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Muffinbuffer's Fall 2012 Trip Report

I`m recently back from a 4 1/2-day trip to Montreal, during which I saw 17 escorts. Reviews will follow, but rather than repeatedly explain things in each of the reviews I prefer to make some general comments here and to specify some of the prejudices that will be reflected in my reviews. Feel free to offer feedback on the reviews themselves in the relevant threads .

This year, I got behind on my reports to my wife and stayed behind all trip, so they`re likely to be short on detail. In fact, they were mostly done via various online chat modalities, so I`ll need to reconstruct them from notes and logs. I mixed it up a bit more than usual in terms of range of body types, from giant multiple-D cups to no tits at all (I swear most of you guys probably have bigger tits than one of my girls), from some girls "heading towards pudgy" to absolute spinners.

As usual, I had to make a significantly larger number of appointments than were kept. For the first time in my hobbying career, I bailed on a booking since I couldn`t leave the office when planned and couldn`t get to Montreal in time. This was also the first time I`ve been turned down by an escort, which all in all was probably a good thing. I called one incall agency when I was in the lobby of the hotel to which I`d been told to go. Even though I`d confirmed the previous evening, I was told they had no record of my booking. They were able to accommodate me, though. At a different hotel...

Some agencies are much easier to deal with than others, especially when it comes to pre-booking. I`ve tended to rely upon the same group of agencies year after year based both on my general experience with their girls and on their customer service. I avoid booking a majority of my appointments with a single agency on any trip. More and more agencies are now booking via text message, which is simply fantastic - no garbled cell signal, no ducking out of a meeting to take a call, no calling back to get something repeated. I love this and probably won`t book with agencies in the future unless they work by text message.

As usual, my wife screened all of my proposed pre-bookings and made suggestions for whom else to see. Her overall track record in this regard is superior to mine. She always finds things I don`t ("Amazon fingers", "thick calves", or "bony arms" on the negative side, or positives such as "looks flexible", "comfortable with her body" or "strong legs"). The best ones are when she simply says "do her" or "I`ll bet she leaves you smiling" - those are always superb. On the other hand, she can be a bit catty ("if she`s 24, I`m Queen of the May", "She probably was 120 lbs... at one point", "if she sucks it in any harder, she`ll faint"). She keeps trying to explain what she sees that I don`t, but it never sinks in. It was particularly helpful when my bookings fell through since she and I could simultaneously be looking at different sites "hunting for prey", as she put it. This trip`s two winners were found on short notice that way.

I`ve noticed that CIM is increasingly an "extra". I`m not that interested in whether a girl swallows or not, but CIM surely is nice. I really don`t like negotiating prices, though, so if it`s an "extra" I usually decline.

I`m usually a 2-shot guy... early in a trip. As the count increases, usually around girl 8-10, I tend to drop back to 1 shot per appointment unless there`s something special. If I have a very busy day (4 girls), I`ll usually try to pace myself. I`m really bad at pacing myself. With my last girl, who really worked hard for it, I barely made one.

Girls always seem surprised when they ask why I`m in Montreal and learn it`s entirely to see them. For some bizarre reason, they all ask if I`m from here, even though it`s obvious I`m a complete nitwit in French.

My wife takes pleasure in sending me off to Montreal to meet with escorts and reading my reports of my experiences but doesn`t often hire them for herself or enjoy them along with me as she`s become more self-conscious with age. She has 2 rules: no kissing and no anal, which are for her alone. Anything else that I`d like is fair game. Thus, I can`t comment on DFK, LFK, or indeed any sort of kissing.

When a girl specifies that she doesn`t do anal or if she offered me her ass I`ll include that in my review. Otherwise, it`s not really something I even ask about. I`ve never once had a girl express disapppointment that I won`t be asking for kissing or anal, and a number of girls who are listed as providing anal express relief and say they don`t like it. Honestly, this trip every single girl said she either didn`t offer it or didn`t like it, including those listed as providing Greek.

