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Seduction : Experience or delusion ?


Active Member
Apr 12, 2015
As nearly all interactions between human being include seduction, meeting a courtisane should too. Being seduced and to seduce make the event a whole lot more agreeable. I love a good, funny, sensual , sexual meeting. In this order.
Maybe it's because bodies get old or maybe it's because mind does.

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
Montreal there anybody here that hold a different opinion? :noidea:


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Même si On n'est pas là pour trouver l'amour, on reste tous à la base des êtres humains et on peut parfaitement être séduit par le charme, là beauté et la personnalité de la courtisane que l'on rencontre. C'est un peu pour ça qu'on les revoient. Je ne penserais pas que l'on renverrait une femme qui nous plairait pas, non?

Easy going

Nov 25, 2017
MTL, Canada
Seduction for me was when I connected with past GFs. Meeting someone at a club or a blind date, if there is chemistry, then I would try to seduce her by offering her a drink and/or asking her to dance. As well as whispering in her ear while drinking. It would be awkward to seduce an SP IMHO as she is not my GF. There may be chemistry, but I am not dating her so I believe it would not be appropriate.

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
time will tell

well, within 12 years in the industry...I do not recall anyone ever told me an encounter between us couldn't works since I am not enough of a "brainless ****" as he likes it meanwhile intercourses.....lollll

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
At a FS strip club I used to visit a lot, bumped into my ATF there, actual conversation.
Her: Can I rape you. Me: I like to be romanced first. Her: ( laughing ) You wanna fuck. Me: Ok.

That is all the seducing I need with paid for sex.

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
STN: if I had a ATF, he could told me he will fuck my brain out, and I would be already naked before the end of his sentence... but the connection is already there; it has to be!! A pure stranger on merb would PM me the exact same sentence and the only thing he would end up fucking the brain out is himself and I would block him right away...LOLL in fact, he could give me his own spaghetti sauce recipe and he would turn me on like many never did...

When the chemistry is there, I am always alert when my partner is near by....but the knot is mainly when it comes to time of getting the chemistry


New Member
Feb 25, 2018
Dearest Alyssa, I Believe that intimacy begins for me when two people make first contact. Intimacy is often mistaken as sexual. Many women appreciate, and or more responsive to men who connect with a woman’s sensibilities simply by being polite, complementary, and respectful in the use of their words and body language. However, in the instance where a client contacts a provider, presumably to engage in physical intimacy, the connection needs to occur at a higher intellectual level. To many men take for granted that a professional woman does not need to be treated special...but, a sophisticated paramour is more likely to develop responses, both physical and emotional, for her impending partner if he stimulates her intimate psyche with simple gestures such as a flower, a poem, or a keepsake gift that demonstrates his appreciation for the time and effort she put into looking just perfect for their visit. Acknowledging your sacrifice and showing that appreciation with tenderness, sweet innuendos and non-sexual intimacy such as stroking your hair, caressing your face, soft kisses, or even a massage, quells anxiety, while creating a safe, respectful and sensual mood. Courtesan‘s can turn on the switch for sex, but if a man is willing to make an investment in the woman’s psyche, to stimulate her mind, and fill her heart with affection, the Courtesan transfers the full extent of her true sensuality to her partner with genuine responsiveness and fulfilment for both consenting adults. Thats how we roll in the US!

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
I never said the opposite wonderballs..;) I am german btw...I love being the hunter...But so far here on merb since my return, I didn't have to hunt anybody other than Fred Zed! :lol:

As a sapiophile, a gentleman has to fuck my imagination, my brain/mind in order to have me fuckin with his body...

You know, those client who PMed "Price? Restrictions? Location?"

WTF? :crazy:

Words are the best foreplay with me....putting images in my head with words will appeal me more than pictures itselves...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I never have desillusion about myself. I try to give a "good impression" yes, i try to be nice, friendly and all, and i feel it does help establish chemistry. But i never intend to "seduce" lol

As for the other way around, i apreciate the illusion that she does it to me. Its part of the "GFE".

I think after 9 years of seeing escorts, she could be as hot as possible, but if the attitude is not there, its not gonna work for me. I mean even if she is physically my type as much as possible, like model like, if she enter the room, tell me to get naked, come back of bathroom naked and "start" without anything else... don't think it will work lol


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
Visit site
i sense another thread might be needed to define GFE yet once again

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
neverbored; not necessairly since we can't a state of mind or of a asicl, thee will always be people to disagree at them...

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
You actually talk yourselves into this nonsense that most of you being middle age are capable of seducing these beautiful young women.

But seducing? look in the mirror.
Try leaving the donation at home and see how seductive you become.

Then again, can it happen, I buy lottery tickets, so I am not beyond being delusional.

What wrong in middle age gentlemen? My 2 exs are both 54 today and I always favoured older and mature men than the younger and idiots ones... I am not patient enough to be schooling them nor stay up overnight trying to figure out what the hell did he try for not being back since 24h...

And concerning the forgotten envelop; this analogy fits better with escorts screaming everywhere they love what they do but are expecting you to pay 400$/h...Come on! I know so many 100% hetero males that would be reconsidering their sexual orientation for this rates...if she loved her job so much she would charge less in order to work more...forgetting the money home would be a real sign of taking the ady for granted...she might be pissed, but it doesn't mean t is because the man is not handsome or she is not appealed by him: it only means he is jerk and being disrespectful with her is her ultimate turn off... he seduction game starts with a gentleman, not broke slob who were expecting to use her as a volunteer


New Member
Feb 25, 2018
I apologize if I gave you the impression I was disagreeing with you. I agree with you 100% Alyssa.

