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Can someone recommend a safe and effective diet for weight loss?


Oct 13, 2004
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Have decided that enough is enough and I need to loose weight. A good 40 pounds. I already use an elliptical machine and will continue this but my diet clearly needs to change fast. Has anyone had any luck with specific diets? Also, weight loss supplements?


New Member
Aug 28, 2007
All this stuff (diets) is for naught unless you can maintain your weight AFTER the diet. Usually, with any type of diet, you just can't because, obviously, the diet ENDS.

So the solution consist of a combination of actions:
1) Exercise (thumbs up, you're in, but add some others)
2) Cut everything with sugar (a difficult one)
3) Drink green tea (unless you have cardiac problems)
4) Add natural soja and curcuma to your regimen (helps for cancer too)
5) Only two or three meals with meat per week
6) Fish, a lot (bonus: omega-3)
7) Continue, continue, continue

You'll see, you will be healthier and slimmer.


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
don't go for fad diets

this will lead to cravings

balance, variety, and just an overall reduction in caloric intake

the depression is a bitch though


Pimpin' ain't easy...
Dec 18, 2005
I've dropped 22 pounds in one month on a strict diet, i go to Clinique Motivation Minceur, trying to reprogram my mind on food, works good, not cheap but great results ! Or you can try the Montignac method, worked good for me also, but i needed support that's why i go to the clinique now..good luck man !


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Bucky said:
I've dropped 22 pounds in one month on a strict diet, i go to Clinique Motivation Minceur, trying to reprogram my mind on food, works good, not cheap but great results ! Or you can try the Montignac method, worked good for me also, but i needed support that's why i go to the clinique now..good luck man !

The problem with strict "quick loss"diets is that they tend to have only short term results since you cannot live on a strict diet happily ever after. A lifetime change of lifestyle habits is the only way to enjoy long term success.

See your doctor, then go see a dietitian. Tell them about your needs and concerns. Make sure your doctor gives you a complete physical you might discover that you have special dietary needs (i.e. high cholesterol) or that their is a physical reason you are overweight (i.e. thyroid) or that certain exercise programs might not be for you (i.e. if you have high blood pressure or heart problems).

Exercise is very important, make sure you find something you enjoy. do not be afraid to try something even if it may seem boring before you give it a go. You might be surprised.

If you have a friend who is also trying to lose weight. Work out and weigh in together. It is more fun with someone and it is easier to motivate yourself to get to a gym, bicycle path or whatever when you know your friend is expecting waiting for you.


Good luck.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
There's as many diets as there is dieters and, all of them are the best in the world, until they ultimately fail...

Loosing weight is easy; keeping it off is the hard part. How many peoples play "yo-yo" with their weight, going from one diet to the other? There's a shitload of these and MD will mostly agree yo-yo is worst than any stable weight, too high or not. Some peoples since 20 years were on a diet when I met them and they're still on a diet, with the weight still going up and down but an average that's still too high. If any of these diets would have worked, they'd be skeleton-thin now!

Some diets are downright dangerous. Montignac and Atkin's being two of these. Why? They aren't balanced and result in too much intake of some stuff while depriving of other. No food is absolutely bad or good, it's the quantity and proportions that make the difference. You could die because you only eat bacon but you could also die because you eat only carrots!

A diet need to be balanced and, to have any form of success, it must aim towards a way of eating daily, not a way to loose weight fast. It must also be easy to follow and not too limiting.

Any diet without a mindset on the long term will fail. Any diet that doesn't implicate a strong will to loose weight and keep it off by the dieter will fail and, the long term is the enemy since good will is something that tend to fade in time...

Let's face it: we eat too much, with sugar and fat in way too high proportion compared to healthy food and, last but not least, we don't move enough.

