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Yankees Soap Opera: A-Fraud Obsessed with Jeter!


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rumpleforeskiin said:
Ortiz will be out of baseball in two years and Dontrelle Willis won the 2007 ERA pitching the Yankees to a World Championship. Nice work, you fucking moron®.

BTW, the best player in baseball is a guy named Pujols. And as for Rodriguez being among the 5 best Yankees of all time, as long as he sucks in the post-season, and who knows if he'll ever play in another, he won't qualify.

Still angry that Coco Crisp didn't pan out?, I understand buddy.:p


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
lgna69xxx said:
"the house red please":

you like to "try" to turn the situation at hand into something of your liking dont you? well i will say it really really slow just for you my lil grape loving friend..... listen up real good partner,.. i Said (speaking really slow for you now right here) " Arod was/is one of the best players in history , in the top 5 for sure" (key word was P L A Y E R S)

has not a thing to do with off the field stuff, nothing at all, im talking talent and the numbers he has put up..... there have been many great great players and hall of famers who have never been to the playoffs/world series let alone star in them, thats a very silly statement on your part, but then again coming from a red SUX's fan i dont expect much HAHAHA!

now my other point which on several occasions you once again FAIL to acknowledge is the fact of how much better this guy would be have he not have media on his back 24/7..... and yes alot is his own fault, but im just saying it theoretically.....dont have a conniption over every lil thing i say, i no you hang on my every word as you have demonstrated over the last few red SUX/Yankees posts but geez Dancing Bull, let it go...... Lifes to short

with that im done squashing you, im getting all purple stained anyways and that stuff doesnt come out very easily ya no? :D so i will be the bigger "Grape" here and let you have the last word (lol, hey i like red wine also bwahahahahahaha)

Cheers! get it? :cool:

Hey Josey,

Your buddy Igna-RANT is blowing his cork. Wow...what a temper tantrum! I can't tell if he needs Ex-Lax or an anti-diarrhetic. Poor A-Fraud. The media... media... media is after him all of the time. Gee, no other sports or celebrity figure has ever had to face that huh. Maybe A-Fraud should hire a special valet to remove all sources of media from Mr. Waa Waa's life or pay the media to kiss his ass instead of writing the truth. So the poor prima donna is being persecuted by the "media"...waaa...waaa...waaa! I guess $28,000,000 a year isn't enough to deal with the media like a man. Isn't that more than any other sports celebrity in history who has been savaged by the media. Still not enough for Alex though...LOL! His teammates are sooooo right. He is A-FRAUD! But he can solve the problem very easily. QUIT, since he can't handle it like everyone a grown adult. Go home and cry on your many millions "FRAUD" poor baby.

Sorry to see you so upset Mr Igna-Rant. If you want sympathy for a guy paid more than anyone to deal with what everyone else has to deal with forget it. Your view only shows you have the same whiney, coddle-me attitude as A-Fraud. So continue crying a river over the most highly paid baby in the sports world if you wish. But I hate to see you so upset. So send me your address and a big fat lollipop will be on it's way. :eek:

SERIOUSLY: Give us a break Iggy. He doesn't go through anything any other sports star has to face!

A-Fraud's first deserved trophy...


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
Still angry that Coco Crisp didn't pan out?, I understand buddy.:p
Tell that to Crisp's World Championship ring.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Ok its official,.just watched Joe Torre on Letterman and also heard the same stuff on other interviews with him the last couple days, the Afraud thing was nothing like Merlot (notice i didnt have a reference to a grape here my purple lil friend) (o well, we both knew THAT wouldnt last long :) ) had wanted us to believe, it was a inside joke amoungst teamates and Arod was in on it as well........ alot of what the "MEDIA" wanted you all to believe was nothing, and Joe set the record straight very well....... im sure its on youtube already so go watch.......


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
lgna69xxx said:
Ok its official,.just watched Joe Torre on Letterman and also heard the same stuff on other interviews with him the last couple days, the Afraud thing was nothing like Merlot (notice i didnt have a reference to a grape here my purple lil friend) (o well, we both knew THAT wouldnt last long :) ) had wanted us to believe, it was a inside joke amoungst teamates and Arod was in on it as well........ alot of what the "MEDIA" wanted you all to believe was nothing, and Joe set the record straight very well....... im sure its on youtube already so go watch.......

Hello Ig,

I just got up and turned on ESPN. About 10 minutes into it here comes another interview with Torre by Hannah Strom. She asked, was the A-Fraud thing ever behind his back. Torre said, "it started out the first year behind his back, calling him A-Fraud." But, eventually a coach took him out for some extra work after he had a bad game an asked, "so who will it be today, A-Fraud or Alex?" From there it became a goodhearted joke. Torre also mentioned the coffee thing again, about Alex not always having someone do things for him like fetch coffee. "He came to me and said I don't feel accepted". I told him well get your own coffee. "He didn't get it"...about being like one of us.

Now Ig, calling A-Rod "A-Fraud" behind his back for a year can't be respectful. As for the rest, I am sure there was a mixture of goodhearted joking and real annoyance. According to Torre even A-Rod felt what was going on. That's the reality of it.


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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
well of course he had to earn the respect as a teammate. not as big a deal tho as you had hoped, but then again thats why i waited to hear Torres explanation before i made an opinon, no harm no foul as they say

Merlot said:
Hello Ig,

I just got up and turned on ESPN. About 10 minutes into it here comes another interview with Torre by Hannah Strom. She asked, was the A-Fraud thing ever behind his back. Torre said, "it started out the first year behind his back, calling him A-Fraud." But, eventually a coach took him out for some extra work after he had a bad game an asked, "so who will it be today, A-Fraud or Alex?" From there it became a goodhearted joke. Torre also mentioned the coffee thing again, about Alex not always having someone do things for him like fetch coffee. "He came to me and said I don't feel accepted". I told him well get your own coffee. "He didn't get it"...about being like one of us.

Now Ig, calling A-Rod "A-Fraud" behind his back for a year can't be respectful. As for the rest, I am sure there was a mixture of goodhearted joking and real annoyance. According to Torre even A-Rod felt what was going on. That's the reality of it.




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
lgna69xxx said:
well of course he had to earn the respect as a teammate.
Five years so far. How much longer do you think it will take? Maybe until he gets a hit in October.:D
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