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Can someone recommend a safe and effective diet for weight loss?


Jul 31, 2011
The recent insanity thread reminded me of this (and a think a couple other) old threads concerning nutrition/weight loss exercise. Once again I find myself carrying an extra 25 lbs. that "somehow" attached itself to my body:eyebrows:

I have been in great shape and horrible shape. Fat and fit. But at 50 years old I am finding it increasingly difficult to keep the weight off. I run, bike, usually hit the weights in the winter (because I hate it) but I think it's time to mix it up a bit. To me, the Insanity/P90x programs seem to be something to do when you are already in decent shape just to mix it up a bit. My problem seems to be mental as much as physical, I'm just bored with the routine things that always worked in the past.

What have other Merbites experimented with? What works?


Nov 18, 2009
Eat real food from nature (fruits, vegetables, meat, etc) and avoid the processed stuff made from man. In addition to sedentary, the obesity issue is mainly a modern food problem, everything in a box has tons of carbs, refined sugar, oil, salt, etc.


Apr 29, 2012
on the border
I think I am an expert on this, as I took it seriously and won.

Weight loss is simple if you believe in the conservation of energy. Cut your food intake and exercise. Only combination of this two can help. Find the sweet spot when you start s-l-o-w-l-y loos weight (not more than a couple of pounds per month!). Stay at this spot for at least a year to see results and then for life. Exclude sugar and any soft drinks even diet completely. Balance volumetric food intake with a lot of veggies and not too sweet fruits, minimize fat, bread and pasta in your diet. Use carrots and other veggies for snacks. Go to gym at least 4 times per week. Combine weights and cardio, exercise for at least one hour, get tired and get addicted to gym. It is only drug that is good for you. If you are not physically tired after gym it’s for nothing. Ones a month have a feast and then take laxative (I don’t, I keep it :). I have started this when I was about fifty, lost about 30 pounds and am keeping pace for about 10 years now and am in better shape than 15 years ago. Remember, your body is not a car, can’t buy a new one, have to take care of what you were given by nature (or God if you wish to believe in one).


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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To lose weight and keep it off is more about lifestyle change.

The stuff you eat like mentioned above processed food is bad for you, soft drinks, fast food.

You have to live an active life, sitting on the couch will not burn fat.

Just by changing the way you eat and living an active lifestyle is a start.


Jan 8, 2012
Mange de 5 à 6 petits repas par jour; 300-400 calories par repas...Rien de majeur, juste assez pour te garder alerte et tout brûler à mesure; si tu prends trop de calories tout d'un coup et que tu ne manges pas ensuite pendant 5-6 heures, ton corps se met en mode" famine "et va tout emmagasiner plutôt que de le brûler...Imaginez un feu de foyer (ton corps qui brûle l'énergie): si tu lui donnes du petit bois régulièrement, il le carbure tout de suite; tu lui garroches une grosse bûche et plus rien après, tu risques de le ralentir, voire de l' éteindre. La grosse bûche va rester là et ne brûlera pas, ou sinon très lentement...Même dynamique...
Faut aussi faire attention à ce que tu manges: pas trop de carbs, jamais assez de protéines...
Et il faut faire de l'exercice, surtout du High intensity interval training; ça tue ton ATP et ça force ton organisme pendant 24 hres et plus après tes workouts à aller chercher dans tes acides gras ce qu'il faut pour le recréer. Donc tu continues à brûler des graisses pendant des heures et des heures....

Juste une diète seule, ça ne vaut rien; ça prend de bonnes habitudes de vie globales...

Je vis comme ça depuis des années et je conserve le même poids; par contre, j'ai transformé mon corps et il y a plus de masse musculaire et moins de gras; donc, avec le même poids, j'ai l'air (et je suis) plus mince...Et en plus, je me paie des cheat days à toutes les semaines où je peux manger de la pizza, des ailes de poulet et boire de la bière... Quoi demander de mieux !!??

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
This is just to add to your diet, drink 2 glasses of water during your meal it helps digest your food and does help lose weight.


Oct 20, 2011
Here are some ideas I would like to offer. A lot depends on your current weight, your will power and your physiological health. If you already have diabetes/high cholesterol etc, you need to consult a doctor for recommendations about safe foods.

1. WALK. WALK. WALK. Humans have evolved over thousands of years basically walking. Technology has fucked us today. Fuck technology. WALK.
3. EAT FOODS THAT YOU COOK YOURSELF FROM RAW INGREDIENTS. This is a big point. You don't need to go on any fad diet. Just make sure you eat food that you cook from natural raw ingredients.
This means lots of vegetables, some meat, some eggs, some fish, rice, nuts, fruits. Avoid stuff like bread, cakes, cookies. This is not something you can make from raw ingredients yourself. So fuck'em.
4. Depending on your age, you may want to take up some weight training. If you decide to go with weight training, avoid fancy dumbbell exercises. Stick to compound movements with a barbell like squats, deadlifts, overhead press, bench press etc. If you are absolutely out of shape, you may need to wait a bit before you start with this.
5. The key to losing fat with exercise is to do exercises that burn calories even after working out. This means intense anabolic cardio or intense weight lifting. Low intensity ellipticals can help tone your body if you are already in a decent shape. They won't help you lose 40 pounds. Again, depending on your current fitness level, some of the following could be useful:
Indoor rowing, sprinting, High intensity interval training with bodyweight - stuff like push ups, burpees, mountain climbers etc.


Frank Drebin

New Member
Sep 2, 2010
Simple. eat less, exercise more. If you put in as much as you take out, your body remains the same. If you take out ( exercise ) more than you put in ( diet ) then you will loose weight.
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