I know of a few peoples who follow Weight Watcher since a few years and all of them lost about 15 pounds within about 1.5 year and are maintaining this new weight relatively stable. It's not easy! As soon as they "forget" to count points, pounds come back (1 or 2) but, when they start paying attention, those pounds go away again. None of these peoples do more exercise than they used to do but what they eat, what proportions and how much is adapted to their lifestyle. They can eat whatever they want and have a "points reserve" per week for special occasions. They even turned the "point-counting" into a game, competing together on who could follow as close to the calculated allowance, without getting over or under.
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Pimpin' ain't easy...
Dec 18, 2005
naughtylady said:
The problem with strict "quick loss"diets is that they tend to have only short term results since you cannot live on a strict diet happily ever after. A lifetime change of lifestyle habits is the only way to enjoy long term success.

See your doctor, then go see a dietitian. Tell them about your needs and concerns. Make sure your doctor gives you a complete physical you might discover that you have special dietary needs (i.e. high cholesterol) or that their is a physical reason you are overweight (i.e. thyroid) or that certain exercise programs might not be for you (i.e. if you have high blood pressure or heart problems).

Exercise is very important, make sure you find something you enjoy. do not be afraid to try something even if it may seem boring before you give it a go. You might be surprised.

If you have a friend who is also trying to lose weight. Work out and weigh in together. It is more fun with someone and it is easier to motivate yourself to get to a gym, bicycle path or whatever when you know your friend is expecting waiting for you.


Good luck.
The problem is you don't know this clinic, it's supervised by a REAL doctor, Dr Maurice Larocque, and you have a choice of diets, i choose the most strict one because i wanted good results and i have a lot of weight to drop. When you have a problem with food it comes from your emotions, and thats the support i have there, to help me think the right way about myself and find others sources of pleasure in life than eating, when i will be around my ideal weight, we will re-introduce gradually food in my alimentation. Anyway i don't have to prove something to anybody.. i've droped 22 pounds in one month, i feel great, no energy loss, no i don't see any problem here.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
mack said:
Have decided that enough is enough and I need to loose weight. A good 40 pounds. I already use an elliptical machine and will continue this but my diet clearly needs to change fast. Has anyone had any luck with specific diets? Also, weight loss supplements?

Exercise is the key. Burn more than you ingest... Then time is important. You cannot lose more than a few pounds per week, it does not make sense. You need to balance the buring of fat and maintenance of muscle and ther important tissues. Set yourself realistic goals.

Naughtylady said:
The problem with strict "quick loss"diets is that they tend to have only short term results since you cannot live on a strict diet happily ever after. A lifetime change of lifestyle habits is the only way to enjoy long term success.

Could not agree more!

For your diet:
- cut out all empty calories (stuff that has no nutritional value); a lot of it is sugar, sugar, sugar... becomes fat quite rapidly once in your body
- cut down on your portions gradually; we over eat in North America... way too much and way too often... Have you seen "Supersize Me" ? If you cut down on the portions suddenly by too much, you will feel hinger all the time and more likely to return to over eating once "you can't take it anymore"
- avoid excess carbs, especially when snacking or munching between meals; many of the processed foods we buy (i.e. ready made meals) contain a lot of these through starches, bread products, etc
- when you get the munchies, drink water, it will likely cut down on your feeling of "hunger"; then if you're still hungry, go for vegies...
- don't deprive yourself of things you really like, like ice cream once in while, otherwise dieting will become painfull and you're more likely to fall off the wagon... just use moderation!


Active Member
Jan 17, 2005
Little secret

Last time I worked out seriously, I discovered something...
Dont't cheat yourself, treat yourself ! You'll go knowhere if you get depress !

Lone Rider

Thrill seeker
Jul 24, 2003
Visit site

you want to be serious about this? Purchase this ebook, it will change your life. I did.

No frills, just good honest advice from a bodybuilder. You do not need to go to the extreme as the competitors do but, there is sound advice in this book.

You won't regret it.



Irish Luck!!!!!!
Jan 29, 2007
My solution to weight loss is, Dancing!!!
Get a peek a boo pole in your house, and dance the weight away.

Dancing is the one of the best forms of exercise, & it's good for the soul.
Like Paddler said "Dont cheat yourself, treat yourself"
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New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Wanting a quick change is a mistake, as I've been going to the gym for the last 7 months and have only lost 12 of the 20 pounds I set up as my goal originally.

