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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Hum i may have skip over Patron's vote, this is my mistake and it has been fixed.

As for Iggy i took his 3 first choice (not counting me) as i said i would. I can't make an exeption and gives 3x3 pts or even 7x3 pts. Its 3-2-1. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Félicitations Cobra 1 pour cette brillante performance.....félicitations aussi à HORNY-HE-MAN 2 pour aussi une très bonne performance.

Merci à Halloween Mike pour son bon aux 2 membres qui ont voté pour moi. Gentlemen continuer votre bon travail en 2017.
Aug 25, 2008
Congratulations COBRA ! Great job Horny and Hungry. I often use all of your reviews as a guide. As for myself, it's a honour just to be nominated! Here's to more good times in 2017 !


Oct 7, 2009
thank you very very much merbites,
i am humbled and honored.

being a team player, just doing my part in this great community.
as previousely said, been vey lucky as per toftt. but glad you guys
took it in consideration as HM pointed out.

who i sincerely thank for taking time to work on this.

hope i will keep them coming for my fellow merbites in the coming year

finally a big congrats to hm2 your reviews are so methodical,well writen, just awesome sir
and to all others who wrote reviews, thanks they are always very helpfull

thanks again guys



Mar 26, 2006
Ok here is my votes for this thread

1) Cobra1

Many reviews, lots of TOFTT, keep these reviews coming man, it really help the community !

2) freedom3

The guy made 2 trip to MTL but they where fully packed and i loved even tough very short for each girls, the infos im looking for where all there. He reviewed like 3/4 of the euphoria roster in these 2 trip review and for me thats awesome as its one of my goto agency.

3) maverick01

For my third choice i wanted to give it to a guy who don't review much but when he does it really help. Maverick is here since 06, don't have much post but i enjoyed his 3 reviews that he posted, i really wish he does more, i won't hide that i love how he finish his encounters and its great infos for me :p

Obviously Jonathan, Ravenazrael, ikea and plenty of other peoples have made reviews that are excellent for me, i had to narrow it to 3 choices. But keep up the good work guys :)

The final results are coming into next poste

Wow, I had no idea anybody cared about my reviews. I see a lot of girls but don't come on here often. Since somebody mentioned they care, I will try to post more. I usually see 50 girls a year so I'll try to write more reviews. Chowzilla sent me PM but his PM is full so I will post reply here because it may help others:

chowzilla said:
Hi dude,

congrats on being Halloween Mike's votes for best reviewer
I am a fan now too lol

I have a quick question about COF/CIF... I am huge fan of this. However I only do this with girls I've repeated several times, or girls who flat out offer it.

How do you pull it off?
do you ask the booker?
do you ask prior to play time?
do you ask right before busting a nut?
do you just impose it?
or are you just a motherfucking pornstar? lol

hit me up!

keep up the reviews!

Hi Chowzilla. I am barely on this site so I had no idea Halloween Mike voted me for best reviewer. I don't really see how I qualify since I only posted about 3 reviews, despite seeing tons of girls. I am happy that you are a fan. I guess if I knew more people would appreciate my reviews, I would post more. I probably see 1 girl a week on average, but sometimes 2.

For the COF, I have been cumming on girl's faces since I was 18. I did it with my first gf, 2nd gf, ex wife, and every gf, virtually every 1 night stand, and about 3/4 escorts I see. I think I have facialed over 250 women, but I don't count.

I sometimes ask the booker, but rarely. Usually the booker will just say YMMV or discuss with the girl anyways, so the booker is usually useless.

I sometimes ask before play time, but I usually ask before busting a nut. I just tell the girl I'm gonna cum and I wanna blow it all over her face and see how she reacts - about 1/2 will say yes and not even mention an extra charge. About 1/4 will say it's $20 or so extra. Another 1/4 will say they don't do that.

I only really impose it on non pros. I'm assuming u are referring to pros, so sometimes I will be dominant and attempt to impose it (by simply telling her I'm gonna blow my balls all over her face) but obviously if she really opposes it, I can't force her.

What helps me is that I am SUPER clean (always clean shaven) and I regularly get compliments on how clean and beautiful my cock is. That is why I generally do not mention it to the booker or even the girl before play time. Once she sees my cock and we are into it, it's really not hard to get most girls to do it for no extra charge. I also sometimes show them photos of past girls I have facialed and they are impressed by the huge loads and want to "experience it" for themselves... so it's an easy sell.

And yes, I have been in a few porn movies and have a ton of excellent home made porn. I have facialed a lot of first time girls (most were non pros but I also facialed a lot of pros for their first time assuming they were not lying) - often 18, 19, 20-22 years old who want to experience it "right" so they have something to compare to in the future.

thanks for being a fan and maybe I'll try to do more reviews now that I know more people are interested to read them. I didn't think people really cared.


Congrats Cobra1. You deserve it. Always patient with answering PM's and helpful with suggestions.

And thank you for the votes everyone, I am glad that my reviews were helpful.


New Member
Nov 24, 2015
So here are the results
Cobra1 : 39
UncleBob : 6
DavidCan : 3
Jonathankeeves : 4
Horny-He-Man2 : 32
shyman : 9
here4agoodtime : 1
hungry101 : 10
Chowzilla : 3
DGreen : 3
Montrealeruption : 2
Handi : 1
gaby : 2
Reverdy : 8
Cloudsurf : 2
freedom3 : 2
maverick01 : 1
Panthere : 2

So the grand winner is COBRA1 with 39 pts.

Second place goes to Horny-He-Man2 with 32 pts

And the third place is for Hungry101 with 10 pts

Hey, guys!

I am really honored by each one of your votes and also for "competing" neck to neck with such a legend of this hobby and a true veteran, Cobra1.
Congrats for your excellent work and well deserved 1st place!

You all have been helpful to me with your reviews, and it is just fair that I pay back helping out the best I can.

Thanks again and hope 2017 will be even better year for you all, enjoy!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Congratulations to king one filled the fountain of squirt as well as you mon ami.
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