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Joe Biden a good President

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I would bang kayleigh but ......
Not me. I like women that have boobs. McLiar got hers chopped off last year for fear she may end up getting breast cancer in the future. Dumb move if you ask me (she did have a nice rack in the past prior to the surgery).
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Jen Psaki is at best an average communicator. Maybe she could be more prepared by bringing a binder to help her answer more questions. As far as looks, I would much rather bang Kayleigh, but at this point anything is looking good.
I think she's doing a good job. Finally someone who knows how to do her job & doesn't lie all the time or constantly attack & blame the media. I started watching the press briefings again. I find them informative. Plus at least we have daily press briefings again. McLiar's predecessor didn't have a single press briefing in 4 months on the job!

As far as looks Jen Psaki looks like Brigitte Bardot if you compare her to Sarah Huckabee Sanders a.k.a. "Sarah Sandwich". But i don't care about looks as long as they do their jobs properly. And if my life depended on it i'd chose to 'bang' Jen Psaki over McLiar because i like my women with boobs.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Agree....not the type of girl i would bang....and that's not what she is looking for ;) ....i find her look ok--convenient for her job.....BUT as you mentionned she is doing an honest job and her briefings are indeed informative......more than those we used to have ... o_O


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Some questions: Which is worse: so-called flip-flops...or inciting a violent, treasonous insurrection against the United States, an action which resulted in, among other things, the murder of a police officer?

Which is worse: so-called flip-flops...or botching a pandemic response and thereby contributing to over 400,000 deaths...and counting?

Which is worse: so-called flip-flops...or destroying a nation's economy, largely because of the aforementioned botching of a pandemic response?

Which is worse: so-called flip-flops... or constantly lying to the American people and attempting to steal an election that was lost by over seven million votes?

Theresa April

Active Member
Jun 12, 2020

Joe the Saviour at work .

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Which is worse: so-called flip-flops...or inciting a violent, treasonous insurrection against the United States, an action which resulted in, among other things, the murder of a police officer?

Which is worse: so-called flip-flops...or botching a pandemic response and thereby contributing to over 400,000 deaths...and counting?

Which is worse: so-called flip-flops...or destroying a nation's economy, largely because of the aforementioned botching of a pandemic response?

Which is worse: so-called flip-flops... or constantly lying to the American people and attempting to steal an election that was lost by over seven million votes?
The first one, you guys use this as much as the bleach thing, the TDS has not left and will not leave. Trump & Capital Riots -- McCarthy Says Trump Did Not Provoke, in Apparent Backtrack | National Review.
A clip from an article: Every politician in the world has told his or her followers to “fight for X”. That does not necessarily warrant punishment. If such phrases were regularly punished by those in power, think what that would do to freedom of speech. Republicans, if they ever regain power, would have a free hand to interpret liberal activists’ words as grounds for punishment. People fighting for police reform or anti-war protestors often use stronger words than these. I personally had used words stronger than these when I organized environmental protests in the 1990s. This would be as serious a blow to our democracy as the capital storming.
As I said repeatedly in yesterday’s comments, we should let him fall under his own weight. We should be investigating his real and unambiguous crimes, and not make a martyr of him for an ambiguous set of phrases of a kind that we ourselves could be prosecuted for later. We could lose the high ground we have now if we look like vengeful opportunists when Trump is down.
The second one, is it not the governors who run their states and have control, plus the worst states were Dem states. Do you not think that people of the Dem states would listen to Como instead of Trump. The third one, see my last response.
The fourth one, yes Trump lies but unlike Biden you knew what he was going to do, you can not tell with Biden because he was not told what to do next and has no fucking clue on his own. A group of us have started a pool as to when and how Biden will no longer be president and Harris will take over. I have Feb 2022, " slipped " in the shower and did not regain consciousness.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
"Bang Kayleigh" - what a disgusting idea. Even if she was physically attractive - which she's not - her abhorrent personality would be a complete turnoff. Her dishonesty alone is enough to make her repulsive.
Actually her and Ivanka would make a fabulous duo, now just think how kinky ladies with such disgusting ideas might get.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Here, a small clip about Biden and the oil industry. Also read today that his handlers may shutdown all pipelines around the great lakes not just Enbridge #5.

