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Recent content by ekzarh

  1. E

    Normal dating & true love after years of hobbying

    For one I am not looking for 5 years. We did try to reignite a fire a few years ago and it didn’t work. I agree about being selfish, but unfortunately the current divorce laws in Canada are totally on the women’s side. If it wasn’t like that there is a much higher chance I would have been...
  2. E

    Normal dating & true love after years of hobbying

    I agree, but it is what it is. She does seem to be quite content with the current situation and she has her toys …
  3. E

    Normal dating & true love after years of hobbying

    It’s not technically sexless, but it’s definitely lovesless. Honestly I once reviewed the columbian Mia Milan here (former Ariana Grande) - similar experience. And I was too hesitant to divorce on a couple opportunities as I am probably scared living alone .. (which I am not proud of). I built...
  4. E

    Normal dating & true love after years of hobbying

    How are you handling it?
  5. E

    Normal dating & true love after years of hobbying

    In my case if there is marital sex it’s either for procreation or as a duty, lol
  6. E

    Normal dating & true love after years of hobbying

    That is correct, and when the clock hits the 50 mins mark you get a gentle push towards the shower, signifying ‘I liked it, but it’s over for today’ …
  7. E

    Normal dating & true love after years of hobbying

    I think even with SPs I develop relationships … I don’t go to SPs just for sex.
  8. E

    Normal dating & true love after years of hobbying

    And then reach my 50s old, bitter and alone (when children are out of the house and my wife no longer needs me)? She almost openly said it during covid … And being divorced will significantly affect my SP budgeting as my income is higher than my wife’s …
  9. E

    Normal dating & true love after years of hobbying

    I got the question from her of how do I have the experience to satisfy her after being for years in an unhappy marriage, I kind of changed the topic quickly and didn’t really answer that.
  10. E

    Normal dating & true love after years of hobbying

    I got tested, so it’s not a problem. And as I mentioned in my case I am not even the one initiating intimacy in more than 50% of the time. So letting me do it for “free” (it’s never really free as we know it, even with the wife) is the major issue here?
  11. E

    How do you stop this?

    Very well said, I’d sign under every word.
  12. E

    How do you stop this?

    Based on my thread it may work, but creates so many other issues. It is an addiction and you need a really strong motivation … I stopped and have hopes - for good, but I understand there is a high chance I might be back for the “drugs” again.
  13. E

    Normal dating & true love after years of hobbying

    If does, I will be tempted to come and see you, lol
  14. E

    Normal dating & true love after years of hobbying

    What you would have done? I think my wife kind of suspects it, as I was asked why I look so happy when I am on my phone ..
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