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First overnight with SP tips?

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May 1, 2016
Hi. I'm a long time lurker, first time poster (can usually find what I need by searching, and my reviews would probably be too biased).

I'm looking forward to seeing a SP overnight (12h) for the first time ever (the overnight part) sometime soon. I want to make sure things go smoothly and we both have a good time. There are a few things I'd like to get some input on.

1. Breakfast. Should I get an extra hour of social time and take her to a nice restaurant or is it expected to be in the 12h?

2. Wine. She hinted we could get some wine since I wouldn't be driving. I'm not a big fan of wine, don't think I've ever bought a bottle myself so I wouldn't know what to get. Better to ask her what her favorite wine is and bring it or ask her to buy it and pay her back? Especially if it's white wine, I've heard it's better cold so she could put it in the fridge before I get there.

3. Any other tips you might have.

The reason I'm asking here first is because things didn't go too well during our last encounter, not her fault at all. I was way too tired but I didn't want to cancel at the last minute. She seemed to blame herself and I think if she feels bad enough about it she might just say it's fine when it's not.

Any input would be appreciated, especially from other SPs. French or english doesn't matter to me.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
Peut etre que tu n aimeras pas mon opinion mais c est longgggggg 12h avec une fille que tu connais à peine. Moi j irais avec un 3 heures max!!!! Et si tu es encore d attaque, call une autre SP apres.


May 1, 2016
To be fair je m'attends à dormir ~8h la dedans. 2h le soir + 2h le lendemain matin ca semble raisonnable but I'll keep that in mind...


Active Member
Feb 6, 2006
I did it once... never again... I hated it!

The first couple hours were fine: had dinner, a few drinks, go dancing, go back to hotel, get naked........... what’s next? Well... you talk... and talk... then maybe go for round 2... maybe even 3! But then it’s the awkward silence... good night... then she fucking snores! Then she gets pissed at me for waking her up to stop snoring! I had a shitty nights sleep! Morning couldn’t arrive fast enough! Morning sex is always great. Ordered room service for breakfast... big mistake! You are left there alone... just the 2 of you to talk!!! How much more talking can I take! We’ve been together for 10 hours now... she has nothing interesting left to say or that I give a rats ass about! I just want to wolf down breakfast and get the hell out of there!

So...there is no ducking way that I will ever spend 12 hours with an escort again. One hour is all I need...



Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
Czar's story sounds like a good example of the saying... we pay them to leave.

To the OP, seriously just be sure you are unattached to the possibility that you might feel you didn't get your money's worth. Ideally, the amount you spend should not mean much to you.

I've done overnights a few times in Central and South America, known as TLN ( todo la noche). Paid between $200-$300 US plus meals and usually had a good time. Some were great. My favorite was a young Colombian hottie literally right off the plane in Panama, her friend was showing her the ropes at a night club. I moved in quick. Had a few drinks and went to my hotel, crashed at 4am after a fun drunken photoshoot. TDTF. But morning sex twice, then went for breakfast, then got her a cab and kissed her farewell. Had other dates where we went for dinner first.

Anyways, these worked for me since the price was right and so I was relaxed and just went with the flow. I would never pay the absurd prices typically asked by escorts in the US and Canada.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Anyways, these worked for me since the price was right and so I was relaxed and just went with the flow. I would never pay the absurd prices typically asked by escorts in the US and Canada.

I'd definitely do it at South American prices, but at US and Canadian prices it seems like you're paying for a lot of "dead time." No use beating around the bush (pun intended) with dinners. I think most of us are operating like that creeper from Kill Bill: My name is Buck, and I'm here to fuck (or "paaaarty" if you've ever watched the edited TV version)

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
My overnight adventures were great, from the moment i made the call to when i watched her walk away from my car the next morning, i couldn't of asked for better... If you do a search and look up my review of Florence Champagne, you can get a glimpse of my adventure.

If you are going to her place, i say pick up the wine, flowers, chocolate or whatever you think she may like. Is dinner an option here, or is this an overnight where your staying in and just have a fuck fest, in any case, you set the tempo and try to have fun, stay within her boundaries and let things just flow.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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My god, this thread is discouraging... come in guys!

12h is not an extended fuck! Yes you're going to have to talk to her, yes she may snore, yes you may get to know her other sides... isn't it why you do thé 12h? To have a little bit more of a relationship than a quick sex?

So if you're not into relationships, well obviously don't do it! And if you do and it's awkward, look in the mirror whose fault it is!

Yes you're the man in the relationship and you may be expected to take the lead... and that is not different because she's an sp or your wife for that matter!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
1. Breakfast. Should I get an extra hour of social time and take her to a nice restaurant or is it expected to be in the 12h?

I rarely do something like this. The last time I did was in Montreal 2 years ago. We did Breakfast the next morning and it happened to be off the clock (don't expect this). We had some sort of chemistry so it was a natural progression and we had a great time. It was really special. But again, we had chemistry and the conversation flowed and there were warm feelings. I bought her bread to take home, walked her to her Uber that I arranged, and said goodbye.