The exchange was lively, but what was even more interesting is what happened next. Perhaps sensing an advantage, Trump challenged Biden with a simple question.

“Would you close down the oil industry?” the president asked.

Biden, normally a disciplined speaker, took the bait.

“I would transition from the oil industry, yes,” Biden said.

This response even seemed to perplex the debate moderator, who asked Biden, “Why would you do that?”

“The oil industry pollutes significantly,” he continued. “It has to be replaced by renewable energy over time.”

Biden’s candor was a bit remarkable. Politicians are renowned for hedging and offering vague responses to straightforward questions. As the Associated Press reports, even the president himself seemed “surprised and pleased by Biden’s comment.”

The Biden Campaign tried to backtrack after the debate, telling reporters he was only talking about oil subsidies. But even in his clarifying comments, Biden indicated he still plans to get “rid of fossil fuels.”

“We’re getting rid of the subsidies for fossil fuels, but we’re not getting rid of fossil fuels for a long time,” Biden said, according to The Guardian.

A closer look at Biden’s record shows an extensive history of publicly promising “to get rid of fossil fuels” through legislation. This would be dangerous.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just an opinion clip I found about Biden, and agree with.

Other executive orders that Biden issued in his first week in office reaffirmed his desire for a $15 minimum wage and additional immigration of unskilled foreigners at a time when the United States is still attempting to reduce COVID-related unemployment. The Keystone decision was connected to the usual proclamation of incoming latter-day Democrats to generate vertiginous numbers of high-paying, unionized green jobs, manufacturing solar panels at uncompetitive prices after retraining disemployed energy workers. It all has the air of a hasty and ill-considered shotgun response to the various members of the ramshackle Democratic coalition that includes organized labour, ethnic minorities, the altruistically prosperous, radical ecological advocates, the media and the academy.

This is not going to work. The only thing Biden offers is that he is not constantly, and often irritatingly, in the face of the whole country every day on television, and tweeting, often provocatively, throughout the night. President Trump’s policies were broadly endorsed by the congressional and state elections, but those who found him a trying or obnoxious public personality narrowly outnumbered the immense army of his admirers. Though Biden is almost certainly a one-term president for reasons of his age, health and possibly his politics, he has so far shown little indication of moving away from the far-left factions that comprise about 40 per cent of Democratic voters (according to Sen. Bernie Sanders, among the most high profile of the group), or that he is attempting to make common cause with centrist Republicans led by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. The Republicans can severely obstruct the adoption of the radical program that Biden has so far embraced and unless the new regime miraculously acquires the ability to turn American political custom and history on its head, the Democrats will not control the Congress after the midterm elections next year.

The time for them to proceed with a feasible program is now. Instead, they are proceeding with one of the stupidest legislative initiatives in the history of the United States, and giving the spotlight back to Trump in a spurious impeachment trial in the Senate. The ex-president’s counsel will trot out for the world to hear what the totalitarian media has been desperately trying to asphyxiate: the argument that the November presidential election did not produce an accurate result in the electoral college (though only Trump, with his customary mad hyperbole, imagines that Biden did not win the popular vote, the winner does not always do that). There is no chance of convicting Trump otherwise, and the current regime will make itself appear ridiculous if it lets this spectacle play out.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ You do not get it, never will, no sense in arguing with you.
Edit: No matter the issue, if you do not agree with it Trump is at fault no matter if he is or not. Your group is amazing, poster material for leftwing voters.
Added because I figured you would not get it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
The fact of the matter is that Trump almost always IS at fault...something which the right wing conveniently denies.