I get to eat all the pussy I want at home and rarely do so with escorts because I`m selfish so DATY is not usually going to be anything I`ll know about.

Repeating is something I`ve only ever done once on purpose (and that was out of a lack of other identifiable options). For me, the entire point of this is variety. Since there`s nothing I enjoy doing that I can`t do at home (except duos), I`m always looking for something different. I`m one of those people who can rarely read the same book or watch the same film twice. Therefore, whether I "would repeat" or not is usually not something I even consider so don`t assume anything based on its absence in a review.

I stayed at the Hotel Le Cantlie Suites. I was upgraded for free to a nice large suite with a living room and separate bedroom via membership in Expedia`s elite program (which isn`t hard to get into). The furnishings were very appropriate for my purposes, including 2 beds (one for sleeping, the other for recreation). One of the housekeepers clearly knew what I was up to - one day she apologized that the laundry was short on washcloths but said she`d make a special effort to ensure I had some "on time" if I told her when I`d be needing them. Nice lady.

My prejudices include:

- I speak several languages, but not French. Communication issues with francophones are common with me.
- I love slim, willowy girls. Ballerinas are my favorite body type.
- I love tits. Love `em! All sizes. I always seem to end up most enjoying the tiniest and the most massive as opposed to mid-range.
- I only like natural tits. I can`t stand fakes, nor can I be fooled by them.
- The smaller the nipples and areolae, the better. The paler they are, the better as well.
- I don`t like big butts or especially big thighs.
- I`m not a fan of tattoos.
- I`m a big fan of piercings, especially nipple piercings.
- Not a proponent of doggy in general (my view of the tits is obscured), so won`t usually be able to comment on how it was.
- I prefer my balls and butt left alone, so can`t comment on BLS or rimming.
- I don`t really care at all about digits
- I`ll practically always request a facial, CIM, or COB, and in that order.
- Although I enjoy being swallowed, it`s not important enough to me to request it specifically or to pay extra.
- My wife`s a libertine who`s ready to do all sorts of things that most escorts won`t do. As a result, I`m very picky about things such as blowjobs that might not be at all disappointing to the next guy.
- To me, a blowjob is done with the mouth, not the hand. Constant switching back and forth annoys me, as does pausing right when things are about to happen.
- My reviews are written primarily for my wife, then edited to remove stuff nobody else would be interested in or that provide personal detail. Sorry if they`re too graphic or insufficiently so, or if they omit data someone finds vital.

In summary, my reviews are unlikely to include anything about any form of kissing, DATY, BLS, rimming, digits, or Greek. If it`s not in the review, asking me won`t do any good at all, so don`t waste PM`s about those questions. If my review does not list facials or CIM, it`s unlikely that this is a routine service for that girl.

Here are the reviews in the order of when I saw each girl:

Roxy of MTL GFE*
Sky of GoodGirls
Lindsay of Montreal Sex City**
Fiona of Nadya`s VIP`s
Mercedes of MTL GFE
Candy of Angel Escorts
Brandy of Eleganza
Jamie of Eleganza
Cream of Eleganza
Heidi of Montreal Sex City
Britney of MTL GFE
Beverly of MTL GFE
Juliette of Montreal XXXtase
Tammy Lee of Montreal Sex City
Alexandra of MTL GFE
June of Delight Escorts
Kira of MTL GFE

*also known as Chloe`s Playground
**also known as Backstage Divas


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
If you're looking for a source of funding, I'm quite sure Pfizer would be glad to sponsor your trips..


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Other nice sources of potential trip fundings :
Bayer - Glaxo - Vivus ...

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
17 escorts in just over 4 days. This is fucking unbelievable!!!!!!!! :eek:

That's an average of 4 girls per day!!!!!!!! How do you do it???? :confused:

Wow!! That's about $800 a day just on escorts!!!!!!!! Holy crap!!! That usually covers my sex budget for one entire trip!! :lol:


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Very nice work once again MB. Much appreciated. I was particularly interested in your Juliette review, as she is on my TDL. Was she your best encounter?
That's an average of 4 girls per day!!!!!!!! How do you do it???? :confused:

I really, really like fucking pretty girls.