However you have to remember that the more you exercise, whether with cardio or with weights (I do both, but for strict weight loss, cardio is the best- try an elliptical machine as I for one HATE running on a treadmill), some of your former excess weight gets transformed into hard muscle that can fool you into thinking you're not actually LOSING weight on the scale, but in actuality you've gone from a size 38 pants size to a 36 or 34, for example...

As any trainer would say, set up a REALISTIC goal over the long term and stick to your program. I go to the gym on average 2-3 times a week and I'm fine with that, any more and I'd probably skip out as it's easy to get discouraged from the lack of quick results. If you have 40 pounds to lose, don't get crazy and wish it to disappear by mid-july through some hokey miracle diet that'll have you rebounding back well before christmastime.

Be smart, if you can actually fit a reasonable amount of gym time every week (I think 2-3 times won't interfere too much with all your other life obligations), and prepare yourself for a good year or 2 of hard work that will ultimately pay off big time and add many more years to your life expectancy.

Finally, discipline and motivation is also key. I remember back in the first couple of weeks following the x-mas and new year's holidays, where suddenly there were a bunch of new faces at my gym that I knew showed up only because they made some silly pledges to themselves that they would lose some weight. I knew it wouldn't be long before most of these people would be gone from sight. so again, setting a realistic goal is your best way to go...


New Member
Feb 23, 2009

Eat less and excersise more. Strenthen your stomach muscles with sit ups. This helps alot. Do light sit ups at first with a wedge under your back to start.


New Member
Aug 28, 2007
One important thing to remember is that weight loss faclity is also related to age and metabolism. Two persons weighting the same and beginning the same diet and the same exercises won't get identical results. For example, if you're in your 40s or 50s, you'll find that losing weight is generally harder than when you were in your 20s or 30s. Also true for 60s and over.

Metabolism varies, so this particular factor cannot be analyzed rigorously. So fix some objectives and be realistic in the timeline for the results. You shouldn't be disappointed.



Oct 9, 2008
blood type

find out your blood type and try to eat accordingly to its needs

just google bloodtypes lots of info


Guess who's back to play!
Herbal Magic...

I have been doing this for about a month and it is working great but it is more then just a diet... It focuses on what you eat and helps you to eat better and maintain. It is pricey too but I think it is well worth the money :)


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Sexxxy, you can have the same effect, probably better and way cheaper whith simply eating well and doing exercice. On the long run, it will be better for your health and your wallet. Those Herbal Life, Usana and such count on the placebo effect to fill the "branch-owner's pockets. The customers feeling better is a side-effect for them even if that's the advertised main goal. As long as they don't make too many peoples sick or so sick it can be traced to them, the governments will look the other way but don't kid yourself, the main goai is to make money by playing on peoples' hopes and beliefs.

Once you stop taking the products, whatever effects, placebo or not are gone and the weight gain comes back so, you're contributing in making somebody else' wallet fatter, nothing more.

Any diet plan must look for a stability once it's no longer officially in place so, the goal should be to teach peoples to eat healthy and do exercise, not to keep them on expensive products for the rest of their life.

Have you noticed the pyramidal scheme below these organisations? The only difference between these and the illegal pyramidal chains is they are selling products on top of the dream. That's what keeps them legal, but barely.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Herbalife is amazing, been using their products over 12 years, and i rarely even get a cold, let alone sick, i think i have had 3 colds in that time frame, plus its great for weight control/loss as well ...... good stuff, and no i dont sell it


Dec 24, 2005

When Lisa first told me how she was losing weight and she said "Herbal Magic", I thought she meant some herbal mystery pill she was taking. But then she explained it a bit that its more of a program and not some mystery pill, good deal.

I can confirm from personal research that "Herbal Magic" works and furthermore it seems to remove the extra weight from where you dont want it but leaves it where I do want it. :D

Furthermore Lisa does not have to worry about the expense of "Herbal Magic", if you know what I mean . . . . :cool:

Personally, I am starting marathon/triathlon season, with a balanced diet I expect to lose 30 lbs in the next 6 months, I just have to stay away from ice cream come October as a recovery tool. Join a running club.
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