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How to describe yourself truly

Sexy Vero

Mar 1, 2009
Ahuntsic / Montreal
Hello everyone,
It’s been a while since I posted here but here’s a question for you. I’m out of the business since a long time for many reasons. The mean one is because my body doesn’t looks at all as it used to. I was thinking about how I would describe myself in an ad if I was having to do it and Of course I stopped very quickly to even think about it. My question is : if a girl have a lot of scars from many surgeries that she had been through how she can advertise it simply and truly??

Do you think it’s still possible to be in the sp business with scars?? We all know for many clients, good service matter much more than looks but here I’m talking about advertisements.. I think it’s also important to book and being booked by people that knows what they can expect so it’s complicated with physical defaults no?!

Btw, I’m not planning to come back in the business. It’s only talking for talking here ... don’t be shy! ☺️
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Hi Vero!

That’s a very great question. I think it is possible that a sp can still make good money even with scars or stretch marks. You know what they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I have a very big scar that I used to hide but I’ve quickly realized that the bandaid I was using was far more distracting than the scar itself. No one has ever shown signs of disgust. Some have even kissed it tenderly.

All that to say, everyone’s taste are different and some seek the perfect bodied SP while other seek someone with whom they can have a meaningful connection (for what it’s worth).


Oct 27, 2022
I know it's a cliche, but isn't honesty the best policy? If your client feels he / she has been misled aren't you just setting yourself up for a bad experience? Truth be told, I'm no Adonis and I have described myself to any new provider I schedule time with to make sure they are fine with knowing Brad Pitt won't be knocking on their door.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
Interesting question Vero,

I think simply describing any cosmetic issues, can leave much to the imagination. But you know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Up to date portfolio pictures can be done tastefully and give the best indications of what potential clients can expect, in terms of physical features. Upfront transparency, is the best policy, for both the SW and the client.

One thing that doesn't surprise me much anymore, is that there is a wide spectrum of tastes, and there is room for practically anybody in the SP business. Physical attributes are just one of the factors, but personality and chemistry are what usually puts any rendezvous over the top.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Truth be told, I'm no Adonis and I have described myself to any new provider I schedule time with to make sure they are fine with knowing Brad Pitt won't be knocking on their door.

I'm not gonna lie, I always am a bit puzzled when a client does this. Either making sure I'm ok with someone who isn't a super model (which is weird considering a good amount of clients aren't my type but we still have fun, if I wanted to be very picky I wouldn't be an escort) or asking if its a problem they're not in their 20s or 30s (if it was a problem, I wouldn't make a living, as people under 35 are a minority of my clientele).

To answer Vero's question, you (as in anyone with scars) can simply mention having scars in your ad, or you could mention it during the booking process by text. I don't think there's a right or wrong way to advertise these types of things, it's very dependent on your comfort level as well!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Maybe lessen their appearance with foundation makeup and get a good photographer? They'll still show but at least clients would appreciate the honesty.


Oct 27, 2022
I'm not gonna lie, I always am a bit puzzled when a client does this. Either making sure I'm ok with someone who isn't a super model (which is weird considering a good amount of clients aren't my type but we still have fun, if I wanted to be very picky I wouldn't be an escort) or asking if its a problem they're not in their 20s or 30s (if it was a problem, I wouldn't make a living, as people under 35 are a minority of my clientele).

To answer Vero's question, you (as in anyone with scars) can simply mention having scars in your ad, or you could mention it during the booking process by text. I don't think there's a right or wrong way to advertise these types of things, it's very dependent on your comfort level as well!
I didn't realize it could be perceived as odd and thought it was just an honest way to introduce myself.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I didn't realize it could be perceived as odd and thought it was just an honest way to introduce myself.

It definitely is a little odd, at least to me it is! Keep in mind the vast majority of our clients don't give any type of physical description of themselves, so when you do it definitely stands out, especially if it's because you're trying to make sure that we're ok with meeting someone who isn't brad pitt. We care about safety more than looks!