That's about $800 a day just on escorts!!!!!!!! Holy crap!!! That usually covers my sex budget for one entire trip!! :lol:

I spent $3,010, or an average of $177.06 per girl. Since I had a max of 4 girls per day, that's closer to $700 per day.

I have a really good job that's not only a lot of fun but also provides ample funding for my various interests.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I have a really good job that's not only a lot of fun but also provides ample funding for my various interests.

Yes, we are indeed fortunate. My Xmas bonus will be coming up in a few weeks & i just might turn it into a Mtl trip! :D

But i can't believe your stamina & your sex! Four girls in one day!! I'm in total awe!!! I'm in great shape myself (for a guy my age), but i don't even think i could fuck four girls even if i was in good enough shape to run the NY Marathon! :amen:
I was particularly interested in your Juliette review, as she is on my TDL. Was she your best encounter?

That's a toughie. Let's just say she and June were each superb but different and each in the highest echelon of what my wife calls "the hookering arts".

Add to that that despite her impressive skills Juliette is still a teenager, for goodness' sake, and looks like an Olympic beach volleyball player and I'd say "get to it while you can".

After I filled my wife in on the appointment she said, "so you're a very happy, very dirty old man, right?"


Having said all that, I'm still not completely comfortable saying she was better than June. Let's say different and at least as good.


Jul 23, 2011
I'm recently back from a 4 1/2-day trip to Montreal, during which I saw 17 escorts.

I'm usually a 2-shot guy... early in a trip. As the count increases, usually around girl 8-10, I tend to drop back to 1 shot


oh. my. god!!!!

Thank you for your review, clear, a lot of detail but nothing too personal, and we know in wich mood you are for your encounter.
Pretty sure that the driver of Eleganza love your third day : just stay in front of your hotel all night and send the girl in the correct order!


Active Member
Sep 11, 2010
In my head
Great reports Muffinbuffer!
I suspect a number of TDLs are getting updated just now. Mine is... :thumb:
Last edited:


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
Thanks for sharing, Muffinbuffer. Always a pleasure to read your amazing reports. Your review on Kira, as an example, managed to pinpoint her strenghts in a very unique refreshing writing style. Loved the line 'she does not get fucked, but she fucks'. Everything is so accurately portrayed in that single line of yours. And thanks for bringing Roxy (Mtlgfe) to my attention: just watching that very 1st pic f hers on their web site, and I want to see this gal. I enjoy Cim a lot,but I am willing to make an exception for her.

Kansas Frank

Ah, I so wish I can live your life, Muffinbuffer! :thumb: Keep on living dude:hail:Who the hell said money can't buy happiness! :noidea: As always, thank you for your delightful reviews.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
IMHO there is nothing worst than a wife who let you freely hobbying..

1/ that's a way for her to control your life, as she even controles your fantasies and secrets desires

2/ what is authorised stop being exciting

3/ as she knows you do it, she can easily decide to do the same without any remorses
1/ that's a way for her to control your life, as she even controles your fantasies and secrets desires

I have no problem with allowing her to control this aspect of my life if she wants, but I have no sense that she wants to. It certainly does not feel to me as if I'm being controlled.

There is no way for one person to control the fantasies or secret desires of another.

2/ what is authorised stop being exciting

This has not been my experience at all.

Have you found this to be true in your marriage?

3/ as she knows you do it, she can easily decide to do the same without any remorses

And? Why should I have a problem with this?


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Why should I have a problem with this?

I didn't talk about you and your wife, but about my opinion about wife that let her husband see SP. A lot of guys here seem to think it is paradise on earth, I dont think so for the 3reasons I mentioned.
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