2. Wine. She hinted we could get some wine since I wouldn't be driving. I'm not a big fan of wine, don't think I've ever bought a bottle myself so I wouldn't know what to get. Better to ask her what her favorite wine is and bring it or ask her to buy it and pay her back? Especially if it's white wine, I've heard it's better cold so she could put it in the fridge before I get there.

Absolutely. Do not get least until after the sex and don't get her too drunk because you turn into a babysitter and someone who pays another to sleep. Have some high end crackers and cheese etc. I couldn't imagine an evening with a girl were we didn't imbibe in something.

3. Any other tips you might have.

The reason I'm asking here first is because things didn't go too well during our last encounter, not her fault at all. I was way too tired but I didn't want to cancel at the last minute. She seemed to blame herself and I think if she feels bad enough about it she might just say it's fine when it's not.

What? I wouldn't go into an arrangement like this without chemistry. If there is an issue you could be paying for several hours of hell. It is up to you to set the atmosphere. I always go in with a fun, happy, go-lucky attitude, joking, smiling, laughing, pouring wine...especially with two girls. Make it fun and make them feel secure and comfortable so they can relax and have fun.

Rosie Sparkles

Supporting Member
Sep 14, 2016
My tip for you is to pick a girl with whom you have a lot of hobbys/interests in common. It's even better to meet the person first to learn to know her and see if there is chemistry. An overnight can be the best experience of your life or it can be the worst. Have fun!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I really hope you have seen her many times in the past.
I was seeing a stripper/escort quite a few times in the past, when I was told an extra $1,000.00.... to "sleep " with someone...
Not for me..


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Never did an overnight with an SP but I did with an SA girl and it worked out quite well.

We took the train to New York City and stayed overnight at the Crowne Plaza Hotel near 35th and 8th. I got it cheap on Priceline. We had breakfast in CT, lunch in NYC and decided that we each would pick an activity. Hers was to go to the top of the Empire State Building. Mine was to visit the Museum of Natural History. We then had dinner at a Thai restaurant near the hotel on 40th and 9th. Back to the hotel room and had sex. The following day we had breakfast in NYC and then took the train back to CT.

I paid her $400 plus bought all her meals and tickets to ESB (which were around $128 for 2) and the Museum (tickets for 2 were around $46).

It was a nice trip. We also had our photograph taken at ESB for around $30 and surprisingly both she and I look good in the photo.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
I like czar's Post#4. Sometime I is hard to spend even One hour with someone.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Hide the cash and jewelry.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
We should not paint everyone with same Brush. Everywhere, there are good and less good people.

Agreed. That’s why I would hide the cash and jewelry regardless.

Leaving 10 grand and a Rolex on the coffee table when a stranger is spending the night is just foolish.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Hide the cash and jewelry.

It is a great post.

I remember years ago I had a Sp from a Terma Monte Carlo spend the night. I was glad to have her for dinner after the Terma closed. We went up to my room and she was giving me a BJ and I was about to cum and she stopped me. Then she tried to fuck me to death. I had flown all night and spent a couple hours on the beach as soon as I got there. Now, I was tired. I had a Viagra in me and I was as hard as a brick but I couldn't cum again. My dick was actually sore. I just wanted to sleep and I couldn't talk to her because I didn't know a word and couldn't even fake the language yet...careful what you wish for.

Protagaras once said something like "at my age this [tdl] is torture."

I also like post #10 "how much is the sleep over going to cost you?" How much does a girl charge to sleep in your room these days?


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Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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Protagaras once said something like "at my age this [tdl] is torture."

No more TDL for me. I did a lot of TDL in Rio in the 1980's, when I was in my 20's. I was young and with a lot of stamina then. I remember especially a session I had with Nadia Silva (I met her in a club that was located on Belfort Roxo in Copacabana. The name of the club was Malvinas, which is the Spanish name for the Falkland Island). 36 hours of intense sex, drinking cachaça, talking, laughing, taking small siestas in order to be ready for another sex session... I had a wonderful moment with her (after that she was my regular in Rio until 1987).

If there is no chemistry there is no need to do a TDL. The last TDL I had was in 2009, in São Paulo, with my regular between 2005 and 2012: Leticia Lima (now she over 40 years old and still doing tricks) I stop seeing her because I said to myself that doing TDL is like having a wife (and this is definitely a mood killer) Imagine that you have to see her without make up, smell her breath (and she had to smell my morning breath too!!!) I had a routine with Leticia : I spent Sunday evening with her watching the entertainment shows on Brazilian TV, Then we had sex and we slept. The morning she was cooking for me breakfeast... after a couple of time it was boring and I felt uncomfortable with it.

Oh and by the way I never paid for a TDL. This is Brazil man...if a garota like the sex with you then everything after a regular session is de graça (free).

When I made my come back to the hobby last May - after a 5 years hiatus - I connected with Nat (a 25 years old garota) and she wanted to spend the night with me. I told her that I was not doing it anymore. Sometimes solitude is priceless...
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