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Do SPs prefer older clients


Oct 22, 2018
So, I'm in my mid 20s and SPs sometimes appear a bit surprised when they see me. One time we hadn't even entered my Airbnb before she told me ''You're really young'' in an uncomfortable tone to which I laughed a bit played it cool.
I guess it makes sense for them to ''prefer'' older clients as they would usually have more money... When I feel that vibe coming from the girl I usually start talking about what I do for a living and about my business and it seems to put them at ease. But as a whole I prefer not to talk about it to everyone I see...

So what's the deal, are most johns in the older age bracket?

I also get a lot of ''so why do you see escorts?'' to which I always answer because I like to have sex lol. Is that a question they usually ask you? Is it perhaps their usual conversation starter?

I feel sometimes its the reason why we don't click.
It sounds like I have a lot of bad experiences in this post but I really don't, I'm just trying to confirm my feelings.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Hi Sam,
As over the past ten years or so I have met several women, and the majority were on average 25 years old, I can give you my opinion.

According to them, it's not just a question of money. Indeed in general they prefer to meet older men, because they are softer, more respectful, more caring (think of them when bringing gifts), more understanding, and in bed too.

If you are young and full of money the girls on this site should see no problem.

Perhaps you are not choosing your escorts well, this is a question that requires reflection.

Good encounters.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Younger guys seeing SPs often signal to an SP a socially awkward client or perhaps one with a social anxiety disorder, especially if the client isn't ugly. If I am an experienced SP, radar tells me right away I have got to carry conversation, and to an SP this means pressure. Also, younger clients generally don't have as much money as older clients, are on limited budgets and cutting corners (especially the 30 and under guys, usually in school or at low wage, entry level shit jobs), and that means less tip or no tip. And then there are the presumed maturity issues. The SP will prefer seeing a well groomed and attractive 45 year old to the well groomed and attractive 25 year old every day of the week, for all of these reasons.

As to the question of looking for a girlfriend instead, it's a naive and shallow question that presumes most men are monogamous by nature. I am not. I don't really believe that most men are intrsinically monogamous, based on the behaviors of my married friends who cheat on their wives relentlessly with no remorse, despite loving them dearly. It's a sexual curiousity and boredom issue. Same with me and I have a steady girfriend of 3 years and still see other women. I never thought I would when I was myself a naive and stupid 25 year old, but I discovered that is how I am wired.
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Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I can't believe you think money has anything to do with it, considering every client pays the same rate haha!

It's just that older clients are generally more respectful, and also more experienced in bed.

Younger guys are the ones who tend to try to haggle, feel like they can overstay or pay less because they're "hot", fuck like rabbits for 58 minutes out of an hour appointment... The sex so often really sucks with younger guys (not all, but often) lol.

Those are the main reasons why most of us prefer older clients.

Another one in my case is the fact that if you're my age, you can easily date girls my age. And I am not a top model. It's easy for me to feel cute in the eyes of someone 2-3 times my age. But when a dude in his 20s books me I feel like an ugly disappointment even though I do have younger regulars and I'm probably more cute than I think I am haha!


Aug 8, 2019
Younger guys seeing SPs often signal to an SP a socially awkward client or perhaps one with a social anxiety disorder, especially if the client isn't ugly. If I am an experienced SP, radar tells me right away I have got to carry conversation, and to an SP this means pressure. Also, younger clients generally don't have as much money as older clients, are on limited budgets and cutting corners (especially the 30 and under guys, usually in school or at low wage, entry level shit jobs), and that means less tip or no tip. And then there are the presumed maturity issues. The SP will prefer seeing a well groomed and attractive 45 year old to the well groomed and attractive 25 year old every day of the week.

As to the question of looking for a girlfriend instead, it's a naive and shallow question that presumes most men are monogamous by nature. I am not. I don't really believe that most men are intrsinically monogamous, based on the behaviors of my married friends who cheat on their wives relentlessly with no remorse, despite loving them dearly. It's a sexual curiousity and boredom issue. Same with me and I have a steady girfriend of 3 years and still see other women. I never thought I would when I was myself a naive and stupid 25 year old, but I discovered that is how I am wired.

So True. Cheating on your girlfriend with full confidence!
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Younger guys are the ones who tend to try to haggle, feel like they can overstay or pay less because they're "hot", fuck like rabbits for 58 minutes out of an hour appointment...

I remember one well known MERB poster who shall remain nameless. At the time I knew him he was in his early 30s. Very good guy who was well liked within this community, but he was a very large man and loved to pound SPs relentlessly for 58 minutes. The girls complained to their agencies that he wore them out and caused them vaginal pain, and word got out on him. I think one or two guys did talk to him about the rep he developed. Also, if anyone knew he was booking a girl, and he would tell us who he was booking, none of us would ever book her afterwards because she would be viewed as de fact on the SP "injured or inactive list." Sad but true.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2018
I am young and have never gotten the impression that the girls prefer older clients. I even had one girl say she actually prefers younger as suppose to older. I do often get the « why do you see escorts » comment which I guess is normal to ask that about a younger guy since the hobby is stereotypically dominated by middle age and old men. They usually ask in more of a curious tone as suppose to a condescending one though.

