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Have you ever canceled on the spot?


Active Member
Aug 27, 2021
This happened to me twice the last 2 weeks. Booked an SP from an agency and when we meet (one incall, one outcall), they were nothing like I expected and I really was not attracted to them. But I went through with the motions since i assumed if I try to cancel maybe i will be put in the black list at the agency. Felt errible after to pay for something I didn't enjoy at all (and knew I was not gonna enjoy from the start)

Are we allowed to say no to an SP and cancel on the spot? (Maybe pay a little for compensation, specially if it is outcall). I am sure they have the right to say no if someone shows up that's disgusting so why shouldn't we?
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Active Member
Aug 27, 2021
I've done it once, when she opened the door I just wasn't attracted to her and her place was really messy. I just handed her a 20 and walked out lol
Was it an indy or from an agency? If it's an indy, I will do the same. But I never book an indy anymore...


Active Member
Jan 16, 2018
Was it an indy or from an agency? If it's an indy, I will do the same. But I never book an indy anymore...

ya it was an indy, I would tip more if you booked an outcall. I've never cancelled on the spot with an agency though


Active Member
Dec 2, 2020
One time I cancelled on the spot with a reputable agency. When I walked in the girl was obviously high and not fully there.
I didnt tip anything, let the agency know and they simply apologized and let me know who else was available.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
Once and it was epic !
Pulled out my phone, pulled out the profile and asked her if that and what she she's in the mirror match. It did not at all. When she didn't reply I said thank you and walked out.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
If you do this long enough it’s bound to happen. Act professionally, tip the girl $20 and you should be good to go. If this happens often you’ll need to determine why.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
I have never cancelled on the spot, but wished I had. Like mentioned above, we have been at this long enough for it to happen many times over. Sometimes we just know at first sight or from the first few words you are not going to have a good time. I have always tried to tough it out and give the lady a chance. I have cut a few sessions short because I was not enjoying the company so to speak. If I had to say when was the last time I felt like this, it would be in the last 6 months, one particular evening that I wish I would of just said nooooo, and no means no. It still haunts me.

Let the big head do the talking...


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
I never cancelled on the spot. But a couple of times, I wish I would have cancelled.

From the first interaction, I sensed that it wouldn’t go well (it felt awkward, wasn’t attracted, etc). Thankfully it only happened a couple of times in the past few years, and I ended up leaving 15-20 mins early each time.

That’s one reason why I tend to repeat. First time encounters really can go either way!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Visit site
Once upon a time, I booked a young, fit 5'4" blond from an agency which is now deservedly defunct. The woman who appeared was so different it was comical - 10 years older, well over 200 pounds, black and 6ft tall. I offered nothing as I don't believe in rewarding such obvious bait and switch. I wondered, given her size, if she would be physically aggressive, but fortunately she left quietly.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2019
Straight up cancel and walk out? One time. Was told she was a white Canadian with DD. When I walked in, she was a latina with A cups... Not what I was looking for at all. She was pretty too, but I was just too annoyed with the bait & switch to stay. I didn't pay a penny. That one was too much of a bait & switch.

Other times though where I was not happy with who showed up (not B&S, but bad), maybe 6-7 other times, I just tell them I only want to do 30 min (usually cut down from 60 or 90 min). I feel bad canceling completely.


Active Member
Nov 17, 2016
I had an appointment through one of the big agencies a few years back that I walked out on. Very ugly in the face, but you can't tell that from the photos. Body might have been a match, so not exactly bait and switch. Apartment was a bit messy. Her fake lashes were all off-kilter.

I was in the bathroom for about 10 minutes deciding what I was going to do, then summoned up my courage and told her, gave her half and left. She had no issues with it. Come to think of it, maybe she didn't want to work.

I texted the booker back, explained my disappointment and that I left and gave half. I was worried at the time they might expect a full share from her. The booker ws fine with it. If most guys are leaving $20, maybe I just left too much.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
As far as i remember cela m'est arrivé 2-3 fois MAIS seulement avec des indépendantes qui ne correspondaient vraiment pas à leur toujours en incall.....en outcall il m'est arrivé souvent d'être déçu mais comme on dit je faisais souvent les
séances étaient plus courtes....mais bien honnêtement sur le nombre rencontré dans le temps c'était toujours un cas isolé....bien heureusement.
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
This happened to me twice the last 2 weeks. Booked an SP from an agency and when we meet (one incall, one outcall), they were nothing like I expected and I really was not attracted to them. But I went through with the motions since i assumed if I try to cancel maybe i will be put in the black list at the agency. Felt errible after to pay for something I didn't enjoy at all (and knew I was not gonna enjoy from the start)

Are we allowed to say no to an SP and cancel on the spot? (Maybe pay a little for compensation, specially if it is outcall). I am sure they have the right to say no if someone shows up that's disgusting so why shouldn't we?


It’s never happened to me. I believe my photos reflect accurately what I look like and my tweets reflect my personality. If a client came in or opened the door of room, realized that I do not meet his expectations, I would appreciate him to let me know no matter how harsh it might sound.

I’d rather spend my time with someone who actually enjoys my presence and doesn’t go through with the booking out of pity or fear he might get blacklisted.

I would definitely expect a small compensation for my time based on the length of the booking.

Hope this answers your questions.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
Though I wanted to, I've not done it to any agency. They were all delivery and it was not what I expected. However as for indy, I now recall long lost and buried.....I had 1 ocassion years ago of barking up a indy massage w/ more implied on the menu. Um... probably on a hot morning it was, found the place and got in after some time. A waste of time. I began to notice this lady was doing a side hustle in her private residence, there were shoes of other family members/kids. This was mid morning when I bet 'everyone' was at work/school.

Went into the bedroom reluctantly and was turned off at the situation. She started making like moans and rubbing my thigh, while she was chewing her gum.

I forget how, maybe her cordless phone rang or something... allowed me to be alone. I freggin must of tip toed out of there, I got the fcuk off the block asap or something.... phew.... didn't want a holla back at me....


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Never cancelled on the spot actually never had a bad session so far. There was this one time where the lady was a spinner which is not exactly my preferred body style but that was on me as her photographs were completely accurate and I was expecting perhaps a prettier face, she wasn’t bad at all just not what I was expecting. Turned out great, she was a total sweetheart a very nice lady, did her best to please and was very pleasant to talk to and to be with.


Active Member
Aug 27, 2021
Though I wanted to, I've not done it to any agency. They were all delivery and it was not what I expected. However as for indy, I now recall long lost and buried.....I had 1 ocassion years ago of barking up a indy massage w/ more implied on the menu. Um... probably on a hot morning it was, found the place and got in after some time. A waste of time. I began to notice this lady was doing a side hustle in her private residence, there were shoes of other family members/kids. This was mid morning when I bet 'everyone' was at work/school.

Went into the bedroom reluctantly and was turned off at the situation. She started making like moans and rubbing my thigh, while she was chewing her gum.

I forget how, maybe her cordless phone rang or something... allowed me to be alone. I freggin must of tip toed out of there, I got the fcuk off the block asap or something.... phew.... didn't want a holla back at me....
Thanks a lot!
I hope I will not experience this again but if I do I will decline politely with some token compensation
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