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  1. M

    How to date an Escort

    Il y a eu déjà des belles discussions à ce sujet sur Merb, justement quand la loi est devenue effective. Et il y a un superbe suivi constant fait par Reverdy sur 2 lignes de discussions (un au travers le Canada et l'autre mondial) qui sont en sticky dans la section forum anglais. (celui-ci même...
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    How to date an Escort

    I would say, honestly, that I wouldn't want to call, let's say, the peace guardian of the city to verify. Je dirais bien qu'honnêtement, je n'oserais pas appeler les gardiens de la paix de la ville pour m'en acquérir. That's been ages this is done that way, much more in the USA where the...
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    How to date an Escort

    Thank you Emma Alexandra : we might go take a coffee or a lunch, sometimes. I like what I read from you too. :) xx Oh, Sam, thank you for that wonderful compliment, but I just wrote the way it comes to me. xx
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    How to date an Escort

    Seriously, I tried to imagine scenarios including myself and a gentleman, and this is really hard. In the States, they are playing to be an escort to trap, by example. I am doing everything possible to prevent anything, like exchanging in private about some illegal activities.... Just take...
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    How to date an Escort

    Hello Sam, I used to go and still use my gut feeling all the time, obviously. :) And what give me a good gut feeling are respect, politeness, someone who took his infos, someone sympa, open to talk a bit of himself, and happy to prepare a nice event. Positive references are a big plus, I...
  6. M

    Congrats to Montreal Sex City on celebrating 10 years in the industry!

    I just want to make a quick note that I begun escorting the 2nd of January 2007, with another agency, and after a couple of month, I have been the very first lady of MSC back then. I opened my account on Merb at my beginning and I was still working with the other agency at that time. Yes...
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    How to date an Escort

    Hire someone to give you company isn't illegal. So, in your exchanges written & on the phone before an encounter, don't talk about you wanting to buy sex acts.
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    Oh well, Patron, you size perfectly what could make escorting for someone older, much much harder. And I would had, the more the kids are getting older, and are intelligent/conscient, the more it's difficult. Don't worry, I got that idea of a "minimal age" around my beginning, when I was...
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    blkone See, exactly what I just mention in my post. :pound: AND I did take the time to mention that I DID suggest that in the past, not presently. hahaha And warning you to be careful, made me have the protestations to MY name.... hahaha
  10. M

    Happy Birthday Special K!!

    Happy Birthday Special K, You gave me one of my most beautiful souvenir of my beginning: Someone who did care for real for his guest and you even give me something to eat before leaving (I remember very well what it is, that was a fruit, just don't want to say exactly what it was, it might be...
  11. M

    Does anyone on here believe in god and the bible?

    If you believe and concentrate yourself on one religion, so you imply that others are false. Often, a religion is chosen by the parents who teach their children all the rites. So it is not a free will decision in those cases, and nor a seasoned adult one also. To read the history of all...
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    :) Be carefull with your suggestion, because you are going to raise your lots of protestations. I said, many years ago on Merb, my idea of the perfect timing would be that women should be 25 years old at minimum before entering that kind of activity, for the reason to permit themselves to...
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    Vegetarian / vegan porn.....

    :smile: Fantastic what human could imagine sometimes
  14. M

    GF expressed interest in being an escort. I have Qs

    I am not saying that YOU are a bad guy. I am saying that SHE has to do the work. Because this is illegal that you are taking care of it. Whatever you feel inside, she has to do the things. Not you. That's funny this little feeling coming from the little voice inside of me.....that you are...
  15. M

    GF expressed interest in being an escort. I have Qs

    I want to let know to my fellow Merbists a little thing important: All Indies (vast majority) , when we receive a demand to meet a couple as client, will talk to the lady of the couple to verify the validity of her willing to indulge. I think here we should apply the same principle: of...
  16. M

    GF expressed interest in being an escort. I have Qs

    So, maybe the right model for her and you for an experience will be to act together like you were her booker/driver. I don't know what kind of experience she is thinking to have, but the better she will be prepared, the better it will be, in the sense that's a lot of work to build all the...
  17. M

    Does anyone on here believe in god and the bible?

    Warning: I am not going to answer totally seriously. But for those who read my website, you will have the real answer in my presentation. Yes, an escort who wrote about her believing on her website. I know, I'm atypical, someone told it many years of that on Merb. :lol: For the moment, in a...
  18. M

    Having to put a pet down

    STN: This incompetent should be clearly known as such. Oh that I would have been angry for that part of your experience but still I would be sooooooo happy to have my dog to my side! This is one of a very good luck that you just lived.
  19. M

    Having to put a pet down

    So sorry for you. My heart pinch when I read your post STN. I know what you are living. I cried so much in my life when that was THAT time. By definition all of our baby furs coloc will not survive ourselves. That's the saddest part, but if you gave him a good life, and also, a good...
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    Tv series sin-off and remakes ?or becoming big screen motion pictures?witch ones ?

    That will be probably a reboot after all that time, the second movie Beetlejuice might be considered as is, maybe, with all the improvements of the x-effects since then? Some movie/series look magical when we were knowing nothing better back at that time, some have well aged, others less. I...
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