You are right on with two key concepts....gentleman and imagination! Too many guys are not programmed to understand the role of a gentleman in the client/provider relationship. As a species, we man have difficulty separating the “experience” from the “service” and that tends to make us appear very selfish clients...some guys are just self-serving egos that do not see the bigger picture.

I can appreciate the frustration of a courtesan, who (like yourself) may go out of her way to create the mood, atmosphere and send out all the signals (via her body language, her words and initiating foreplay) for her client, only to be sadly disappointed by his lack of awareness to unlock the provider’s full sexual potential. Those types of clients dilute the experience for the good guys.

Would appreciate you responding with a link or site URL that Will allow me to reach out the next time I am in Montreal...P411 JK-02-C-8190. @Hobbywannabee on Twitter.

Appreciate meeting like-minded people. Thanks for the dialogue.

Sam21 - I am a sensual and promiscuous Vulcan Sam. And You can make light of my lack of ego and my willingness to engage in intellectual conversation regarding client/provider etiquette or my approach to develop a mutually beneficial relationship with a confident woman, who happens to be a provider, and not a piece of property.

Your financial power mentality is the crux of this discussion. And, You have the freedom to make the assertion that every provider has her price, and if thats your be it. It egomaniacal, but if it works for you, good for you!

I respect that we all have different reasons and motivations for reaching out to providers. Some seek the intimacy that is missing in their lives, some seek exploration and fantasy and and some just need the physical release. Alyssa appears to point out that whatever drives you to make the appointment with “her” is irrelevant, but what if you are willing to invest (not financially) of yourself, to make the experience mutially fulfilling, in her world, you will unlock her passsion, thus making for a mutually fulfilling experience...

Alyssa is one provider. For every one Alyssa, there are 100s or more gals who do it for their own reasons. You are correct, for many, Its all about volume and the financial freedom freedom that comes with it. You have pessimistic beliefs from years of Hobby experience. Thats a realist persepective and I respect it. I believe that in tjis life, you Get what you Give. Ill focus on titilating gals like Alyssa and we can Agree to disagree.

When a man taks the time to find the hidden gem, polish the guarded exterior, and cultivate a personal connection with her... the “experience” is amazing over and a again.

That’s my story, and Im sticking to it.

I never said the opposite wonderballs..;) I am german btw...I love being the hunter...But so far here on merb since my return, I didn't have to hunt anybody other than Fred Zed! :lol:

As a sapiophile, a gentleman has to fuck my imagination, my brain/mind in order to have me fuckin with his body...

You know, those client who PMed "Price? Restrictions? Location?"

WTF? :crazy:

Words are the best foreplay with me....putting images in my head with words will appeal me more than pictures itselves...

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
I encourage you to listen "A woman's worth"... She is describing a gentleman....not a regular guy ;) ...

Sam & Wonderball; I was on the leave but I'll get back later...we are getting in my field of study...and it will certainly take me more than 10, have a great day, gentlemen! :kiss:

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
wonderballs, I was leaving..but pm me your contact not leave it me ;)

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
Sam; I was passing by (out of curiosity) but I see I never called you regular guy!! My english is far from being perfect, perhaps I'm sorry if i made you thought I was referring to you...

I am not into name calling, I rather let the facts talk for itselves...and It's been a whiiiiillleeeee since I have learned you can't step up in life by stepping/crushing on others...

I hate writing form my cell nails are such a pain in the butt..loll so I will get back to you form home, Sam & Wonder to respond to your long and interesting post

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
I don't mind in the least to being referred to as regular/ordinary, as to most that is exactly what I am.
I don't need my ego stroked, I am comfortable with who I am.
I am usually old fashioned and courteous to a fault with women, but I like it that way.
Don't worry, if we get to a point I throwing the ugly truth at you...there won't be any confusion neither will be confusion abouit who I was pointing lol

I believe that every woman deserves to be treated with respect and kindness, but I also believe as soon as you stick money in an envelope to have sex, seduction has been bought off.
Be careful here...because you are getting in a minefield... ;)

1) I know many selective SP who could take it as an insult to read someone thinking our self esteem is so poor (from none to very low) any men with few green bills could invade our deepest intimacy...I give it or I don't...the money is for the companionship, the time and my trust I put on my partner in order to enjoy each others...

2) lets put it on the reverse way: a client already asked me"which one of us is the worse
A)you; who sell your ass for guys who doesn't give a shit about you while you couldn't care less about them for 10$/4minutes (a song)
or B) me who is selling my ass to a man I do not give a flying fuck about him as much as he doesn't give a shit about me...for 18$/h?
You see, we all are someone's bitch....our worths, our value, our task vary...but the main part of the deal is the same; you sell you time to do your thing in the best way you can at the moment.."

Before talking about seduction and about sex and power...this is what life is all about! ;)


New Member
Feb 25, 2018
You are absolutely correct Ms. Mocha La Mulata. The “genuine” attraction is essential, but it too is a person-specific preference. I am an average looking man, with an an extraordinary personality.

But I have no dellusions that my sparkling personality will sweep a provider off her feet to the extent that she will comp me in exchange for kindness or motivate her to engage in a personal relationship beyond the Hobby.

In the end, this is a buisness proposition...the provider offers a service and us Clients compensate the companionship. If everyone has a smile on their face at the end of the day, we all win.

However, there is no excuse for a man to denigrate, disrespect or diminish a providers worth as something less than himself because of the service she is offering. All women respect a man who is a who embraces his partner with respect, kindness and a smile...the sensuality comes natural thereafter. I guess I am old fashioned in that regard, but will continue to cultivate long-term friendships with like-minded providers who love what they do. I am blessed that they choose to share those experiences with me, but thats not everyone’s style.

Best to you all!
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