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A good news story that will touch your soul!


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
To my fellow merbites,
In a world that seems to be filled with bad news almost daily, from a slumping world economy, to troubles in the middle east regarding Israel and Hamas, to the dangers that Iran poses with it's desire to possess nuclear weapons, to the war in Afghanistan, to the war in Iraq, to the tension between India and Pakistan , to the the tensions between North Korea and South Korea, to the ongoing threats of Al Queda,to the sadness of children throughout the world going hungry and dying of starvation, to all the evil and corruption that exists throughout the world,to the devastating wild fires taking place in Australia, to the devastation of storms such as tornados and hurricanes, to the devastation of earthquakes, to the reality of our planet suffering irrevocable damage due to man made pollution etc.etc.etc!

In the face of all the bad news that we are constantly bombarded with everyday, I wanted to share the following interview with Captain Sully Sullenberger, the pilot that landed his airplane US airlines flight 1549 in the Hudson River on January 15th, 2009, thus saving all 155 people on board. This may be the best news story of 2009, something that we should all embrace. This pilot Capt. Sully Sullenberger deserves all the praise he is getting and more!

Some of you may have caught the interview on TV conducted by Katie Couric of 60 minutes on Sunday Feb.8th,2009 but in case you didn't please find the time to watch and listen to this fascinating interview, it will touch your soul in a positive way.

If you can find the time to watch this fascinating interview, then either click or copy and paste the following 3 links found just below>




If any of you want to send Capt. Sullenberger an e-mail message, his e-mail address is [email protected]
The world needs more people like Capt. Sully Sullenberger!
Have a nice day!
Footman:) :) :) :)
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