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Open letter to merb

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Open letter to merb:

Hi, its ricky..or ricky bonds as some might know me better.
Its been quite some time since ive been on the board, in fact..the last time i was here, was the last time i posted.
I haven't even came by to check on things once.
.. So i figured i would at least explain why, seeing as how ive spent countless hours on the board up to the point i packed up, and left.
The main reason for my absence from the board (and the hobby alltogether) was that i found love, opened up a recording studio, and got completely fed up of the scene.. All in the same few weeks!
Somebody had trusted me enough to attempt to include me in a tight circle of hobbyists that seek out debutantes that are willing to do irresponsable acts. Im not sure why they thought i might be interested, but they did.
After keeping that to myself for a short period of time..i decided i was going to expose them, and restore some sort of vigilante justice into an unjust market

*A few weeks with that mindset..i took a step back, and said fuck it!! Who the hell was i to decide what is right, and wrong in this hobby? Really.
So i just gave up on that. I decided not to expose specific individuals, or lists of participating ladies etc...
Live and let live..or so they say.
Through all that.. I realized that in turn, i never really had a problem with the other board. That my problem was with one member who hadn't posted there in ages..and that i was taking merb a little too much to heart.
The constant beefng between main members did not concern me, and was none of my business.
I apologize for any remark ive ever was childish, and based on taking a side without truely knowing who i was siding with.
Merb will still remain my favourite board..but my activitys on merb will stop when i log out.

*So after letting go of that info i was privy to, i just so happened to meet a lady that came straight out of my dreams. One thing led to the next, and i no longer had the urge to indulge in my inner fantasys with these lovely ladies for rent.
And i havent seen one since.
The recording studio is doing great, i get much more time off than ive had in the past, and my spare time is invested in much more important things..than it was invested the past.

All in all, merb remains the one single website where ive spent the most time, and had the most fun on.
I miss it, and i might just clean out my message box..and start coming back from time to time.
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Lily from Montreal

I missed reading you my pretty boy...I almost started a thread ''where's Ricky?'' loll

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
There was a bit more to it as well...
Being a true indy hunter!! .in my last 6 months in the hobby, i saw the independant ads swarmed with thousands of bullshit ads.
Many were cheap agencys doubling as indys etc.and many were fake personas, pics etc..
My detective techniques were becoming useless faced with the volume of ads i had to search through after the sudden increase.
..i found myself putting in hours of searching just to find one lady, totally not worth it anymore.
And on the agency end of things, thay all started charging ridiculous rates for the same old sub par/sub full hour/ sub being there on time service.
That was what led up to the boiling point of getting fed up..


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Wow what a solemn post ! Merb is just a review board, Rick...

Something would be very useful : open a thread where you would share all what you learn from your hunting experience.. That would be great !

Good luck in your life..

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
I might just do that man 77777...
I have much more to share :)...
I just felt the need to give a follow up on my threats i had issued before my grand dissappearance lol..and explain why ive been absent.
But yes, its just a review board. Nothing more, nothing less
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Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
very happy for you, Ricky bonds!
finding a great woman + launching a new career around the same time, good for u man! must've been insane.

i was wondering if you were just taking a break from the scene or found someone special.
your post explains the situation very well... can't say i'm all that surprised by the catalysts either.

those reviews + stories of yours are missed around here... but go and be happy! enjoy what you got!

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Bonjour, hello Ricky,

First of all, congratulations for your thread, and second, for the happiness in your life now.

There is a big difference between to dream a life and to live a dream.

Happy that you had now let the first option to live at the fullest.

I am always happy of the success of others. To have read you this morning bring me joy, and begin very well my day. Thank you!



Premièrement, mes félicitations pour ce sujet, et deuxièmement, pour le bonheur dans ta vie présentement.

Il y a une très grande différence entre rêver sa vie, et vivre un rêve.

C'est une joie de voir que tu as quitté le première option pour vivre pleinement.

Je suis toujours heureuse du succès des autres. De t'avoir lu ce matin m'a fait bien plaisir, et commence très bien ma journée. Merci!



New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
Bon Voyage liked reading your Threads as they would say in Scotland "LANG MAY YER LUMS REEK"
Mar 1, 2012
Somebody had trusted me enough to attempt to include me in a tight circle of hobbyists that seek out debutantes that are willing to do irresponsable acts. Im not sure why they thought i might be interested, but they did.
After keeping that to myself for a short period of time..i decided i was going to expose them, and restore some sort of vigilante justice into an unjust market

*A few weeks with that mindset..i took a step back, and said fuck it!! Who the hell was i to decide what is right, and wrong in this hobby? Really.
Actually, RB, by covering for them, you did decide for others what is right and wrong. If you don't want to be involved you could at least submit the evidence to the mods and let them do their job.


New Member
Jul 10, 2003
Visit site
Being a true indy hunter!! .in my last 6 months in the hobby, i saw the independant ads swarmed with thousands of bullshit ads.
Many were cheap agencys doubling as indys etc.and many were fake personas, pics etc..
My detective techniques were becoming useless faced with the volume of ads i had to search through after the sudden increase.

The rate of new scams is exponential in relation to the number of detectives and the time they invest in it. Sites like this make it a shared responsibility so that we all benefit. I'm sure anything you would like to share (provided it's within MERB's rules, naturally) would be highly appreciated.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Actually, RB, by covering for them, you did decide for others what is right and wrong. If you don't want to be involved you could at least submit the evidence to the mods and let them do their job.

i understand,and respect your point of view..but the mods are not the 'morally just police'..and they are limited to what happens on merb.
this was way deeper than any one board, and basically back channel network.
..+ 9/10 of the pervs that say 'i would like to know who so i can avoid that person....' are lying. thats exactly what they are serching for.
but the bottom line is tgis had nothing to do with merb, and i will refrain from mentioning it on merb.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Actually, RB, by covering for them, you did decide for others what is right and wrong. If you don't want to be involved you could at least submit the evidence to the mods and let them do their job.

i understand,and respect your point of view..but the mods are not the 'morally just police'..and they are limited to what happens on merb.
this was way deeper than any one board, and basically back channel network.
..+ 9/10 of the pervs that say 'i would like to know who so i can avoid that person....' are lying. thats exactly what they are serching for.
but the bottom line is this had nothing to do with merb, and i will refrain from mentioning it on merb.


Jan 18, 2011
I , for one, will miss your honest incite Ricky. Thank you for your reviews and your help with many private requests. Happy trails and good luck in your new adventure. I wish you all the best.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
All the best to you ricky your reviews were helpful along with your private messages.Its too bad your leaving but you need to do whats best for yourself.Peace

your insight is legendary hitman! i enjoyed reading your reviews as well..and dont count me out yet,
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