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Peepshows manager! WTF!!


Dec 18, 2008

My friend was curious about all the xxx cinema, peepshows..... so I decided to show him in person what is a peepshow. We went to the peepshow called "sex-village" on st-laurent, in front of Cleo. We went downstairs and I showed him the peepshow booth, I explained him that people go there to watch the porn movie and jack themselves. Then we just hanged here for like 5 min a bit everywhere (I was looking for a SW for some actions lol) and then this asshole manager came to use and followed us almost every time, yelling each time "Can I help you? Can I help you? What do you want? Don't hang here... bla bla... with this big fire in his eyes lol WTF is this??? I mean, its a peepshow, its a DUMP!! Not a precious place of diamond that you can't hang there for nothing.. so I can't come here just walk a bit to show what is a peepshow to my friend?? Why this stupid man was like this? Maybe there is a "rule" that is to don't hang in these place for nothing (maybe they are scared of you being a "hidden" cops or anything like this)?

Well, if someone could give me some info... maybe it was just him to be fucked up or its like this in each peepshows... Damm, that was assaulting...
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Well it's his place of business isn't it? It's not exactly a public place. If you aren't spending money, you really don't have any reason to be there do you? For all the guy knows, you're a dealer or something, or maybe a cop. Try just walking into a stripclub without giving a tip and tell the doorman that you just want to hang out a bit and show your friend around and see what happens. :rolleyes:


Dec 18, 2008
Then why he never bothered the other guys? There was like 3 old ugly man (looked like homeless people) that was standing here watching all the porn tv on the wall with their horny face. This is free, they don't gine money so why not telling them to go out if they are just looking the tv without paying anything...

Oh well, I'm curious what this man would have done if I had not left... :rolleyes: :D
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New Member
Nov 17, 2009
Some people are just naturally aggressive in tone unfortunately. However, it's a business, so its natural he is approaching you to serve you. Its standard pratice at any store, most would give you the utmost attention.

Most businesses dont mind that you loiter like future shop, but in a place like that, I don't think hanging out is appreciated. Its no different from a restaurant, if your sitting in a table without buying any food, your depriving real custumers a place to sit, same rule for the peep show, if your in the booth chilling, your depriving paying custumers the booth and if your hanging outside the booths, then your intimidating the paying custumers. Some people dont feel comfortable jacking off in a booth knowing outside two guys are observing the environment. He might not be able to give off the same performance he would had he not known someone would hear him moan!
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Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
this asshole manager

Oh well, I'm curious what this man would have done if I had not left... :rolleyes: :D

I'm curious as to what the guy's ethnic he guy origin had to do with the incident, and why you seem to be attributing the problem to where he comes from instead of the guy himself. There's a word for that kind of thinking, it's on the tip of my tongue.
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello YVO,

I believe the word you are looking for is 'racist'.


I would suggest that in the future you omit any racial comments from any similar post you may make. Your posts have been edited and you may consider this to be your one and only warning regarding such behavior.

Mod 8


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's pretty obvious to me that the manager thought you and your friend were homosexuals looking to cop a free look and then grope each other to completion. If that were the case it would be bad for his business to have non-paying customers lurking on the premises, so I cannot really blame him for the way he reacted regardless of his race. The business caters to paying peeps, not freeloading gawkers, lurkers and homosexuals and obviously he believed you fell into one or all of these categories.

BTW, since I never been to one of these places myself, can you tell us whether they provide tissues in those booths, or paper towels?
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Dec 18, 2008
thx for your comments. A wrird thing is that my friend called me 30min ago telling me that he was passing there to go check if the same manager is still there to talk to him (he is this kind of and he told me that the same manager never asked him any questions! Maybe cause he was alone......

EagerBeaver : for what I saw, there was no towell in the booth... the guys seemed to go in the bathroom to wash themselves...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Peep show loiterers

I was in an adult bookstore on the west coast and I overheard the manager telling a loiterer that was hanging out in the booth that he had to spend money or leave. He said "You been walking in and out of the booths and you havn't been spending any money. Now I'm asking you nicely dude. Please leave." I think males cruise these peep shows for gay sex or maybe selling favors which is illegal...This guy was cruising in and out of booths wiating for another willing male and didn't even bother to put any spare change in the meter.

Remember when Peewee Herman was busted for jacking off in a peep show? Remember Gilbert Gottfried's routine about how safe he feels now that Peewee was arrested. He can finally walk the streets. He can finally sleep at night. pretty funny.

Mod and YVO - I dont mind people mentioning race or ethnicity on this site. For example, I usually dont care to spend money on black SPs because I do not find them attractive most of the time. Also I think there are certain sterotypes that exist and exist for a reason. For example, someone refered to an SP as a typical latin diva meaning this particular SP conformed to the sterotype held by many of a latin diva. However, in this case, I am not sure what this guys Siberian heritage has to do with the way this guy handled the situation of people loitering in a booth or in a theater? Was it because of his broken French or English telling the starter of the thread to leave? Did his Siberian accent make his instructions to you unclear? Do Siberians have a tendency to not like loiterers because they come from a culture where everyone must be constantly performing some kind of task??? Or was his heritage and ethnicity meant to demean?.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You hit the nail on the head. Like I said previously that manager had Dragonatic and his friend pegged as gay cruisers who were looking for some free pleasure. It also occurred to me that Drag and his friend could have hassled or hit on the paying customers, for all that manager knew. That is why he acted as he did to Drag and his friend.


Dec 18, 2008
There is somethiong very stupid with these peepshow manager. They don't want gay people that just want to have free sex between them for pure pleasure in here but they dont care of a man that go there to fuck a SW or getting a BJ for few bucks, wich is pure prostitution. Whats wrong with that??

Morocco Mole

New Member
Nov 27, 2009
Its not a pleasant job wiping sperm off walls and emptying baskets of sperm soaked kleenexes. I would be cranky too.

Uncle Kracker

Fuck Models Love Stripper
May 30, 2003
I'm not trying to be a dick, but did you really need visual aides to explain how guys go into small booths and jerk off to porn and/or get sexual favors from SWs?


Dec 18, 2008
I don't think they get kick-back from SWs. I saw many times a SW from the street go inside with a guy, suck him and leave pretty fast without giving anything to the manager...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I don't think they get kick-back from SWs. I saw many times a SW from the street go inside with a guy, suck him and leave pretty fast without giving anything to the manager...

Maybe they "square up" later?
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