony, and he knew he was phony."

But Torre doesn't hold back, with more than his share of caustic comments about other players, too:

On Kevin Brown: "I think he had some emotional issues. There were a lot of demons in this guy. It was sad." (Brown's nuts!)

On David Wells: "The difference between Kevin Brown and David Wells is that both make your life miserable, but David Wells meant to." (Boomer's an asshole!)

On Carl Pavano: "The players all hated him. It was no secret." (Pavano's a prick!)

On Randy Johnson: "It was sad more than frustrating because when we got him, I thought we finally had someone you could hook your wagon to, and that wasn't the case." (Randy was a bust!)

On Gary Sheffield: "He was always a suspicious person." (Sheff always suffered from paranoia)

Torre praises Jeter, much as he did during his managerial tenure. He says he was against signing Jason Giambi (he considered him a defensive liability) and Sheffield (he preferred Vladimir Guerrero), but leaves to Verducci's reporting the issue of Giambi and performance-enchancing drugs.

(I've added my remarks in brackets)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
LOL, i agree with you there, he has only played approx 1/3 his career there so far, now in another 5 yrs you could arguably say he is one of the best Yankees of all time.....
if he keeps similar numbers going up that he has been

rumpleforeskiin said:
Hell, A-Fraud probably doesn't rank among the best 5 Yankees of all time.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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ARod, 33 years old and still the best player in baseball.

Big Fatty, 33 years old on the decline with serious health issues, will be out of baseball in two years(My prediction).

Texiera("I've yet to tap my potential")- Triple Crown winner?.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
ARod, 33 years old and still the best player in baseball.

Big Fatty, 33 years old on the decline with serious health issues, will be out of baseball in two years(My prediction).

Texiera("I've yet to tap my potential")- Triple Crown winner?.
Ortiz will be out of baseball in two years and Dontrelle Willis won the 2007 ERA pitching the Yankees to a World Championship. Nice work, you fucking moron®.

BTW, the best player in baseball is a guy named Pujols. And as for Rodriguez being among the 5 best Yankees of all time, as long as he sucks in the post-season, and who knows if he'll ever play in another, he won't qualify.


Mar 26, 2004
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I was unaware of the sense of "going SWF"... Doc helps above and I found this... and now I think I understand:

The character of Hedy [the SWF] has been discussed as having borderline personality disorder, suffering from a markedly disturbed sense of identity, as she adopts wholesale the attributes of her room mate. A chronic emptiness is implied and her fear of abandonment leads to drastic measures.[1
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