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Do Strippers have any rights, do they make any money?


New Member
Apr 23, 2009
I'm guessing those figures apply to U.S. clubs, I doubt the girls here get gouged that badly. Although I have occasionally seen some drink their entire night's take.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Dunno about the US, but in canada, coming from stripper friends, basically they have to pay 25$ or less to dance there, to market themselves and what they do in the booths remain to them. This story looks weird, they say that she had to pay 25$ for a booth dance? How does it cost the customer then? WOW... it really look weird.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
...the only thing is the girl who is living in the farthest place will have to wait that all the girls in the car are home, so she can get to her place around 4h30-5h am...)

You give an excellent description Alyssa Roze of all the fees and the contraints the strippers have to deal with.

I used to live with a stripper who was often the one living the farthest and not only was she dropped the last one at the end of the nite but she was the first one picked up by the driver when she was starting her nite before doing detours to pick up 2 other girls !

Just the drivers would cost her around 500$ per month. 40$ per night round trip, 3 times a week is 120$. Guys think that strippers make a lot of money but they have a lot of expenses to pay.


New Member
Mar 22, 2013
A stripper told me that they have to pay $50 to work a shift, they are fined id they are late or for other infractions of the rules.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Big clubs in the US are totally different to here in Montreal or elsewhere in Canada. Some places in the states you can pay $50 or more for a private dance. ONE dance. It's not $10 or even $20 like it is here. Some clubs in the US can't serve alcohol if the girls are nude. It's a totally different world there. Here in Montreal girls have to pay about $25 - $40 depending on the club and at some clubs they tip the bouncers also so that they can get a bit more 'privacy' when they do booth dances. But it's nothing like described in that article.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

I`ve told this story before, but for the sake of this thread. I never went to strip clubs more than 2-3 times a year and never went to a private room but once. I was with this hot babe in leather one time for 3-4 hours. I spent a lot of money on her between dance shifts, and some on a very hot stripper friend of hers. Near the end of my stay and my funds for the night she asked me if I wanted a private dance. Sure. I had many before this time and only had to pay the dancer. This time she says give $30 to that guy and we went in. She had not mentioned any further fee. I had a great hot time for about 20 minutes (no sex including bj). She didn`t ask for more money right afterward. We went back to the bar. She asked if I had a great time. ``You know I did`` I told her. She said, ``I`m glad, that will be $400``. I had less than $20 left and I went into momentary shock. I told her what I had left then she went into shock. I said I just spent hundreds on you (a little under $300) before that dance, that was most of the money. She gave me a hard slap where my wallet would have been. I don`t carry one, but she had seen where I took the money from. I gave her all I had left and I got out of there before any more happened.

I never realized how much the girls are responsible for with all of these fees. It sounds like a real scam system. I guess it`s the price of tax free (whatever is unreported) money. But I feel a little less sympathy having one lady try to rip me off. Geeez, never mentioned the price before the dance, 20 minutes alone (not all dancing, some just talk) with no hand job, no , no skin to skin contact except light kisses, no sex...and yet $400 for 5-6 songs after spending nearly $300 already. Had she told me the rate I would have just said no from the start. I did realize after some time $30 wasn`t going to cover the length of time we were in there, but $400. KMA baby. I didn`t have that money left or a credit card (left that home) anyway.




Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
They make a ton of money. The $200 tip in/out fee is normally paid to the house mom who watches their bags, feeds them snacks, helps out with their attire (wardrobe malfunctions), helps out with their issues (woman specific or about the customers), water, etc. $60 for a half hour goes to the house. But the stripper will typically keep all of the money after that. Figure $20 per song for a 3 minute song will net her $200 for the half hour. Less the house fee of $60 doesn't seem like alot for the balance of $140, but they will get tips from the guys, epsecially if they offer "extras". I would estimate that a guy would tip anywhere from $200 to $500 for the half hour and that depends on the services rendered and how much money the guy has to waste. Typically the stripper would tip the DJ $10 or $20 at the end of the night. So lets say the stripper does 20 lap dances (a slow night) in a night and two sessions in a private room with an average tipping client in the $200 range. The girl will make $400 for the lap dances, about $680 for the private dances, less the tip in/out of $200 and the DJ tip for $20 for a total of about $860 for one days work on a slow night like a Wednesday. Don't feel sorry for them, they do very very well indeed.


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Merlot, i don't understand... you had already spent 300$ on her but not in the private booth? What you paid for then? Personally when i did go to stripper clubs(i don't anymore) i was always saying first hand "i pay you first, then when the money is done, you stop" so therefore i would never end up owning a big sum of money i don't have. I would often put 20-30$ up front or 40$ for a 20$ place, then if i really like the girl i would go to my wallet and put back more money, but once the dance was over, it would be to me to decide to keep going and pay or not.

One time i got to a very weird place, not sure how to say it in english but more or less "Une place miteuse en criss" called La Broussaille in quebec city. It was our second time in quebec but first at a stripper bar, we didn't knew the lady mary ann or folichon or other good places, we basicaly took a cab from the place of the show and ask the driver to take us to the nearest stripclub, and he droped us there. We where shocked how it looks even less apealing than our places in sherbrooke... after all it was a big city and all but we decided to go in, girls where ok, some attractive but not crazy, others not, but decent enough to remain there, especially since it was a thuesday so well... not a big night for that. I took a couple dances from a couple girls, had fun, but at the end of the night i had a 10$ left on me(it was 10$ dances) and i was already drunk and tired, so i said hell why not spending it on a girl i was looking at for a while, a black girl with huge boobs, not the best looking of the place, but i didn't take dances much from black girls and never with huge boobs like that, so i got there and asked her... paid her the 10$ up front, she dance and then when the song is over, she keep going for maybe 10 secs, usually girls don't stop BAM like that, they finish softly and it can go for a couple seconds more, but she didn't seem to want to stop at all, so i tell her "but the song is over right?" she says yes, so i say "sorry but 10$ was all i had left" and she kinda looked at me with a disapointing look... hey i know 10 bucks aint much, and usually i don't ask a stripper for only 1 dance, but thats all i had left and she actually made in these 3 minutes what i make in an hour of work... so well...