I think if you are kind and respectful they generally don’t care about your age unless of course you are underage.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I know some ladies don’t even want to see anyone under 30 so there must be something to it.
I don’t like to generalize as I don’t think I was any different or treated anybody differently in my younger days, of course I was a lot more active then. I am sure there are many younger guys who treat women with the same respect and kindness.

btw Julia will you please stop criticizing yourself, you are absolutely gorgeous and one of the kindest and most fun ladies to be with any guy young or old is lucky to be able to spend time with you.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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So True. Cheating on your girlfriend with full confidence!

It's more complicated than that, man. We really do not have a committed monogamous relationship, so it is only cheating in a loose sense of the word. I originally met her on SA and it started out like an escort-client compensated relationship, and then the compensation stopped at some point because we both realized we had a lot in common and enjoyed each other's company. But I did continue to see other women on SA. Although the regular girl sexually satisfies me, it's a sexual curiousity issue in my case. What is ironic is that in my younger days I made moral judgments about guys who cheated on their wives, but I grew up to find out that I am wired the same kind of way. Kind of ironic, but your sexual identity is developed over time. I also developed a very significant attraction to black women and my GF is in fact black. Probably 80% of the women I have seen on SA are black, mixed racial or nonwhite, whereas I only dated white women before age 35.


Oct 22, 2018
It's just that older clients are generally more respectful, and also more experienced in bed.
Younger guys are the ones who tend to try to haggle, feel like they can overstay or pay less because they're "hot", fuck like rabbits for 58 minutes out of an hour appointment... The sex so often really sucks with younger guys (not all, but often) lol.

Now that you say that I remember a girl telling me that younger guys are sometimes mean. But I mean I think I'm real nice in general and I assumed they would hear about me being a regular of the agency. I guess that's why I have a much better time the 2nd time I book a girl than the first encounter.

I do like to go for 2 rounds but that is why I book more than an hour, I've had like 2 encounters where the girl said she was getting sore and later tapped out. When this happens, I always tell them to stop me anytime and that I wouldn't be disappointed if they do and to not stress out about it. I usually tip them well and don't repeat in those cases. I don't repeat if I feel the girl didn't enjoy our time together...


Active Member
Dec 7, 2018
SPs tell clients what they want to hear. I think Julia Sky's post above reveals the true feelings of the majority of SPs. It is an SP's job to make the client feel good about himself dude, not to tell him the hurtful truth.

Could very well be she was lying but I doubt it since she brought it up unprovoked, she basically said without me saying anything about age « it’s nice to see younger guy like you in this job, they are way more attractive then older men and sometimes older men gross me out » .

Julia can feel however she wants about younger guys, but she is one person and i dont think she speaks for everyone or even the majority. I also don’t do any of the stereotypical things julia claims younger guys do so maybe that might also play into why I dont feel ostracized.

But yeah maybe they are just lying to my face can’t ever really know for sure. Id like to think people are more genuine than that but maybe im too optimistic


Oct 22, 2018
I think it really depends on your attitude. Like some people have said, if you go in expecting them to ride the bone train to pound town the whole time, they don't tend to be too happy i would guess.
I'm a younger guy, no longer in my 20s. But I tend to spend half the date talking and laughing with anyone i meet. I like SP's that can chat.What else am i gonna do for the other 55 minutes?

Well like I said I didn't make the post in a very negative way, I don't get bad encounters often... I love to talk and I do talk a lot too, especially between rounds I can get lost in a conversation and forget to go again lol.
I do get a lot of SPs telling me I could get a girlfriend too but I always chalk it up to them being nice and trying to make me feel good about myself lol.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
It all depends on what you call older, older when you are 20ish is a lot different than older when you are 40ish have two different meanings. I do not think many SP's think, Yeah a 60 yr old, sure glad he is not 25. And yes, SP's tell you what you want to hear.
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New Account

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Feb 6, 2020
Younger guys seeing SPs often signal to an SP a socially awkward client or perhaps one with a social anxiety disorder, especially if the client isn't ugly.

That is not necessarily true though. I think it is quite a blanket statement. There are so many other reasons why a younger client may want to see an SP.

Many SPs say their clients are a mixed bunch and there is no average client. If true, then people of different ages see SPs for a variety of reasons. Some people simply do not like the dating scene. Just because you don't like the modern dating scene does not mean you are socially awkward.

Keep in mind that we are also living in a world that is ever-changing. People are getting more distant and aloof in general. Expect more younger people to start seeing SPs. I think one can't necessarily generalize from one's own past experiences and extrapolate what the current situation is for everyone else in this day and age.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That is not necessarily true though. I think it is quite a blanket statement. There are so many other reasons why a younger client may want to see an SP

I wasn't talking about the reasons why the young client sees an SP, I was talking about what an SP sees when the door is opened. Do not mistake one for the other.

Keep in mind that we are also living in a world that is ever-changing. People are getting more distant and aloof in general. Expect more younger people to start seeing SPs.

I do agree with you on this point. But it is the same reason why Elliot Rodger and the whole progeny of that "incel" type of person has been spawned.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
It all depends on what you call older, older when you are 20ish is a lot different than older when you are 40ish have two different meanings. I do not think many SP's think, Yeah a 60 yr old, sure glad he is not 25. And yes, SP's tell you what you want to hear.

As long as the 60 year old BTL (ball to leg) index isn't too great, I'm sure an SP won't mind. When them saggy balls slip past the kneecap I think an SP will think that your to old.
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