I would compare it to calling a mechanic and describing the color of your car to make sure he's ok with fixing grey cars, or calling a cobbler and describing your feet to make sure he will be ok with touching your shoes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
I think it depends on the number of scars, their size as well as their location. This is applicable for any "disfigurement" in appearance for that matter. The two examples in the thread are great: A small scar that can be covered by a Band-Aid won't bother a lot of people. If the scare is from a missing limb, then of course it will impact any potential encounter.

I think being upfront and setting the expectation is important. Especially if the situation is more leaning towards the latter case.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
It definitely is a little odd, at least to me it is! Keep in mind the vast majority of our clients don't give any type of physical description of themselves, so when you do it definitely stands out, especially if it's because you're trying to make sure that we're ok with meeting someone who isn't brad pitt. We care about safety more than looks!

I would compare it to calling a mechanic and describing the color of your car to make sure he's ok with fixing grey cars, or calling a cobbler and describing your feet to make sure he will be ok with touching your shoes.
I agree with you but I do usually mention my race just to make sure the SP is comfortable with that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2008
Bien entendue...

Mais si on s'en rappelle, il y a déjà eu une courtisane qui avait juste un bras. Elle se démarqua quand même car elle est très belle et donnait une expérience hors pair.
Oui en effet, elle avait un bras , jamais rencontré mais elle offrait un bon service et était très jolie.
Pour répondre à la question de sexyVero, je pense que la règle numéro un est la franchise, si une fille a des cicatrices, si elle est ronde et bien le mentionner aux personnes qui entrent en communication avec elle.
Le client va accepter le fait qu'une fille ait des cicatrices, par contre si la fille met le client devant le fait accompli il y aura une frustration et une déception du client.
Ne dites pas que vous Pesez 120 livres quand au fait vous faites osciller la balance à 175 livres, je le répète, le mot clé est franchise et transparence.
Vous seriez surprise mesdames de savoir que ce n'est pas quelques cicatrices, quelques livres de plus qui fait en sorte qu'on va passer à un autre appel.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I agree with you but I do usually mention my race just to make sure the SP is comfortable with that.

That's different imo, because racism is rampant in this industry so it makes sense that you'd want to avoid wasting time. But I've never seen an ad that said "only hot guys please" hahah


Jul 5, 2008
The concensus as we read is being upfront and transparent with it. Keep in mind that scars are the map of lifes travelled roads. The roads of life that should be acknowledged and celebrated for their meaning.

Sexy Vero

Mar 1, 2009
Ahuntsic / Montreal
Oui en effet, elle avait un bras , jamais rencontré mais elle offrait un bon service et était très jolie.
Pour répondre à la question de sexyVero, je pense que la règle numéro un est la franchise, si une fille a des cicatrices, si elle est ronde et bien le mentionner aux personnes qui entrent en communication avec elle.
Le client va accepter le fait qu'une fille ait des cicatrices, par contre si la fille met le client devant le fait accompli il y aura une frustration et une déception du client.
Ne dites pas que vous Pesez 120 livres quand au fait vous faites osciller la balance à 175 livres, je le répète, le mot clé est franchise et transparence.
Vous seriez surprise mesdames de savoir que ce n'est pas quelques cicatrices, quelques livres de plus qui fait en sorte qu'on va passer à un autre appel.
C’est ainsi que je pense également

Sexy Vero

Mar 1, 2009
Ahuntsic / Montreal
To be more specific .. My scars comes from surgeries that I had to remove loose skin from my arms, thighs and the lower part of my stomach, which is looking totally normal with clothes on but naked it can be hard to hide it all. Well the doctor hide’s it as much as possible when they made the surgeries so they are not so apparent but it can be seen in some position I guess .. specially when someone go look closer between my legs I know some people doesn’t like scars at all like really they found it disgusting in general so I don’t think I would be comfortable to meet new clients without warning about this … I know sometimes I stopped myself for stupid reasons and that’s why I’m questioning if there’s a way to advertise scars or even if I would have to mention it in ads or not ..


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2008
Sexy Vero, ta franchise et ton honnêteté est tout en ton honneur. Je suis presque certain a 100 ℅ que personne n'en tiendra compte.
C'est la belle personne que tu es qui est le plus important ;))))))
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