My friend was in the booths for a long time, i kinda lost him for like an hour, and eventually i had to call him before it was closing, i asked the doorman so i could go at the booth and call his name cause i was ready to leave, bar was closing in 10 mins, he said yes no prob, i call his name and the stripper pull her head out of the booth and tell me it won't be long.. Im like WTF !!! then 3 min before 3 am he comes out and ask me if i have any money left on me... i say no... sorry man all spent, he is like " shit shit shit" the girl actually gave him a handjob, he was high on speed and didn't saw the time goes by, he lacked 60$, at least there was an ATM in the club so he was able to take it and pay, but damn i didn't like that, thats the kind of place i promised myself i would not go again...

What if the client don't have the money period? The doorman will beat his ass? That won't give the girl the money, these kind of scam are just stupid, they know the guys are drunk and horny, there is other ways to try to make them spend moneys instead of scamming them over what they have on them...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello HM,

Let me be more specific. What I spent on everything before the private dance was between $250-300, I'm not sure about the total before the incident. Most of it was on drinks for both of us and for her for these semi-private dances right at little performance spots near the bar. Some was spent on her during her turns on stage, a small amount for her friend, and some more for other hot strippers at another stage while she danced for the crowd.

In any case, $400 for 15-20 minutes of private dances? I paid $300 a few years later seeing American escorts for full service in Boston, and obviously we can get two hours for that with any mid-level lady in Montreal today. I sure didn't feel obligated to pay anything like that no matter what, but because she didn't say anything about that rate before we went to the booths. I was very worried about what might happen when I couldn't pay her. I really had no means of getting any more money at that time. I guess she figured she had gotten a decent sum before and didn't see the point in making more trouble.

As in your experience, some ladies don't believe me when I say I only want 3-4 songs. They keep going and then look a bit surprised and annoyed when I remind them of the limit. In another case, I was checking out this dancer at the bar having drinks and waited forever for her to get on stage so I could see her closer. Then I saw her getting ready to dance and I wanted to make sure I got a seat so I sat down before the last girl was finished. The one already on stage thought I came for her and came over. When I tried to wave her away she got pissed off even though there were about two dozen other guys to go to.

It can be tough to be a stripper with all the fees they have to pay, and I have seen first hand what they have to put up with, like one drunk guy who tried to stick his fingers in the girl while she was on stage and got his ass royally kicked. But that's no excuse to try to rip me off.




Jul 23, 2011
A stripper told me that a client in a club downtown (begin with super. Finish by sex) was so drunk that he felt asleep in the booth. The stripper charged him all the this time until he wake up!!!!

Normally when I talk with a "professionnal" stripper, she work 3-4 days a week and she is happy to have a 1000 clear min at the end of the week.

Tu as raison Halloween Mike, quand une fille te demande si ça fait longtemps que t'es arrivé, cest pour approximer ton taux d'alcool! Cest dans le tres facile de laisser 100 par heure en biere shooter et dances. Arrive vers 11hrs et reste jusqu'au last call est pas donné si t as du fun et feel généreux!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
WTF is this?!

Stop seeing money hungry bitches all over the place!


My gorgeous Teutonic goddess...with a wonderful temper. I had one bad experience either by an honest mistake of not giving a fair notice or by trick, and a couple of minor annoyances. In spite of the fact that a strippers job is to entice the client into separating him from his money for some smiles and peeks I have never thought of them in general as "money hungry bitches". I know you are very sensitive on this issue, but this stuff does happen. It's not an accusation or indictment against all strippers if we want to talk about some bad experiences. Take it easy sweetie, I can feel the fiery rage in your eyes from here...and try not to take it out on your boyfriend. ;)




Jul 23, 2011
Ah ah funny! The main subject of this topic is money, so we talk about money! It's not a crime to want money! Honest lawyer exist too ;) ...I suppose.

You are totally right, the majority of the girls I've met are honest, friendly and love the job. It happened sometimes after being in the booth, the girl is just seated back to my table instead of going to see other customers. I told them that I have no more money for dances, and it's ok they just want to talk and have fun, one or two shooter it's nothing. Many girls prefer to work in less crowded clubs, make less money, but with better clients. And it's true.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
What if the client don't have the money period? The doorman will beat his ass? That won't give the girl the money, these kind of scam are just stupid, they know the guys are drunk and horny

A few years ago i went to pick up a friend that was stripping in Motel St-Pierre. I was sitting next to the doorman at the end of the nite when a girl exited the booths with a drunken customer that had no money to pay her. The doorman asked the guy for a piece of I.D., the drunk guy did not have his car that night but had his driver's permit with him.

The doorman told the guy he was keeping the driver's permit until the guy would come by the next night to pay the stripper what he owes her. He also warned him not to forget to come back and pay his debt because he had his address.

When i got in my car with my friend she told me that a girl in the changing room was pissed off because a guy had no money to pay her and the doorman was settling the case for her. I told her that I had witnessed the whole thing.

Maybe 30 seconds after talking about that, leaving the parking i'm driving down on route 117 south and who do we see on the side of the road, hitch hiking ?
The drunk guy ! His thumb up in the air, having a hard time walking backwards !

I felt sorry for the guy !
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