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The Trump Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Judge orders Trump accounting firm to turn over some of his financial documents to house committee.

Non, non trump est un honnête homme ;)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Will Republicans ever give up hope on Trump being "resintated?"

The whole reinstate Trump movement reminds me of these preachers announcing the end of the world for the next month then explaining the next day to their followers there was a small error in their calculations.

He won’t be reinstated as there’s no procedure for that in the Constitution, but given that it’s failed yesterday, his cult will come up with some new date.

30% of Republicans actually thought that he would be reinstated. We are in real trouble here people.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump has been forced to refund nearly $13 million that he scammed from his donors, with the RNC also having to pay back millions.
This was part of the "opt in" scam, where Trump's campaign automatically signed people up for recurring donations, with most not even noticing that this was happening until it was too late.
But even though they were busted scamming them, it doesn't seem to have turned donors away from him.

I'm glad to see Trump being held accountable for once.

If Donnie had a dollar for every lie he told, he would be richer than Bezos and Musk combined. He wouldn't need to scam his cult, but you know he would still try to scam them.

I have never seen a president so corrupt, and a thief, he scams his supporters.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump has had another one of his lawyers lose everything after lying for him. This is a big deal because he lost his firm partnership. this is good because lawyers facing consequences will prevent Trump from doing what he did in January.

Trump gets what he didn’t pay for, and everything he touches, dies.

And Trump couldn’t care less if this lawyer ends up broke and disbarred living on the street.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

"Biden did what Trump could never do." So true! Biden can talk in complete sentences that actually make sense.

Really strong ad. Not just anti-DT but pro-JB and informational.

Trump was only working daily at golfing, watching fox and hiding in his bunker.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Megan Rapinoe performed well and help the USWNT win bronze at the Olympics.

Talented people are always a threat to bullying nitwits.

Haha, Trump projecting his loser status onto others, as usual.

He doesn't need anyone else. Trump is fully capable of humiliating himself.

If Trump hates you, it's a good thing. Congratulations, USWNT !!

Trump's comment on purple hair is strange coming from orange jesus.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
WTF, this idiot Julia Sun comparing Rapinoe to Messi and Ronaldo.
Messi and Ronaldo’s left shoe has more talent than Rapinhoe will ever have.
Yes she is a fabulous woman soccer player but any Under 18 boys team could humiliate the best women’s soccer team in the world. This was easily proven by a humiliating defeat to an Under 15 boys team in a prep game for the olympics.
Megan could do herself a favour and play the game and shut the fuck up about politics, maybe then her sponsors would keep her face on the tube.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump hotels around the United States are implementing policies that go against the ideals of Trump and his Republican party. This either means Trump is hiding his own values, or his own company is rejecting him.

Either Trump is a hypocrite or his company has rejected him. Bad both ways you look.

Trump's mantra: "Do as I say but not as I do." Whatever he says, do the exact opposite.

Just like getting the Covid vaccine shots in secret at the White House..his last day in office.

I wouldn't stay in a Trump hotel if I was homeless and the room was free.

Now that Trump isn't president anymore people just see him as just bully and aren't intimidating anymore.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump did an interview with Sean Hannity and looked and sounded sick, slurring his words and sounding almost asleep. This shows that his attacks were all projection, and the GOP are stuck with a broken candidate.

Remember: Everything Trump says is projection. He looks AWFUL.

If Trump is saying it, everyone knows that the opposite is the truth.

“Trump looked awful”. He is what he is.

No Trump - YOU are the BIGGEST humiliation of the United States.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump did an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo this week, and he let it be known that he is furious with Mitch McConnell.
The cause of the anger is McConnell's refusal to listen to Trump's advice on the infrastructure bill, and Trump lashed out by calling him a "stupid man" and mentioned that he could have "taken him out" during the primaries but refused to do so.

Trump can’t go a single day without his childish tantrums.

"Everything he just said it not true."? Why, what a surprise.

Loyalty to Trump is rarely rewarded. Trump betrays everyone. Turtle Mitch should’ve known that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Major Bill de Blasio announces end of NYC contracts with Trump organization.

Kind of hard to feel sorry for someone who's been privileged since birth and whose only struggles in life have come from their own stupidity.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Trump is much more than a crook, he is a liar, thief, selfish, narcissist, with no humanity, no empathy, a man with only flaws etc ... etc ...
Seem to have heard that from you maybe a few times, anything new to add.
He is all that so are all politicians.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
He was President? it was never mentioned in this thread lol.
Anybody eligible is allowed to run, that is why we have elections and votes.
Yep.....and that's you know very well;) ....we have the right to criticize them......and more crooks they are more they deserve to;).


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I don’t mind you criticizing him he did many stupid things that deserve to be criticized, I was just wondering exactly how many threads need to be devoted to that single effort and why this one is still alive when it has become a one man blog.
The man is no longer President why this continued obsession.
It seems there may be two viruses circulating, and for one there is no vaccine. This variant however is really a long hauler.
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