Trump lied about a "stolen election" for months...while HE was actually trying to steal it himself. By doing so, and by continually pumping up his gullible right-wing cultists and conspiracy theorists, he and others (Rudy, DJTJ, etc) incited a violent, treasonous terrorist attack on the American Capitol by those same delusional right-wing nutjobs. A police officer was murdered by those delusional right-wing nutjobs. Those delusional right-wing nutjobs were talking about assassinating American officials - including hanging Mike Pence - Trump's own hand-picked VP! It was ALL because of Trump.

Over 400,000 Americans DIED from Covid...largely because Trump LIED about it, FAILED to take sufficient measures, actively argued AGAINST wearing masks, and held superspreader rallies and other which his OWN supporters became infected (as did he, his wife, two of his sons, and almost everyone at the White House).

The lying, corrupt, incompetent fool also did many other things that seriously harmed America but the ones described above should be admitted by even the right wing! To their credit, SOME of them (such as Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse and Liz Cheney) have seen the light. Unfortunately most of the corrupt Republicans still defend the twice-impeached loser. Even sadder, many brainwashed right-wingers still believe his line of crap.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Joe Biden is a realistic human, he knows he'll screw it up, and he'll admit it.
He tries to reduce all the bad management of Trump.

In any case for COVID, its management is much more efficient.

105,027 new cases
2,662 dead
Hospitalizations are less than 90,000
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Theresa April

Active Member
Jun 12, 2020
In any case for COVID, its management is much more efficient.
For once you are right. As has been noted a few times in this thread, Biden has announced that nothing he could do would change the trajectory of the virus. So he is not even pretending to be doing anything, definitely the wisest course he could possibly take. I, for one, am proud of the old Joe.

And of course wasting no time on Covid frees his hands for other important people"s business, like destroying the oil industry and eliminating thousands of jobs.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Just an opinion clip I found about Biden, and agree with.

Other executive orders that Biden issued in his first week in office reaffirmed his desire for a $15 minimum wage and additional immigration of unskilled foreigners at a time when the United States is still attempting to reduce COVID-related unemployment. The Keystone decision was connected to the usual proclamation of incoming latter-day Democrats to generate vertiginous numbers of high-paying, unionized green jobs, manufacturing solar panels at uncompetitive prices after retraining disemployed energy workers. It all has the air of a hasty and ill-considered shotgun response to the various members of the ramshackle Democratic coalition that includes organized labour, ethnic minorities, the altruistically prosperous, radical ecological advocates, the media and the academy.

This is not going to work. The only thing Biden offers is that he is not constantly, and often irritatingly, in the face of the whole country every day on television, and tweeting, often provocatively, throughout the night. President Trump’s policies were broadly endorsed by the congressional and state elections, but those who found him a trying or obnoxious public personality narrowly outnumbered the immense army of his admirers. Though Biden is almost certainly a one-term president for reasons of his age, health and possibly his politics, he has so far shown little indication of moving away from the far-left factions that comprise about 40 per cent of Democratic voters (according to Sen. Bernie Sanders, among the most high profile of the group), or that he is attempting to make common cause with centrist Republicans led by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. The Republicans can severely obstruct the adoption of the radical program that Biden has so far embraced and unless the new regime miraculously acquires the ability to turn American political custom and history on its head, the Democrats will not control the Congress after the midterm elections next year.

The time for them to proceed with a feasible program is now. Instead, they are proceeding with one of the stupidest legislative initiatives in the history of the United States, and giving the spotlight back to Trump in a spurious impeachment trial in the Senate. The ex-president’s counsel will trot out for the world to hear what the totalitarian media has been desperately trying to asphyxiate: the argument that the November presidential election did not produce an accurate result in the electoral college (though only Trump, with his customary mad hyperbole, imagines that Biden did not win the popular vote, the winner does not always do that). There is no chance of convicting Trump otherwise, and the current regime will make itself appear ridiculous if it lets this spectacle play out.

“President Trump’s policies were broadly endorsed by the congressional and state elections”

He lost both the house and lost the senate in November, and then AGAIN in Georgia in Jan?????
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