"the house red please":
you like to "try" to turn the situation at hand into something of your liking dont you? well i will say it really really slow just for you my lil grape loving friend..... listen up real good partner,.. i Said (speaking really slow for you now right here) " Arod was/is one of the best players in history , in the top 5 for sure" (key word was P L A Y E R S)
has not a thing to do with off the field stuff, nothing at all, im talking talent and the numbers he has put up..... there have been many great great players and hall of famers who have never been to the playoffs/world series let alone star in them, thats a very silly statement on your part, but then again coming from a red SUX's fan i dont expect much HAHAHA!
now my other point which on several occasions you once again FAIL to acknowledge is the fact of how much better this guy would be have he not have media on his back 24/7..... and yes alot is his own fault, but im just saying it theoretically.....dont have a conniption over every lil thing i say, i no you hang on my every word as you have demonstrated over the last few red SUX/Yankees posts but geez Dancing Bull, let it go...... Lifes to short
with that im done squashing you, im getting all purple stained anyways and that stuff doesnt come out very easily ya no?

so i will be the bigger "Grape" here and let you have the last word (lol, hey i like red wine also bwahahahahahaha)
Cheers! get it?